* CWIN3.1 and ETEN format file i/o * * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation. */
#include "stdafx.h"
#pragma pack(2)
#include "extfunc.h"
#include "eten.h"
#define EUDCCODEBASE ((unsigned short)0xe000)
#define ETENBANKID 0x8001
static unsigned short getsval(unsigned char *s); static unsigned long getlval(unsigned char *l); static void setsval(unsigned char *m,unsigned short s); static void setlval(unsigned char *m,unsigned long lval); static int readHdr(HANDLE fhdl,struct ETENHEADER *hdr); static int updHdr(void); static int getETENBankID( HANDLE fh, WORD *BankID); int openETENBMP(TCHAR *path,int md); int closeETENBMP(void); static void setIniHdr(struct R_ETENHEADER *hdr,int width,int height); int createETENBMP(TCHAR *path,int wid,int hei); int getETENBMPInf(int *n, int *ng, int *wid,int *hei, char *sign,WORD *bID); int readETENBMPRec(int rec,LPBYTE buf,int bufsiz,unsigned short *code); int appendETENBMP(LPBYTE buf,unsigned short code); int isETENBMP(TCHAR *path); */ static HANDLE bmpFh = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; static int openmd = -1; static int nChar; static int width, height; static int *recordBuf=0; int uNum=0; static int *codep=0; static char UserFontSign[8]; static WORD BankID;
static unsigned short getsval( unsigned char *s) { unsigned short sval=0; if (!s) { return sval; }
sval = (unsigned short )*(s+1); sval <<=8; sval |= (unsigned short )*s; return sval; } static unsigned long getlval( unsigned char *l) { unsigned long lval=0; int i;
if (!l) { return lval; }
lval = (unsigned long)*(l+3); for ( i=2; i>=0; i--) { lval<<=8; lval |=(unsigned long)*(l+i); } return lval; } static void setsval( unsigned char *m, unsigned short s) { if (!m) { return; } *m = (unsigned char)(s & 0xff); *(m+1) = (unsigned char)((s>>8) & 0xff); } static void setlval( unsigned char *m, unsigned long lval) { int i;
if (!m) { return; }
for ( i=0; i<4; i++) { *m++ = (unsigned char)(lval & 0xff); lval>>=8; } } static int readHdr( HANDLE fhdl, struct ETENHEADER *hdr) { struct R_ETENHEADER rhdr; DWORD nByte; BOOL res;
if (!hdr) { goto ERET; } res = ReadFile( fhdl, &rhdr, 256, &nByte, NULL); if (!res || nByte !=256) goto ERET;
memset( hdr, 0, sizeof(struct ETENHEADER));
/* Set values to hdr */ hdr->uHeaderSize = getsval( rhdr.uHeaderSize); memcpy( hdr->idUserFontSign, rhdr.idUserFontSign, 8); hdr->idMajor = rhdr.idMajor; hdr->idMinor = rhdr.idMinor; hdr->ulCharCount = getlval( rhdr.ulCharCount); hdr->uCharWidth = getsval( rhdr.uCharWidth); hdr->uCharHeight = getsval( rhdr.uCharHeight); hdr->cPatternSize = getlval( rhdr.cPatternSize); hdr->uchBankID = rhdr.uchBankID; hdr->idInternalBankID = getsval( rhdr.idInternalBankID); hdr->sFontInfo.uInfoSize = getsval(rhdr.sFontInfo.uInfoSize); hdr->sFontInfo.idCP = getsval(rhdr.sFontInfo.idCP); hdr->sFontInfo.idCharSet = rhdr.sFontInfo.idCharSet; hdr->sFontInfo.fbTypeFace = rhdr.sFontInfo.fbTypeFace; memcpy( hdr->sFontInfo.achFontName , rhdr.sFontInfo.achFontName,12); hdr->sFontInfo.ulCharDefine = getlval(rhdr.sFontInfo.ulCharDefine); hdr->sFontInfo.uCellWidth = getsval(rhdr.sFontInfo.uCellWidth); hdr->sFontInfo.uCellHeight = getsval(rhdr.sFontInfo.uCellHeight); hdr->sFontInfo.uCharHeight = getsval(rhdr.sFontInfo.uCharHeight); hdr->sFontInfo.uBaseLine = getsval(rhdr.sFontInfo.uBaseLine); hdr->sFontInfo.uUnderLine = getsval(rhdr.sFontInfo.uUnderLine); hdr->sFontInfo.uUnlnHeight = getsval(rhdr.sFontInfo.uUnlnHeight); hdr->sFontInfo.fchStrokeWeight = rhdr.sFontInfo.fchStrokeWeight; hdr->sFontInfo.fCharStyle = getsval(rhdr.sFontInfo.fCharStyle); hdr->sFontInfo.fbFontAttrib = rhdr.sFontInfo.fbFontAttrib; hdr->sFontInfo.ulCellWidthMax = getlval(rhdr.sFontInfo.ulCellWidthMax); hdr->sFontInfo.ulCellHeightMax= getlval(rhdr.sFontInfo.ulCellHeightMax); return 0; ERET: return -1; } static int updHdr( ) { struct R_ETENHEADER rhdr; DWORD nByte; BOOL res; if ( (long) SetFilePointer( bmpFh, 0L, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)!=0L) goto ERET; res = ReadFile( bmpFh, &rhdr, 256, &nByte, NULL); if (!res || nByte !=256) goto ERET;
setlval( rhdr.ulCharCount, (long)nChar); setlval( rhdr.sFontInfo.ulCharDefine, (long)nChar); if ( (long) SetFilePointer( bmpFh, 0L, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)!=0L) goto ERET; res = WriteFile(bmpFh, (char *)&rhdr, 256,&nByte, NULL); if (!res || nByte !=256) goto ERET; return 0; ERET: return -1; } static int getETENBankID( HANDLE fh, WORD *BankID) { struct R_CODEELEMENT cElm; long ofs; DWORD nByte; BOOL res;
if (!BankID) { goto ERET; } ofs = sizeof(struct R_ETENHEADER); if ((long) SetFilePointer( fh, ofs, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) != ofs) goto ERET;
res = ReadFile( fh, &cElm, sizeof(struct R_CODEELEMENT), &nByte, NULL); if (!res || nByte !=sizeof(struct R_CODEELEMENT)) goto ERET; *BankID = getsval( cElm.nBankID); return 0; ERET: return -1; } /***
recBuf +-------+ | rec# | E000 +-------+ | | E001 +-------+ | +-------+ | | maxUCode +-------+ ****/ static int scanETENBMP( int **recBuf, unsigned int maxUCode, int nRec) { long ofs; int recsiz, bmpsiz; struct R_CODEELEMENT *bhd; int rec; char *rbuf; unsigned short code; unsigned short ucode; int urec; int *recp; DWORD nByte; BOOL res; if (!recBuf) { return -1; } recp = 0; rbuf = 0; if ( maxUCode < EUDCCODEBASE) return -1; else if ( nRec <=0) return -1; uNum = maxUCode - EUDCCODEBASE+1; if ( (codep = (int *)malloc( uNum*sizeof(int)))==0) goto ERET; ofs = sizeof( struct R_ETENHEADER); if ( (long) SetFilePointer( bmpFh, ofs, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)!=ofs) goto ERET; bmpsiz = (width+7)/8*height; recsiz =bmpsiz+sizeof (bhd); if ((rbuf = (char *)malloc( recsiz))==(char *)0) goto ERET; for ( code = EUDCCODEBASE; code <= maxUCode; code++) codep[code-EUDCCODEBASE] = -1; bhd = (struct R_CODEELEMENT *)rbuf;
for ( rec = 0; rec < nRec; rec++) { res = ReadFile( bmpFh, rbuf, (unsigned int)recsiz, &nByte, NULL); if (!res || nByte !=(unsigned int)recsiz) goto ERET; code = getsval( bhd->nInternalCode); if( memcmp(UserFontSign, "CMEX_PTN", 8) || BankID != ETENBANKID){ ucode = sjisToUniEUDC( code); }else ucode = code;
if( ucode > maxUCode || ucode < EUDCCODEBASE) continue; urec = (int)(ucode - EUDCCODEBASE); codep[urec] = rec; } free( rbuf);
if ( (recp = (int *)malloc( nRec*sizeof(int)))==0) goto ERET;
*recBuf=recp; for ( rec=0; rec < uNum; rec++) { if ( codep[rec]>0) *recp++ = codep[rec]; } return 0; ERET: if ( codep) free( codep); if ( recp) free( recp); if ( rbuf) free( rbuf); return -1; } int openETENBMP( TCHAR *path, int md) { HANDLE fh=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; struct ETENHEADER hdr;
if ( fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto ERET; bmpFh = fh; openmd = 0; } if (readHdr( fh, &hdr)) goto ERET; if (getETENBankID( fh, &BankID)) goto ERET;
nChar = (int)hdr.ulCharCount; width = (int)hdr.uCharWidth; height = (int)hdr.uCharHeight; memcpy((char *)UserFontSign, hdr.idUserFontSign, 8);
if ( scanETENBMP( &recordBuf, getMaxUniCode(), nChar)) goto ERET;
return 0; ERET: if (fh != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(fh); return -1; } int closeETENBMP( ) { int sts; if ( openmd) sts = updHdr(); else sts = 0; if ( bmpFh!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle( bmpFh); if(recordBuf) { free(recordBuf); recordBuf = 0; } if ( codep) { free(codep); codep = 0; } return sts; } static void setIniHdr( struct R_ETENHEADER *hdr, int width, int height) { if (!hdr) { return; } memset( hdr, 0, sizeof(struct R_ETENHEADER)); setsval( hdr->uHeaderSize, sizeof(struct R_ETENHEADER)); memcpy( hdr->idUserFontSign, "CWIN_PTN", 8); hdr->idMajor = 1; hdr->idMinor = 0; setsval( hdr->uCharWidth, (unsigned short)width); setsval( hdr->uCharHeight, (unsigned short)height); setlval( hdr->cPatternSize, (unsigned long)(((width+7)/8)*height)); setsval( hdr->sFontInfo.uInfoSize, (unsigned short)sizeof(struct R_CFONTINFO)); setsval( hdr->sFontInfo.idCP, 938); hdr->sFontInfo.idCharSet = (char)0x88; setsval( hdr->sFontInfo.uCellWidth, (unsigned short)width); setsval( hdr->sFontInfo.uCellHeight, (unsigned short)height); setsval( hdr->sFontInfo.uCharHeight, (unsigned short)height); setlval( hdr->sFontInfo.ulCellWidthMax, (unsigned long)width); setlval( hdr->sFontInfo.ulCellHeightMax, (unsigned long)height); } int createETENBMP( TCHAR *path, int wid, int hei) { HANDLE fh=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; struct R_ETENHEADER hdr; DWORD nByte; BOOL res;
width = wid; height = hei; setIniHdr( &hdr, width, height); res = WriteFile( fh, (char *)&hdr, sizeof(hdr), &nByte, NULL); if (!res || nByte !=sizeof(hdr)) goto ERET; bmpFh = fh; openmd = 1; nChar =0; return 0; ERET: if (fh != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(fh); return -1; } int getETENBMPInf( int *nRec, int *nGlyph, int *wid, int *hei, char *sign,WORD *bID) { if ((!nRec) || (!nGlyph) || (!wid) || (!hei) || (!sign) || (!bID)) { return 0; } if ( bmpFh <0) return -1; *nRec = uNum; *nGlyph = nChar; *wid = width; *hei = height; *bID = BankID; memcpy( sign, UserFontSign, 8); return 0; } int readETENBMPRec( int rec, LPBYTE buf, int bufsiz, unsigned short *code) { long ofs; int recsiz; struct R_CODEELEMENT bhd; int rdsiz; int bWid, wWid; int y, ylim; unsigned char *rbuf; DWORD nByte; BOOL res;
if ( (!code) || (!buf)) { goto ERET; } bWid = (width+7)/8; wWid = (bWid+1)/2*2; recsiz = (width+7)/8*height; ofs = sizeof( struct R_ETENHEADER)+(long)(recsiz+sizeof (bhd))*rec; if ( (long) SetFilePointer( bmpFh, ofs, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)!=ofs) goto ERET; res = ReadFile( bmpFh, &bhd, sizeof(bhd), &nByte, NULL); if (!res || nByte !=sizeof(bhd)) goto ERET; if ( bufsiz<recsiz) rdsiz = bufsiz; else rdsiz = recsiz;
if ( bWid!=wWid) { BYTE *src, *dst; if ((rbuf = (unsigned char *)malloc( recsiz))==(unsigned char *)0) goto ERET; res = ReadFile( bmpFh, (char *)rbuf, (unsigned int)recsiz, &nByte, NULL); if (!res || nByte !=(unsigned int)recsiz) { free(rbuf); goto ERET; } ylim = rdsiz / bWid; src = (LPBYTE)rbuf; dst = buf; memset( buf, 0xff, rdsiz); for ( y = 0; y < ylim; y++, src+=bWid, dst+=wWid) memcpy(dst , src , bWid);
free( rbuf); } else { res = ReadFile( bmpFh, (char *)buf, (unsigned int)rdsiz, &nByte, NULL); if (!res || nByte !=(unsigned int)rdsiz) goto ERET; }
*code = getsval( bhd.nInternalCode); return 0; ERET: return -1; } int appendETENBMP( LPBYTE buf, unsigned short code) { struct R_CODEELEMENT bhd; int bmpsiz; DWORD nByte; BOOL res;
if (!buf) { goto ERET; } SetFilePointer( bmpFh, 0L, NULL, FILE_END); bmpsiz = (width+7)/8*height; setsval( bhd.nBankID, 1); setsval( bhd.nInternalCode, code); res = WriteFile( bmpFh, (LPBYTE)(&bhd), sizeof( bhd), &nByte, NULL); if (!res || nByte !=sizeof(bhd)) goto ERET; res = WriteFile( bmpFh, (LPBYTE)buf, (unsigned int)bmpsiz, &nByte, NULL); if (!res || nByte != (unsigned int)bmpsiz) goto ERET;
nChar++; return 0; ERET: return -1; } int isETENBMP(TCHAR *path) { struct ETENHEADER hdr; HANDLE fhdl; if (!path) { return 0; } fhdl = CreateFile(path, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
if ( fhdl == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return -1; if ( readHdr( fhdl, &hdr)) { CloseHandle( fhdl); return -1; } CloseHandle( fhdl); /* check Header size and keyWord*/ if ( hdr.uHeaderSize != sizeof(struct R_ETENHEADER)) goto NO_ETEN;
if ( memcmp(hdr.idUserFontSign, "CWIN_PTN", 8) && memcmp(hdr.idUserFontSign, "CMEX_PTN", 8)) goto NO_ETEN; return 1; NO_ETEN: return 0; }
int ETENrecTbl( int **recTbl) { if (recTbl) { *recTbl=codep; } return 0; } /* EOF */ /* For test +/
static int dispHdr( struct ETENHEADER *hdr) { printf("hdr->uHeaderSize= %d\n", hdr->uHeaderSize ); printf("hdr->idMajor %d\n", hdr->idMajor ); printf("hdr->idMinor %d\n", hdr->idMinor ); printf("hdr->ulCharCout %ld\n", hdr->ulCharCount ); printf("hdr->uCharWidth %d\n", hdr->uCharWidth ); printf(" hdr->uCharHeight %d\n", hdr->uCharHeight ); printf(" hdr->cPatternSize %d\n", hdr->cPatternSize); printf("hdr->uchBankID %d\n", hdr->uchBankID); printf("hdr->idInternalBankID %d\n", hdr->idInternalBankID); printf("hdr->sFontInfo.uInfoSize %d\n", hdr->sFontInfo.uInfoSize); printf("hdr->sFontInfo.idCP %d\n", hdr->sFontInfo.idCP); printf("hdr->sFontInfo.idCharSet %d\n", hdr->sFontInfo.idCharSet); printf("hdr->sFontInfo.fbTypeFace %d\n", hdr->sFontInfo.fbTypeFace); printf("hdr->sFontInfo.ulCharDefine %ld\n", hdr->sFontInfo.ulCharDefine); printf("hdr->sFontInfo.uCellWidth %d\n", hdr->sFontInfo.uCellWidth); printf("hdr->sFontInfo.uCellHeight %d\n", hdr->sFontInfo.uCellHeight); printf("hdr->sFontInfo.uCharHeight %d\n", hdr->sFontInfo.uCharHeight); printf("hdr->sFontInfo.uBaseLine %d\n", hdr->sFontInfo.uBaseLine); printf("hdr->sFontInfo.uUnderLine %d\n", hdr->sFontInfo.uUnderLine); printf("hdr->sFontInfo.uUnlnHeight %d\n", hdr->sFontInfo.uUnlnHeight); printf("hdr->sFontInfo.fchStrokeWeight %d\n", hdr->sFontInfo.fchStrokeWeight); printf("hdr->sFontInfo.fCharStyle %d\n", hdr->sFontInfo.fCharStyle); printf("hdr->sFontInfo.fbFontAttrib %d\n", hdr->sFontInfo.fbFontAttrib); printf("hdr->sFontInfo.ulCellWidthMax %ld\n", hdr->sFontInfo.ulCellWidthMax); printf("hdr->sFontInfo.ulCellHeightMax %ld\n", hdr->sFontInfo.ulCellHeightMax); } main( int argc, char *argv[]) { int fh; struct ETENHEADER hdr; fh = _lopen( argv[1], O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); readHdr( fh, &hdr); dispHdr( &hdr); _lclose(fh); exit(0); } /+ */ /* EOF */