// Driver Verifier UI
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 1999
// module: VrfUtil.h
// author: DMihai
// created: 11/1/00
// Description:
#define ARRAY_LENGTH( array ) ( sizeof( array ) / sizeof( array[ 0 ] ) )
#endif //#ifndef ARRAY_LENGTH
// Forward declarations
class CRuntimeVerifierData;
// Report an error using a dialog box or a console message.
// The message format string is loaded from the resources.
void __cdecl VrfErrorResourceFormat( UINT uIdResourceFormat, ... );
// Print out a message to the console
// The message string is loaded from the resources.
void __cdecl VrfTPrintfResourceFormat( UINT uIdResourceFormat, ... );
// Print out a simple (non-formatted) message to the console
// The message string is loaded from the resources.
void __cdecl VrfPrintStringFromResources( UINT uIdString );
// Report an error using a dialog box or a console message.
// The message string is loaded from the resources.
void __cdecl VrfMesssageFromResource( UINT uIdString );
// Load a string from resources.
// Return TRUE if we successfully loaded and FALSE if not.
// N.B. CString::LoadString doesn't work in cmd line mode
BOOL VrfLoadString( ULONG uIdResource, TCHAR *szBuffer, ULONG uBufferLength );
// Load a string from resources.
// Return TRUE if we successfully loaded and FALSE if not.
// N.B. CString::LoadString doesn't work in cmd line mode
BOOL VrfLoadString( ULONG uIdResource, CString &strText );
VOID CopyStringArray( const CStringArray &strArraySource, CStringArray &strArrayDest );
BOOL IsDriverSigned( LPCTSTR szDriverName );
BOOL VrfSetWindowText( CWnd &Wnd, ULONG uIdResourceString );
BOOL VrfWriteVerifierSettings( BOOL bHaveNewDrivers, const CString &strDriversToVerify, BOOL bHaveNewFlags, DWORD dwVerifyFlags );
BOOL VrfWriteRegistryDwordValue( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR szValueName, DWORD dwValue );
BOOL VrfWriteRegistryStringValue( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR szValueName, LPCTSTR szValue );
BOOL VrfReadVerifierSettings( CString &strDriversToVerify, DWORD &dwVerifyFlags );
BOOL VrtLoadCurrentRegistrySettings( BOOL &bAllDriversVerified, CStringArray &astrDriversToVerify, DWORD &dwVerifyFlags );
BOOL VrfIsDriversSetDifferent( CString strAllDrivers1, const CStringArray &astrVerifyDriverNames2 );
VOID VrfSplitDriverNamesSpaceSeparated( CString strAllDrivers, CStringArray &astrVerifyDriverNames );
BOOL VrfReadRegistryDwordValue( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR szValueName, DWORD &dwValue );
BOOL VrfReadRegistryStringValue( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR szValueName, CString &strDriversToVerify );
BOOL VrfDeleteAllVerifierSettings();
BOOL DeleteAllDiskVerifierSettings();
BOOL VrfGetRuntimeVerifierData( CRuntimeVerifierData *pRuntimeVerifierData );
PLOADED_IMAGE VrfImageLoad( LPTSTR szBinaryName, LPTSTR szDirectory );
BOOL VrfDumpStateToFile( FILE *file ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL __cdecl VrfFTPrintf( FILE *file, LPCTSTR szFormat, ... );
BOOL __cdecl VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( FILE *file, UINT uIdResourceFormat, ... );
BOOL VrfOuputStringFromResources( UINT uIdString, FILE *file );
BOOL VrfSetNewFlagsVolatile( DWORD dwNewFlags );
BOOL VrfAddDriversVolatile( const CStringArray &astrNewDrivers );
BOOL VrfAddDriverVolatile( const CString &strCrtDriver );
BOOL VrfRemoveDriversVolatile( const CStringArray &astrNewDrivers );
BOOL VrfRemoveDriverVolatile( const CString &strDriverName );
BOOL VrfEnableDebugPrivilege();
VOID VrfDumpChangedSettings( UINT OldFlags, UINT NewFlags, INT_PTR nDriversVerified );
DWORD VrfGetStandardFlags();
VOID VrfAddMiniports( CStringArray &astrVerifiedDrivers );
BOOL VrfIsDriverMiniport( CString &strCrtDriver, CString &strLinkedDriver );
BOOL VrfIsDriverMiniport( PLOADED_IMAGE pLoadedImage, CString &strLinkedDriver );
VOID VrfDumpRegistrySettingsToConsole();
BOOL VrfIsNameAlreadyInList( LPCTSTR szDriver, LPCTSTR szAllDrivers );
VOID VrfAddDriverNameNoDuplicates( LPCTSTR szDriver, CString &strAllDrivers );
BOOL VrfIsStringInArray( LPCTSTR szText, const CStringArray &astrAllTexts );
#endif //#ifndef __VRF_UTIL_H_INCLUDED__