/* File: D:\WACKER\emu\emu_scr.c (Created: 08-Dec-1993)
* * Copyright 1994 by Hilgraeve Inc. -- Monroe, MI * All rights reserved * * $Revision: 5 $ * $Date: 3/26/02 5:07p $ */
#include <windows.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <tdll\stdtyp.h>
#include <tdll\tdll.h>
#include <tdll\cloop.h>
#include <tdll\assert.h>
#include <tdll\capture.h>
#include <tdll\session.h>
#include <tdll\backscrl.h>
#include <tdll\print.h>
#include <tdll\update.h>
#include <tdll\htchar.h>
#include "tdll\misc.h"
#include "emu.h"
#include "emu.hh"
* backspace * * DESCRIPTION: * * ARGUMENTS: * * RETURNS: * */ void backspace(const HHEMU hhEmu) { INT bWide = 1; INT iRow = row_index(hhEmu, hhEmu->emu_currow); INT iCol;
// Move the cursor back.
if (hhEmu->emu_curcol > 0) { bWide = hhEmu->emu_apAttr[iRow][hhEmu->emu_curcol - 1].wirt ? 2 : 1; bWide = hhEmu->emu_apAttr[iRow][hhEmu->emu_curcol].wirt ? 0 : bWide;
(*hhEmu->emu_setcurpos)(hhEmu, hhEmu->emu_currow, hhEmu->emu_curcol - bWide);
// Now see if we need to get rid of the character.
if ((hhEmu->stUserSettings.nEmuId == EMU_TTY && hhEmu->stUserSettings.fDestructiveBk) || (bWide == 0)) { if (bWide == 0) iCol = hhEmu->emu_curcol - 1; else iCol = hhEmu->emu_curcol; // account for wide chars this way
hhEmu->emu_code = ETEXT(' '); (*hhEmu->emu_graphic)(hhEmu);
(*hhEmu->emu_setcurpos)(hhEmu, hhEmu->emu_currow, iCol); //MPT:12-8-97 hhEmu->emu_curcol - 1);
} }
* FUNCTION: * * DESCRIPTION: * * ARGUMENTS: * * RETURNS: * */ void carriagereturn(const HHEMU hhEmu) { (*hhEmu->emu_setcurpos)(hhEmu, hhEmu->emu_currow, 0); }
* FUNCTION: * * DESCRIPTION: * * ARGUMENTS: * iRow -- the row to clear * Note: Since this function calls row_index() with iRow, DO NOT call this * function with a row number that was returned by a call to row_index(). * You'll clear the wrong row. * * RETURNS: * */ void clear_imgrow(const HHEMU hhEmu, int iRow) { register int i; PSTATTR pstAttr;
iRow = row_index(hhEmu, iRow);
ECHAR_Fill(hhEmu->emu_apText[iRow], EMU_BLANK_CHAR, (size_t)MAX_EMUCOLS);
for (i = 0, pstAttr = hhEmu->emu_apAttr[iRow] ; i <= MAX_EMUCOLS ; ++i) pstAttr[i] = hhEmu->emu_clearattr;
hhEmu->emu_aiEnd[iRow] = EMU_BLANK_LINE; }
* FUNCTION: * * DESCRIPTION: * * ARGUMENTS: * * RETURNS: * */ void emuLineFeed(const HHEMU hhEmu) { ECHAR aechBuf[10]; int iRow = row_index(hhEmu, hhEmu->emu_currow);
if (hhEmu->print_echo) { printEchoLine(hhEmu->hPrintEcho, hhEmu->emu_apText[row_index(hhEmu, hhEmu->emu_currow)], emuRowLen(hhEmu, iRow));
if (hhEmu->emu_code == ETEXT('\f')) { CnvrtMBCStoECHAR(aechBuf, sizeof(aechBuf), TEXT("\f"), StrCharGetByteCount(TEXT("\f"))); printEchoLine(hhEmu->hPrintEcho, aechBuf, sizeof(ECHAR)); } }
if (hhEmu->mode_LNM) ANSI_CNL(hhEmu, 1); else ANSI_IND(hhEmu); }
* emu_print * * DESCRIPTION: * Prints the specified bufr. Opens a print channel if one is not * already open * * ARGUMENTS: * bufr -- address of bufr to print * length -- number of chars to print from bufr * * RETURNS: * nothing */ void emuPrintChars(const HHEMU hhEmu, ECHAR *bufr, int nLen) { int nIndex; ECHAR *tChar;
if (nLen == 0 || bufr == 0) return;
for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < nLen; nIndex++) { tChar = bufr + nIndex; printEchoChar(hhEmu->hPrintHost, *tChar); }
return; }
* FUNCTION: * * DESCRIPTION: * * ARGUMENTS: * * RETURNS: * */ void scrolldown(const HHEMU hhEmu, int nlines) { register int row, nrows; int toprow, botmrow; int nScrlInc;
if (nlines <= 0) return;
hhEmu->scr_scrollcnt -= nlines; nScrlInc = nlines;
toprow = hhEmu->top_margin; botmrow = hhEmu->bottom_margin;
if (hhEmu->top_margin == 0 && hhEmu->bottom_margin == hhEmu->emu_maxrow) { hhEmu->emu_imgtop = row_index(hhEmu, -nlines); }
else if (nlines < hhEmu->bottom_margin - hhEmu->top_margin + 1) { nrows = hhEmu->bottom_margin - hhEmu->top_margin + 1 - nlines;
for (row = hhEmu->bottom_margin; nrows > 0; --nrows, --row) { int c; PSTATTR pstAttr, pstAttr2;
memmove(hhEmu->emu_apText[row_index(hhEmu, row)], hhEmu->emu_apText[row_index(hhEmu, row - nlines)], (size_t)(hhEmu->emu_maxcol+2));
hhEmu->emu_aiEnd[row_index(hhEmu, row - nlines)] = hhEmu->emu_aiEnd[row_index(hhEmu, row)];
pstAttr = hhEmu->emu_apAttr[row_index(hhEmu, row)]; pstAttr2 = hhEmu->emu_apAttr[row_index(hhEmu, row - nlines)];
for (c = 0 ; c <= hhEmu->emu_maxcol ; ++c) pstAttr[c] = pstAttr2[c]; } }
for (row = hhEmu->top_margin; nlines > 0; --nlines, ++row) clear_imgrow(hhEmu, row);
hhEmu->emu_imgrow = row_index(hhEmu, hhEmu->emu_currow);
updateScroll(sessQueryUpdateHdl(hhEmu->hSession), toprow, botmrow, -nScrlInc, hhEmu->emu_imgtop, TRUE); }
* FUNCTION: * * DESCRIPTION: * * ARGUMENTS: * * RETURNS: * */ void scrollup(const HHEMU hhEmu, int nlines) { register INT row; INT nrows, iLen, iThisRow; ECHAR *lp; /* line pointer */ ECHAR aechBuf[10]; INT nScrlInc; /* needed for call to Vid routine at bottom of func */
HBACKSCRL hBackscrl = sessQueryBackscrlHdl(hhEmu->hSession); HCAPTUREFILE hCapture = sessQueryCaptureFileHdl(hhEmu->hSession);
if (nlines <= 0) return;
hhEmu->scr_scrollcnt += nlines; nScrlInc = nlines = min(nlines, hhEmu->bottom_margin - hhEmu->top_margin + 1);
for (row = hhEmu->top_margin; row < (hhEmu->top_margin + nlines); ++row) { iThisRow = row_index(hhEmu, row); lp = hhEmu->emu_apText[iThisRow]; iLen = emuRowLen(hhEmu, iThisRow);
backscrlAdd(hBackscrl, lp, iLen);
CaptureLine(hCapture, CF_CAP_SCREENS, lp, iLen);
printEchoScreen(hhEmu->hPrintEcho, lp, iLen); CnvrtMBCStoECHAR(aechBuf, sizeof(aechBuf), TEXT("\r\n"), StrCharGetByteCount(TEXT("\r\n"))); printEchoScreen(hhEmu->hPrintEcho, aechBuf, sizeof(ECHAR) * 2);
clear_imgrow(hhEmu, row); }
if (hhEmu->top_margin == 0 && hhEmu->bottom_margin == hhEmu->emu_maxrow) { hhEmu->emu_imgtop = row_index(hhEmu, nlines); }
else if (nlines < (hhEmu->bottom_margin - hhEmu->top_margin + 1)) { nrows = hhEmu->bottom_margin - hhEmu->top_margin + 1 - nlines;
for (row = hhEmu->top_margin; nrows > 0; --nrows, ++row) { INT c; PSTATTR pstAttr, pstAttr2;
memmove(hhEmu->emu_apText[row_index(hhEmu, row)], hhEmu->emu_apText[row_index(hhEmu, row + nlines)], (size_t)hhEmu->emu_maxcol + 2);
hhEmu->emu_aiEnd[row_index(hhEmu, row + nlines)] = hhEmu->emu_aiEnd[row_index(hhEmu, row)];
pstAttr = hhEmu->emu_apAttr[row_index(hhEmu, row)]; pstAttr2 = hhEmu->emu_apAttr[row_index(hhEmu, row + nlines)];
for (c = 0 ; c <= hhEmu->emu_maxcol ; ++c) pstAttr[c] = pstAttr2[c]; }
for (row = hhEmu->bottom_margin; nlines > 0; --nlines, --row) clear_imgrow(hhEmu, row); }
hhEmu->emu_imgrow = row_index(hhEmu, hhEmu->emu_currow);
updateScroll(sessQueryUpdateHdl(hhEmu->hSession), hhEmu->top_margin, hhEmu->bottom_margin, nScrlInc, hhEmu->emu_imgtop, TRUE);
return; }
* FUNCTION: * * DESCRIPTION: * * ARGUMENTS: * * RETURNS: * */ void tab(const HHEMU hhEmu) { int col;
col = hhEmu->emu_curcol; while (col <= hhEmu->emu_maxcol) if (hhEmu->tab_stop[++col]) break;
(*hhEmu->emu_setcurpos)(hhEmu, hhEmu->emu_currow, col); }
* FUNCTION: * * DESCRIPTION: * * ARGUMENTS: * * RETURNS: * */ void backtab(const HHEMU hhEmu) { int col;
col = hhEmu->emu_curcol; while (col > 0) { if (hhEmu->tab_stop[--col]) { break; } }
(*hhEmu->emu_setcurpos)(hhEmu, hhEmu->emu_currow, col); }
* FUNCTION: * * DESCRIPTION: * * ARGUMENTS: * * RETURNS: * */ void tabn(const HHEMU hhEmu) { int iCol; int iTabSize;
iCol = hhEmu->emu_curcol;
iTabSize = CLoopGetTabSizeIn(sessQueryCLoopHdl(hhEmu->hSession));
while (iCol <= hhEmu->emu_maxcol) { if (++iCol % iTabSize == 0) break; }
(*hhEmu->emu_setcurpos)(hhEmu, hhEmu->emu_currow, iCol); }
* emu_bell * * DESCRIPTION: * Displays the bell code. * * ARGUMENTS: * none * * RETURNS: * nothing */ void emu_bell(const HHEMU hhEmu) { mscMessageBeep(-1); // Standard Beep
* emu_clearword * * DESCRIPTION: * Clears a part of current line. * * ARGUMENTS: * fromcol -- virtual image column of 1st character to be cleared * tocol -- virtual image column of last character to be cleared * * RETURNS: * nothing */ void emu_clearword(const HHEMU hhEmu, int fromcol, int tocol) { int c; STATTR stAttr; int old_mode_IRM;
(*hhEmu->emu_setcurpos)(hhEmu, hhEmu->emu_currow, fromcol); old_mode_IRM = hhEmu->mode_IRM; hhEmu->mode_IRM = RESET; /* overwrite, not insert */ stAttr = hhEmu->attrState[CSCLEAR_STATE];
for (c = fromcol; c <= tocol; ++c) { hhEmu->emu_code = ETEXT(' '); (*hhEmu->emu_graphic)(hhEmu); }
hhEmu->attrState[CSCLEAR_STATE] = stAttr; hhEmu->mode_IRM = old_mode_IRM; (*hhEmu->emu_setcurpos)(hhEmu, hhEmu->emu_currow, fromcol); }