// Driver Verifier UI
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 1999
// module: DCntPage.cpp
// author: DMihai
// created: 11/1/00
// Description:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "verifier.h"
#include "DCntPage.h"
#include "VrfUtil.h"
#include "VGlobal.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// Timer ID
#define REFRESH_TIMER_ID 0x1234
// Help IDs
static DWORD MyHelpIds[] = { IDC_PERDRVC_DRIVER_COMBO, IDH_DV_Counters_DriverList, IDC_PERDRVC_LIST, IDH_DV_DriverCounters, 0, 0 };
// CDriverCountersPage property page
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CDriverCountersPage, CVerifierPropertyPage)
CDriverCountersPage::CDriverCountersPage() : CVerifierPropertyPage(CDriverCountersPage::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CDriverCountersPage)
m_nSortColumnIndex = 0; m_bAscendSortName = FALSE; m_bAscendSortValue = FALSE;
m_uTimerHandler = 0;
m_pParentSheet = NULL; }
CDriverCountersPage::~CDriverCountersPage() { }
void CDriverCountersPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { if( ! pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate ) { //
// Query the kernel
VrfGetRuntimeVerifierData( &m_RuntimeVerifierData ); }
CVerifierPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CDriverCountersPage)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PERDRVC_DRIVER_COMBO, m_DriversCombo); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PERDRVC_NEXT_DESCR_STATIC, m_NextDescription); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PERDRVC_LIST, m_CountersList); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDriverCountersPage, CVerifierPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CDriverCountersPage)
VOID CDriverCountersPage::SetupListHeader() { LVCOLUMN lvColumn; CRect rectWnd; CString strCounter, strValue; VERIFY( strCounter.LoadString( IDS_COUNTER ) ); VERIFY( strValue.LoadString( IDS_VALUE ) );
// List's regtangle
m_CountersList.GetClientRect( &rectWnd ); //
// Column 0 - counter
ZeroMemory( &lvColumn, sizeof( lvColumn ) ); lvColumn.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_SUBITEM | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH; lvColumn.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; lvColumn.iSubItem = 0; lvColumn.cx = (int)( rectWnd.Width() * 0.50 ); lvColumn.pszText = strCounter.GetBuffer( strCounter.GetLength() + 1 );
if (NULL != lvColumn.pszText) { VERIFY( m_CountersList.InsertColumn( 0, &lvColumn ) != -1 ); strCounter.ReleaseBuffer(); } else { lvColumn.pszText = g_szVoidText; VERIFY( m_CountersList.InsertColumn( 0, &lvColumn ) != -1 ); }
// Column 1
lvColumn.iSubItem = 1; lvColumn.cx = (int)( rectWnd.Width() * 0.47 ); lvColumn.pszText = strValue.GetBuffer( strValue.GetLength() + 1 );
if (NULL != lvColumn.pszText) { VERIFY( m_CountersList.InsertColumn( 1, &lvColumn ) != -1 ); strValue.ReleaseBuffer(); } else { lvColumn.pszText = g_szVoidText; VERIFY( m_CountersList.InsertColumn( 1, &lvColumn ) != -1 ); } }
VOID CDriverCountersPage::FillTheList() { CRuntimeDriverData *pRuntimeDriverData;
pRuntimeDriverData = GetCurrentDrvRuntimeData();
AddAllListItems( pRuntimeDriverData ); }
VOID CDriverCountersPage::AddAllListItems( CRuntimeDriverData *pRuntimeDriverData ) { if( NULL != pRuntimeDriverData ) { ASSERT_VALID( pRuntimeDriverData );
// N.B.
// If you change this order then you need to change GetCounterValue as well
AddCounterInList( 0, IDS_CURRENTPAGEDPOOLALLOCATIONS_LIST, pRuntimeDriverData->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations ); AddCounterInList( 1, IDS_PEAKPAGEDPOOLALLOCATIONS_LIST, pRuntimeDriverData->PeakPagedPoolAllocations ); AddCounterInList( 2, IDS_PAGEDPOOLUSAGEINBYTES_LIST, pRuntimeDriverData->PagedPoolUsageInBytes ); AddCounterInList( 3, IDS_PEAKPAGEDPOOLUSAGEINBYTES_LIST, pRuntimeDriverData->PeakPagedPoolUsageInBytes );
AddCounterInList( 4, IDS_CURRENTNONPAGEDPOOLALLOCATIONS_LIST, pRuntimeDriverData->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations ); AddCounterInList( 5, IDS_PEAKNONPAGEDPOOLALLOCATIONS_LIST, pRuntimeDriverData->PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations ); AddCounterInList( 6, IDS_NONPAGEDPOOLUSAGEINBYTES_LIST, pRuntimeDriverData->NonPagedPoolUsageInBytes ); AddCounterInList( 7, IDS_PEAKNONPAGEDPOOLUSAGEINBYTES_LIST, pRuntimeDriverData->PeakNonPagedPoolUsageInBytes ); } else { //
// N.B.
// If you change this order then you need to change GetCounterValue as well
VOID CDriverCountersPage::RefreshTheList() { INT nListItems; INT nCrtListItem; INT_PTR nCrtCounterIndex; SIZE_T sizeValue; CRuntimeDriverData *pRuntimeDriverData;
pRuntimeDriverData = GetCurrentDrvRuntimeData();
nListItems = m_CountersList.GetItemCount();
if( NULL != pRuntimeDriverData ) { for( nCrtListItem = 0; nCrtListItem < nListItems; nCrtListItem += 1 ) { nCrtCounterIndex = m_CountersList.GetItemData( nCrtListItem );
sizeValue = GetCounterValue( nCrtCounterIndex, pRuntimeDriverData );
UpdateCounterValueInList( nCrtListItem, sizeValue ); } } else { //
// N.B.
// If you change this order then you need to
// change AddAllListItems as well
for( nCrtListItem = 0; nCrtListItem < nListItems; nCrtListItem += 1 ) { UpdateCounterValueInList( nCrtListItem, g_szVoidText ); } }
SortTheList(); }
INT CDriverCountersPage::AddCounterInList( INT nItemData, ULONG uIdResourceString ) { INT nActualIndex; LVITEM lvItem; CString strName;
nActualIndex = -1;
VERIFY( strName.LoadString( uIdResourceString ) );
ZeroMemory( &lvItem, sizeof( lvItem ) );
// LVITEM's member pszText is not a const pointer
// so we need to GetBuffer here :-(
// Sub-item 0 - counter's name
lvItem.pszText = strName.GetBuffer( strName.GetLength() + 1 ); if( NULL == lvItem.pszText ) { goto Done; }
lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; lvItem.lParam = nItemData; lvItem.iItem = m_CountersList.GetItemCount();
nActualIndex = m_CountersList.InsertItem( &lvItem );
if( nActualIndex < 0 ) { //
// Could not add an item in the list - give up
goto Done; }
Done: //
// All done
return nActualIndex; }
VOID CDriverCountersPage::AddCounterInList( INT nItemData, ULONG uIdResourceString, SIZE_T sizeValue ) { INT nActualIndex;
nActualIndex = AddCounterInList( nItemData, uIdResourceString );
if( nActualIndex < 0 ) { //
// Could not add an item in the list - give up
goto Done; }
// Sub-item 1 - counter's value
UpdateCounterValueInList( nActualIndex, sizeValue );
Done: //
// All done
SIZE_T CDriverCountersPage::GetCounterValue( INT_PTR nCounterIndex, CRuntimeDriverData *pRuntimeDriverData /*= NULL*/ ) { SIZE_T sizeValue;
if( NULL == pRuntimeDriverData ) { pRuntimeDriverData = GetCurrentDrvRuntimeData(); }
if( NULL == pRuntimeDriverData ) { //
// No driver is curently selected in the combo
return 0; } //
// N.B.
// If you change this switch statement you need to change AddAllListItems as well
switch( nCounterIndex ) { case 0: sizeValue = pRuntimeDriverData->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations; break;
case 1: sizeValue = pRuntimeDriverData->PeakPagedPoolAllocations; break;
case 2: sizeValue = pRuntimeDriverData->PagedPoolUsageInBytes; break;
case 3: sizeValue = pRuntimeDriverData->PeakPagedPoolUsageInBytes; break;
case 4: sizeValue = pRuntimeDriverData->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations; break;
case 5: sizeValue = pRuntimeDriverData->PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations; break;
case 6: sizeValue = pRuntimeDriverData->NonPagedPoolUsageInBytes; break;
case 7: sizeValue = pRuntimeDriverData->PeakNonPagedPoolUsageInBytes; break;
default: //
// Oops, how did we get here ?!?
sizeValue = 0;
break; }
return sizeValue; }
BOOL CDriverCountersPage::GetCounterName( LPARAM lItemData, TCHAR *szCounterName, ULONG uCounterNameBufferLen ) { INT nItemIndex; BOOL bResult; LVFINDINFO FindInfo; LVITEM lvItem;
bResult = FALSE;
ZeroMemory( &FindInfo, sizeof( FindInfo ) ); FindInfo.flags = LVFI_PARAM; FindInfo.lParam = lItemData;
nItemIndex = m_CountersList.FindItem( &FindInfo );
if( nItemIndex < 0 || nItemIndex > 7 ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); } else { //
// Found our item - get the name
ZeroMemory( &lvItem, sizeof( lvItem ) );
lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lvItem.iItem = nItemIndex; lvItem.iSubItem = 0; lvItem.pszText = szCounterName; lvItem.cchTextMax = uCounterNameBufferLen;
bResult = m_CountersList.GetItem( &lvItem ); if( bResult == FALSE ) { //
// Could not get the current item's attributes?!?
return bResult; }
VOID CDriverCountersPage::UpdateCounterValueInList( INT nItemIndex, LPTSTR szValue ) { LVITEM lvItem;
// Update the list item
ZeroMemory( &lvItem, sizeof( lvItem ) ); lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lvItem.iItem = nItemIndex; lvItem.iSubItem = 1; lvItem.pszText = szValue; VERIFY( m_CountersList.SetItem( &lvItem ) ); }
VOID CDriverCountersPage::UpdateCounterValueInList( INT nItemIndex, SIZE_T sizeValue ) { TCHAR szValue[ 32 ];
#ifndef _WIN64
// 32 bit SIZE_T
_sntprintf( szValue, ARRAY_LENGTH( szValue ), _T( "%u" ), sizeValue );
// 64 bit SIZE_T
_sntprintf( szValue, ARRAY_LENGTH( szValue ), _T( "%I64u" ), sizeValue );
szValue[ ARRAY_LENGTH( szValue ) - 1 ] = 0;
UpdateCounterValueInList( nItemIndex, szValue ); }
VOID CDriverCountersPage::RefreshCombo() { BOOL *pbAlreadyInCombo; CRuntimeDriverData *pRuntimeDriverData; INT_PTR nDrivers; INT_PTR nCrtDriver; INT nCrtSelectedItem; INT nCrtItemIndex; INT nComboItemCount; INT nActualIndex; CString strCurrentDriverName; CString strDriverName;
nDrivers = m_RuntimeVerifierData.m_RuntimeDriverDataArray.GetSize();
if( 0 >= nDrivers ) { //
// No drivers are currently verified - delete the combo-box content
m_DriversCombo.ResetContent(); m_DriversCombo.SetCurSel( CB_ERR ); m_DriversCombo.EnableWindow( FALSE );
OnSelendokDriverCombo(); } else { nCrtSelectedItem = 0; nComboItemCount = m_DriversCombo.GetCount();
// Note the currently selected driver name
GetCurrentSelDriverName( strCurrentDriverName );
// Allocate an array of BOOL values, one for each driver in
// our runtime data array
pbAlreadyInCombo = new BOOL[ nDrivers ];
if( NULL == pbAlreadyInCombo ) { goto Done; }
for( nCrtDriver = 0; nCrtDriver < nDrivers; nCrtDriver++ ) { pbAlreadyInCombo[ nCrtDriver ] = FALSE; }
// Parse all the items currently in the combo-box
for( nCrtItemIndex = 0; nCrtItemIndex < nComboItemCount; nCrtItemIndex++ ) { m_DriversCombo.GetLBText( nCrtItemIndex, strDriverName );
// Parse all the currently verified drivers
for( nCrtDriver = 0; nCrtDriver < nDrivers; nCrtDriver++ ) { pRuntimeDriverData = m_RuntimeVerifierData.m_RuntimeDriverDataArray.GetAt( nCrtDriver );
ASSERT_VALID( pRuntimeDriverData );
if( strDriverName.CompareNoCase( pRuntimeDriverData->m_strName ) == 0 ) { pbAlreadyInCombo[ nCrtDriver ] = TRUE;
break; } }
if( nCrtDriver >= nDrivers ) { //
// We need to delete the current combo item because
// the corresponfing driver is no longer verified
m_DriversCombo.DeleteString( nCrtItemIndex );
nCrtItemIndex--; nComboItemCount--; } }
// Add the new items in the combo
for( nCrtDriver = 0; nCrtDriver < nDrivers; nCrtDriver++ ) { if( FALSE == pbAlreadyInCombo[ nCrtDriver ] ) { pRuntimeDriverData = m_RuntimeVerifierData.m_RuntimeDriverDataArray.GetAt( nCrtDriver );
ASSERT_VALID( pRuntimeDriverData );
nActualIndex = m_DriversCombo.AddString( pRuntimeDriverData->m_strName );
if( nActualIndex != CB_ERR ) { m_DriversCombo.SetItemData( nActualIndex, nCrtDriver ); } } }
delete [] pbAlreadyInCombo;
// Restore the old current selection in the combo
nComboItemCount = m_DriversCombo.GetCount();
for( nCrtItemIndex = 0; nCrtItemIndex < nComboItemCount; nCrtItemIndex++ ) { m_DriversCombo.GetLBText( nCrtItemIndex, strDriverName );
if( strDriverName.CompareNoCase( strCurrentDriverName ) == 0 ) { nCrtSelectedItem = nCrtItemIndex; break; } }
m_DriversCombo.SetCurSel( nCrtSelectedItem ); OnSelendokDriverCombo(); }
VOID CDriverCountersPage::RefreshInfo() { if( UpdateData( FALSE ) ) { //
// Refresh the combo content - this will also
// refresh the counters list
RefreshCombo(); } }
VOID CDriverCountersPage::GetCurrentSelDriverName( CString &strName ) { INT nCrtSel;
nCrtSel = m_DriversCombo.GetCurSel();
if( CB_ERR != nCrtSel ) { m_DriversCombo.GetLBText( nCrtSel, strName ); } else { strName.Empty(); } }
CRuntimeDriverData *CDriverCountersPage::GetCurrentDrvRuntimeData() { INT nCrtComboSelection; INT_PTR nCrtDriverIndex; CRuntimeDriverData *pRuntimeDriverData;
pRuntimeDriverData = NULL;
nCrtDriverIndex = -1;
nCrtComboSelection = m_DriversCombo.GetCurSel(); if( nCrtComboSelection != CB_ERR ) { nCrtDriverIndex = m_DriversCombo.GetItemData( nCrtComboSelection );
if( nCrtDriverIndex >= 0 && nCrtDriverIndex < m_RuntimeVerifierData.m_RuntimeDriverDataArray.GetSize() ) { pRuntimeDriverData = m_RuntimeVerifierData.m_RuntimeDriverDataArray.GetAt( nCrtDriverIndex );
ASSERT_VALID( pRuntimeDriverData ); } }
return pRuntimeDriverData; }
VOID CDriverCountersPage::SortTheList() { if( 0 != m_nSortColumnIndex ) { //
// Sort by counter value - this is probably not very useful
// but we are providing it to be consistent with all
// the lists being sortable by any column
m_CountersList.SortItems( CounterValueCmpFunc, (LPARAM)this ); } else { //
// Sort by driver name
m_CountersList.SortItems( CounterNameCmpFunc, (LPARAM)this ); } }
int CALLBACK CDriverCountersPage::CounterValueCmpFunc( LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort) { SIZE_T size1; SIZE_T size2; int nCmpRez = 0;
CDriverCountersPage *pThis = (CDriverCountersPage *)lParamSort; ASSERT_VALID( pThis );
size1 = pThis->GetCounterValue( (INT) lParam1 ); size2 = pThis->GetCounterValue( (INT) lParam2 );
if( size1 > size2 ) { nCmpRez = 1; } else { if( size1 < size2 ) { nCmpRez = -1; } }
if( FALSE != pThis->m_bAscendSortValue ) { nCmpRez *= -1; }
return nCmpRez; }
int CALLBACK CDriverCountersPage::CounterNameCmpFunc( LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort) { int nCmpRez = 0; BOOL bSuccess; TCHAR szCounterName1[ _MAX_PATH ]; TCHAR szCounterName2[ _MAX_PATH ];
CDriverCountersPage *pThis = (CDriverCountersPage *)lParamSort; ASSERT_VALID( pThis );
// Get the first counter name
bSuccess = pThis->GetCounterName( lParam1, szCounterName1, ARRAY_LENGTH( szCounterName1 ) );
if( FALSE == bSuccess ) { goto Done; }
// Get the second counter name
bSuccess = pThis->GetCounterName( lParam2, szCounterName2, ARRAY_LENGTH( szCounterName2 ) );
if( FALSE == bSuccess ) { goto Done; }
// Compare the names
nCmpRez = _tcsicmp( szCounterName1, szCounterName2 ); if( FALSE != pThis->m_bAscendSortName ) { nCmpRez *= -1; }
return nCmpRez; }
// CDriverCountersPage message handlers
BOOL CDriverCountersPage::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog();
// Setup the settings bits list
m_CountersList.SetExtendedStyle( LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | m_CountersList.GetExtendedStyle() );
m_CountersList.SetBkColor( ::GetSysColor( COLOR_3DFACE ) ); m_CountersList.SetTextBkColor( ::GetSysColor( COLOR_3DFACE ) );
SetupListHeader(); FillTheList(); SortTheList();
VrfSetWindowText( m_NextDescription, IDS_DCNT_PAGE_NEXT_DESCR );
VERIFY( m_uTimerHandler = SetTimer( REFRESH_TIMER_ID, 5000, NULL ) );
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
VOID CDriverCountersPage::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { if( nIDEvent == REFRESH_TIMER_ID ) { ASSERT_VALID( m_pParentSheet );
if( m_pParentSheet->GetActivePage() == this ) { //
// Refresh the displayed data
RefreshInfo(); } }
CPropertyPage::OnTimer(nIDEvent); }
BOOL CDriverCountersPage::OnSetActive() { ASSERT_VALID( m_pParentSheet );
m_pParentSheet->SetWizardButtons( PSWIZB_BACK | PSWIZB_FINISH ); return CVerifierPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); }
void CDriverCountersPage::OnSelendokDriverCombo() { RefreshTheList(); }
void CDriverCountersPage::OnColumnclickPerdrvcList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR; if( 0 != pNMListView->iSubItem ) { //
// Clicked on the counter value column
if( m_nSortColumnIndex == pNMListView->iSubItem ) { //
// Change the current ascend/descend order for this column
m_bAscendSortValue = !m_bAscendSortValue; } } else { //
// Clicked on the counter name column
if( m_nSortColumnIndex == pNMListView->iSubItem ) { //
// Change the current ascend/descend order for this column
m_bAscendSortName = !m_bAscendSortName; } }
m_nSortColumnIndex = pNMListView->iSubItem;
*pResult = 0; }
LONG CDriverCountersPage::OnHelp( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { LONG lResult = 0; LPHELPINFO lpHelpInfo = (LPHELPINFO)lParam;
::WinHelp( (HWND) lpHelpInfo->hItemHandle, g_szVerifierHelpFile, HELP_WM_HELP, (DWORD_PTR) MyHelpIds );
return lResult; }
void CDriverCountersPage::OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint point) { ::WinHelp( pWnd->m_hWnd, g_szVerifierHelpFile, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (DWORD_PTR) MyHelpIds ); }