/*Includes-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "msrating.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <npassert.h>
#include "ratings.h"
#include "roll.h"
/*IsUrlInFile---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*
Return VAlue length of Best Match */ static HRESULT IsUrlInFile(LPCTSTR pszTargetUrl, char **ppRating, const char* pFile, DWORD dwFile, HANDLE hAbortEvent, void* (WINAPI *MemAlloc)(long size)) { LocalListRecordHeader *pllrh; DWORD dwBytesRead; HRESULT hrRet = S_OK; int nBest, nActual, nCmp; const char *pBest = NULL; BOOL fAbort;
dwBytesRead = 0; nBest = 0; nActual = strlenf(pszTargetUrl); fAbort = FALSE;
//Go through each recored until there is a match good enough or an abort
while (!fAbort && nActual != nBest && dwBytesRead <= dwFile) { pllrh = (LocalListRecordHeader*) pFile; if (pllrh->nUrl > nBest && ( (pllrh->nUrl == nActual) || ( pllrh->nUrl < nActual && ( (pszTargetUrl[pllrh->nUrl] == '\\') || (pszTargetUrl[pllrh->nUrl] == '/') || (pszTargetUrl[pllrh->nUrl] == ':') ) ) ) ) { nCmp = strnicmpf(pFile+sizeof(LocalListRecordHeader), pszTargetUrl, pllrh->nUrl); if (0==nCmp) { nBest = pllrh->nUrl; pBest = pFile; hrRet = pllrh->hrRet; } //the local list is alphabetized
else if (1==nCmp) break;
} dwBytesRead += pllrh->nUrl + pllrh->nRating + sizeof(LocalListRecordHeader); pFile += pllrh->nUrl + pllrh->nRating + sizeof(LocalListRecordHeader); fAbort = (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(hAbortEvent, 0)); }
//was the match close enough??!?!?
if (!fAbort && nBest && pBest) { //yes, now try to copy rating
pllrh = (LocalListRecordHeader*) pBest; if (pllrh->nRating) { *ppRating = (char*) MemAlloc(pllrh->nRating+1); if (*ppRating) { CopyMemory(*ppRating, pBest + sizeof(LocalListRecordHeader) + pllrh->nUrl, pllrh->nRating); (*ppRating)[pllrh->nRating] = 0; } } } else { //no... oh well
return hrRet; }
/*RatingObtainFromLocalList-------------------------------------------------*/ /*
Grab rating information from local file. Should operate synchronously and take small amount of time. Doesn't check pOrd->fAbort too often. */
HRESULT RatingHelperProcLocalList(LPCTSTR pszTargetUrl, HANDLE hAbortEvent, void* (WINAPI *MemAlloc)(long size), char **ppRatingOut) { DWORD dwFile; HRESULT hrRet = E_RATING_NOT_FOUND; HANDLE hFile, hMap; BOOL fAbort; const char *pFile;
ASSERT(ppRatingOut); //Open and check from approved list
hFile = CreateFile( FILE_NAME_LIST, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwFile = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); hMap = CreateFileMapping(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); if (hMap) { pFile = (const char*) MapViewOfFile(hMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (pFile) { //check for correct file type
if (BATCAVE_LOCAL_LIST_MAGIC_COOKIE == *((DWORD*) pFile)) { pFile += sizeof(DWORD); dwFile -= sizeof(DWORD); fAbort = (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(hAbortEvent, 0)); if (!fAbort) hrRet = IsUrlInFile(pszTargetUrl, ppRatingOut, pFile, dwFile, hAbortEvent, MemAlloc); pFile -= sizeof(DWORD); } } dwFile = (DWORD) UnmapViewOfFile((LPVOID)pFile); CloseHandle(hMap); } CloseHandle(hFile); } return hrRet; }