// Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2002 OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.
// LogSessionDialog.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <tchar.h>
#include <wmistr.h>
#include <initguid.h>
extern "C" { #include <evntrace.h>
} #include <traceprt.h>
#include "TraceView.h"
#include "DockDialogBar.h"
#include "LogSession.h"
#include "DisplayDlg.h"
#include "ListCtrlEx.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "LogSessionDlg.h"
// CLogSessionDlg dialog
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CLogSessionDlg, CDialog) CLogSessionDlg::CLogSessionDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CLogSessionDlg::IDD, pParent) { //
// Set the column titles
m_columnName.Add("State "); m_columnName.Add("Event Count"); m_columnName.Add("Lost Events"); m_columnName.Add("Buffers Read"); m_columnName.Add("Flags"); m_columnName.Add("Flush Time"); m_columnName.Add("Max Buf"); m_columnName.Add("Min Buf"); m_columnName.Add("Buf Size"); m_columnName.Add("Age"); m_columnName.Add("Circular"); m_columnName.Add("Sequential"); m_columnName.Add("New File"); m_columnName.Add("Global Seq"); m_columnName.Add("Local Seq"); m_columnName.Add("Level");
// Set the initial column widths
for(LONG ii = 0; ii < MaxLogSessionOptions; ii++) { m_columnWidth[ii] = 100; }
// Initialize the ID arrays
memset(m_logSessionIDList, 0, sizeof(BOOL) * MAX_LOG_SESSIONS); memset(m_displayWndIDList, 0, sizeof(BOOL) * MAX_LOG_SESSIONS);
m_displayFlags = 0; m_logSessionDisplayFlags = 0x00000000;
// Create the parameter change signalling event
m_hParameterChangeEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); }
CLogSessionDlg::~CLogSessionDlg() { CLogSession *pLogSession;
// Get the log session array protection
WaitForSingleObject(m_logSessionArrayMutex, INFINITE);
// cleanup our display bar list
while(m_logSessionArray.GetSize() > 0) { pLogSession = (CLogSession *)m_logSessionArray.GetAt(0); m_logSessionArray.RemoveAt(0); if(pLogSession != NULL) { if((pLogSession->m_bTraceActive) && (!pLogSession->m_bStoppingTrace)) { pLogSession->EndTrace(); }
// Disengage the display window from this log session
delete pLogSession; } }
// Release the log session array protection
ASSERT(m_traceDisplayWndArray.GetSize() == 0);
// close our event handle
// Close the mutex handles
CloseHandle(m_traceDisplayWndMutex); CloseHandle(m_logSessionArrayMutex); }
BOOL CLogSessionDlg::OnInitDialog() { RECT rc; RECT parentRC; CString str;
// Create the trace window pointer array protection mutex
m_traceDisplayWndMutex = CreateMutex(NULL,TRUE,NULL);
if(m_traceDisplayWndMutex == NULL) {
DWORD error = GetLastError();
str.Format(_T("CreateMutex Error error %d %x"),error,error);
return FALSE; }
// Create the log session array protection mutex
m_logSessionArrayMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, TRUE, NULL);
if(m_logSessionArrayMutex == NULL) {
DWORD error = GetLastError();
str.Format(_T("CreateMutex Error error %d %x"),error,error);
return FALSE; }
// get the parent dimensions
// get the dialog dimensions
// adjust the list control dimensions
rc.right = parentRC.right - parentRC.left - 24; rc.bottom = rc.bottom - rc.top; rc.left = 0; rc.top = 0;
if(!m_displayCtrl.Create(WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_BORDER|LVS_REPORT, rc, this, IDC_DISPLAY_LIST)) { TRACE(_T("Failed to create logger list control\n")); return FALSE; }
for(LONG ii = 0; ii < MaxLogSessionOptions; ii++) { //
// This lookup table allows a retrieval of the current
// position of a given column like m_retrievalArray[State]
// will return the correct column value for the State
// column
m_retrievalArray[ii] = ii;
// This lookup table allows correct placement of
// a column being added. So, if the State column
// needed to be inserted, then m_insertionArray[State]
// would give the correct insertion column value.
// It is also used in SetItemText to update the correct
// column.
m_insertionArray[ii] = ii; }
// We have to return zero here to get the focus set correctly
// for the app.
return 0; }
void CLogSessionDlg::OnNcPaint() { CRect pRect;
GetClientRect(&pRect); InvalidateRect(&pRect, TRUE); }
void CLogSessionDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); }
VOID CLogSessionDlg::SetDisplayFlags(LONG DisplayFlags) { LONG addDisplayFlags = ~m_displayFlags & DisplayFlags; LONG removeDisplayFlags = m_displayFlags & ~DisplayFlags; LONG updateDisplayFlags = m_displayFlags & DisplayFlags; LONG ii; LONG jj; LONG kk; LONG ll; CString str; CLogSession *pLog; LONG limit;
// Now insert any new columns and remove any uneeded
for(ii = 0, jj = 1; ii < MaxLogSessionOptions; ii++, jj <<= 1) { //
// add the columns
if(addDisplayFlags & jj) {
// insert the column
m_displayCtrl.InsertColumn(m_insertionArray[ii + 1], m_columnName[ii], LVCFMT_LEFT, m_columnWidth[ii]);
// update the column positions
for(kk = 0, ll = 1; kk < MaxLogSessionOptions; kk++) { m_insertionArray[kk + 1] = ll; if(DisplayFlags & (1 << kk)) { m_retrievalArray[ll] = kk; ll++; } } }
// remove the columns
if(removeDisplayFlags & jj) { //
// Get the width of the column to be removed
m_columnWidth[ii] = m_displayCtrl.GetColumnWidth(m_insertionArray[ii + 1]);
// remove the column
m_displayCtrl.DeleteColumn(m_insertionArray[ii + 1]);
// update the column positions
for(kk = 0, ll = 1; kk < MaxLogSessionOptions; kk++) { m_insertionArray[kk + 1] = ll; if(DisplayFlags & (1 << kk)) { m_retrievalArray[ll] = kk; ll++; } } } }
// Save our new flags
m_displayFlags = DisplayFlags;
// Get the log session array protection
WaitForSingleObject(m_logSessionArrayMutex, INFINITE);
// Now display the log session properties that
// have been selected
for(ii = 0; ii < m_logSessionArray.GetSize(); ii++) { pLog = (CLogSession *)m_logSessionArray[ii];
if(NULL == pLog) { continue; }
limit = MaxLogSessionOptions;
if(pLog->m_bDisplayExistingLogFileOnly) { limit = 1; } for(jj = 0; jj < limit; jj++) { SetItemText(ii, jj + 1, pLog->m_logSessionValues[jj]); } }
// Release the log session array protection
ReleaseMutex(m_logSessionArrayMutex); }
BOOL CLogSessionDlg::SetItemText(int nItem, int nSubItem, LPCTSTR lpszText) { //
// Adjust the subitem value for the correct column and insert
if(m_displayFlags & (1 << (nSubItem - 1))) { return m_displayCtrl.SetItemText(nItem, m_insertionArray[nSubItem], lpszText); }
return FALSE; }
BOOL CLogSessionDlg::AddSession(CLogSession *pLogSession) { CLogSession *pLog; CString text; LONG numberOfEntries;
// Get the log session array protection
WaitForSingleObject(m_logSessionArrayMutex, INFINITE);
// add the element to the array
// Release the log session array protection
// Get a trace display window for the session
if(!AssignDisplayWnd(pLogSession)) { return FALSE; }
// Get the log session array protection
WaitForSingleObject(m_logSessionArrayMutex, INFINITE); numberOfEntries = (LONG)m_logSessionArray.GetSize();
// Release the log session array protection
for(LONG ii = 0; ii < numberOfEntries; ii++) {
// Get the log session array protection
WaitForSingleObject(m_logSessionArrayMutex, INFINITE);
pLog = (CLogSession *)m_logSessionArray[ii];
// Release the log session array protection
if(pLog == pLogSession) { text.Format(_T("%d "), pLogSession->GetGroupID());
text += pLogSession->GetDisplayName();
// Display the name
m_displayCtrl.InsertItem(ii, text, pLogSession);
if(numberOfEntries <= 1) { AutoSizeColumns(); }
return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
VOID CLogSessionDlg::UpdateSession(CLogSession *pLogSession) { LONG logSessionDisplayFlags; CLogSession *pLog; BOOL bActiveSession = FALSE; LONG traceDisplayFlags; LONG numberOfEntries;
// Get the log session array protection
WaitForSingleObject(m_logSessionArrayMutex, INFINITE);
numberOfEntries = (LONG)m_logSessionArray.GetSize(); //
// Release the log session array protection
// recalculate the display flags
for(LONG ii = 0; ii < numberOfEntries; ii++) { //
// Get the log session array protection
WaitForSingleObject(m_logSessionArrayMutex, INFINITE);
pLog = (CLogSession *)m_logSessionArray[ii];
// Release the log session array protection
if((NULL != pLog) && !pLog->m_bDisplayExistingLogFileOnly) { bActiveSession = TRUE; } }
// Figure out if we need to stop displaying columns
logSessionDisplayFlags = GetDisplayFlags();
SetDisplayFlags(logSessionDisplayFlags ? logSessionDisplayFlags : 0xFFFFFFFF);
// Force an update of the display window as well
traceDisplayFlags = pLogSession->GetDisplayWnd()->GetDisplayFlags();
pLogSession->GetDisplayWnd()->SetDisplayFlags(traceDisplayFlags); }
VOID CLogSessionDlg::RemoveSession(CLogSession *pLogSession) { CDisplayDlg *pDisplayDlg; CDockDialogBar *pDialogBar; CLogSession *pLog;
if(pLogSession == NULL) { return; }
// Disengage the display window from this log session
// Get the log session array protection
WaitForSingleObject(m_logSessionArrayMutex, INFINITE);
// remove the session from display
for(LONG ii = (LONG)m_logSessionArray.GetSize() - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) { pLog = (CLogSession *)m_logSessionArray[ii];
if(pLog == pLogSession) { m_displayCtrl.DeleteItem(ii);
// delete the log session from the array
m_logSessionArray.RemoveAt(ii); break; } }
// Release the log session array protection
// Return the log session ID
if(m_logSessionArray.GetSize() == 0) { SetDisplayFlags(0); } }
VOID CLogSessionDlg::RemoveSelectedLogSessions() { POSITION pos; LONG index; CLogSession *pLogSession; CDisplayDlg *pDisplayDlg;
pos = m_displayCtrl.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
while(pos != NULL) { //
// Find any selected sessions
index = m_displayCtrl.GetNextSelectedItem(pos);
// Get the log session array protection
WaitForSingleObject(m_logSessionArrayMutex, INFINITE);
pLogSession = (CLogSession *)m_logSessionArray[index];
// Release the log session array protection
pDisplayDlg = pLogSession->GetDisplayWnd();
if(pDisplayDlg->m_sessionArray.GetSize() > 1) { //
// Don't allow grouped sessions to get removed
continue; } RemoveSession(pLogSession);
// delete the log session
delete pLogSession; } }
VOID CLogSessionDlg::GroupSessions(CPtrArray *pLogSessionArray) { CLogSession *pLogSession = NULL; LONG groupID = -1; CString str;
// Disconnect sessions from group display windows
for(LONG ii = 0; ii < pLogSessionArray->GetSize(); ii++) { pLogSession = (CLogSession *)pLogSessionArray->GetAt(ii);
if(NULL == pLogSession) { continue; }
// Disconnect the display window and possibly remove it
ReleaseDisplayWnd(pLogSession); }
// Attach the first log session to a group window
// then use this for all subsequent log sessions
for(LONG ii = 0; ii < pLogSessionArray->GetSize(); ii++) { pLogSession = (CLogSession *)pLogSessionArray->GetAt(ii);
if(NULL == pLogSession) { continue; }
// Set the group ID
// Hook up the group window
// Update the session group ID in the display
str.Format(_T("%d %ls"), pLogSession->GetGroupID(), pLogSession->GetDisplayName());
for(LONG jj = 0; jj < m_displayCtrl.GetItemCount(); jj++) { if(pLogSession == (CLogSession *)m_displayCtrl.GetItemData(jj)) { m_displayCtrl.SetItemText(jj, 0, str); break; } }
// Get the new group ID
groupID = pLogSession->GetGroupID(); }
// Now start the new group
pLogSession->GetDisplayWnd()->BeginTrace(); }
VOID CLogSessionDlg::UnGroupSessions(CPtrArray *pLogSessionArray) { CLogSession *pLogSession = NULL; LONG groupID = -1; CString str; LONG ii;
// Disconnect all sessions from their groups
for(ii = 0; ii < pLogSessionArray->GetSize(); ii++) { pLogSession = (CLogSession *)pLogSessionArray->GetAt(ii);
if(NULL == pLogSession) { continue; }
// Disconnect the display window and possibly remove it
ReleaseDisplayWnd(pLogSession); }
// Create a unique group for each
for(ii = 0; ii < pLogSessionArray->GetSize(); ii++) { pLogSession = (CLogSession *)pLogSessionArray->GetAt(ii);
if(NULL == pLogSession) { continue; }
// Hook up the group window
// Update the session group ID in the display
str.Format(_T("%d %ls"), pLogSession->GetGroupID(), pLogSession->GetDisplayName());
for(LONG jj = 0; jj < m_displayCtrl.GetItemCount(); jj++) { if(pLogSession == (CLogSession *)m_displayCtrl.GetItemData(jj)) { m_displayCtrl.SetItemText(jj, 0, str); break; } }
// Now start the new group
pLogSession->GetDisplayWnd()->BeginTrace(); } }
BOOL CLogSessionDlg::AssignDisplayWnd(CLogSession *pLogSession) { CDisplayDlg *pDisplayDlg; CString str; DWORD extendedStyles; LONG numberOfEntries;
// If we have a valid group number see if there is an
// existing group window
if(pLogSession->GetGroupID() != -1) {
// Get the trace display window array protection
WaitForSingleObject(m_traceDisplayWndMutex, INFINITE);
numberOfEntries = (LONG)m_traceDisplayWndArray.GetSize();
// Release the trace display window array protection
// Use the group window if there is one
for(LONG ii = 0; ii < numberOfEntries; ii++) { //
// Get the trace display window array protection
WaitForSingleObject(m_traceDisplayWndMutex, INFINITE);
pDisplayDlg = (CDisplayDlg *)m_traceDisplayWndArray[ii]; if(pDisplayDlg == NULL) { continue; }
// Release the trace display window array protection
if(pDisplayDlg->GetDisplayID() == pLogSession->GetGroupID()) { pLogSession->SetDisplayWnd(pDisplayDlg);
// add the element to the display wnd
return TRUE; } } }
// Otherwise create a new group display window
CDockDialogBar *pDialogBar = new CDockDialogBar(); if(NULL == pDialogBar) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Failed To Create Display Window\nMemory Allocation Failure"));
return FALSE; }
pDisplayDlg = new CDisplayDlg(GetParentFrame(), GetDisplayWndID()); if(NULL == pDisplayDlg) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Failed To Create Display Window\nMemory Allocation Failure"));
delete pDialogBar; return FALSE; }
str.Format(_T("Group %d"), pDisplayDlg->GetDisplayID());
// create our dockable dialog bar with list control
if(!pDialogBar->Create(GetParentFrame(), pDisplayDlg, str, IDD_DISPLAY_DIALOG, WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|CBRS_BOTTOM|CBRS_TOOLTIPS|CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC, TRUE)) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Failed To Create Display Window"));
delete pDisplayDlg; delete pDialogBar;
return FALSE; }
// Store the dock dialog pointer in the display dialog instance
// set our preferred extended styles
// Set the extended styles for the list control
// make the dialog dockable and dock it to the top
// dock the bar to the top
GetParentFrame()->DockControlBar(pDialogBar, AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_TOP);
// Get the trace display window array protection
WaitForSingleObject(m_traceDisplayWndMutex, INFINITE);
// Add the bar to our array
// Release the trace display window array protection
// Set the log session group ID
// Set the log session display pointer
// add the element to the display wnd
return TRUE; }
VOID CLogSessionDlg::ReleaseDisplayWnd(CLogSession *pLogSession) { CString str; CDisplayDlg *pDisplayDlg; CDockDialogBar *pDialogBar = NULL; CLogSession *pLog;
if(pLogSession == NULL) { return; }
// get the session's display window
pDisplayDlg = pLogSession->GetDisplayWnd();
// Clear the display window pointer from the log session
// Set the group ID to an invalid ID
if(NULL == pDisplayDlg) { return; }
// Pull the log session from the displayDlg's array
// Get the array protection
WaitForSingleObject(pDisplayDlg->m_hSessionArrayMutex, INFINITE);
// If there are still log sessions attached to this window
// just return
if(pDisplayDlg->m_sessionArray.GetSize() > 0) { //
// Release the array protection
return; }
// Release the array protection
// Get the trace display window array protection
WaitForSingleObject(m_traceDisplayWndMutex, INFINITE);
// Remove this window from the list of display windows
for (LONG ii = (LONG)m_traceDisplayWndArray.GetSize() - 1; ii >=0 ; ii--) { if(m_traceDisplayWndArray[ii] == pDisplayDlg) { m_traceDisplayWndArray.RemoveAt(ii); break; } }
// Release the trace display window array protection
// Get the dock dialog bar so it can be deleted
pDialogBar = (CDockDialogBar *)pDisplayDlg->GetDockDialogBar();
// Clear the pointer in the class
// Release the window ID
// delete the display window
delete pDisplayDlg;
// Delete the dock dialog bar
if(NULL != pDialogBar) { delete pDialogBar; } }
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CLogSessionDlg, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CLogSessionDlg)
// CLogSessionDlg message handlers
void CLogSessionDlg::OnWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos) { CDialog::OnWindowPosChanged(lpwndpos); }
void CLogSessionDlg::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx,int cy) { CRect rc;
if(!IsWindow(m_displayCtrl.GetSafeHwnd())) { return; }
// reset the size of the dialog
SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_SHOWWINDOW|SWP_NOZORDER);
m_displayCtrl.MoveWindow(rc); }
BOOL CLogSessionDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { if(pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN) { if((pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE) || (pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN)) { //
// Ignore the escape and return keys, otherwise
// the client area grays out on escape
return TRUE; }
// Fix for key accelerators, otherwise they are never
// processed
if (AfxGetMainWnd()->PreTranslateMessage(pMsg)) return TRUE; return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); }
return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); }
LRESULT CLogSessionDlg::OnParameterChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CLogSession *pLogSession; CString str;
// Get the log session array protection
WaitForSingleObject(m_logSessionArrayMutex, INFINITE);
pLogSession = (CLogSession *)m_logSessionArray[wParam];
// Release the log session array protection
if(NULL == pLogSession) { return 0; }
pLogSession->m_logSessionValues[m_retrievalArray[(int)lParam]] = m_displayCtrl.GetItemText((int)wParam, (int)lParam);
if((m_retrievalArray[lParam] == Circular) && !pLogSession->m_logSessionValues[m_retrievalArray[lParam]].IsEmpty()) { pLogSession->m_logSessionValues[Sequential].Empty(); pLogSession->m_logSessionValues[NewFile].Empty(); }
if((m_retrievalArray[lParam] == Sequential) && !pLogSession->m_logSessionValues[m_retrievalArray[lParam]].IsEmpty()) { pLogSession->m_logSessionValues[Circular].Empty(); pLogSession->m_logSessionValues[NewFile].Empty(); }
if((m_retrievalArray[lParam] == NewFile) && !pLogSession->m_logSessionValues[m_retrievalArray[lParam]].IsEmpty()) { pLogSession->m_logSessionValues[Circular].Empty(); pLogSession->m_logSessionValues[Sequential].Empty(); }
if((m_retrievalArray[lParam] == GlobalSequence) && !pLogSession->m_logSessionValues[m_retrievalArray[lParam]].Compare(_T("TRUE"))) { pLogSession->m_logSessionValues[LocalSequence] = _T("FALSE"); }
if((m_retrievalArray[lParam] == LocalSequence) && !pLogSession->m_logSessionValues[m_retrievalArray[lParam]].Compare(_T("TRUE"))) { pLogSession->m_logSessionValues[GlobalSequence] = _T("FALSE"); }
if(pLogSession->m_bTraceActive) { pLogSession->GetDisplayWnd()->UpdateSession(pLogSession); }
// Restart updating the log session list control
return 0; }
void CLogSessionDlg::OnNMClickDisplayList(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { CString str; DWORD position; int listIndex; LVHITTESTINFO lvhti; CRect itemRect; CRect parentRect; CLogSession *pLogSession;
// BUGBUG -- clean out uneeded str formats
*pResult = 0;
// Get the position of the mouse when this
// message posted
position = ::GetMessagePos();
// Get the position in an easy to use format
CPoint point((int) LOWORD (position), (int)HIWORD(position));
// Convert to client coordinates
lvhti.pt = point;
listIndex = m_displayCtrl.SubItemHitTest(&lvhti);
if(0 == lvhti.iSubItem) { if(-1 == lvhti.iItem) { //str.Format(_T("NM Click: Item = %d, Flags = 0x%X\n"), lvhti.iItem, lvhti.flags);
} else { //str.Format(_T("NM Click: Item = %d\n"), lvhti.iItem);
} } else if(-1 == lvhti.iItem) { //str.Format(_T("NM Click: Item = %d, Flags = 0x%X\n"), lvhti.iItem, lvhti.flags);
} else { //str.Format(_T("NM Click: Item = %d, "), lvhti.iItem);
//str.Format(_T("SubItem = %d\n"), lvhti.iSubItem);
m_displayCtrl.GetSubItemRect(lvhti.iItem, lvhti.iSubItem, LVIR_BOUNDS, itemRect);
// Get the log session array protection
WaitForSingleObject(m_logSessionArrayMutex, INFINITE);
// Get the log session for this row
pLogSession = (CLogSession *)m_logSessionArray[lvhti.iItem];
// Release the log session array protection
if(pLogSession == NULL) { return; }
// State, EventCount, LostEvents, BuffersRead
if((m_retrievalArray[lvhti.iSubItem] == State) || (m_retrievalArray[lvhti.iSubItem] == EventCount) || (m_retrievalArray[lvhti.iSubItem] == LostEvents) || (m_retrievalArray[lvhti.iSubItem] == BuffersRead)) { return; }
// Flags - special handling for Kernel Logger
if((m_retrievalArray[lvhti.iSubItem] == Flags) && !_tcscmp(pLogSession->GetDisplayName(), _T("NT Kernel Logger"))) { return; }
// MaxBuffers
if((m_retrievalArray[lvhti.iSubItem] == MaximumBuffers) && !pLogSession->m_bDisplayExistingLogFileOnly){
// Stop updating the log session list control until
// this control goes away. Otherwise, this control
// is disrupted. Updating is turned back on in the
// OnParameterChanged callback.
CEdit *pEdit = new CSubItemEdit(lvhti.iItem, lvhti.iSubItem, &m_displayCtrl);
pEdit->Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, itemRect, this, IDC_CUSTOM_EDIT);
return; }
// FlushTime
if((m_retrievalArray[lvhti.iSubItem] == FlushTime) && !pLogSession->m_bDisplayExistingLogFileOnly){
// Stop updating the log session list control until
// this control goes away. Otherwise, this control
// is disrupted. Updating is turned back on in the
// OnParameterChanged callback.
CEdit *pEdit = new CSubItemEdit(lvhti.iItem, lvhti.iSubItem, &m_displayCtrl);
pEdit->Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, itemRect, this, IDC_CUSTOM_EDIT);
return; }
// Flags
if((m_retrievalArray[lvhti.iSubItem] == Flags) && !pLogSession->m_bDisplayExistingLogFileOnly){
// Stop updating the log session list control until
// this control goes away. Otherwise, this control
// is disrupted. Updating is turned back on in the
// OnParameterChanged callback.
CEdit *pEdit = new CSubItemEdit(lvhti.iItem, lvhti.iSubItem, &m_displayCtrl);
pEdit->Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, itemRect, this, IDC_CUSTOM_EDIT);
return; }
// Global Sequence
if((m_retrievalArray[lvhti.iSubItem] == GlobalSequence) && !pLogSession->m_bTraceActive && !pLogSession->m_bDisplayExistingLogFileOnly) { CComboBox *pCombo = new CSubItemCombo(lvhti.iItem, lvhti.iSubItem, &m_displayCtrl);
// Stop updating the log session list control until
// this control goes away. Otherwise, this control
// is disrupted. Updating is turned back on in the
// OnParameterChanged callback.
return; }
// Local Sequence
if((m_retrievalArray[lvhti.iSubItem] == LocalSequence) && !pLogSession->m_bTraceActive && !pLogSession->m_bDisplayExistingLogFileOnly) { CComboBox *pCombo = new CSubItemCombo(lvhti.iItem, lvhti.iSubItem, &m_displayCtrl);
// Stop updating the log session list control until
// this control goes away. Otherwise, this control
// is disrupted. Updating is turned back on in the
// OnParameterChanged callback.
return; }
// The Rest
if(!pLogSession->m_bTraceActive && !pLogSession->m_bDisplayExistingLogFileOnly) {
// Stop updating the log session list control until
// this control goes away. Otherwise, this control
// is disrupted. Updating is turned back on in the
// OnParameterChanged callback.
CEdit *pEdit = new CSubItemEdit(lvhti.iItem, lvhti.iSubItem, &m_displayCtrl);
pEdit->Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, itemRect, this, IDC_CUSTOM_EDIT);
return; } } }
void CLogSessionDlg::OnNMRclickDisplayList(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { CString str; DWORD position; int listIndex; LVHITTESTINFO lvhti;
*pResult = 0;
// Get the position of the mouse when this
// message posted
position = ::GetMessagePos();
// Get the position in an easy to use format
CPoint point((int) LOWORD (position), (int)HIWORD(position));
CPoint screenPoint(point);
// Convert to client coordinates
lvhti.pt = point;
listIndex = m_displayCtrl.SubItemHitTest(&lvhti);
// Pop-up menu for log session creation
if(-1 == lvhti.iItem) { CMenu menu; menu.LoadMenu(IDR_LOG_SESSION_POPUP_MENU); CMenu* pPopup = menu.GetSubMenu(0); ASSERT(pPopup != NULL);
pPopup->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, screenPoint.x, screenPoint.y, AfxGetMainWnd());
return; }
// Pop-up menu for existing log session options
CMenu menu; menu.LoadMenu(IDR_LOG_OPTIONS_POPUP_MENU);
CMenu* pPopup = menu.GetSubMenu(0); ASSERT(pPopup != NULL);
pPopup->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, screenPoint.x, screenPoint.y, AfxGetMainWnd()); return; }
void CLogSessionDlg::OnHDNRclickDisplayList(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { int index; CRect rcCol; BOOL bActiveSession = FALSE; CLogSession *pLogSession; LONG numberOfEntries;
// Get the log session array protection
WaitForSingleObject(m_logSessionArrayMutex, INFINITE);
if(m_logSessionArray.GetSize() == 0) { *pResult = 0; }
for(LONG ii = 0; ii < m_logSessionArray.GetSize(); ii++) { pLogSession = (CLogSession *)m_logSessionArray[ii];
if(NULL != pLogSession) { bActiveSession = TRUE; break; }
// Release the log session array protection
if(!bActiveSession) { *pResult = 0; return; }
// Right button was clicked on header
CPoint pt(GetMessagePos()); CPoint screenPt(GetMessagePos());
CHeaderCtrl *pHeader = m_displayCtrl.GetHeaderCtrl();
pHeader->ScreenToClient(&pt); //
// Determine the column index
for(int i=0; Header_GetItemRect(pHeader->m_hWnd, i, &rcCol); i++) { if(rcCol.PtInRect(pt)) { //
// Column index if its ever needed
index = i; break; } }
CMenu *pPopup = menu.GetSubMenu(0); ASSERT(pPopup != NULL);
pPopup->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, screenPt.x, screenPt.y, AfxGetMainWnd());
*pResult = 0; }
void CLogSessionDlg::AutoSizeColumns() { LONG colWidth1; LONG colWidth2; LONG columnCount; CHeaderCtrl *pHeaderCtrl;
// Call this after the list control is filled
pHeaderCtrl = m_displayCtrl.GetHeaderCtrl();
if (pHeaderCtrl != NULL) { columnCount = pHeaderCtrl->GetItemCount();
// Add a bogus column to the end, or the end column will
// get resized to fit the remaining screen width
for(LONG ii = 0; ii < columnCount; ii++) { //
// Get the max width of the column entries
m_displayCtrl.SetColumnWidth(ii, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); colWidth1 = m_displayCtrl.GetColumnWidth(ii);
// Get the width of the column header
m_displayCtrl.SetColumnWidth(ii, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); colWidth2 = m_displayCtrl.GetColumnWidth(ii);
// Set the column width to the max of the two
m_displayCtrl.SetColumnWidth(ii, max(colWidth1,colWidth2)); }
// Remove the bogus column
m_displayCtrl.DeleteColumn(columnCount); } }
LONG CLogSessionDlg::GetDisplayWndID() { for(LONG ii = 0; ii < MAX_LOG_SESSIONS; ii++) { if(FALSE == m_displayWndIDList[ii]) { m_displayWndIDList[ii] = TRUE; return ii; } }
return -1; }
VOID CLogSessionDlg::ReleaseDisplayWndID(CDisplayDlg *pDisplayDlg) { LONG displayID;
displayID = pDisplayDlg->GetDisplayID();
// Free the ID to be reused
m_displayWndIDList[displayID] = FALSE; }
LONG CLogSessionDlg::GetLogSessionID() { for(LONG ii = 0; ii < MAX_LOG_SESSIONS; ii++) { if(FALSE == m_logSessionIDList[ii]) { m_logSessionIDList[ii] = TRUE; return ii; } }
return -1; }
VOID CLogSessionDlg::ReleaseLogSessionID(CLogSession *pLogSession) { LONG sessionID;
sessionID = pLogSession->GetLogSessionID();
// Free the ID to be reused
m_logSessionIDList[sessionID] = FALSE; }