#include "private.h"
#include "throttle.h"
#include "subsmgrp.h"
#include <mluisupp.h>
const int MAX_AUTOCACHESIZE_ASK = 2; const int MIN_CACHE_INCREASE = 1024; // in KB
// Strings for cache restrictions
const TCHAR c_szKeyRestrict[] = TEXT("Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Control Panel"); const TCHAR c_szCache[] = TEXT("Cache");
CThrottler *CThrottler::s_pThrottler = NULL;
const CFactoryData CThrottler::s_ThrottlerFactoryData = { &CLSID_SubscriptionThrottler, CreateInstance, 0 };
#ifdef DEBUG
void DUMPITEM(CHAR *pszMsg, const SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE *pCookie) { ISubscriptionItem *psi; if (SUCCEEDED(SubscriptionItemFromCookie(FALSE, pCookie, &psi))) { BSTR bstrName; if (SUCCEEDED(ReadBSTR(psi, c_szPropName, &bstrName))) { TraceMsgA(TF_THISMODULE, "%s: %S", pszMsg, bstrName); SysFreeString(bstrName); } psi->Release(); } }
#define DUMPITEM(pszMsg, pCookie)
// dwSyncFlags has 8 bits of enum (EVENTMASK) and the rest is flags
inline BOOL IsSyncEvent(DWORD dwSyncFlags, DWORD dwSyncEvent) { return (dwSyncFlags & SYNCMGRFLAG_EVENTMASK) == dwSyncEvent; }
inline BOOL IsSyncEventFlag(DWORD dwSyncFlags, DWORD dwSyncEvent) { return (dwSyncFlags & dwSyncEvent) != 0; }
inline BOOL IsIgnoreIdleSyncEvent(DWORD dwSyncFlags) { return !IsSyncEvent(dwSyncFlags, SYNCMGRFLAG_IDLE); /*
return IsSyncEvent(dwSyncFlags, SYNCMGRFLAG_CONNECT) || IsSyncEvent(dwSyncFlags, SYNCMGRFLAG_PENDINGDISCONNECT) || IsSyncEvent(dwSyncFlags, SYNCMGRFLAG_MANUAL) || IsSyncEvent(dwSyncFlags, SYNCMGRFLAG_INVOKE); */ }
inline BOOL IsScheduleSyncEvent(DWORD dwSyncFlags) { return IsSyncEvent(dwSyncFlags, SYNCMGRFLAG_SCHEDULED) || IsSyncEvent(dwSyncFlags, SYNCMGRFLAG_IDLE); }
class CThrottlerProxy : public ISubscriptionThrottler { public: CThrottlerProxy(CThrottler *pThrottler) { m_cRef = 1; m_pThrottler = pThrottler;
m_pThrottler->ExternalAddRef(); }
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **punk) { if ((riid == IID_IUnknown) || (riid == IID_ISubscriptionThrottler)) { *punk = (ISubscriptionThrottler *)this; AddRef(); return S_OK; } else { *punk = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef() { return ++m_cRef; } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release() { if (--m_cRef == 0) { delete this; return 0; }
return m_cRef; }
STDMETHODIMP GetSubscriptionRunState( /* [in] */ DWORD dwNumCookies, /* [size_is][in] */ const SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE *pCookies, /* [size_is][out] */ DWORD *pdwRunState) { return m_pThrottler->GetSubscriptionRunState(dwNumCookies, pCookies, pdwRunState); } STDMETHODIMP AbortItems( /* [in] */ DWORD dwNumCookies, /* [size_is][in] */ const SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE *pCookies) { return m_pThrottler->AbortItems(dwNumCookies, pCookies); } STDMETHODIMP AbortAll() { return m_pThrottler->AbortAll(); }
private: ULONG m_cRef; CThrottler *m_pThrottler; ~CThrottlerProxy() { m_pThrottler->ExternalRelease(); }
HRESULT CThrottler::CreateInstance(IUnknown *punkOuter, IUnknown **ppunk) { HRESULT hr;
ASSERT(NULL == punkOuter); ASSERT(NULL != ppunk);
if (NULL != CThrottler::s_pThrottler) { *ppunk = new CThrottlerProxy(CThrottler::s_pThrottler);
if (NULL != *ppunk) { hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { TraceMsg(TF_ALWAYS, "UNEXPECTED ERROR: Failed to attached to throttler in CreateInstance"); hr = E_UNEXPECTED; }
return hr; }
CThrottler::CThrottler() { ASSERT(NULL == s_pThrottler);
ASSERT(NULL == m_pItemsHead); ASSERT(NULL == m_pItemsTail); ASSERT(NULL == m_updateQueue[0]);
// APPCOMPAT - this is only until msidle is multi-client aware.
IdleEnd(); //m_fUserIsIdle = TRUE; // TODO: need to determine this better
m_cRef = 1; }
CThrottler::~CThrottler() { DBG("Destroying Throttler");
ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId);
// Destroy window
if (m_hwndThrottler) { SetWindowLongPtr(m_hwndThrottler, GWLP_USERDATA, 0); DestroyWindow(m_hwndThrottler); m_hwndThrottler = NULL; }
s_pThrottler = NULL;
RevokeClassObject(); }
HRESULT CThrottler::RevokeClassObject() { HRESULT hr; if (m_dwRegister) { hr = CoRevokeClassObject(m_dwRegister); m_dwRegister = 0; } else { hr = S_FALSE; }
return hr; }
HRESULT /* static */ CThrottler::GetThrottler(CThrottler **ppThrottler) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ASSERT(NULL != ppThrottler);
if (NULL != ppThrottler) { *ppThrottler = NULL;
// If there is no throttler create a new one
if (NULL == s_pThrottler) { DBG("Creating new throttler in GetThrottler");
s_pThrottler = new CThrottler; if (NULL != s_pThrottler) { IClassFactory *pcf = new CClassFactory(&s_ThrottlerFactoryData); if (NULL != pcf) { HRESULT hrRegister = CoRegisterClassObject(CLSID_SubscriptionThrottler, pcf, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE, &s_pThrottler->m_dwRegister); if (FAILED(hrRegister)) { TraceMsg(TF_ALWAYS, "CoRegisterClassObject failed - other processes can't talk to us!"); } pcf->Release(); } *ppThrottler = s_pThrottler; #ifdef DEBUG
s_pThrottler->m_dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); #endif
} else { DBG("Failed to create Throttler class factory"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { // Attach to existing throttler
ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == s_pThrottler->m_dwThreadId); s_pThrottler->AddRef(); *ppThrottler = s_pThrottler; } } else { hr = E_INVALIDARG; }
return hr; }
void CThrottler::OnIdleStateChange(DWORD dwState) { if (NULL != s_pThrottler) { switch(dwState) { case STATE_USER_IDLE_BEGIN: DBG("OnIdleStateChange: Idle Begin"); #ifdef DEBUG
LogEvent(TEXT("Idle state begins")); #endif
s_pThrottler->OnIdleBegin(); break;
case STATE_USER_IDLE_END: DBG("OnIdleStateChange: Idle End"); #ifdef DEBUG
LogEvent(TEXT("Idle state ends")); #endif
s_pThrottler->OnIdleEnd(); break; } } }
void CThrottler::OnIdleBegin() { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); m_fUserIsIdle = TRUE; FillTheQueue(); }
void CThrottler::OnIdleEnd() { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); m_fUserIsIdle = FALSE;
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_updateQueue); i++) { if ((NULL != m_updateQueue[i]) && (m_updateQueue[i]->m_dwRunState & RS_SUSPENDONIDLE)) { DUMPITEM("Suspending in CThrottler::OnIdleEnd", &m_updateQueue[i]->m_cookie);
ISubscriptionAgentControl *pSubsAgentCtl; CUpdateItem *pUpdateItem = m_updateQueue[i]; pSubsAgentCtl = m_updateQueue[i]->m_pSubsAgentCtl;
m_updateQueue[i]->m_dwRunState &= ~RS_UPDATING; m_updateQueue[i]->m_dwRunState |= RS_SUSPENDED;
m_updateQueue[i] = NULL;
ASSERT(NULL != pSubsAgentCtl);
if (SUCCEEDED(pSubsAgentCtl->PauseUpdate(0))) { WCHAR wszMsg[256];
MLLoadStringW(IDS_UPDATE_PAUSED, wszMsg, ARRAYSIZE(wszMsg)); NotifyHandlers(NH_UPDATEPROGRESS, &pUpdateItem->m_cookie, -1, -1, -1, WC_INTERNAL_S_PAUSED, wszMsg); } } }
FillTheQueue(); }
STDMETHODIMP CThrottler::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); if (NULL == ppv) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
if ((IID_IUnknown == riid) || (IID_ISubscriptionAgentEvents == riid)) { *ppv = (ISubscriptionAgentEvents *)this; } else if (IID_ISubscriptionThrottler == riid) { *ppv = (ISubscriptionThrottler *)this; } else { *ppv = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; }
AddRef(); return S_OK; }
ULONG CThrottler::ExternalAddRef() { AddRef(); return ++m_cExternalRef; }
ULONG CThrottler::ExternalRelease() { ULONG cRef = --m_cExternalRef;
return cRef; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CThrottler::AddRef() { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); return ++m_cRef; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CThrottler::Release() { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); if (--m_cRef == 0) { delete this; return 0; }
return m_cRef; }
HRESULT CThrottler::NotifyHandlers(int idCmd, const SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE *pSubscriptionCookie, ...) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); HRESULT hr = S_OK; va_list va; long lSizeDownloaded = -1; long lProgressCurrent = -1; long lProgressMax = -1; HRESULT hrParam = E_UNEXPECTED; LPCWSTR wszParam = NULL;
va_start(va, pSubscriptionCookie);
// First extract args
switch (idCmd) { case NH_UPDATEBEGIN: // Nothing to do for now
case NH_UPDATEPROGRESS: lSizeDownloaded = va_arg(va, long); lProgressCurrent = va_arg(va, long); lProgressMax = va_arg(va, long); hrParam = va_arg(va, HRESULT); wszParam = va_arg(va, LPCWSTR); break;
case NH_UPDATEEND: lSizeDownloaded = va_arg(va, long); hrParam = va_arg(va, HRESULT); wszParam = va_arg(va, LPCWSTR); break;
case NH_REPORTERROR: hrParam = va_arg(va, HRESULT); wszParam = va_arg(va, LPCWSTR); break;
default: ASSERT(0); // Don't know what to do
hr = E_UNEXPECTED; break; }
// Now loop
HRESULT hrTemp = S_OK; CSyncMgrNode *pSyncMgrNode = m_pSyncMgrs;
while (pSyncMgrNode) { COfflineSync *pOfflineSync = pSyncMgrNode->m_pOfflineSync; pSyncMgrNode = pSyncMgrNode->m_pNext;
switch (idCmd) { case NH_UPDATEBEGIN: hrTemp = pOfflineSync->UpdateBegin(pSubscriptionCookie); break;
case NH_UPDATEPROGRESS: hrTemp = pOfflineSync->UpdateProgress(pSubscriptionCookie, lSizeDownloaded, lProgressCurrent, lProgressMax, hrParam, wszParam);
case NH_UPDATEEND: hrTemp = pOfflineSync->UpdateEnd(pSubscriptionCookie, lSizeDownloaded, hrParam, wszParam); break;
case NH_REPORTERROR: hrTemp = pOfflineSync->ReportError(pSubscriptionCookie, hrParam, wszParam); break; }
if (FAILED(hrTemp)) { hr = hrTemp; } }
return hr; }
// ISubscriptionAgentEvents members
STDMETHODIMP CThrottler::UpdateBegin(const SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE *pSubscriptionCookie) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); HRESULT hr; CUpdateItem *pUpdateItem;
hr = FindCookie(pSubscriptionCookie, &pUpdateItem);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DUMPITEM("CThrottler::UpdateBegin", pSubscriptionCookie); pUpdateItem->m_dwRunState &= ~(RS_READY | RS_SUSPENDED); pUpdateItem->m_dwRunState |= RS_UPDATING;
hr = NotifyHandlers(NH_UPDATEBEGIN, pSubscriptionCookie); }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CThrottler::UpdateProgress( const SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE *pSubscriptionCookie, long lSizeDownloaded, long lProgressCurrent, long lProgressMax, HRESULT hrStatus, LPCWSTR wszStatus) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); HRESULT hr;
CUpdateItem *pUpdateItem;
// TODO:
// Adjust the max to fool syncmgr
if (SUCCEEDED(FindCookie(pSubscriptionCookie, &pUpdateItem))) { if ((lProgressMax < 0) || (lProgressMax <= lProgressCurrent)) { if (pUpdateItem->m_nMax <= lProgressCurrent) { pUpdateItem->m_nMax = (lProgressCurrent * 3) / 2; }
lProgressMax = pUpdateItem->m_nMax; } }
hr = NotifyHandlers(NH_UPDATEPROGRESS, pSubscriptionCookie, lSizeDownloaded, lProgressCurrent, lProgressMax, hrStatus, wszStatus); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CThrottler::UpdateEnd( const SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE *pSubscriptionCookie, long lSizeDownloaded, HRESULT hrResult, LPCWSTR wszResult) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); HRESULT hr; CUpdateItem *pUpdateItem; SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE cookie = *pSubscriptionCookie;
hr = FindCookie(pSubscriptionCookie, &pUpdateItem);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DUMPITEM("CThrottler::UpdateEnd", pSubscriptionCookie);
pUpdateItem->m_dwRunState &= ~(RS_READY | RS_SUSPENDED | RS_UPDATING | RS_SUSPENDONIDLE); pUpdateItem->m_dwRunState |= RS_COMPLETED;
RemoveItemFromList(pUpdateItem, TRUE);
// ************************************************************************
// Don't use anything that could have come from pUpdateItem after this
// including the pSubscriptionCookie above which came from an agent which
// probably no longer exists!
// (actually, the agent keeps itself alive until this call returns)
// ************************************************************************
hr = NotifyHandlers(NH_UPDATEEND, &cookie, lSizeDownloaded, hrResult, wszResult);
FireSubscriptionEvent(SUBSNOTF_SYNC_STOP, &cookie);
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CThrottler::ReportError( const SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE *pSubscriptionCookie, HRESULT hrError, LPCWSTR wszError) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); HRESULT hr;
if (INET_E_AGENT_EXCEEDING_CACHE_SIZE == hrError) { // Agent is notifying us that they're about to exceed the cache size.
hr = AutoCacheSizeRequest(pSubscriptionCookie); } else hr = NotifyHandlers(NH_REPORTERROR, pSubscriptionCookie, hrError, wszError);
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CThrottler::GetSubscriptionRunState( /* [in] */ DWORD dwNumCookies, /* [size_is][in] */ const SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE *pCookies, /* [size_is][out] */ DWORD *pdwRunState) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); if ((0 == dwNumCookies) || (NULL == pCookies) || (NULL == pdwRunState)) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumCookies; i++, pCookies++, pdwRunState++) { CUpdateItem *pUpdateItem;
if (SUCCEEDED(FindCookie(pCookies, &pUpdateItem))) { *pdwRunState = pUpdateItem->m_dwRunState; } else { *pdwRunState = 0; } }
return S_OK; }
// DoAbortItem will cause the CThrottler to get released if the last running
// agent is aborted (Agent notifies it's done, SyncMgr releases throttler,
// then agent releases throttler)
HRESULT CThrottler::DoAbortItem(CUpdateItem *pUpdateItem) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); HRESULT hr;
ASSERT(((pUpdateItem->m_dwRunState & (RS_UPDATING | RS_SUSPENDED)) && (NULL != pUpdateItem->m_pSubsAgentCtl)) || (NULL == pUpdateItem->m_pSubsAgentCtl));
if ((pUpdateItem->m_dwRunState & (RS_UPDATING | RS_SUSPENDED)) && (NULL != pUpdateItem->m_pSubsAgentCtl)) { DUMPITEM("CThrottler::DoAbortItem with existing Agent", &pUpdateItem->m_cookie); hr = pUpdateItem->m_pSubsAgentCtl->AbortUpdate(0); } else { WCHAR wszMsg[256];
DUMPITEM("CThrottler::DoAbortItem with no Agent", &pUpdateItem->m_cookie); ReportThrottlerError(&pUpdateItem->m_cookie, E_ABORT, wszMsg); hr = UpdateEnd(&pUpdateItem->m_cookie, 0, E_ABORT, wszMsg); }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CThrottler::AbortItems( /* [in] */ DWORD dwNumCookies, /* [size_is][in] */ const SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE *pCookies) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); HRESULT hr;
if ((0 == dwNumCookies) || (NULL == pCookies)) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (FAILED(CreateThrottlerWnd())) return E_FAIL;
hr = S_OK;
void *pItem = MemAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, dwNumCookies * sizeof(SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE)); if (pItem) {
#ifdef DEBUG
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumCookies; i++) { DUMPITEM("Aborting in CThrottler::AbortItems", &pCookies[i]); } #endif
memcpy(pItem, pCookies, dwNumCookies * sizeof(SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE)); PostMessage(m_hwndThrottler, WM_THROTTLER_ABORTITEM, (WPARAM)dwNumCookies, (LPARAM)pItem); } else { DBG_WARN("Memory alloc failed in CThrottler::AbortItems"); hr = S_FALSE; } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CThrottler::ActuallyAbortItems( /* [in] */ DWORD dwNumCookies, /* [size_is][in] */ const SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE *pCookies) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); HRESULT hr;
if ((0 == dwNumCookies) || (NULL == pCookies)) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
hr = S_OK;
// DoAbortItem will cause the CThrottler to get released if the last
// running agent is aborted. Protect against that.
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumCookies; i++, pCookies++) { HRESULT hrItem; CUpdateItem *pUpdateItem;
hrItem = FindCookie(pCookies, &pUpdateItem); if (SUCCEEDED(hrItem)) { hrItem = DoAbortItem(pUpdateItem);
// ************************************************************************
// pUpdateItem is no longer valid!
// ************************************************************************
if (FAILED(hrItem)) { hr = S_FALSE; } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CThrottler::CreateThrottlerWnd() { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); if (!m_hwndThrottler) { WNDCLASS wc;
wc.style = 0; wc.lpfnWndProc = CThrottler::ThrottlerWndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = g_hInst; wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.hCursor = NULL; wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)NULL; wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.lpszClassName = THROTTLER_WNDCLASS;
if (NULL == m_hwndThrottler) { DBG_WARN("CThrottler CreateWindow failed"); return E_FAIL; } }
return S_OK; }
LRESULT CThrottler::ThrottlerWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CThrottler *pThis = (CThrottler*) GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
// Validate pThis
#ifdef DEBUG
if (pThis && IsBadWritePtr(pThis, sizeof(*pThis))) { TraceMsg(TF_THISMODULE|TF_WARNING, "Invalid 'this' in ThrottlerWndProc (0x%08x) - already destroyed?", pThis); } if (pThis) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == pThis->m_dwThreadId); ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, NULL)); } #endif
switch (Msg) { case WM_CREATE : { LPCREATESTRUCT pcs = (LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam;
if (!pcs || !(pcs->lpCreateParams)) { DBG_WARN("Invalid param ThrottlerWndProc Create"); return -1; } SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR) pcs->lpCreateParams); return 0; }
case WM_THROTTLER_ABORTALL: if (pThis) pThis->ActuallyAbortAll(); break;
case WM_THROTTLER_ABORTITEM: if (pThis) pThis->ActuallyAbortItems((ULONG) wParam, (SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE*) lParam); MemFree((HLOCAL)lParam); break;
case WM_THROTTLER_AUTOCACHESIZE_ASK: if (pThis) pThis->AutoCacheSizeAskUser((DWORD)lParam); break;
default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); }
return 0; }
STDMETHODIMP CThrottler::AbortAll() { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); if (FAILED(CreateThrottlerWnd())) return E_FAIL;
DBG("Aborting all items");
PostMessage(m_hwndThrottler, WM_THROTTLER_ABORTALL, 0, 0);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CThrottler::ActuallyAbortAll() { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); HRESULT hr = S_OK; CUpdateItem *pItem = m_pItemsHead;
if (FALSE == m_fAbortingAll) { m_fAbortingAll = TRUE;
while (pItem) { CUpdateItem *pUpdateItem = pItem;
// Move forward now since this item should get yanked!
pItem = pItem->m_pNext;
if (FAILED(DoAbortItem(pUpdateItem))) { hr = S_FALSE; } } m_fAbortingAll = FALSE; } else { hr = S_FALSE; }
return hr; }
HRESULT CThrottler::Advise(COfflineSync *pOfflineSync) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); HRESULT hr; CSyncMgrNode *pSyncMgrNode;
ASSERT(NULL != pOfflineSync);
#ifdef DEBUG
pSyncMgrNode = m_pSyncMgrs;
while (pSyncMgrNode) { if (pSyncMgrNode->m_pOfflineSync == pOfflineSync) { ASSERT(0); // Shouldn't advise more than once!
} pSyncMgrNode = pSyncMgrNode->m_pNext; } #endif
ASSERT(!m_hwndParent || (m_hwndParent == pOfflineSync->GetParentWindow()));
m_hwndParent = pOfflineSync->GetParentWindow();
pSyncMgrNode = new CSyncMgrNode(pOfflineSync, m_pSyncMgrs);
if (NULL != pSyncMgrNode) { pOfflineSync->AddRef(); m_pSyncMgrs = pSyncMgrNode; hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
HRESULT CThrottler::Unadvise(COfflineSync *pOfflineSync) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; CSyncMgrNode *pSyncMgrNode; CSyncMgrNode **ppSyncMgrPrev;
ASSERT(NULL != pOfflineSync);
pSyncMgrNode = m_pSyncMgrs; ppSyncMgrPrev = &m_pSyncMgrs;
while (pSyncMgrNode) { if (pSyncMgrNode->m_pOfflineSync == pOfflineSync) { *ppSyncMgrPrev = pSyncMgrNode->m_pNext; delete pSyncMgrNode; hr = S_OK; break; } ppSyncMgrPrev = &pSyncMgrNode->m_pNext; pSyncMgrNode = pSyncMgrNode->m_pNext; }
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // This is internal goo so should not fail!
if (NULL == m_pSyncMgrs) { // Everyone has lost interest in us...
RevokeClassObject(); s_pThrottler = NULL;
while (m_cExternalRef > 0) { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "CThrottle::Unadvise m_cExternalRef = %d", m_cExternalRef); MSG msg; if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, TRUE)) { DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } return hr; }
int CThrottler::GetCookieIndexInQueue(const SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE *pCookie) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_updateQueue); i++) { if ((NULL != m_updateQueue[i]) && (m_updateQueue[i]->m_cookie == *pCookie)) { index = i; break; } }
return index; }
void CThrottler::FailedUpdate(HRESULT hr, const SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE *pCookie) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); WCHAR wszMsg[256]; int resID;
MLLoadStringW(resID, wszMsg, ARRAYSIZE(wszMsg)); ReportThrottlerError(pCookie, hr, wszMsg); UpdateEnd(pCookie, 0, hr, wszMsg); }
void CThrottler::RunItem(int queueSlot, CUpdateItem *pUpdateItem) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); HRESULT hr;
ASSERT(NULL == m_updateQueue[queueSlot]);
m_updateQueue[queueSlot] = pUpdateItem;
if (pUpdateItem->m_dwRunState & RS_SUSPENDED) { DUMPITEM("Resuming suspended item in CThrottler::RunItem", &pUpdateItem->m_cookie); ASSERT(NULL != pUpdateItem->m_pSubsAgentCtl);
pUpdateItem->m_dwRunState |= RS_UPDATING; pUpdateItem->m_dwRunState &= ~RS_SUSPENDED; hr = pUpdateItem->m_pSubsAgentCtl->ResumeUpdate(0);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { WCHAR wszMsg[256];
MLLoadStringW(IDS_UPDATE_RESUMING, wszMsg, ARRAYSIZE(wszMsg)); NotifyHandlers(NH_UPDATEPROGRESS, &pUpdateItem->m_cookie, -1, -1, -1, WC_INTERNAL_S_RESUMING, wszMsg); } } else { ISubscriptionItem *psi;
hr = SubscriptionItemFromCookie(FALSE, &pUpdateItem->m_cookie, &psi);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { SUBSCRIPTIONITEMINFO sii; sii.cbSize = sizeof(SUBSCRIPTIONITEMINFO); hr = psi->GetSubscriptionItemInfo(&sii); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CoCreateInstance(sii.clsidAgent, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ISubscriptionAgentControl, (void**)&pUpdateItem->m_pSubsAgentCtl);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DUMPITEM("Running item in CThrottler::RunItem", &pUpdateItem->m_cookie); hr = pUpdateItem->m_pSubsAgentCtl->StartUpdate(psi, (ISubscriptionAgentEvents *)this);
FireSubscriptionEvent(SUBSNOTF_SYNC_START, &pUpdateItem->m_cookie);
} else { DBG_WARN("CoCreate Agent FAILED in CThrottler::RunItem"); } } psi->Release(); } else { DBG_WARN("SubscriptionItemFromCookie FAILED in CThrottler::RunItem"); } }
if (FAILED(hr)) { FailedUpdate(hr, &pUpdateItem->m_cookie); } }
int CThrottler::GetFreeQueueSlot() { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_updateQueue); i++) { if (NULL == m_updateQueue[i]) { index = i; break; } }
return index; }
void CThrottler::FillTheQueue() { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); if ((FALSE == m_fFillingTheQueue) && // avoid re-entrancy
(FALSE == m_fAbortingAll) && // avoid re-entrancy
(FALSE == m_fAutoCacheSizePending)) // we have a dialog up for the user
{ m_fFillingTheQueue = TRUE;
CUpdateItem *pNextItem = m_pItemsHead; CUpdateItem *pItem;
while (NULL != pNextItem) { pItem = pNextItem;
// Move ahead since this item may not be here
// if we run it and it fails
pNextItem = pNextItem->m_pNext;
if (!(pItem->m_dwRunState & (RS_COMPLETED | RS_UPDATING))) { int freeSlot = GetFreeQueueSlot();
if ((freeSlot >= 0) && (m_fUserIsIdle || (!(pItem->m_dwRunState & RS_SUSPENDONIDLE)))) { RunItem(freeSlot, pItem); } else { // If we didn't run it then let's make sure the UI reflects the current
// state properly
HRESULT hrStatus; WCHAR wszMsg[256];
if ((pItem->m_dwRunState & RS_SUSPENDONIDLE) && (!m_fUserIsIdle)) { MLLoadStringW(IDS_UPDATE_PAUSED, wszMsg, ARRAYSIZE(wszMsg)); hrStatus = WC_INTERNAL_S_PAUSED; } else { StrCpyNW(wszMsg, L" ", ARRAYSIZE(wszMsg)); // Don't say it, I know what you're thinking...
// ...if we don't do this, then the status
// text won't change.
NotifyHandlers(NH_UPDATEPROGRESS, &pItem->m_cookie, -1, -1, -1, hrStatus, wszMsg); } } }
m_fFillingTheQueue = FALSE; } }
HRESULT CThrottler::AddItemToListTail(CUpdateItem *pAddItem) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); HRESULT hr = S_OK; ASSERT(NULL != pAddItem);
if (NULL != pAddItem) { if (NULL == m_pItemsTail) { // Nothing in the list
ASSERT(NULL == m_pItemsHead); m_pItemsHead = pAddItem; } else { m_pItemsTail->m_pNext = pAddItem; } m_pItemsTail = pAddItem; } else { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; }
ASSERT(NULL != m_pItemsHead); ASSERT(NULL != m_pItemsTail); ASSERT(NULL == m_pItemsTail->m_pNext);
return hr; }
HRESULT CThrottler::RemoveItemFromList(CUpdateItem *pRemoveItem, BOOL fDelete) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; CUpdateItem *pItem = m_pItemsHead; CUpdateItem *pPrevItem = NULL;
ASSERT(NULL != pRemoveItem); ASSERT(NULL != m_pItemsHead); ASSERT(NULL != m_pItemsTail);
if (NULL != pRemoveItem) { int queueIndex = GetCookieIndexInQueue(&pRemoveItem->m_cookie);
if (queueIndex >= 0) { m_updateQueue[queueIndex] = NULL; } while (pItem) { if (pItem == pRemoveItem) { if (NULL != pPrevItem) { // Removing beyond the head
pPrevItem->m_pNext = pItem->m_pNext; } else { // Removing the head
m_pItemsHead = pItem->m_pNext; }
// Now fix the tail
if (m_pItemsTail == pRemoveItem) { m_pItemsTail = pPrevItem; } hr = S_OK; break; } pPrevItem = pItem; pItem = pItem->m_pNext; } if (fDelete) { delete pRemoveItem; } }
ASSERT(((NULL != m_pItemsHead) && (NULL != m_pItemsTail) && (NULL == m_pItemsTail->m_pNext)) || ((NULL == m_pItemsHead) && (NULL == m_pItemsTail))); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
// If we have just removed our last item from the list, check to see if we forced
// global online mode or autodialed and fix up if so.
if ((NULL == m_pItemsHead) && (m_fForcedGlobalOnline || m_fAutoDialed)) { if (m_fForcedGlobalOnline) { SetGlobalOffline(TRUE); m_fForcedGlobalOnline = FALSE; m_fAutoDialed = FALSE; } else { ASSERT(m_fAutoDialed); InternetAutodialHangup(0); m_fAutoDialed=FALSE; } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CThrottler::CanScheduledItemRun(ISubscriptionItem *pSubsItem) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); // If this item is running as a result of a schedule invocation, then
// we need to check time/range restrictions.
HRESULT hr = S_OK; const TCHAR c_szNoScheduledUpdates[] = TEXT("NoScheduledUpdates"); DWORD dwData; DWORD cbData = sizeof(dwData);
// First check if the user has disabled scheduled updates in inetcpl.
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == SHGetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szRegKey, c_szNoScheduledUpdates, NULL, &dwData, &cbData)) && dwData) { hr = INET_E_SCHEDULED_UPDATES_DISABLED; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Check if admin has disabled scheduled updates altogether
if (SHRestricted2W(REST_NoScheduledUpdates, NULL, 0)) { hr = INET_E_SCHEDULED_UPDATES_RESTRICTED; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Check if admin has set a minimum update interval.
DWORD dwMinUpdateInterval = SHRestricted2W(REST_MinUpdateInterval, NULL, 0);
if (dwMinUpdateInterval > 0) { DATE dt;
if (SUCCEEDED(ReadDATE(pSubsItem, c_szPropCompletionTime, &dt))) { SYSTEMTIME st; GetLocalTime(&st);
CFileTime lastUpdate; CFileTime currentTime;
VariantTimeToFileTime(dt, lastUpdate); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, ¤tTime);
if ((currentTime - lastUpdate) < ((__int64)dwMinUpdateInterval * ONE_MINUTE_IN_FILETIME)) { hr = INET_E_SCHEDULED_UPDATE_INTERVAL; } } } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD dwBegin = SHRestricted2W(REST_UpdateExcludeBegin, NULL, 0); DWORD dwEnd = SHRestricted2W(REST_UpdateExcludeEnd, NULL, 0);
// Check if admin has specified a blackout time for scheduled updates.
if (dwBegin && dwEnd) { SYSTEMTIME st; CFileTime ftNow, ftBegin, ftEnd; GetLocalTime(&st);
SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ftNow); st.wSecond = 0; st.wMilliseconds = 0; st.wHour = (WORD)dwBegin / 60; st.wMinute = (WORD)dwBegin % 60; SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ftBegin); st.wHour = (WORD)dwEnd / 60; st.wMinute = (WORD)dwEnd % 60; SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ftEnd);
// if these values are normalized (ie. begin comes before end)
if (ftBegin <= ftEnd) { // Then just check to see if time now is between begin
// and end. (ie. ftEnd >= ftNow >= ftBegin)
if ((ftNow >= ftBegin) && (ftNow <= ftEnd)) { hr = INET_E_SCHEDULED_EXCLUDE_RANGE; } } else { // Begin and end are not normalized. So we check to see if
// now is before end or now is after begin.
// For example:
// Assuming begin is 6pm and end is 6am. If now is 5 pm, the
// item should run. If now is 10pm or 4am, it should not run.
if ((ftNow <= ftEnd) || (ftNow >= ftBegin)) { hr = INET_E_SCHEDULED_EXCLUDE_RANGE; } }
} }
return hr; }
HRESULT CThrottler::RunCookies(DWORD dwNumCookies, const SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE *pSubscriptionCookies, DWORD dwSyncFlags) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD i; CUpdateItem *pUpdateItem; DWORD nValidCookies;
ASSERT(NULL != m_pSyncMgrs);
ASSERT(0 != dwNumCookies); ASSERT(NULL != pSubscriptionCookies);
if ((0 == dwNumCookies) || (NULL == pSubscriptionCookies)) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Check for global offline mode.
if (!m_fForcedGlobalOnline && IsGlobalOffline()) { // Force global online mode so that our update will succeed.
DBG("CThrottler::RunCookies; forcing global online mode"); SetGlobalOffline(FALSE); m_fForcedGlobalOnline = TRUE; }
if (IsSyncEvent(dwSyncFlags, SYNCMGRFLAG_MANUAL) || IsSyncEvent(dwSyncFlags, SYNCMGRFLAG_INVOKE)) { if (!InternetGetConnectedStateEx(NULL, NULL, 0, 0)) { if (!InternetAutodial(INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FORCE_ONLINE, 0)) { // REARCHITECT clean up this extra addref/release/return stuff
DBG("CThrottler::RunCookies autodial failed");
// Uh-oh. The user cancelled the dial after starting a
// manual update. Clean up and return.
if (m_fForcedGlobalOnline) { SetGlobalOffline(TRUE); m_fForcedGlobalOnline=FALSE; }
WCHAR wszMsg[256];
MLLoadStringW(IDS_STATUS_ABORTED, wszMsg, ARRAYSIZE(wszMsg)); for (i=0; i<dwNumCookies; i++) { ReportThrottlerError(&pSubscriptionCookies[i], E_ABORT, wszMsg); UpdateEnd(&pSubscriptionCookies[i], 0, E_ABORT, wszMsg); }
return S_FALSE; // E_ABORT;
// Autodial succeeded
m_fAutoDialed = TRUE; } }
if (NULL != pCookies) { SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE *pCookie = pCookies;
memcpy(pCookies, pSubscriptionCookies, dwNumCookies * sizeof(SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE)); // ************************************************************************
// Don't add any return statements in the loop! We keep a ref on ourselves
// during this call in case we are Released by all of the sync handlers.
// ************************************************************************
nValidCookies = 0;
for (i = 0; i < dwNumCookies; i++, pCookie++) { if (*pCookie == GUID_NULL) { continue; }
if (IsSyncEvent(dwSyncFlags, SYNCMGRFLAG_IDLE)) { m_fUserIsIdle = TRUE; }
if (SUCCEEDED(FindCookie(pCookie, &pUpdateItem))) { if (IsIgnoreIdleSyncEvent(dwSyncFlags)) { DUMPITEM("Removing RS_SUSPENDONIDLE in CThrottler::RunCookies", pCookie); // Items updated manually are no longer subject to idle detection.
pUpdateItem->m_dwRunState &= ~RS_SUSPENDONIDLE; }
if (IsSyncEventFlag(dwSyncFlags, SYNCMGRFLAG_MAYBOTHERUSER)) { // We may now bother user for this item
pUpdateItem->m_dwRunState |= RS_MAYBOTHERUSER; } } else { ISubscriptionItem *psi; HRESULT hrItem = SubscriptionItemFromCookie(FALSE, pCookie, &psi);
sii.cbSize = sizeof(SUBSCRIPTIONITEMINFO);
hrItem = psi->GetSubscriptionItemInfo(&sii);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrItem)) { DWORD dwRunState = RS_READY;
if (IsSyncEvent(dwSyncFlags, SYNCMGRFLAG_IDLE)) { dwRunState |= RS_SUSPENDONIDLE; }
if (IsSyncEventFlag(dwSyncFlags, SYNCMGRFLAG_MAYBOTHERUSER)) { dwRunState |= RS_MAYBOTHERUSER; }
if (IsScheduleSyncEvent(dwSyncFlags)) { hrItem = CanScheduledItemRun(psi); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hrItem)) { pUpdateItem = new CUpdateItem(*pCookie, dwRunState);
if (NULL != pUpdateItem) { AddItemToListTail(pUpdateItem); } else { hrItem = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } psi->Release(); }
if (FAILED(hrItem)) { // If we fail on an item, we will continue to try others, but
// we need to indicate failure for this one.
FailedUpdate(hrItem, pCookie); hr = S_FALSE; } }
if (NULL == m_pSyncMgrs) { // We have been unadvised!
break; } }
// No point in trying to update if nobody wants to listen
if (NULL != m_pSyncMgrs) { FillTheQueue(); }
delete [] pCookies;
if (0 == nValidCookies) { hr = E_FAIL; }
// ************************************************************************
// No member variable access after this since we could be dead!!!!
// ************************************************************************
} else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return hr; }
HRESULT CThrottler::FindCookie( const SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE *pSubscriptionCookie, CUpdateItem **ppUpdateItem) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; CUpdateItem *pItem = m_pItemsHead; ASSERT(NULL != ppUpdateItem);
*ppUpdateItem = NULL;
while (pItem) { if (pItem->m_cookie == *pSubscriptionCookie) { *ppUpdateItem = pItem; hr = S_OK; break; } pItem = pItem->m_pNext; }
return hr; }
// Auto cache size increase
// We can return:
// E_PENDING - agent will pause and wait to be resumed or aborted
// INET_S_AGENT_INCREASED_CACHE_SIZE - agent will try making stuff sticky again
// anything else - agent will abort with INET_E_AGENT_CACHE_SIZE_EXCEEDED
HRESULT CThrottler::AutoCacheSizeRequest( const SUBSCRIPTIONCOOKIE *pSubscriptionCookie) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwCacheSizeKB; int queueIndex;
DWORD dwValue, dwSize = sizeof(dwValue); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHGetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szKeyRestrict, c_szCache, NULL, &dwValue, &dwSize) && (dwValue != 0)) { // Not allowed to change the cache size.
hr = E_FAIL; }
queueIndex = GetCookieIndexInQueue(pSubscriptionCookie);
if (queueIndex >= 0) { if (!(m_updateQueue[queueIndex]->m_dwRunState & RS_MAYBOTHERUSER)) { // We're not allowed to bother user. Fail.
hr = E_FAIL; } } else { DBG_WARN("CThrottler::AutoCacheSizeRequest couldn't find cookie in run queue."); hr = E_FAIL; // Couldn't find this cookie in our queue?!
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && m_fAutoCacheSizePending) { // We're already asking the user to increase the cache size.
hr = E_PENDING; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Let's try to increase the cache.
if (SUCCEEDED(IncreaseCacheSize(&dwCacheSizeKB))) { hr = INET_S_AGENT_INCREASED_CACHE_SIZE; } else { // We need to ask the user.
if ((++ m_nAutoCacheSizeTimesAsked) > MAX_AUTOCACHESIZE_ASK) { hr = E_ABORT; // Already bothered them enough.
} else { // Let's ask the user. We need unwind our call stack now, however.
// Tell the throttler to ask the user
if (SUCCEEDED(CreateThrottlerWnd())) { PostMessage(m_hwndThrottler, WM_THROTTLER_AUTOCACHESIZE_ASK, 0, dwCacheSizeKB); m_fAutoCacheSizePending = TRUE; hr = E_PENDING; } else { hr = E_FAIL; } } } } // !m_fAutoCacheSizePending
if (hr == E_PENDING) { // Mark this agent as paused.
int queueIndex = GetCookieIndexInQueue(pSubscriptionCookie);
ASSERT(queueIndex >= 0);
if (queueIndex >= 0) { m_updateQueue[queueIndex]->m_dwRunState &= ~RS_UPDATING; m_updateQueue[queueIndex]->m_dwRunState |= RS_SUSPENDED; m_updateQueue[queueIndex] = NULL; } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CThrottler::AutoCacheSizeAskUser(DWORD dwCacheSizeKB) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); ASSERT(m_fAutoCacheSizePending); ASSERT(dwCacheSizeKB); ASSERT(m_hwndParent);
// Keep-Alive
if (IDOK == ShellMessageBox(MLGetHinst(), m_hwndParent, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_CACHELIMIT_MESSAGE), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_CACHELIMIT_TITLE), MB_OKCANCEL | MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_ICONQUESTION)) { // Come up with a good cache size increase and resume agents
m_dwAutoCacheSizeIncrease = dwCacheSizeKB / 4;
if (m_dwAutoCacheSizeIncrease < MIN_CACHE_INCREASE) { m_dwAutoCacheSizeIncrease = MIN_CACHE_INCREASE; }
m_dwMaxAutoCacheSize = dwCacheSizeKB + (2 * m_dwAutoCacheSizeIncrease);
if (SUCCEEDED(IncreaseCacheSize(NULL))) { hr = S_OK; } } else { // Abort agents
m_fAutoCacheSizePending = FALSE;
if (FAILED(hr)) { // User said no (or we couldn't increase the cache).
ActuallyAbortAll(); } else { FillTheQueue(); }
return hr; }
// Auto-increase cache size if user previously ok'd it
HRESULT CThrottler::IncreaseCacheSize(DWORD *pdwNewCacheSizeKB) { ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == m_dwThreadId); LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOA pCCI=NULL; DWORD dwSizeInKB=0, dwPercent; DWORD dwNewSizeInKB=0; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if (SUCCEEDED(GetCacheInfo(&pCCI, &dwSizeInKB, &dwPercent))) { if (dwSizeInKB < m_dwMaxAutoCacheSize) { ASSERT(m_dwAutoCacheSizeIncrease > 1023); // At least 1 meg
if (m_dwAutoCacheSizeIncrease) { // We still have room to increase cache without asking the user. Use it.
dwNewSizeInKB = dwSizeInKB + m_dwAutoCacheSizeIncrease;
if (dwNewSizeInKB > m_dwMaxAutoCacheSize) { dwNewSizeInKB = m_dwMaxAutoCacheSize; }
if (SUCCEEDED(SetCacheSize(pCCI, dwNewSizeInKB))) { hr = S_OK; dwSizeInKB = dwNewSizeInKB; DBG("Throttler just increased TIF cache size"); } } }
MemFree(pCCI); }
if (pdwNewCacheSizeKB) { *pdwNewCacheSizeKB = dwSizeInKB; }
return hr; }