TSen.h (c) 2002 Microsoft Corp */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wtsapi32.h>
#include <Shellapi.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include "tsen.h"
void __cdecl main (int argc, TCHAR *argv[]) { //Get the server name
TCHAR* pszServerName = ParseArgs(argc,argv);
//Print the TS session information
if (printTSSession(pszServerName )) { exit(1); } exit(0); }
Function: Constants
Return value: TCHAR Session status values */ TCHAR* Constants() {
TCHAR* sztConstants = (TCHAR* ) calloc(SZTSIZE, sizeof(TCHAR)); if(sztConstants!=NULL) { ZeroMemory(sztConstants, 1 + _tcslen(sztConstants));
_stprintf(sztConstants, Codes , (DWORD) WTSActive , (DWORD) WTSConnected , (DWORD) WTSConnectQuery , (DWORD) WTSShadow , (DWORD) WTSDisconnected , (DWORD) WTSIdle , (DWORD) WTSListen , (DWORD) WTSReset , (DWORD) WTSDown , (DWORD) WTSInit); } else { exit(1); }
return sztConstants; }
Function: ParseArgs(int argc, TCHAR *argv[])
Return value: Server name */
TCHAR* ParseArgs(int argc, TCHAR *argv[]) {
TCHAR* sKeyWord = NULL;
if(argc == 1 || _tcscmp(argv[1],"/?")==0) { TCHAR* sUsageInfo = Constants(); _tprintf(_T("%s\n\n%s") , Usage,sUsageInfo);
} else { sKeyWord = argv[1]; } return sKeyWord;
printTSSession(TCHAR* pszServerName)
Prints the pszSeverNAme TS session information */ int printTSSession(TCHAR* pszServerName) { DWORD dwTotalCount; DWORD SessionId; LPTSTR ppBuffer; DWORD pBytesReturned; DWORD dwCount = 0; TCHAR* sztStatus = NULL; TCHAR* sztStatLine = NULL; CONST DWORD Reserved = 0 ; CONST DWORD Version = 1 ; PWTS_SESSION_INFO ppSessionInfo; NET_API_STATUS nStatus; HANDLE hServer = WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE;
if (pszServerName == NULL) { exit(1); } hServer = WTSOpenServer( pszServerName);
if ( hServer == NULL) {
_tprintf(_T("WTSOpenServer \"%ws\" error: %u\n"), pszServerName, GetLastError( )); exit(1); }
sztStatus = calloc(SZTSIZE, sizeof(TCHAR));
if(sztStatus == NULL) { return 1; }
sztStatLine = calloc(SZTSIZE, sizeof(TCHAR));
if(sztStatLine == NULL) { free(sztStatus); return 1; } dwTotalCount = 0;
//Get all the sessions in the server (hServer)
nStatus = WTSEnumerateSessions(hServer,Reserved,Version,&ppSessionInfo,&dwTotalCount);
if (0 == nStatus || 0 == dwTotalCount) {
_tprintf(_T("WTSEnumerateSessions \"%s\" error: %u\n"),pszServerName,GetLastError( )); return 1; }
//Loop trough the session and prints the information bout them
for (dwCount = 0; (dwCount < dwTotalCount); dwCount++) { //We only need to display this when the session is active
if (WTSActive == ppSessionInfo[dwCount].State) { SessionId = ppSessionInfo[dwCount].SessionId;
WTSQuerySessionInformation(hServer,SessionId,WTSUserName,&ppBuffer,&pBytesReturned); _stprintf(sztStatLine, _T("Server=%s\nWindow station=%s\nThis session Id=%u\nUser=%s\n"),pszServerName,_tcsupr(ppSessionInfo[dwCount].pWinStationName),SessionId,_tcsupr(ppBuffer)); _tcscpy(sztStatus,sztStatLine ); WTSFreeMemory( ppBuffer);
WTSQuerySessionInformation(hServer,SessionId,WTSClientName,&ppBuffer,&pBytesReturned); _stprintf(sztStatLine, _T("Client machine=%s\n"),_tcsupr(ppBuffer)); _tcscat(sztStatus, sztStatLine );
WTSFreeMemory( ppBuffer);
WTSQuerySessionInformation(hServer,SessionId,WTSClientAddress,&ppBuffer,&pBytesReturned); _stprintf(sztStatLine , _T("Active console session=%u\n"),(DWORD) WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId ()); _tcscat(sztStatus, sztStatLine );
WTSFreeMemory( ppBuffer);
_tprintf(_T("%s"), sztStatus); } // if (WTSActive == ppSessionInfo[dwCount].State)
} //for (dwCount = 0; (dwCount < dwTotalCount); dwCount++)
WTSFreeMemory( ppSessionInfo);
free(sztStatLine); free(sztStatus);
if (hServer != WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE) { (void) WTSCloseServer( hServer); }
return 0; } //int printTSSession(TCHAR* pszServerName)