// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
// Implementation of RegEnumKey and supporting functions.
#include "pch.h"
// RgLookupKeyByIndex
// lpKeyName, points to a buffer that receives the name of the subkey,
// including the null terminator. May be NULL.
// lpcbKeyName, on entry, specifies the size in characters of the buffer
// pointed to be lpKeyName, and on return, specifies the size of the
// indexed subkey. May not be NULL.
int INTERNAL RgLookupKeyByIndex( HKEY hKey, UINT Index, LPSTR lpKeyName, LPDWORD lpcbKeyName ) {
int ErrorCode; LPFILE_INFO lpFileInfo; UINT KeysToSkip; DWORD KeynodeIndex; DWORD TempOffset; LPKEYNODE lpKeynode; LPKEY_RECORD lpKeyRecord; #ifdef WANT_HIVE_SUPPORT
LPHIVE_INFO lpHiveInfo; #endif
lpFileInfo = hKey-> lpFileInfo; KeysToSkip = Index;
// Check if we've cached the keynode index of the last key index
// (confusing?) from a previous call to this function. If so, then we can
// skip ahead a bit and avoid touching a bunch of keynode pages.
if ((hKey-> Flags & KEYF_ENUMKEYCACHED) && (Index >= hKey-> LastEnumKeyIndex)) { KeysToSkip -= hKey-> LastEnumKeyIndex; KeynodeIndex = hKey-> LastEnumKeyKeynodeIndex; }
else KeynodeIndex = hKey-> ChildKeynodeIndex;
// Loop over the child keys of this key until we find our index or run out
// of children.
while (!IsNullKeynodeIndex(KeynodeIndex)) {
if ((ErrorCode = RgLockInUseKeynode(lpFileInfo, KeynodeIndex, &lpKeynode)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ErrorCode;
ASSERT(hKey-> KeynodeIndex == lpKeynode-> ParentIndex);
if (KeysToSkip == 0) {
if ((ErrorCode = RgLockKeyRecord(lpFileInfo, lpKeynode-> BlockIndex, (BYTE) lpKeynode-> KeyRecordIndex, &lpKeyRecord)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (!IsNullPtr(lpKeyName)) {
if (*lpcbKeyName <= lpKeyRecord-> NameLength) ErrorCode = ERROR_MORE_DATA;
else { MoveMemory(lpKeyName, lpKeyRecord-> Name, lpKeyRecord-> NameLength); lpKeyName[lpKeyRecord-> NameLength] = '\0'; }
// Does not include terminating null.
*lpcbKeyName = lpKeyRecord-> NameLength;
RgUnlockDatablock(lpFileInfo, lpKeynode-> BlockIndex, FALSE);
RgUnlockKeynode(lpFileInfo, KeynodeIndex, FALSE);
// Cache our current position because the caller is likely to turn
// around and ask for the next index.
hKey-> LastEnumKeyIndex = Index; hKey-> LastEnumKeyKeynodeIndex = KeynodeIndex; hKey-> Flags |= KEYF_ENUMKEYCACHED;
return ErrorCode;
TempOffset = lpKeynode-> NextIndex; RgUnlockKeynode(lpFileInfo, KeynodeIndex, FALSE); KeynodeIndex = TempOffset;
// Loop over the hives of this key until we find our index or run out of
// hives.
if (hKey-> Flags & KEYF_HIVESALLOWED) {
lpHiveInfo = hKey-> lpFileInfo-> lpHiveInfoList;
while (!IsNullPtr(lpHiveInfo)) {
if (KeysToSkip == 0) {
if (!IsNullPtr(lpKeyName)) {
if (*lpcbKeyName <= lpHiveInfo-> NameLength) ErrorCode = ERROR_MORE_DATA;
else { MoveMemory(lpKeyName, lpHiveInfo-> Name, lpHiveInfo-> NameLength); lpKeyName[lpHiveInfo-> NameLength] = '\0'; }
// Does not include terminating null.
*lpcbKeyName = lpHiveInfo-> NameLength;
// We don't worry about the enum key cache if we find a
// hit in this code. This is a rare case and already the cache
// that we do have is much better then Win95.
return ErrorCode;
lpHiveInfo = lpHiveInfo-> lpNextHiveInfo; KeysToSkip--;
} #endif
// VMMRegEnumKey
// See Win32 documentation for a description of the behavior.
LONG REGAPI VMMRegEnumKey( HKEY hKey, DWORD Index, LPSTR lpKeyName, DWORD cbKeyName ) {
int ErrorCode;
if (IsBadHugeWritePtr(lpKeyName, cbKeyName)) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (IsEnumIndexTooBig(Index)) return ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS;
if (!RgLockRegistry()) return ERROR_LOCK_FAILED;
if ((ErrorCode = RgValidateAndConvertKeyHandle(&hKey)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) ErrorCode = RgLookupKeyByIndex(hKey, (UINT) Index, lpKeyName, &cbKeyName);
return ErrorCode;