/* File: D:\WACKER\cncttapi\enum.c (Created: 23-Mar-1994)
* * Copyright 1994 by Hilgraeve Inc. -- Monroe, MI * All rights reserved * * $Revision: 29 $ * $Date: 7/02/02 8:27a $ */
#define TAPI_CURRENT_VERSION 0x00010004 // cab:11/14/96 - required!
#include <tapi.h>
#include <unimodem.h>
#include <limits.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <tdll\stdtyp.h>
#include <tdll\session.h>
#include <tdll\tdll.h>
#include <tdll\mc.h>
#include <tdll\assert.h>
#include <tdll\errorbox.h>
#include <tdll\cnct.h>
#include <tdll\hlptable.h>
#include <tdll\globals.h>
#include <tdll\com.h>
#include <term\res.h>
#include <tdll\htchar.h>
#include <tdll\misc.h>
#include "cncttapi.hh"
#include "cncttapi.h"
* FUNCTION: * EnumerateTapiLocations * * DESCRIPTION: * Enumerates tapi locations and puts them in the given combo box. * * ARGUMENTS: * hhDriver - private driver handle * hwndCB - window handle of combo box * hwndTB - calling card text window * * RETURNS: * 0 on success, else error * */ int EnumerateTapiLocations(const HHDRIVER hhDriver, const HWND hwndCB, const HWND hwndTB) { DWORD i, dwSize; LRESULT lr; TCHAR *pach = NULL; TCHAR ach[256]; DWORD dwPreferredCardID = (DWORD)-1; DWORD dwCountryID = 1; LINETRANSLATECAPS *pLnTransCap = NULL; LINELOCATIONENTRY *pLnLocEntry = NULL; LINECARDENTRY *pLnCardEntry = NULL;
/* --- Enumerate locations --- */
if (hhDriver == 0) { return -1; }
if ((pLnTransCap = malloc(sizeof(LINETRANSLATECAPS))) == 0) { assert(FALSE); return -2; }
dwSize = 0; // used in this loop to call the dialog only once.
do { memset(pLnTransCap, 0, sizeof(LINETRANSLATECAPS)); //* temp
pLnTransCap->dwTotalSize = sizeof(LINETRANSLATECAPS); //* temp
if ((i = TRAP(lineGetTranslateCaps(hhDriver->hLineApp, TAPI_VER, pLnTransCap))) != 0) { if ( i == LINEERR_INIFILECORRUPT ) { // Unfortunately, lineTranslateDialog does not return
// a failure code if the user clicks cancel. So if
// we fail the second time on lineGetTranslateCaps()
// don't bother to do anything else.
if (dwSize == 0) { LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_ER_TAPI_NEEDS_INFO, ach, sizeof(ach) / sizeof(TCHAR));
TimedMessageBox(sessQueryHwnd(hhDriver->hSession), ach, NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION, 0);
free(pLnTransCap); pLnTransCap = NULL; return -3; }
if (TRAP(lineTranslateDialog(hhDriver->hLineApp, 0, TAPI_VER, sessQueryHwnd(hhDriver->hSession), 0)) == 0) { dwSize = 1; continue; } }
free(pLnTransCap); pLnTransCap = NULL; return -4; } } while (i); // end of do.
if (pLnTransCap->dwNeededSize > pLnTransCap->dwTotalSize) { dwSize = pLnTransCap->dwNeededSize; free(pLnTransCap); pLnTransCap = NULL;
if ((pLnTransCap = malloc(dwSize)) == 0) { assert(FALSE); return -5; }
pLnTransCap->dwTotalSize = dwSize;
if (TRAP(lineGetTranslateCaps(hhDriver->hLineApp, TAPI_VER, pLnTransCap)) != 0) { free(pLnTransCap); pLnTransCap = NULL; return -6; } }
/* --- Clear combo box --- */
if (IsWindow(hwndCB)) SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
/* --- Setup pointer to entry structure and enumerate --- */
pLnLocEntry = (LINELOCATIONENTRY *) ((LPSTR)pLnTransCap + pLnTransCap->dwLocationListOffset);
for (i = 0 ; i < pLnTransCap->dwNumLocations ; ++i) { if (pLnLocEntry->dwLocationNameSize == 0) continue;
pach = (LPSTR)pLnTransCap + pLnLocEntry->dwLocationNameOffset; if (pLnLocEntry->dwLocationNameSize) MemCopy(ach, pach, pLnLocEntry->dwLocationNameSize); ach[pLnLocEntry->dwLocationNameSize] = TEXT('\0');
if (IsWindow(hwndCB)) { lr = SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)ach);
if (lr != CB_ERR) { SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)lr, (LPARAM)pLnLocEntry->dwPermanentLocationID); }
else { assert(FALSE); } }
// Make sure we have a default by setting the first valid entry
// we ecounter to the default. Later in the enumeration, if we
// encounter another ID as the default, we can reset it.
if (pLnLocEntry->dwPermanentLocationID == pLnTransCap->dwCurrentLocationID || dwPreferredCardID == (DWORD)-1) { dwPreferredCardID = pLnLocEntry->dwPreferredCardID;
if (hhDriver->dwCountryID == (DWORD)-1) dwCountryID = pLnLocEntry->dwCountryID;
/* --- Get default location area code if not specified --- */
if (pLnLocEntry->dwCityCodeSize) { pach = (LPSTR)pLnTransCap + pLnLocEntry->dwCityCodeOffset;
if (pLnLocEntry->dwCityCodeSize) MemCopy(hhDriver->achDefaultAreaCode, pach, pLnLocEntry->dwCityCodeSize);
hhDriver->achDefaultAreaCode[pLnLocEntry->dwCityCodeSize] = TEXT('\0'); } }
pLnLocEntry += 1; }
// If we don't have a country code loaded for this session, then
// use the country code of the current location.
if (hhDriver->dwCountryID == (DWORD)-1) hhDriver->dwCountryID = dwCountryID;
/* --- Select the default location --- */ if (IsWindow(hwndCB)) { // mrw,2/13/95 - changed so that selection is made by quering
// the combo box rather than saving the index which proved
// unreliable.
for (i = 0 ; i < pLnTransCap->dwNumLocations ; ++i) { lr = SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)i, 0);
if (lr != CB_ERR) { if ((DWORD)lr == pLnTransCap->dwCurrentLocationID) SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_SETCURSEL, i, 0); } } }
/* --- Now find the card entry --- */
if (dwPreferredCardID != (DWORD)-1) { pLnCardEntry = (LINECARDENTRY *) ((LPSTR)pLnTransCap + pLnTransCap->dwCardListOffset);
for (i = 0 ; i < pLnTransCap->dwNumCards ; ++i) { if (pLnCardEntry->dwPermanentCardID == dwPreferredCardID) { if (pLnCardEntry->dwCardNameSize == 0) break;
pach = (LPSTR)pLnTransCap + pLnCardEntry->dwCardNameOffset; if (pLnCardEntry->dwCardNameSize) MemCopy(ach, pach, pLnCardEntry->dwCardNameSize); ach[pLnCardEntry->dwCardNameSize] = TEXT('\0');
if (IsWindow(hwndTB)) SetWindowText(hwndTB, ach);
break; }
pLnCardEntry += 1; } }
free(pLnTransCap); pLnTransCap = NULL; return 0; }
* FUNCTION: * EnumerateCountryCodes * * DESCRIPTION: * Enumerates available country codes. * * ARGUMENTS: * hhDriver - private driver handle * hwndCB - combobox to fill * * RETURNS: * 0=success, else error code. * */ int EnumerateCountryCodes(const HHDRIVER hhDriver, const HWND hwndCB) { int iIdx; DWORD dw; DWORD dwID; DWORD dwSize; TCHAR ach[100]; LPLINECOUNTRYLIST pcl = NULL; LPLINECOUNTRYENTRY pce;
if (hhDriver == 0) goto ERROR_EXIT;
/* --- Usual junk to make a TAPI call --- */
if ((pcl = (LPLINECOUNTRYLIST)malloc(sizeof(LINECOUNTRYLIST))) == 0) { assert(0); goto ERROR_EXIT; }
memset( pcl, 0, sizeof(LINECOUNTRYLIST) ); pcl->dwTotalSize = sizeof(LINECOUNTRYLIST);
// Get the country list all at once.
if (lineGetCountry(0, TAPI_VER, pcl) != 0) { assert(0); goto ERROR_EXIT; }
if (pcl->dwNeededSize > pcl->dwTotalSize) { dwSize = pcl->dwNeededSize; free(pcl); pcl = NULL;
if ((pcl = (LPLINECOUNTRYLIST)malloc(dwSize)) == 0) { assert(0); goto ERROR_EXIT; }
memset( pcl, 0, dwSize ); pcl->dwTotalSize = dwSize;
if (lineGetCountry(0, TAPI_VER, pcl) != 0) { assert(0); goto ERROR_EXIT; } }
// Empty contents of combo box.
if (hwndCB) SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
// Country List array starts here...
pce = (LPLINECOUNTRYENTRY)((BYTE *)pcl + pcl->dwCountryListOffset);
// Loop thru list of countries and insert into combo box.
for (dw = 0 ; dw < pcl->dwNumCountries ; ++dw, ++pce) { // Format so country name is first.
wsprintf(ach, "%s (%d)", (BYTE *)pcl + pce->dwCountryNameOffset, pce->dwCountryCode);
// Add to combo box
iIdx = (int)SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)ach);
if (iIdx != CB_ERR) { SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)iIdx, (LPARAM)pce->dwCountryID); } }
// Find the current ID and select it.
for (dw = 0 ; dw < pcl->dwNumCountries ; ++dw) { dwID = (DWORD)SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)dw, 0);
if (dwID == hhDriver->dwCountryID) { SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)dw, 0); break; } }
// Clean up and exit
free(pcl); pcl = NULL; return 0;
/*==========*/ ERROR_EXIT: /*==========*/ if (pcl) { free(pcl); pcl = NULL; }
return -1; }
* FUNCTION: * EnumerateAreaCodes * * DESCRIPTION: * Lists last 10 area codes used. * * ARGUMENTS: * hhDriver - private driver handle * hwndCB - combobox to fill * * RETURNS: * 0=success, else error. * */ int EnumerateAreaCodes(const HHDRIVER hhDriver, const HWND hwndCB) { if (hhDriver == 0) { assert(FALSE); return -1; }
if (hhDriver->achAreaCode[0] == TEXT('\0')) { StrCharCopyN(hhDriver->achAreaCode, hhDriver->achDefaultAreaCode, sizeof(hhDriver->achAreaCode) / sizeof(TCHAR)); }
SetWindowText(hwndCB, hhDriver->achAreaCode); return 0; }
* FUNCTION: * EnumerateLines * * DESCRIPTION: * Enumerates available lines. If hwndCB is non-zero, loads names. * * ARGUMENTS: * hhDriver - private driver handle * hwndCB - combo box * * RETURNS: * 0=success, -1=error * */ int EnumerateLines(const HHDRIVER hhDriver, const HWND hwndCB) { int fHotPhone; int fRet; DWORD i; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwAPIVersion; LINEEXTENSIONID LnExtId; LPLINEDEVCAPS pLnDevCaps = NULL; PSTLINEIDS pstLineIds = NULL; TCHAR * pachLine; TCHAR achLine[256]; TCHAR ach[256]; LRESULT lr;
if (hhDriver == 0) { return -1; }
// This call knows to free the itemdata associated with this combo.
/* --- Initialize stuff --- */
pLnDevCaps = 0; hhDriver->dwLine = (DWORD)-1; hhDriver->fMatchedPermanentLineID = FALSE;
/* --- Enumerate the devices --- */
for (i = 0 ; i < hhDriver->dwLineCnt ; ++i) { if (lineNegotiateAPIVersion(hhDriver->hLineApp, i, TAPI_VER, TAPI_VER, &dwAPIVersion, &LnExtId) != 0) { // Could be a 1.3 driver, we continue.
continue; }
fRet = CheckHotPhone(hhDriver, i, &fHotPhone); if (fRet < 0) { assert(0); continue; } else if (fRet == 0 && fHotPhone) { continue; }
if ((pLnDevCaps = malloc(sizeof(LINEDEVCAPS))) == 0) { assert(0); continue; }
// TAPI says its too small if we just allocate sizeof(LINEDEVCAPS)
memset( pLnDevCaps, 0, sizeof(LINEDEVCAPS) ); pLnDevCaps->dwTotalSize = sizeof(LINEDEVCAPS);
/* --- Make call to find out how much we need for this device --- */
if (TRAP(lineGetDevCaps(hhDriver->hLineApp, i, dwAPIVersion, 0, pLnDevCaps)) != 0) { assert(0); continue; }
/* --- Find out how big structure really needs to be --- */
if (pLnDevCaps->dwNeededSize > pLnDevCaps->dwTotalSize) { dwSize = pLnDevCaps->dwNeededSize; free(pLnDevCaps); pLnDevCaps = NULL;
pLnDevCaps = malloc(dwSize);
if (pLnDevCaps == 0) { assert(FALSE); continue; }
pLnDevCaps->dwTotalSize = dwSize;
/* --- Try again --- */
if (lineGetDevCaps(hhDriver->hLineApp, i, dwAPIVersion, 0, pLnDevCaps) != 0) { assert(FALSE); free(pLnDevCaps); pLnDevCaps = NULL; continue; } }
/* --- Check the information we're interested in --- */
//mpt:03-19-98 added a MaxRate check to eliminate the MS VPN adapter
// from the list of available devices.
//mpt 06-23-98 added a MaxNumActiveCalls check to eliminate the
// H323 and Line0 devices from showing up in our list
if (pLnDevCaps->dwLineNameSize == 0 || (pLnDevCaps->dwMaxRate == 0 || pLnDevCaps->dwMaxRate >= 1048576) || (pLnDevCaps->dwMaxNumActiveCalls > 1 && pLnDevCaps->dwMaxNumActiveCalls != 32768) ) { free(pLnDevCaps); pLnDevCaps = NULL; continue; }
pachLine = (BYTE *)pLnDevCaps + pLnDevCaps->dwLineNameOffset; if (pLnDevCaps->dwLineNameSize) MemCopy(achLine, pachLine, pLnDevCaps->dwLineNameSize); achLine[pLnDevCaps->dwLineNameSize] = TEXT('\0');
/* --- Put name in combo box if given one --- */
if (IsWindow(hwndCB)) { // I need to associate two pieces of data with each
// item (permanent line id and relative line id). Both
// are double words and CB_SETITEMDATA only stores a
// a double word. So malloc a structure to hold both
// ids and store a pointer to the memory in the combobox.
// Call the mscResetComboBox() defined in the file to reset
// the contents of the combobox and free the associated
// memory. mscResetComboBox() is also called in the dialog
// destroy.
pstLineIds = malloc(sizeof(*pstLineIds));
if (pstLineIds == 0) { assert(FALSE); free(pLnDevCaps); pLnDevCaps = NULL; continue; }
pstLineIds->dwLineId = i; pstLineIds->dwPermanentLineId = pLnDevCaps->dwPermanentLineID;
// Add the name to the combobox. Since names are sorted,
// the index of the item is returned from SendMessage and
// stored in lr. Save this index for use below.
lr = SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)achLine);
if (lr != CB_ERR) { // Note: lr was set above CB_ADDSTRING call.
if (SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)lr, (LPARAM)pstLineIds) == CB_ERR) { assert(FALSE); free(pstLineIds); free(pLnDevCaps); pstLineIds = NULL; pLnDevCaps = NULL; continue; } }
else { free(pstLineIds); free(pLnDevCaps); pstLineIds = NULL; pLnDevCaps = NULL; continue; } }
// Only set the Modem as a match if the line device's
// dwPermanentLineID is the same as the drivers dwPermanentLineId.
// NOTE: We will set the default in the property page if a match
// is not found in this function. REV: 11/5/2001
if (pLnDevCaps->dwPermanentLineID == hhDriver->dwPermanentLineId) //||
//hhDriver->dwLine == (DWORD)-1)
{ hhDriver->dwLine = i; hhDriver->dwAPIVersion = dwAPIVersion; StrCharCopyN(hhDriver->achLineName, achLine, sizeof(hhDriver->achLineName) / sizeof(TCHAR));
if (IsWindow(hwndCB)) { // Note: lr was set above CB_ADDSTRING call.
SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)lr, 0); }
if (pLnDevCaps->dwPermanentLineID == hhDriver->dwPermanentLineId) { hhDriver->fMatchedPermanentLineID = TRUE; } }
/* --- Free allocated space --- */
free(pLnDevCaps); pLnDevCaps = NULL; }
// Load the direct to com port stuff first
if (LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_CNCT_DIRECTCOM, achLine, sizeof(achLine) / sizeof(TCHAR)) == 0) { assert(FALSE); // The loading of the string has failed from the resource, so
// add the non-localized string here (I don't believe this string
// is ever translated). REV 8/13/99
StrCharCopyN(achLine, TEXT("Direct to Com%d"), sizeof(achLine) / sizeof(TCHAR)); //return -1;
// Another nasty bug, DIRECT_COM4 is defined as 0x5A2175d4, which
// makes this one heck of a loop. I think we only want to do this
// four times (as opposed to 1.5 billion). - cab:11/14/96
// for (i = 0 ; i < DIRECT_COM4 ; ++i)
for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { wsprintf(ach, achLine, i+1);
if (IsWindow(hwndCB)) { lr = SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_INSERTSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)ach);
pstLineIds = malloc(sizeof(*pstLineIds));
if (pstLineIds == 0) { assert(FALSE); continue; }
// We don't use a line id here, only a permanent line id.
pstLineIds->dwPermanentLineId = DIRECT_COM1+i;
// Note: lr was set above CB_INSERTSTRING call.
if (SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)lr, (LPARAM)pstLineIds) == CB_ERR) { assert(FALSE); free(pstLineIds); pstLineIds = NULL; continue; } }
// If this is what was saved in the data file, then set
// the line ids.
// Only set the serial port as a match if the drivers
// dwPermanentLineId is equal to DIRECT_COM1+i.
// Since dwPermanentLineId is unique on Win9.x so we don't need to
// set the driver's name to the serial port's name. REV: 4/15/2002
// NOTE: We will set the default in the property page if a match
// is not found in this function. REV: 11/5/2001
if ((DIRECT_COM1+i) == hhDriver->dwPermanentLineId) //||
//hhDriver->dwLine == (DWORD)-1)
{ hhDriver->dwLine = 0; StrCharCopyN(hhDriver->achLineName, ach, sizeof(hhDriver->achLineName) / sizeof(TCHAR));
if (IsWindow(hwndCB)) { // Note: lr was set above CB_ADDSTRING call.
SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)lr, 0); }
hhDriver->fMatchedPermanentLineID = TRUE; } }
#if defined(INCL_WINSOCK)
// This is causing a syntax error, so I am fixing it. Why nobody
// found this sooner, I have no idea. - cab:11/14/96
//if (LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_WINSOCK_SETTINGS_STR, ach,
// sizeof(ach));
if (LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_WINSOCK_SETTINGS_STR, ach, sizeof(ach) / sizeof(TCHAR)) == 0) { assert(FALSE); // The loading of the string has failed from the resource, so
// add the non-localized string here (I don't believe this string
// is ever translated). REV 8/13/99
StrCharCopyN(ach, TEXT("TCP/IP (Winsock)"), sizeof(ach) / sizeof(TCHAR)); //return -1;
if (IsWindow(hwndCB)) { lr = SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_INSERTSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)ach);
pstLineIds = malloc(sizeof(*pstLineIds));
if (pstLineIds == 0) { assert(FALSE); free(pstLineIds); pstLineIds = NULL; return 0; }
// We don't use a line id here, only a permanent line id.
pstLineIds->dwPermanentLineId = DIRECT_COMWINSOCK;
// Note: lr was set above CB_INSERTSTRING call.
if (SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)lr, (LPARAM)pstLineIds) == CB_ERR) { assert(FALSE); } }
// Check to see if the current connection is winsock. - cab:11/15/96
// Only set the Winsock(TCP/IP) as a match if the drivers
// dwPermanentLineId is DIRECT_COMWSOCK.
// NOTE: We will set the default in the property page if a match
// is not found in this function. REV: 11/5/2001
if (DIRECT_COMWINSOCK == hhDriver->dwPermanentLineId) //||
//hhDriver->dwLine == (DWORD)-1)
{ hhDriver->dwLine = 0; StrCharCopyN(hhDriver->achLineName, ach, sizeof(hhDriver->achLineName) / sizeof(TCHAR));
if (IsWindow(hwndCB)) { // Note: lr was set above CB_INSERTSTRING call.
SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)lr, 0); }
if (DIRECT_COMWINSOCK == hhDriver->dwPermanentLineId) { hhDriver->fMatchedPermanentLineID = TRUE; }
// Don't free the pstLineIds since it will be freed in the
// mscResetComboBox() function. We were previously freeing the
// memory twice causing a crash with the MSVC 6.0 runtime DLL's.
// I'm suprised this did not present itself earlier. REV 8/17/98
} #endif
return 0; }
* FUNCTION: * EnumerateLinesNT * * DESCRIPTION: * Enumerates available lines. This function is similar to EnumerateLines, but * we use different methods to enumerate the ports under Windows NT. * * ARGUMENTS: * hhDriver - private driver handle * hwndCB - combo box * * RETURNS: * 0=success, -1=error * */ int EnumerateLinesNT(const HHDRIVER hhDriver, const HWND hwndCB) { int fHotPhone; int fRet; DWORD i; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwAPIVersion; LINEEXTENSIONID LnExtId; LPLINEDEVCAPS pLnDevCaps = NULL; PSTLINEIDS pstLineIds = NULL; TCHAR * pachLine; TCHAR achLine[256]; TCHAR ach[256]; TCHAR ab[256]; LRESULT lr; LRESULT nNumberItemInList = 0; HKEY hKey; LONG retval; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSizeBuf; DWORD iMaxComPortEnum = SHRT_MAX; // Make sure we have a
// limit on the number of
// ports we enumerate so
// that we don't get into
// an endless loop. SHRT_MAX
// is the scroll bar maximum
// used in the combo box
// dropdown list.
// REV: 11/14/2000.
if (hhDriver == 0) { return -1; }
// This call knows to free the itemdata associated with this combo.
/* --- Initialize stuff --- */
pLnDevCaps = 0; if ( StrCharCmp(hhDriver->achLineName, "") == 0 ) { hhDriver->dwLine = (DWORD)-1; } else { hhDriver->dwLine = 0; }
hhDriver->fMatchedPermanentLineID = FALSE;
/* --- Enumerate the devices --- */
for (i = 0 ; i < hhDriver->dwLineCnt ; ++i) { if (retval = lineNegotiateAPIVersion(hhDriver->hLineApp, i, TAPI_VER, TAPI_VER, &dwAPIVersion, &LnExtId) != 0) { // Could be a 1.3 driver, we continue.
continue; }
fRet = CheckHotPhone(hhDriver, i, &fHotPhone); if (fRet < 0) { assert(0); continue; } else if (fRet == 0 && fHotPhone) { continue; }
if ((pLnDevCaps = malloc(sizeof(LINEDEVCAPS))) == 0) { assert(0); continue; }
if (hhDriver->hLineApp == 0) { assert(FALSE); continue; }
// TAPI says its too small if we just allocate sizeof(LINEDEVCAPS)
pLnDevCaps->dwTotalSize = sizeof(LINEDEVCAPS);
/* --- Make call to find out how much we need for this device --- */
if (TRAP(lineGetDevCaps(hhDriver->hLineApp, i, dwAPIVersion, 0, pLnDevCaps)) != 0) { assert(0); continue; }
/* --- Find out how big structure really needs to be --- */
if (pLnDevCaps->dwNeededSize > pLnDevCaps->dwTotalSize) { dwSize = pLnDevCaps->dwNeededSize; free(pLnDevCaps); pLnDevCaps = NULL;
pLnDevCaps = malloc(dwSize);
if (pLnDevCaps == 0) { assert(FALSE); continue; }
pLnDevCaps->dwTotalSize = dwSize;
/* --- Try again --- */
if (lineGetDevCaps(hhDriver->hLineApp, i, dwAPIVersion, 0, pLnDevCaps) != 0) { assert(FALSE); continue; } }
/* --- Check the information we're interested in --- */
//mpt:03-19-98 added a MaxRate check to eliminate the MS VPN adapter
// from the list of available devices.
//mpt 06-23-98 added a MaxNumActiveCalls check to eliminate the
// H323 and Line0 devices from showing up in our list
if (pLnDevCaps->dwLineNameSize == 0 || (pLnDevCaps->dwMaxRate == 0 || pLnDevCaps->dwMaxRate >= 1048576) || (pLnDevCaps->dwMaxNumActiveCalls > 1 && pLnDevCaps->dwMaxNumActiveCalls != 32768) ) { free(pLnDevCaps); pLnDevCaps = NULL; continue; }
pachLine = (BYTE *)pLnDevCaps + pLnDevCaps->dwLineNameOffset; if (pLnDevCaps->dwLineNameSize) MemCopy(achLine, pachLine, pLnDevCaps->dwLineNameSize); achLine[pLnDevCaps->dwLineNameSize] = TEXT('\0');
/* --- Put name in combo box if given one --- */
if (IsWindow(hwndCB)) { // I need to associate two pieces of data with each
// item (permanent line id and relative line id). Both
// are double words and CB_SETITEMDATA only stores a
// a double word. So malloc a structure to hold both
// ids and store a pointer to the memory in the combobox.
// Call the mscResetComboBox() defined in the file to reset
// the contents of the combobox and free the associated
// memory. mscResetComboBox() is also called in the dialog
// destroy.
pstLineIds = malloc(sizeof(*pstLineIds));
if (pstLineIds == 0) { assert(FALSE); free(pLnDevCaps); pLnDevCaps = NULL; continue; }
pstLineIds->dwLineId = i; pstLineIds->dwPermanentLineId = pLnDevCaps->dwPermanentLineID;
// Add the name to the combobox. Since names are sorted,
// the index of the item is returned from SendMessage and
// stored in lr. Save this index for use below.
lr = SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)achLine);
if (lr != CB_ERR && lr != CB_ERRSPACE) { nNumberItemInList++;
// Note: lr was set above CB_ADDSTRING call.
if (SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)lr, (LPARAM)pstLineIds) == CB_ERR) { assert(FALSE); free(pstLineIds); free(pLnDevCaps); pstLineIds = NULL; pLnDevCaps = NULL; continue; } }
else { free(pstLineIds); free(pLnDevCaps); pstLineIds = NULL; pLnDevCaps = NULL; continue; } }
// Only set the Modem as a match if the line device's
// dwPermanentLineID is the same as the drivers dwPermanentLineId.
// NOTE: We will set the default in the property page if a match
// is not found in this function. REV: 11/5/2001
if (pLnDevCaps->dwPermanentLineID == hhDriver->dwPermanentLineId) //||
//hhDriver->dwLine == (DWORD)-1)
{ hhDriver->dwLine = i; hhDriver->dwAPIVersion = dwAPIVersion; StrCharCopyN(hhDriver->achLineName, achLine, sizeof(hhDriver->achLineName) / sizeof(TCHAR));
if (IsWindow(hwndCB)) { // Note: lr was set above CB_ADDSTRING call.
SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)lr, 0); }
if (pLnDevCaps->dwPermanentLineID == hhDriver->dwPermanentLineId) hhDriver->fMatchedPermanentLineID = TRUE; }
/* --- Free allocated space --- */
free(pLnDevCaps); pLnDevCaps = NULL; }
// Load the direct to com port stuff first
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("hardware\\devicemap\\serialcomm"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { assert(FALSE); // We used to return FALSE here which would mean the TCP/IP
// would not be in the enumerated connection methods (modem,
// COM port or Winsock) in the "Connect Using:" dropdown
// combobox in the properties for the entries. Since the
// return value was never checked, we can just continue on
// to finish the enumerations for the combobox. Now we just
// set the number of COM ports to enumerate to 0. REV 8/13/99.
//return FALSE;
iMaxComPortEnum = 0; }
// Make sure we don't enumerate mar than the maximum number of ports
// minus the number of TAPI devices. If we are including WINSOCK, then
// subtract 1 for the TCP/IP (WinSock) combobox item.
#if defined(INCL_WINSOCK)
iMaxComPortEnum = iMaxComPortEnum - (DWORD)nNumberItemInList - 1; #else
iMaxComPortEnum = iMaxComPortEnum - (DWORD)nNumberItemInList; #endif
// We now use a variable for the number of drives to enumerate.
// We have set the number of COM ports to enumerate in a variable
// above (iMaxComPortEnum == 0 if no COM ports installed). REV 8/13/99.
for (i = 0 ; i < iMaxComPortEnum ; ++i) { dwSizeBuf = sizeof(ab) / sizeof(TCHAR); dwSize = sizeof(ach) / sizeof(TCHAR);
// Enumerate devices under our serialcomm key
if (RegEnumValue(hKey, i, ach, &dwSize, 0, &dwType, ab, &dwSizeBuf) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
// Ignore anything that isn't a string.
if (dwType != REG_SZ) continue;
if (IsWindow(hwndCB)) { lr = SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_INSERTSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)ab);
// See if an error occured due to out of memory. If so,
// then don't enumerate any more ports. REV: 11/15/2000
if( lr == CB_ERRSPACE || lr == CB_ERR ) { break; }
pstLineIds = malloc(sizeof(*pstLineIds));
if (pstLineIds == 0) { assert(FALSE); continue; }
// We don't use a line id here, only a permanent line id.
pstLineIds->dwPermanentLineId = DIRECT_COM_DEVICE;
// Note: lr was set above CB_INSERTSTRING call.
if (SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)lr, (LPARAM)pstLineIds) == CB_ERR) { assert(FALSE); free(pstLineIds); pstLineIds = NULL; continue; } }
// Only set the serial port as a match if the drivers
// dwPermanentLineId is equal to DIRECT_COM_DEVICE or
// in the range from DIRECT_COM1 to DIRECT_COM4 and the
// driver's name is the same as the serial port's name.
// NOTE: We will set the default in the property page if a match
// is not found in this function. REV: 11/5/2001
if ( hhDriver->fMatchedPermanentLineID == FALSE && StrCharCmp(hhDriver->achComDeviceName, ab) == 0 && ( //hhDriver->dwPermanentLineId == (DWORD)-1 ||
IN_RANGE(hhDriver->dwPermanentLineId, DIRECT_COM1, DIRECT_COM4) || hhDriver->dwPermanentLineId == DIRECT_COM_DEVICE ) ) { hhDriver->dwLine = 0; StrCharCopyN(hhDriver->achLineName, ab, sizeof(hhDriver->achLineName) / sizeof(TCHAR));
if (IsWindow(hwndCB)) { // Note: lr was set above CB_ADDSTRING call.
SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)lr, 0); }
hhDriver->fMatchedPermanentLineID = TRUE; } }
#if defined(INCL_WINSOCK)
// This is causing a syntax error, so I am fixing it. Why nobody
// found this sooner, I have no idea. - cab:11/14/96
//if (LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_WINSOCK_SETTINGS_STR, ach,
// sizeof(ach));
if (LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_WINSOCK_SETTINGS_STR, ach, sizeof(ach) / sizeof(TCHAR)) == 0) { assert(FALSE); // The loading of the string has failed from the resource, so
// add the non-localized string here (I don't believe this string
// is ever translated). REV 8/13/99
StrCharCopyN(ach, TEXT("TCP/IP (Winsock)"), sizeof(ach) / sizeof(TCHAR)); //return -1;
if (IsWindow(hwndCB)) { lr = SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_INSERTSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)ach);
// See if an error occured due to out of memory. If so,
// then delete the last COM port added so there is room
// for the TCP/IP (Winsock) item. REV: 11/15/2000
if( lr == CB_ERRSPACE ) { lr = SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_DELETESTRING, (WPARAM)nNumberItemInList - 1, (LPARAM)0);
lr = SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_INSERTSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)ach); }
if (lr != CB_ERR && lr != CB_ERRSPACE) { pstLineIds = malloc(sizeof(*pstLineIds));
if (pstLineIds == 0) { assert(FALSE); free(pstLineIds); pstLineIds = NULL; return 0; }
// We don't use a line id here, only a permanent line id.
pstLineIds->dwPermanentLineId = DIRECT_COMWINSOCK;
// Note: lr was set above CB_INSERTSTRING call.
if (SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)lr, (LPARAM)pstLineIds) == CB_ERR) { assert(FALSE); } } }
// Check to see if the current connection is winsock. - cab:11/15/96
// Only set the Winsock(TCP/IP) as a match if the drivers
// dwPermanentLineId is DIRECT_COMWSOCK.
// NOTE: We will set the default in the property page if a match
// is not found in this function. REV: 11/5/2001
if (DIRECT_COMWINSOCK == hhDriver->dwPermanentLineId) //||
//hhDriver->dwLine == (DWORD)-1)
{ hhDriver->dwLine = 0; StrCharCopyN(hhDriver->achLineName, ach, sizeof(hhDriver->achLineName) / sizeof(TCHAR));
if (IsWindow(hwndCB)) { // Note: lr was set above CB_INSERTSTRING call.
SendMessage(hwndCB, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)lr, 0); }
if (DIRECT_COMWINSOCK == hhDriver->dwPermanentLineId) { hhDriver->fMatchedPermanentLineID = TRUE; }
// Don't free the pstLineIds since it will be freed in the
// mscResetComboBox() function. We were previously freeing the
// memory twice causing a crash with the MSVC 6.0 runtime DLL's.
// I'm suprised this did not present itself earlier. REV 8/17/98
} #endif
return 0; }
* FUNCTION: * DoLineGetCountry * * DESCRIPTION: * Wrapper indended to query for a single country. The caller must * free the pcl when finished. * * ARGUMENTS: * dwCountryID - ID of country * dwApiVersion - Api version (no longer used) * ppcl - pointer to a LPLINECOUNTRYLIST * * RETURNS: * 0=OK * */ int DoLineGetCountry(const DWORD dwCountryID, const DWORD dwAPIVersion, LPLINECOUNTRYLIST *ppcl) { DWORD dwSize; LPLINECOUNTRYLIST pcl = NULL;
if ((pcl = malloc(sizeof(LINECOUNTRYLIST))) == 0) { assert(FALSE); return -1; }
pcl->dwTotalSize = sizeof(LINECOUNTRYLIST);
if (lineGetCountry(dwCountryID, TAPI_VER, pcl) != 0) { assert(FALSE); free(pcl); pcl = NULL; return -1; }
if (pcl->dwNeededSize > pcl->dwTotalSize) { dwSize = pcl->dwNeededSize; free(pcl); pcl = NULL;
if ((pcl = malloc(dwSize)) == 0) { assert(FALSE); return -1; }
pcl->dwTotalSize = dwSize;
if (lineGetCountry(dwCountryID, TAPI_VER, pcl) != 0) { assert(FALSE); free(pcl); pcl = NULL; return -1; } }
*ppcl = pcl; return 0; }
* FUNCTION: * cnctdrvGetComSettingsString * * DESCRIPTION: * Retrieves a string formatted for display on the status line. * * ARGUMENTS: * hhDriver - private driver handle * pachStr - buffer to store string * cb - size of buffer * * RETURNS: * 0=OK,else error * */ int cnctdrvGetComSettingsString(const HHDRIVER hhDriver, LPTSTR pachStr, const size_t cb) { static CHAR acParity[] = "NOEMS"; // see com.h
static CHAR *pachStop[] = {"1", "1.5", "2"}; HCOM hCom; TCHAR ach[100]; LPVARSTRING pvs = NULL; int fAutoDetect = FALSE; long lBaud = 0; int iDataBits = 8; int iParity = 0; int iStopBits = 0; #if defined(MODEM_NEGOTIATED_DCE_RATE) // TODO:REV 5/29/2002
long lNegBaud = 0; #endif // defined(MODEM_NEGOTIATED_DCE_RATE)
// Check the parameters
if (hhDriver == 0) { assert(0); return -1; }
if (pachStr == 0 || cb == 0) { assert(0); return -2; }
ach[0] = TEXT('\0');
if ((hCom = sessQueryComHdl(hhDriver->hSession)) == 0) return -7;
// //MPT:11-01-98 Microsoft made these changes to fix a bug relating
// // to working with multiple connection devices.
// if (ComGetAutoDetect(hCom, &fAutoDetect) == COM_OK && fAutoDetect)
// {
// LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_STATUSBR_AUTODETECT, ach,
// sizeof(ach) / sizeof(TCHAR));
// }
#if defined(INCL_WINSOCK)
/*else*/ if (hhDriver->dwPermanentLineId == DIRECT_COMWINSOCK) { // Baud rate, data bits, parity, stop bits don't make sense in
// TCP/IP. Load an alternate string.
LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_STATUSBR_COM_TCPIP, ach, sizeof(ach) / sizeof(TCHAR)); } #endif
else if (IN_RANGE(hhDriver->dwPermanentLineId, DIRECT_COM1, DIRECT_COM4) || hhDriver->dwPermanentLineId == DIRECT_COM_DEVICE) { ComGetBaud(hCom, &lBaud); ComGetDataBits(hCom, &iDataBits); ComGetParity(hCom, &iParity); ComGetStopBits(hCom, &iStopBits);
wsprintf(ach, "%ld %d-%c-%s", lBaud, iDataBits, acParity[iParity], pachStop[iStopBits]); }
// Usual lines of code for a TAPI call
else if (hhDriver->dwLine != (DWORD)-1) { int retValue = 0;
iDataBits = 8; iParity = NOPARITY; iStopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
retValue = cncttapiGetLineConfig( hhDriver->dwLine, (VOID **) &pvs);
if (retValue != 0) { return retValue; } else { // The structure of the DevConfig block is as follows
// The UMDEVCFG structure used below is defined in the
// UNIMODEM.H provided in the platform SDK (in the nih
// directory for HTPE). REV: 12/01/2000
PUMDEVCFG pDevCfg = NULL; pDevCfg = (UMDEVCFG *)((BYTE *)pvs + pvs->dwStringOffset);
// commconfig struct has a DCB structure we dereference for the
// com settings.
lBaud = pDevCfg->commconfig.dcb.BaudRate; iDataBits = pDevCfg->commconfig.dcb.ByteSize; iParity = pDevCfg->commconfig.dcb.Parity; iStopBits = pDevCfg->commconfig.dcb.StopBits;
#if defined(MODEM_NEGOTIATED_DCE_RATE) // TODO:REV 5/29/2002
// See if this is a modem connection and connected, then get
// the negotiated baud rate instead of the default max rate
// the modem is set up for. -- REV: 5/29/2002
if (pDevCfg->commconfig.dwProviderSubType == PST_MODEM) { MODEMSETTINGS * pModemSettings = (MODEMSETTINGS *)pDevCfg->commconfig.wcProviderData;
if (pModemSettings) { lNegBaud = pModemSettings->dwNegotiatedDCERate; } } #endif // defined(MODEM_NEGOTIATED_DCE_RATE)
#if defined(MODEM_NEGOTIATED_DCE_RATE) // TODO:REV 5/29/2002
if (lNegBaud > 0) { wsprintf(ach, "%ld %d-%c-%s", lNegBaud, iDataBits, acParity[iParity], pachStop[iStopBits]); } else { wsprintf(ach, "%ld %d-%c-%s", lBaud, iDataBits, acParity[iParity], pachStop[iStopBits]); } #else // defined(MODEM_NEGOTIATED_DCE_RATE)
wsprintf(ach, "%ld %d-%c-%s", lBaud, iDataBits, acParity[iParity], pachStop[iStopBits]); #endif //defined(MODEM_NEGOTIATED_DCE_RATE)
// Moved this test to last so any change from 8N1 will not show auto-detect jkh 9/9/98
if (iDataBits == 8 && iParity == NOPARITY && iStopBits == ONESTOPBIT && ComGetAutoDetect(hCom, &fAutoDetect) == COM_OK && fAutoDetect) { LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_STATUSBR_AUTODETECT, ach, sizeof(ach) / sizeof(TCHAR)); }
StrCharCopyN(pachStr, ach, cb); pachStr[cb-1] = TEXT('\0'); free(pvs); pvs = NULL;
return 0; }
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
* FUNCTION: * tapiTrap * * DESCRIPTION: * Trap TAPI error conditions. * * ARGUMENTS: * dw - result code from tapi * file - file where error occured * line - line where error occured * * RETURNS: * dw * */ DWORD tapiTrap(const DWORD dw, const TCHAR *file, const int line) { char ach[256];
if (dw != 0) { wsprintf(ach, "TAPI returned %x on line %d of file %s", dw, line, file); MessageBox(NULL, ach, "TAPI Trap", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); }
return dw; } #endif