// Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2002 OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.
// ProviderSetupDlg.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <tchar.h>
#include <wmistr.h>
#include <initguid.h>
extern "C" { #include <evntrace.h>
} #include <traceprt.h>
#include "TraceView.h"
#include "LogSession.h"
#include "FormatSourceSelectDlg.h"
#include "DisplayDlg.h"
#include "ProviderControlGuidDlg.h"
#include "LogDisplayOptionDlg.h"
#include "LogSessionInformationDlg.h"
#include "ProviderSetupDlg.h"
#include "LogSessionPropSht.h"
#include "ProviderFormatInfo.h"
#include "Utils.h"
// CProviderSetupDlg dialog
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CProviderSetupDlg, CPropertyPage) CProviderSetupDlg::CProviderSetupDlg() : CPropertyPage(CProviderSetupDlg::IDD) { }
CProviderSetupDlg::~CProviderSetupDlg() { }
int CProviderSetupDlg::OnInitDialog() { BOOL retVal; CLogSessionPropSht *pSheet; CTraceSession *pTraceSession; CString str; retVal = CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog();
// Disable the remove button
m_providerListCtrl.InsertColumn(0,_T("Name"), LVCFMT_LEFT, 348); //80);
pSheet = (CLogSessionPropSht *) GetParent();
m_pLogSession = pSheet->m_pLogSession;
if(m_pLogSession != NULL) { for(LONG ii = 0; ii < m_pLogSession->m_traceSessionArray.GetSize(); ii++) { pTraceSession = (CTraceSession *)m_pLogSession->m_traceSessionArray[ii]; if(pTraceSession != NULL) { //
// Put the provider on the display
m_providerListCtrl.InsertItem(ii, pTraceSession->m_controlGuidFriendlyName[0]);
m_providerListCtrl.SetItemData(ii, (DWORD_PTR)pTraceSession);
m_providerListCtrl.SetItemText(pTraceSession->m_traceSessionID, 1, pTraceSession->m_controlGuid[0]); } } }
return retVal; }
void CProviderSetupDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CURRENT_PROVIDER_LIST, m_providerListCtrl); }
BOOL CProviderSetupDlg::OnSetActive() { CLogSessionPropSht *pSheet = (CLogSessionPropSht*) GetParent(); CString dialogTxt; CString tempString; BOOL retVal;
retVal = CPropertyPage::OnSetActive();
// Fix the title if in Wizard mode
if(pSheet->IsWizard()) { CTabCtrl* pTab = pSheet->GetTabControl();
//If its not the active page, just set the tab item
TC_ITEM ti; ti.mask = TCIF_TEXT; ti.pszText =_T("Create New Log Session"); VERIFY(pTab->SetItem(0, &ti)); }
// disable/enable buttons as appropriate
if(m_pLogSession->m_bTraceActive) { GetDlgItem(IDC_ADD_PROVIDER_BUTTON)->EnableWindow(FALSE); GetDlgItem(IDC_REMOVE_PROVIDER_BUTTON)->EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { GetDlgItem(IDC_ADD_PROVIDER_BUTTON)->EnableWindow(TRUE); }
// display the proper text for the group box
if(::IsWindow(pSheet->m_logSessionInformationDlg.m_hWnd)) { dialogTxt.Format(_T("Provider List For ")); pSheet->m_logSessionInformationDlg.m_logSessionName.GetWindowText(tempString); dialogTxt += (LPCTSTR)tempString; GetDlgItem(IDC_PROVIDER_SETUP_STATIC)->SetWindowText(dialogTxt); }
if(0 == m_pLogSession->m_traceSessionArray.GetSize()) { pSheet->SetWizardButtons(0); } else { pSheet->SetWizardButtons(PSWIZB_NEXT); }
return retVal; }
void CProviderSetupDlg::OnBnClickedAddProviderButton() { CString str; CTraceSession *pTraceSession = NULL; CFileFind fileFind; CString extension; CString traceDirectory; CString tmcPath; CString tmfPath; CString ctlPath; CString tempPath; CString providerName; CString tempDirectory; CTraceSession *pTrace; BOOL bNoID; LONG traceSessionID = 0; CLogSessionPropSht *pSheet; ULONG flags = 0; BOOL bProcess; BOOL bThread; BOOL bDisk; BOOL bNet; BOOL bFileIO; BOOL bPageFault; BOOL bHardFault; BOOL bImageLoad; BOOL bRegistry;
// Get the parent property sheet
pSheet = (CLogSessionPropSht *) GetParent();
// Get the trace session ID
do { bNoID = FALSE; for(LONG ii = 0; ii < m_pLogSession->m_traceSessionArray.GetSize(); ii++) { pTrace = (CTraceSession *)m_pLogSession->m_traceSessionArray[ii];
if(pTrace == NULL) { continue; }
if(traceSessionID == pTrace->m_traceSessionID) { bNoID = TRUE; traceSessionID++; } } } while(bNoID);
// Create the new trace session
pTraceSession = new CTraceSession(traceSessionID);
if(NULL == pTraceSession) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Failed To Initialize Provider, Resource Allocation Failure")); return; }
// Promt the user for trace providers
CProviderControlGuidDlg *pDialog = new CProviderControlGuidDlg(this, pTraceSession); if(IDOK != pDialog->DoModal()) { delete pTraceSession; delete pDialog; return; }
bProcess = pDialog->m_bProcess; bThread = pDialog->m_bThread; bDisk = pDialog->m_bDisk; bNet = pDialog->m_bNet; bFileIO = pDialog->m_bFileIO; bPageFault = pDialog->m_bPageFault; bHardFault = pDialog->m_bHardFault; bImageLoad = pDialog->m_bImageLoad; bRegistry = pDialog->m_bRegistry;
delete pDialog;
// Handle PDB input
if(!pTraceSession->m_pdbFile.IsEmpty()) {
if(!pTraceSession->ProcessPdb()) { delete pTraceSession; return; }
// We have a control GUID whether we can display info or
// not we are good to start a trace, so add the session
// to the list
if(pTraceSession->m_tmfFile.GetSize() == 0) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Failed To Get Format Information From PDB\nEvent Data Will Not Be Formatted")); } } else if(!pTraceSession->m_ctlFile.IsEmpty()) { //
// Handle CTL file input here
FILE *ctlFile; TCHAR line[MAX_STR_LENGTH]; LONG count; BOOL bFoundCtlFile = FALSE;
ctlFile = _tfopen((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)pTraceSession->m_ctlFile, _T("r")); if (ctlFile == NULL) { str.Format(_T("Unable To Open Control GUID File %s"), pTraceSession->m_ctlFile); AfxMessageBox(str);
delete pTraceSession; return; }
while( _fgetts(line, MAX_STR_LENGTH, ctlFile) != NULL ) { if (_tcslen(line) < 36) continue; if(line[0] == ';' || line[0] == '\0' || line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '/') { continue; } bFoundCtlFile = TRUE; str = line; pTraceSession->m_controlGuid.Add(str);
// add a control GUID friendly name
pTraceSession->m_controlGuidFriendlyName.Add(pTraceSession->m_ctlFile); }
if(!bFoundCtlFile) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Unable To Obtain Control GUID")); delete pTraceSession; return; }
// We have a control GUID whether we can display info or
// not we are good to start a trace, so add the session
// to the list
// Now get the TMF File(s)
GetTmfInfo(pTraceSession); } else if(pTraceSession->m_bKernelLogger) { //
// The kernel logger was selected,
// so we specify the logger name here
// Set the session name in the property sheet
pSheet->m_displayName = KERNEL_LOGGER_NAME;
if(bProcess) { flags |= EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_PROCESS; }
if(bThread) { flags |= EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_THREAD; }
if(bDisk) { flags |= EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DISK_IO; }
if(bFileIO) { flags |= EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DISK_FILE_IO; }
if(bPageFault) { flags |= EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_MEMORY_PAGE_FAULTS; }
if(bHardFault) { flags |= EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_MEMORY_HARD_FAULTS; }
if(bImageLoad) { flags |= EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_IMAGE_LOAD; }
if(bRegistry) { flags |= EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_REGISTRY; }
// Update the flags data
pSheet->m_logSessionValues[Flags].Format(_T("%d"), flags);
// We have a control GUID whether we can display info or
// not we are good to start a trace, so add the session
// to the list
// Now get the system TMF File
// Use the common controls file open dialog
CFileDialog fileDlg(TRUE, _T(".tmf"), _T("system.tmf"), OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR, _T("System TMF File (system.tmf)|system.tmf||"), this);
// Pop the dialog... Any error, just return
if( fileDlg.DoModal()!=IDOK ) { return; } //
// Get the file name
if(!fileDlg.GetPathName().IsEmpty()) { //
// Store the file name
// Add it to the trace session
pTraceSession->m_tmfFile.Add(fileDlg.GetPathName()); }
// add a control GUID friendly name
pTraceSession->m_controlGuidFriendlyName.Add(KERNEL_LOGGER_NAME); } else { //
// Handle manually entered control GUID here
if((0 == pTraceSession->m_controlGuid.GetSize()) || (pTraceSession->m_controlGuid[0].IsEmpty())) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Unable To Obtain Control GUID")); delete pTraceSession; return; }
// Add a control GUID to the provider list
// We have a control GUID whether we can display info or
// not we are good to start a trace, so add the session
// to the list
// Now get the TMF File(s)
GetTmfInfo(pTraceSession); }
// Put the provider on the display
m_providerListCtrl.InsertItem(pTraceSession->m_traceSessionID, pTraceSession->m_controlGuidFriendlyName[0]);
m_providerListCtrl.SetItemData(pTraceSession->m_traceSessionID, (DWORD_PTR)pTraceSession);
return; }
BOOL CProviderSetupDlg::GetTmfInfo(CTraceSession *pTraceSession) { //
// Now get the TMF file(s) or path as necessary
CFormatSourceSelectDlg *pDialog = new CFormatSourceSelectDlg(this, pTraceSession); if(NULL == pDialog) { return FALSE; }
if(IDOK != pDialog->DoModal()) { delete pDialog; return FALSE; }
delete pDialog; return TRUE; }
void CProviderSetupDlg::OnBnClickedRemoveProviderButton() { CTraceSession *pTraceSession; POSITION pos; BOOL bFound = FALSE; CLogSessionPropSht *pSheet; int index;
// Get the parent property sheet
pSheet = (CLogSessionPropSht *) GetParent(); pos = m_providerListCtrl.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); if (pos == NULL) { return; }
while (pos) { index = m_providerListCtrl.GetNextSelectedItem(pos);
pTraceSession = (CTraceSession *)m_providerListCtrl.GetItemData(index);
// Pull the provider from the display
if(pTraceSession != NULL) { for(LONG ii = 0; ii < m_pLogSession->m_traceSessionArray.GetSize(); ii++) { if(m_pLogSession->m_traceSessionArray[ii] == pTraceSession) { m_pLogSession->m_traceSessionArray.RemoveAt(ii);
// If the kernel logger is being removed, change the
// log session name stored by the property sheet back
// to what is stored in the CLogSession object
if(pTraceSession->m_bKernelLogger) { //
// Set the session name in the property sheet
pSheet->m_displayName = pSheet->m_pLogSession->GetDisplayName();
// Set the flags back to the default as well
pSheet->m_logSessionValues[Flags] = (LPCTSTR)m_pLogSession->m_logSessionValues[Flags]; }
delete pTraceSession; break; } } } }
// Check for at least one provider
if(0 == m_pLogSession->m_traceSessionArray.GetSize()) { //
// disable the remove button
// Disable the next button if there are no providers
pSheet->SetWizardButtons(0); } }
void CProviderSetupDlg::OnNMClickCurrentProviderList(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { POSITION pos;
*pResult = 0;
if(m_pLogSession->m_bTraceActive) { //
// don't enable anything
return; }
pos = m_providerListCtrl.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); if(pos == NULL) { //
// Disable the remove button
GetDlgItem(IDC_REMOVE_PROVIDER_BUTTON)->EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { //
// Enable the remove button
void CProviderSetupDlg::OnNMRclickCurrentProviderList(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { POSITION pos; pos = m_providerListCtrl.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); if (pos == NULL) { //
// Disable the remove button
GetDlgItem(IDC_REMOVE_PROVIDER_BUTTON)->EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { //
// Enable the remove button
*pResult = 0; }