/* find where the various command arguments are from
* * HISTORY: * 25-Jan-2000 a-anurag in the 'found' function changed the printf format of the year in the date from * %d to %02d and did ptm->tm_year%100 to display the right year in 2 digits. * 06-Aug-1990 davegi Added check for no arguments * 03-Mar-1987 danl Update usage * 17-Feb-1987 BW Move strExeType to TOOLS.LIB * 18-Jul-1986 DL Add /t * 18-Jun-1986 DL handle *. properly * Search current directory if no env specified * 17-Jun-1986 DL Do look4match on Recurse and wildcards * 16-Jun-1986 DL Add wild cards to $FOO:BAR, added /q * 1-Jun-1986 DL Add /r, fix Match to handle pat ending with '*' * 27-May-1986 MZ Add *NIX searching. * 30-Jan-1998 ravisp Add /Q * */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tools.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
// Function Forward Declarations...
void __cdecl Usage( char *, ... ); int found( char * ); int Match( char *, char * ); void look4match( char *, struct findType *, void * ); flagType chkdir( char *, va_list );
char const rgstrUsage[] = { "Usage: WHERE [/r dir] [/qte] pattern ...\n" " /r - recurse starting with directory dir\n" " /q - quiet, use exit code\n" " /t - times, display size and time\n" " /e - .EXE, display .EXE type\n" " /Q - double quote the output\n" " WHERE bar Find ALL bar along path\n" " WHERE $foo:bar Find ALL bar along foo\n" " WHERE /r \\ bar Find ALL bar on current drive\n" " WHERE /r . bar Find ALL bar recursing on current directory\n" " WHERE /r d:\\foo\\foo bar Find ALL bar recursing on d:\\foo\\foo\n" " Wildcards, * ?, allowed in bar in all of above.\n" };
flagType fQuiet = FALSE; /* TRUE, use exit code, no print out */ flagType fQuote = FALSE; /* TRUE, double quote the output */ flagType fAnyFound = FALSE; flagType fRecurse = FALSE; flagType fTimes = FALSE; flagType fExe = FALSE; flagType fFound; flagType fWildCards; flagType fHasDot; struct _stat sbuf; char *pPattern; /* arg to look4match, contains * or ? */ char strDirFileExtBuf[MAX_PATH]; /* fully qualified file name */ char *strDirFileExt = strDirFileExtBuf; char strBuf[MAX_PATH]; /* hold curdir or env var expansion */
/* Usage takes a variable number of strings, terminated by zero,
e.g. Usage ("first ", "second ", 0); */ void __cdecl Usage( char *p, ... ) { if (p) { va_list args; char *rgstr; va_start(args, p); rgstr = p; fputs("WHERE: ", stdout); while (rgstr) { fputs (rgstr, stdout); rgstr = va_arg(args, char *); } fputs ("\n", stdout); va_end(args); } puts(rgstrUsage);
exit (1); }
int found ( char *p ) { struct _stat sbuf; struct tm *ptm;
fAnyFound = fFound = TRUE; if (!fQuiet) { if (fTimes) { if ( ( _stat(p, &sbuf) == 0 ) && ( ptm = localtime (&sbuf.st_mtime) ) ) { printf ("% 9ld %2d-%02d-%02d %2d:%02d%c ", sbuf.st_size, ptm->tm_mon+1, ptm->tm_mday, ptm->tm_year%100, ( ptm->tm_hour > 12 ? ptm->tm_hour-12 : ptm->tm_hour ), ptm->tm_min, ( ptm->tm_hour >= 12 ? 'p' : 'a' )); } else { printf(" ? ? ? " ); } } if (fExe) { printf ("%-10s", strExeType(exeType(p)) ); } if (fQuote) { printf ("\"%s\"\n", p); } else { printf ("%s\n", p ); } } return( 0 ); }
int Match ( char *pat, char *text ) { switch (*pat) { case '\0': return *text == '\0'; case '?': return *text != '\0' && Match (pat + 1, text + 1); case '*': do { if (Match (pat + 1, text)) return TRUE; } while (*text++); return FALSE; default: return toupper (*text) == toupper (*pat) && Match (pat + 1, text + 1); } }
void look4match ( char *pFile, struct findType *b, void *dummy ) { char *p = b->fbuf.cFileName;
if (!strcmp (p, ".") || !strcmp (p, "..") || !_strcmpi (p, "deleted")) return;
/* if pattern has dot and filename does NOT ..., this handles case of
where *. to look for files with no extensions */ if (fHasDot && !*strbscan (p, ".")) { strcpy (strBuf, p); strcat (strBuf, "."); p = strBuf; } if (Match (pPattern, p)) found (pFile);
p = b->fbuf.cFileName; if (fRecurse && TESTFLAG (b->fbuf.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { p = strend (pFile); strcat (p, "\\*.*"); forfile (pFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM, look4match, NULL); *p = '\0'; } }
flagType chkdir ( char *pDir, va_list pa ) /*
pDir == dir name pa == fileext */ { char *pFileExt = va_arg( pa, char* );
if ( strDirFileExt == strDirFileExtBuf && strlen(pDir) > sizeof(strDirFileExtBuf) ) { strDirFileExt = (char *)malloc(strlen(pDir)+1); if (!strDirFileExt) { strDirFileExt = strDirFileExtBuf; return FALSE; } } strcpy (strDirFileExt, pDir); /* if prefix does not have trailing path char */ if (!fPathChr (strend(strDirFileExt)[-1])) strcat (strDirFileExt, PSEPSTR); if (fRecurse || fWildCards) { pPattern = pFileExt; /* implicit arg to look4match */ strcat (strDirFileExt, "*.*"); forfile(strDirFileExt, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM, look4match, NULL); } else { /* if file name has leading path char */ if (fPathChr (*pFileExt)) strcat (strDirFileExt, pFileExt+1); else strcat (strDirFileExt, pFileExt); if (_stat (strDirFileExt, &sbuf) != -1) found (strDirFileExt); } return FALSE; }
int __cdecl main ( int c, char *v[] ) { char *p, *p1, *p2; char *strDir;
strDir = (char *)malloc(MAX_PATH); if (!strDir) { printf("Out of memory\n"); exit(1); }
ConvertAppToOem( c, v ); SHIFT (c, v);
while (c != 0 && fSwitChr (*(p = *v))) { while (*++p) { switch (*p) { case 'r': fRecurse = TRUE; SHIFT (c, v); if (c) { if ( rootpath (*v, strDir) || GetFileAttributes( strDir ) == -1 ) { Usage ("Could not find directory ", *v, 0); } } else { Usage ("No directory specified.", 0); } break; case 'q': fQuiet = TRUE; break; case 'Q': fQuote = TRUE; break; case 't': fTimes = TRUE; break; case 'e': fExe = TRUE; break; case '?': Usage (0); break; default: Usage ("Bad switch: ", p, 0); } } SHIFT (c, v); }
if (!c) Usage ("No pattern(s).", 0);
while (c) { fFound = FALSE; p = _strlwr (*v); if (*p == '$') { if (fRecurse) Usage ("$FOO not allowed with /r", 0); if (*(p1=strbscan (*v, ":")) == '\0') Usage ("Missing \":\" in ", *v, 0); *p1 = 0; if ((p2 = getenvOem (_strupr (p+1))) == NULL) { rootpath (".", strDir); printf ("WHERE: Warning env variable \"%s\" is NULL, using current dir %s\n", p+1, strDir); } else strcpy (strDir, p2); *p1++ = ':'; p = p1; } else if (!fRecurse) { if ((p2 = getenvOem ("PATH")) == NULL) rootpath (".", strDir); else {
// if the path is longer than the allocated space for it, make more space
// this is safe, it does not collide with the recurse case where strDir
// is already set to something else
unsigned int length = strlen(p2) + 3; // including .; and null
if (length > MAX_PATH) { strDir = (char *)realloc(strDir, length); } strcpy (strDir, ".;"); strcat (strDir, p2); } } /* N.B. if fRecurse, then strDir was set in case 'r' above */
if (!*p) Usage ("No pattern in ", *v, 0);
/* strDir == cur dir or a FOO expansion */ /* p == filename, may have wild cards */ /* does p contain wild cards */ fWildCards = *strbscan (p, "*?"); fHasDot = *strbscan (p, "."); if (*(p2 = (strend (strDir) - 1)) == ';') /* prevents forsemi from doing enum with null str as last enum */ *p2 = '\0'; if (*strDir) forsemi (strDir, chkdir, p);
if (!fFound && !fQuiet) printf ("Could not find %s\n", *v); SHIFT (c, v); }
return( fAnyFound ? 0 : 1 ); }