// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
// Implementation of RegCreateKey, RegOpenKey, RegCloseKey, and supporting
// functions.
#include "pch.h"
// RgIsBadSubKey
// Returns TRUE if lpSubKey is a invalid subkey string. An invalid subkey
// string may be an invalid pointer or contain double-backslashes or elements
// greater than MAXIMUM_SUB_KEY_LENGTH.
LPCSTR lpString; UINT SubSubKeyLength; BYTE Char;
if (IsNullPtr(lpSubKey)) return FALSE;
if (!IsBadStringPtr(lpSubKey, (UINT) -1)) {
lpString = lpSubKey; SubSubKeyLength = 0;
while (TRUE) {
Char = *((LPBYTE) lpString);
if (Char == '\0') return FALSE;
else if (Char == '\\') { // Catch double-backslashes and leading backslashes. One
// leading backslash is acceptable...
if (SubSubKeyLength == 0 && lpString != lpSubKey) break; SubSubKeyLength = 0; }
else {
if (IsDBCSLeadByte(Char)) { SubSubKeyLength++; // Catch an unpaired DBCS pair...
if (*lpString++ == '\0') break; }
// Win95 compatibility: don't accept strings with control
// characters.
else if (Char < ' ') break;
if (++SubSubKeyLength >= MAXIMUM_SUB_KEY_LENGTH) break;
return TRUE;
// RgGetNextSubSubKey
// Extracts the next subkey component tokenized by backslashes. Works like
// strtok where on the first call, lpSubKey points to the start of the subkey.
// On subsequent calls, lpSubKey is NULL and the last offset is used to find
// the next component.
// Returns the length of the SubSubKey string.
UINT INTERNAL RgGetNextSubSubKey( LPCSTR lpSubKey, LPCSTR FAR* lplpSubSubKey, UINT FAR* lpSubSubKeyLength ) {
static LPCSTR lpLastSubSubKey = NULL; LPCSTR lpString; UINT SubSubKeyLength;
if (!IsNullPtr(lpSubKey)) lpLastSubSubKey = lpSubKey;
lpString = lpLastSubSubKey;
if (*lpString == '\0') { *lplpSubSubKey = NULL; *lpSubSubKeyLength = 0; return 0; }
if (*lpString == '\\') lpString++;
*lplpSubSubKey = lpString;
while (*lpString != '\0') {
if (*lpString == '\\') break;
// The subkey has already been validated, so we know there's a matching
// trail byte.
if (IsDBCSLeadByte(*lpString)) lpString++; // Trail byte skipped immediately below
lpLastSubSubKey = lpString;
SubSubKeyLength = lpString - *lplpSubSubKey; *lpSubSubKeyLength = SubSubKeyLength;
return SubSubKeyLength;
// RgLookupKey
int INTERNAL RgLookupKey( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpSubKey, LPHKEY lphSubKey, UINT Flags ) {
int ErrorCode; LPCSTR lpSubSubKey; UINT SubSubKeyLength; BOOL fCreatedKeynode; LPFILE_INFO lpFileInfo; DWORD KeynodeIndex; #ifdef WANT_HIVE_SUPPORT
LPHIVE_INFO lpHiveInfo; #endif
BOOL fPrevIsNextIndex; DWORD SubSubKeyHash; LPKEYNODE lpKeynode; LPKEY_RECORD lpKeyRecord; BOOL fFound; DWORD PrevKeynodeIndex; #ifdef WANT_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SUPPORT
DWORD NotifyKeynodeIndex; #endif
LPKEYNODE lpNewKeynode; HKEY hSubKey;
fCreatedKeynode = FALSE;
// Check if the caller is trying to open a key with a NULL or zero-length
// sub key string. If so, simply return hKey.
if (IsNullPtr(lpSubKey) || RgGetNextSubSubKey(lpSubKey, &lpSubSubKey, &SubSubKeyLength) == 0) { hSubKey = hKey; goto HaveSubKeyHandle; }
lpFileInfo = hKey-> lpFileInfo; KeynodeIndex = hKey-> ChildKeynodeIndex; PrevKeynodeIndex = hKey-> KeynodeIndex;
// If this key can have hives attached to it, check there for the first
// part of the subkey. If we have a match, then switch into that
if (hKey-> Flags & KEYF_HIVESALLOWED) {
lpHiveInfo = lpFileInfo-> lpHiveInfoList;
while (!IsNullPtr(lpHiveInfo)) {
if (SubSubKeyLength == lpHiveInfo-> NameLength && RgStrCmpNI(lpSubSubKey, lpHiveInfo-> Name, SubSubKeyLength) == 0) {
lpFileInfo = lpHiveInfo-> lpFileInfo; KeynodeIndex = lpFileInfo-> KeynodeHeader.RootIndex;
if ((ErrorCode = RgLockInUseKeynode(lpFileInfo, KeynodeIndex, &lpKeynode)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ErrorCode;
if (!RgGetNextSubSubKey(NULL, &lpSubSubKey, &SubSubKeyLength)) goto LookupComplete;
PrevKeynodeIndex = KeynodeIndex; KeynodeIndex = lpKeynode-> ChildIndex; RgUnlockKeynode(lpFileInfo, PrevKeynodeIndex, FALSE);
lpHiveInfo = lpHiveInfo-> lpNextHiveInfo;
} #endif
// Walk as deep as we can into the registry tree using existing key
// records. For each subkey component, move to the child of the current
// tree position and walk each sibling looking for a match. Repeat until
// we're out of subkey components or we hit the end of a branch.
fPrevIsNextIndex = FALSE;
for (;;) {
SubSubKeyHash = RgHashString(lpSubSubKey, SubSubKeyLength);
while (!IsNullKeynodeIndex(KeynodeIndex)) {
if ((ErrorCode = RgLockInUseKeynode(lpFileInfo, KeynodeIndex, &lpKeynode)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ErrorCode;
if (lpKeynode-> Hash == SubSubKeyHash) {
if ((ErrorCode = RgLockKeyRecord(lpFileInfo, lpKeynode-> BlockIndex, (BYTE) lpKeynode-> KeyRecordIndex, &lpKeyRecord)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RgUnlockKeynode(lpFileInfo, KeynodeIndex, FALSE); return ErrorCode; }
fFound = (SubSubKeyLength == lpKeyRecord-> NameLength && RgStrCmpNI(lpSubSubKey, lpKeyRecord-> Name, SubSubKeyLength) == 0);
RgUnlockDatablock(lpFileInfo, lpKeynode-> BlockIndex, FALSE);
if (fFound) break;
// Unlock the current keynode and advance to its sibling. Set
// fPrevIsNextIndex so that if we have to create, we know that
// we'll be inserting the new keynode as a sibling.
fPrevIsNextIndex = TRUE; PrevKeynodeIndex = KeynodeIndex; KeynodeIndex = lpKeynode-> NextIndex; RgUnlockKeynode(lpFileInfo, PrevKeynodeIndex, FALSE);
// Break out if we looped over all the siblings of the previous keynode
// or if the previous keynode didn't have any children. If we're in
// create mode, then fPrevIsNextIndex and PrevKeynodeIndex will
// represent where we need to start inserting.
if (IsNullKeynodeIndex(KeynodeIndex)) break;
// Break out there are no more subkey components to lookup.
// KeynodeIndex represents the index of the matching key. It's
// corresponding keynode is locked.
if (!RgGetNextSubSubKey(NULL, &lpSubSubKey, &SubSubKeyLength)) break;
// Unlock the current keynode and advance to its child. Clear
// fPrevIsNextIndex so that if we have to create, we know that we'll
// be inserting the new keynode as a child.
fPrevIsNextIndex = FALSE; PrevKeynodeIndex = KeynodeIndex; KeynodeIndex = lpKeynode-> ChildIndex; RgUnlockKeynode(lpFileInfo, PrevKeynodeIndex, FALSE);
if (IsNullKeynodeIndex(KeynodeIndex)) {
if (((hKey-> PredefinedKeyIndex == INDEX_DYN_DATA) && !(Flags & LK_CREATEDYNDATA)) || (lpFileInfo-> Flags & FI_READONLY)) return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;
if ((ErrorCode = RgLockInUseKeynode(lpFileInfo, PrevKeynodeIndex, &lpKeynode)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE(("RgLookupKey: failed to lock keynode we just had?\n")); return ErrorCode; }
// Which keynode index we'll notify of the subkeys we're creating
// depends on the state of fPrevIsNextIndex.
NotifyKeynodeIndex = fPrevIsNextIndex ? lpKeynode-> ParentIndex : PrevKeynodeIndex; #endif
// See if there's an open handle on the parent so that we can patch up
// its child keynode index member. We only need this on the first
// pass.
hSubKey = RgFindOpenKeyHandle(lpFileInfo, PrevKeynodeIndex);
do {
if ((ErrorCode = RgAllocKeynode(lpFileInfo, &KeynodeIndex, &lpNewKeynode)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto CreateAllocFailed1;
if ((ErrorCode = RgAllocKeyRecord(lpFileInfo, sizeof(KEY_RECORD) + SubSubKeyLength - 1, &lpKeyRecord)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
RgUnlockKeynode(lpFileInfo, KeynodeIndex, FALSE); RgFreeKeynode(lpFileInfo, KeynodeIndex);
CreateAllocFailed1: RgUnlockKeynode(lpFileInfo, PrevKeynodeIndex, fCreatedKeynode);
DEBUG_OUT(("RgLookupKey: allocation failed\n")); goto SignalAndReturnErrorCode;
// Fixup the previous keynode's next offset.
if (fPrevIsNextIndex) {
fPrevIsNextIndex = FALSE; hSubKey = NULL; lpNewKeynode-> ParentIndex = lpKeynode-> ParentIndex; lpKeynode-> NextIndex = KeynodeIndex;
// Fixup the previous keynode's child offset.
else {
lpNewKeynode-> ParentIndex = PrevKeynodeIndex; lpKeynode-> ChildIndex = KeynodeIndex;
// If hSubKey is not NULL, then we may have to patch up the
// child offset cache to point to the newly created keynode.
if (!IsNullPtr(hSubKey)) { if (IsNullKeynodeIndex(hSubKey-> ChildKeynodeIndex)) hSubKey-> ChildKeynodeIndex = KeynodeIndex; hSubKey = NULL; }
// Fill in the keynode.
lpNewKeynode-> NextIndex = REG_NULL; lpNewKeynode-> ChildIndex = REG_NULL; lpNewKeynode-> BlockIndex = lpKeyRecord-> BlockIndex; lpNewKeynode-> KeyRecordIndex = lpKeyRecord-> KeyRecordIndex; lpNewKeynode-> Hash = (WORD) RgHashString(lpSubSubKey, SubSubKeyLength);
// Fill in the key record.
lpKeyRecord-> RecordSize = sizeof(KEY_RECORD) + SubSubKeyLength - 1; lpKeyRecord-> NameLength = (WORD) SubSubKeyLength; MoveMemory(lpKeyRecord-> Name, lpSubSubKey, SubSubKeyLength); lpKeyRecord-> ValueCount = 0; lpKeyRecord-> ClassLength = 0; lpKeyRecord-> Reserved = 0;
// Unlock the keynode that points to the new keynode and advance
// to the next keynode.
RgUnlockKeynode(lpFileInfo, PrevKeynodeIndex, TRUE); PrevKeynodeIndex = KeynodeIndex; lpKeynode = lpNewKeynode;
RgUnlockDatablock(lpFileInfo, lpKeyRecord-> BlockIndex, TRUE);
fCreatedKeynode = TRUE;
// Following should already be zeroed for subsequent iterations.
ASSERT(!fPrevIsNextIndex); ASSERT(IsNullPtr(hSubKey));
} while (RgGetNextSubSubKey(NULL, &lpSubSubKey, &SubSubKeyLength));
// Now we've got the keynode for the request subkey. Check if it has been
// previously opened. If not, then allocate a new key handle for it and
// initialize it.
LookupComplete: if (IsNullPtr(hSubKey = RgFindOpenKeyHandle(lpFileInfo, KeynodeIndex))) {
if (IsNullPtr(hSubKey = RgCreateKeyHandle())) ErrorCode = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
else {
hSubKey-> lpFileInfo = lpFileInfo; hSubKey-> KeynodeIndex = KeynodeIndex; hSubKey-> ChildKeynodeIndex = lpKeynode-> ChildIndex; hSubKey-> BlockIndex = (WORD) lpKeynode-> BlockIndex; hSubKey-> KeyRecordIndex = (BYTE) lpKeynode-> KeyRecordIndex; hSubKey-> PredefinedKeyIndex = hKey-> PredefinedKeyIndex;
RgUnlockKeynode(lpFileInfo, KeynodeIndex, fCreatedKeynode);
// Now we've got a key handle that references the requested subkey.
// Increment the reference count on the handle and return it to the caller.
// Note that this differs from NT semantic where they return a unique
// handle for every open.
if (!IsNullPtr(hSubKey)) { HaveSubKeyHandle: RgIncrementKeyReferenceCount(hSubKey); *lphSubKey = hSubKey; ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
SignalAndReturnErrorCode: // If we managed to create any keynodes, regardless of what ErrorCode is
// set to now, then we must signal any waiting events.
if (fCreatedKeynode) { RgSignalWaitingNotifies(lpFileInfo, NotifyKeynodeIndex, REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_NAME); }
return ErrorCode;
// RgCreateOrOpenKey
// Common routine for VMMRegCreateKey and VMMRegOpenKey. Valids parameters,
// locks the registry, and calls the real worker routine.
int INTERNAL RgCreateOrOpenKey( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpSubKey, LPHKEY lphKey, UINT Flags ) {
int ErrorCode;
if (RgIsBadSubKey(lpSubKey)) return ERROR_BADKEY;
if (IsBadHugeWritePtr(lphKey, sizeof(HKEY))) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (!RgLockRegistry()) return ERROR_LOCK_FAILED;
if ((ErrorCode = RgValidateAndConvertKeyHandle(&hKey)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) ErrorCode = RgLookupKey(hKey, lpSubKey, lphKey, Flags);
return ErrorCode;
// VMMRegCreateKey
// See Win32 documentation of RegCreateKey.
LONG REGAPI VMMRegCreateKey( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpSubKey, LPHKEY lphKey ) {
return RgCreateOrOpenKey(hKey, lpSubKey, lphKey, LK_CREATE);
// VMMRegOpenKey
// See Win32 documentation of RegOpenKey.
LONG REGAPI VMMRegOpenKey( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpSubKey, LPHKEY lphKey ) {
return RgCreateOrOpenKey(hKey, lpSubKey, lphKey, LK_OPEN);
// VMMRegCloseKey
// See Win32 documentation of RegCloseKey.
int ErrorCode;
if (!RgLockRegistry()) return ERROR_LOCK_FAILED;
ErrorCode = RgValidateAndConvertKeyHandle(&hKey);
if (ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS || ErrorCode == ERROR_KEY_DELETED) { RgDestroyKeyHandle(hKey); ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
return ErrorCode;