/* File: D:\WACKER\tdll\telnetck.c (Created: 26-Nov-1996 by cab)
* * Copyright 1996 by Hilgraeve Inc. -- Monroe, MI * All rights reserved * * Description: * Implements the functions used to implement "telnet checking". * This is HyperTerminal's way of assuring that it is the * default telnet app for Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. * * $Revision: 5 $ * $Date: 5/15/02 4:37p $ */
#include <windows.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "features.h"
#include "assert.h"
#include "stdtyp.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "htchar.h"
#include "registry.h"
#include "hlptable.h"
// Control IDs for the dialog:
#define IDC_CK_STOP_ASKING 200
#define IDC_ST_QUESTION 201
// Registry key for HyperTerminal:
#ifndef NT_EDITION
static const TCHAR g_achHyperTerminalRegKey[] = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Hilgraeve Inc\\HyperTerminal PE\\3.0"); #else
static const TCHAR g_achHyperTerminalRegKey[] = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\HyperTerminal"); #endif
// Registry value for telnet checking:
static const TCHAR g_achTelnetCheck[] = TEXT("Telnet Check");
// Registry keys for the web browsers:
static const TCHAR g_achIERegKey[] = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Classes\\telnet\\shell\\open\\command");
static const TCHAR g_achNetscapeRegKey[] = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Netscape\\Netscape Navigator\\Viewers");
// Registry values for the browser telnet apps:
static const TCHAR g_achIERegValue[] = TEXT("");
static const TCHAR g_achNetscapeRegValue[] = TEXT("telnet");
* FUNCTION: * IsHyperTerminalDefaultTelnetApp * * DESCRIPTION: * Determines if HyperTerminal is the default telnet app for Internet * Explorer and Netscape Navigator. * * PARAMETERS: * None * * RETURNS: * TRUE or FALSE * * AUTHOR: C. Baumgartner, 11/26/96 */ BOOL IsHyperTerminalDefaultTelnetApp(void) { TCHAR acExePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR acRegistryData[MAX_PATH * 2]; long lRet = 0; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(acRegistryData);
// Get the path name of HyperTerminal.
acExePath[0] = TEXT('\0'); GetModuleFileName(glblQueryHinst(), acExePath, MAX_PATH);
// Get IE's default telnet app.
acRegistryData[0] = TEXT('\0'); if ( htRegQueryValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_achIERegKey, g_achIERegValue, acRegistryData, &dwSize) == 0 ) { if ( StrCharStrStr(acRegistryData, acExePath) == NULL ) { return FALSE; } } // Get Netscape's default telnet app.
acRegistryData[0] = TEXT('\0'); if ( htRegQueryValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, g_achNetscapeRegKey, g_achNetscapeRegValue, acRegistryData, &dwSize) == 0 ) { if ( StrCharStrStr(acRegistryData, acExePath) == NULL ) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
* FUNCTION: * QueryTelnetCheckFlag * * DESCRIPTION: * Returns the value of the "telnet checking" flag. If this is TRUE, * the app should check whether it is the default telnet app for IE * and Netscape. If it isn't the default telnet app, then display * the "Default Telnet App" dialog. The user can disable "telnet * checking" by checking the "Stop asking me this question" box. * * PARAMETERS: * None * * RETURNS: * TRUE or FALSE * * AUTHOR: C. Baumgartner, 11/26/96 */ BOOL QueryTelnetCheckFlag(void) { DWORD dwTelnetCheck = TRUE; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(dwTelnetCheck);
if ( htRegQueryValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, g_achHyperTerminalRegKey, g_achTelnetCheck, (LPBYTE) &dwTelnetCheck, &dwSize) == 0 ) { return dwTelnetCheck; }
return TRUE; }
* FUNCTION: * SetTelnetCheckFlag * * DESCRIPTION: * Sets the "telnet checking" flag which will either turn on or off * this feature the next time HyperTerminal starts. * * PARAMETERS: * fCheck - Check if HyperTerminal is the default telnet app? * * RETURNS: * 0 if successful, -1 if error * * AUTHOR: C. Baumgartner, 11/27/96 */ int SetTelnetCheckFlag(BOOL fCheck) { int iRet = 0;
if ( regSetDwordValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, g_achHyperTerminalRegKey, g_achTelnetCheck, (DWORD)fCheck) != 0 ) { iRet = -1; }
return iRet; }
* FUNCTION: * SetDefaultTelnetApp * * DESCRIPTION: * Sets the default telnet application for IE and Netscape to HyperTerminal. * * PARAMETERS: * None * * RETURNS: * 0 if successful, -1 if error * * AUTHOR: C. Baumgartner, 11/27/96 */ int SetDefaultTelnetApp(void) { int iRet = 0; TCHAR acExePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR acRegistryData[MAX_PATH * 2];
// Get the path name of HyperTerminal.
acExePath[0] = TEXT('\0'); GetModuleFileName(glblQueryHinst(), acExePath, MAX_PATH);
// Create the Netscape telnet command string.
acRegistryData[0] = TEXT('\0'); wsprintf(acRegistryData, "%s /t", acExePath);
// Write it to the registry.
if ( regSetStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, g_achNetscapeRegKey, g_achNetscapeRegValue, acRegistryData) != 0 ) { // Just set the return flag to mark that we failed.
iRet = -1; }
// Create the IE telnet command string.
acRegistryData[0] = TEXT('\0'); wsprintf(acRegistryData, "%s /t %%1", acExePath);
// Write it to the registry.
if ( regSetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_achIERegKey, g_achIERegValue, acRegistryData) != 0 ) { // Just set the return flag to mark that we failed.
iRet = -1; }
return iRet; }
* FUNCTION: * DefaultTelnetAppDlgProc * * DESCRIPTION: * The dialog procedure for the "Default Telnet App" dialog. * This dialog asks the user if he/she wants HyperTerminal * to be the default telnet app for IE and NN. There also is * a check box to disable this potentially annoying feature. * * PARAMETERS: * hDlg - The dialog's window handle. * wMsg - The message being sent to the window. * wPar - The message's wParam. * lPar - The message's lParam. * * RETURNS: * TRUE or FALSE * * AUTHOR: C. Baumgartner, 11/26/96 */ INT_PTR CALLBACK DefaultTelnetAppDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wPar, LPARAM lPar) {
switch (wMsg) { case WM_DESTROY: // Check the value of the "Stop asking me" checkbox.
SetTelnetCheckFlag(!(IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_CK_STOP_ASKING) == BST_CHECKED)); break;
case WM_HELP: doContextHelp(aHlpTable, wPar, lPar, FALSE, FALSE); break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (wPar) { case IDC_PB_YES: SetDefaultTelnetApp(); EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break;
case IDC_PB_NO: EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break;
default: return FALSE; } break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }