Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. /******************************************************************************
  2. C L I P B R D H E A D E R
  3. Name: clipbrd.h
  4. Date: 1/20/94
  5. Creator: John Fu
  6. Description:
  7. This is the header for clipbrd.c
  8. ******************************************************************************/
  9. #define BIGRCBUF 64
  10. #define SMLRCBUF 32
  12. extern HANDLE hmutexClp;
  13. extern HANDLE hXacting;
  14. extern HANDLE hmodNetDriver;
  15. extern HICON hicClipbrd;
  16. extern HICON hicClipbook;
  17. extern HICON hicRemote;
  18. extern HICON hicLock; // Icon for Lock on thumbnail bitmaps
  19. extern HFONT hfontUni; // Handle for Unicode font, if it exists
  20. extern BOOL fStatus; // status bar shown?
  21. extern BOOL fToolBar; // tool bar shown?
  22. extern BOOL fShareEnabled; // sharing allowed in system.ini?
  23. extern BOOL fNetDDEActive; // NetDDE detected?
  24. extern BOOL fAppLockedState; // app UI locked (see LockApp())
  25. extern BOOL fClipboardNeedsPainting; // indicates deferred clp paint
  26. extern BOOL fSharePreference; // shared checked on paste?
  27. extern BOOL fNeedToTileWindows; // need to tile windows on size
  28. extern BOOL fAppShuttingDown; // in process of closing
  29. extern BOOL fFillingClpFromDde; // in process of adding clp formats
  30. extern BOOL fAuditEnabled;
  31. extern HWND hwndNextViewer; // for clpbrd viewer chain
  32. extern HWND hwndDummy; // used as dummy SetCapture target
  33. // special case clipboard formats
  34. extern UINT cf_bitmap; // we send/receive these in private 'packed' format
  35. extern UINT cf_metafilepict;
  36. extern UINT cf_palette;
  37. extern UINT cf_preview; // PREVBMPSIZxPREVBMPSIZ preview bitmap private format
  38. // these are formats that contain untranslated copies of link and objlink data
  39. extern UINT cf_objectlinkcopy;
  40. extern UINT cf_objectlink;
  41. extern UINT cf_linkcopy;
  42. extern UINT cf_link;
  43. // DDEML
  44. // These are effective constants created once and destroyed when we die
  45. extern HSZ hszSystem;
  46. extern HSZ hszTopics;
  47. extern HSZ hszDataSrv;
  48. extern HSZ hszFormatList;
  49. extern HSZ hszClpBookShare;
  50. extern DWORD dwCurrentHelpId ;
  51. extern WINDOWPLACEMENT Wpl;
  52. extern HOOKPROC lpMsgFilterProc;
  53. extern HINSTANCE hInst;
  54. extern HACCEL hAccel;
  55. extern HFONT hOldFont;
  56. extern HFONT hFontStatus;
  57. extern HFONT hFontPreview;
  58. extern HWND hwndActiveChild; // this handle identifies the currently active MDI window
  59. extern PMDIINFO pActiveMDI; // this pointer points to the MDI info struct of the
  60. // active MDI window IT SHOULD ALWAYS ==
  61. // GETMDIINFO(hwndActiveChild)
  62. extern HWND hwndClpbrd; // this handle identifies the clipboard window
  63. extern HWND hwndLocal; // this handle identifies the local clipbook window
  64. extern HWND hwndClpOwner; // this handle identifies the clipboard owning MDI child (if any)
  65. extern HWND hwndMDIClient; // handle to MDI Client window
  66. extern HWND hwndApp; // global app window
  67. extern HDC hBtnDC; // memory DC used for owner draw stuff
  68. extern HBITMAP hOldBitmap;
  69. extern HBITMAP hPreviewBmp;
  70. extern HBITMAP hPgUpBmp;
  71. extern HBITMAP hPgDnBmp;
  72. extern HBITMAP hPgUpDBmp;
  73. extern HBITMAP hPgDnDBmp;
  74. extern int dyStatus; // height of status bar
  75. extern int dyButtonBar; // height of button bar
  76. extern int dyPrevFont; // height of listbox font - height+external
  77. extern TCHAR szHelpFile[];
  78. extern TCHAR szChmHelpFile[];
  79. extern TCHAR szClipBookClass[]; // frame window class
  80. extern TCHAR szChild[]; // Class name for MDI window
  81. extern TCHAR szDummy[]; // class name of hidden dummy window
  82. extern TCHAR szNDDEcode[];
  83. extern TCHAR szNDDEcode1[];
  84. extern TCHAR szClpBookShare[];
  85. // localized strings
  86. extern TCHAR szHelv[SMLRCBUF]; // status line font
  87. extern TCHAR szAppName[SMLRCBUF];
  88. extern TCHAR szLocalClpBk[SMLRCBUF];
  89. extern TCHAR szSysClpBrd[SMLRCBUF];
  90. extern TCHAR szDataUnavail[BIGRCBUF];
  91. extern TCHAR szReadingItem[BIGRCBUF];
  92. extern TCHAR szViewHelpFmt[BIGRCBUF];
  93. extern TCHAR szActivateFmt[BIGRCBUF];
  94. extern TCHAR szRendering[BIGRCBUF];
  95. extern TCHAR szDefaultFormat[BIGRCBUF];
  96. extern TCHAR szGettingData[BIGRCBUF];
  97. extern TCHAR szEstablishingConn[BIGRCBUF];
  98. extern TCHAR szClipBookOnFmt[BIGRCBUF];
  99. extern TCHAR szPageFmt[SMLRCBUF];
  100. extern TCHAR szPageFmtPl[SMLRCBUF];
  101. extern TCHAR szPageOfPageFmt[SMLRCBUF];
  102. extern TCHAR szDelete[SMLRCBUF];
  103. extern TCHAR szDeleteConfirmFmt[SMLRCBUF];
  104. extern TCHAR szFileFilter[BIGRCBUF];
  105. extern TCHAR *szFilter;
  106. // Registry key strings
  107. extern TCHAR szPref[];
  108. extern TCHAR szConn[];
  109. extern TCHAR szStatusbar[];
  110. extern TCHAR szToolbar[];
  111. extern TCHAR szShPref[];
  112. extern TCHAR szEnableShr[];
  113. extern TCHAR szDefView[];
  114. #if DEBUG
  115. extern TCHAR szDebug[];
  116. #endif
  117. extern TCHAR szNull[];
  118. HKEY hkeyRoot;
  119. extern TCHAR szBuf[SZBUFSIZ];
  120. extern TCHAR szBuf2[SZBUFSIZ];
  121. extern TCHAR szConvPartner[128]; // bigger than max server name
  122. extern TCHAR szKeepAs[MAX_NDDESHARENAME + 2];
  123. extern DWORD idInst; // DDEML handle
  124. //
  125. // function prototypes
  126. //
  127. void OnDrawClipboard(
  128. HWND hwnd);
  129. LRESULT OnEraseBkgnd(
  130. HWND hwnd,
  131. HDC hdc);
  132. LRESULT OnPaint(
  133. HWND hwnd);
  134. LRESULT CALLBACK FrameWndProc(
  135. HWND hwnd,
  136. UINT msg,
  137. WPARAM wParam,
  138. LPARAM lParam);
  139. LRESULT CALLBACK ChildWndProc(
  140. HWND hwnd,
  141. UINT msg,
  142. WPARAM wParam,
  143. LPARAM lParam);
  144. VOID SendMessageToKids (
  145. WORD msg,
  146. WPARAM wParam,
  147. LPARAM lParam);
  148. BOOL SyncOpenClipboard(
  149. HWND hwnd);
  150. BOOL SyncCloseClipboard(void);