* $Header: /nw/tony/src/stevie/src/RCS/stevie.h,v 1.19 89/07/12 21:33:32 tony Exp $ * * Main header file included by all source files. */
#include "env.h" /* defines to establish the compile-time environment */
#include <excpt.h>
#include <ntdef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ascii.h"
#include "keymap.h"
#include "param.h"
#define NORMAL 0
#define CMDLINE 1
#define INSERT 2
#define REPLACE 3
#define FORWARD 4
#define BACKWARD 5
* Boolean type definition and constants */ typedef unsigned bool_t;
#ifndef TRUE
#define FALSE (0)
#define TRUE (1)
* SLOP is the amount of extra space we get for text on a line during * editing operations that need more space. This keeps us from calling * malloc every time we get a character during insert mode. No extra * space is allocated when the file is initially read. */ #define SLOP 10
#define INSERTSLOP 1024 // for insert buffer
#define REDOBUFFMIN 100 // minimum size of redo buffer
* LINEINC is the gap we leave between the artificial line numbers. This * helps to avoid renumbering all the lines every time a new line is * inserted. */ #define LINEINC 10
#define CHANGED Changed=TRUE
#define UNCHANGED Changed=FALSE
struct line { struct line *prev, *next; /* previous and next lines */ char *s; /* text for this line */ int size; /* actual size of space at 's' */ unsigned long num; /* line "number" */ };
#define LINEOF(x) ((x)->linep->num)
struct LNPTR { struct line *linep; /* line we're referencing */ int index; /* position within that line */ };
typedef struct line LINE; typedef struct LNPTR LNPTR;
struct charinfo { char ch_size; char *ch_str; };
extern struct charinfo chars[];
extern int State; extern int Rows; extern int Columns; extern char *Realscreen; extern char *Nextscreen; extern char *Filename; extern char *Appname; extern LNPTR *Filemem; extern LNPTR *Filetop; extern LNPTR *Fileend; extern LNPTR *Topchar; extern LNPTR *Botchar; extern LNPTR *Curschar; extern LNPTR *Insstart; extern int Cursrow, Curscol, Cursvcol, Curswant; extern bool_t set_want_col; extern int Prenum,namedbuff; extern bool_t Changed; extern char *Redobuff, *Insbuff; extern int InsbuffSize; extern char *Insptr; extern int Ninsert; extern bool_t got_int;
* alloc.c */ char *alloc(), *strsave(), *mkstr(); char *ralloc(char *,unsigned); void screenalloc(), filealloc(), freeall(); LINE *newline(); bool_t bufempty(), buf1line(), lineempty(), endofline(), canincrease();
* cmdline.c */ void doxit(),docmdln(), dotag(), msg(), emsg(); void smsg(), gotocmd(), wait_return(); int wait_return0(); void dosource(char *,bool_t); char *getcmdln();
* edit.c */ void edit(), insertchar(), getout(), scrollup(), scrolldown(), beginline(); bool_t oneright(), oneleft(), oneup(), onedown();
* fileio.c */ void filemess(), renum(); bool_t readfile(), writeit();
* help.c */ bool_t help();
* linefunc.c */ LNPTR *nextline(), *prevline(), *coladvance();
* main.c */ void stuffin(), stuffnum(); void do_mlines(); int vgetc(); bool_t anyinput();
* mark.c */ void setpcmark(), clrall(), clrmark(); bool_t setmark(); LNPTR *getmark();
* misccmds.c */ void opencmd(), fileinfo(), inschar(), delline(); bool_t delchar(); int cntllines(), plines(); LNPTR *gotoline();
* normal.c */ void normal();
* ops.c */
void inityank();
* param.c */ void doset();
* ptrfunc.c */ int inc(), dec(); int gchar(); void pchar(), pswap(); bool_t lt(), equal(), ltoreq(); #if 0
/* not currently used */ bool_t gtoreq(), gt(); #endif
* screen.c */ void updatescreen(), updateline(); void screenclear(), cursupdate(); void s_ins(), s_del(); void prt_line();
* search.c */ void dosub(), doglob(); bool_t searchc(), crepsearch(), findfunc(), dosearch(), repsearch(); LNPTR *showmatch(); LNPTR *fwd_word(), *bck_word(), *end_word();
* undo.c */ void u_save(), u_saveline(), u_clear(); void u_lcheck(), u_lundo(); void u_undo();
* Machine-dependent routines. */ int inchar(); void flushbuf(); void outchar(), outstr(), beep(); char *fixname(); void windinit(), windexit(), windgoto(); void delay(); void doshell(); void sleep(int); void setviconsoletitle(); void dochdir();
void Scroll(int t,int l,int b,int r,int Row,int Col); void EraseLine(void); void EraseNLinesAtRow(int n,int row); void InsertLine(void); void SaveCursor(void); void RestoreCursor(void); void ClearDisplay(void); void InvisibleCursor(void); void VisibleCursor(void);