// toolbox.h : Declares the class interfaces for the toolbox window class.
#ifndef __TOOLBOX_H__
#define __TOOLBOX_H__
#define TM_TOOLDOWN (WM_USER+0x0010)
#define TM_TOOLUP (WM_USER+0x0011)
#define TM_TOOLDBLCLK (WM_USER+0x0012)
#define TM_QUERYDROP (WM_USER+0x0013)
#define TM_DROP (WM_USER+0x0014)
#define TM_ABORTDROP (WM_USER+0x0015)
#define TF_DISABLED 0x8000
#define TF_SELECTED 0x4000
#define TF_DRAG 0x2000
#define TF_HOT 0x0800
#define TF_NYI 0x9000 // this represents a NYI tool (note that
// TF_NYI implies TF_DISABLED)
#define TS_DEFAULT 0xC000
#define TS_STICKY 0x4000
#define TS_DRAG 0x2000
#define TS_CMD 0x1000
#define TS_VB 0x0800
#define TS_WELL 0x0400
#define NUM_TOOLS_WIDE 2
class CToolboxWnd;
class CImageWell; #else //!CUSTOMFLOAT
#include "imgwell.h"
#include "imgcolor.h"
// CTool:
// A CTool is a thin-window button which can be inserted in a CToolboxWnd.
// Note that the tool is "owned" by a separate window, which is notified
// directly when the tool is used (pushed, dragged, unpushed, etc.). The
// CToolboxWnd sends TM_* messages to the owning window.
// The graphics are completely calculated from the single bitmap given to
// the tool upon creation. The pushed, disabled and unpushed states are
// drawn from the bitmap, which should be a two-color image without any
// chiseling button effects in it. The graphic is centered in the button.
// For buttons defined with the TS_DRAG style, a cursor ID may be specified
// for the can't-drop state. If not specified, the generic slashed-O
// cursor is used.
class CTool : public CObject { public: /*****************************************************************/ CToolboxWnd* m_pOwner; WORD m_wID; int m_nImage; // index into parent's image well
WORD m_wState; WORD m_wStyle;
CTool(CToolboxWnd* pOwner, WORD wID, int nImage, WORD wStyle = 0, WORD wState = 0); };
/******************************************************************************/ // CToolboxWnd:
// This is a typical mini-frame window, filled with an array of special
// buttons of the CTool class (above). Direct access to this CObArray is
// allowed with the GetTools member function.
// After directly manipulating the tool array (adding, removing or modifying
// tools), use the Invalidate member function to repaint the window with the
// new state.
class CDocking; #endif
class CToolboxWnd : public CControlBar { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CToolboxWnd)
private: /**************************************************************/
CBitmap* m_bmStuck; CBitmap* m_bmPushed; CBitmap* m_bmPopped; CTool* m_tCapture; BOOL m_bInside; CRect m_lasttool; HCURSOR m_oldcursor; CTool* m_pLastHot; CRect m_rectLastHot; HTHEME m_hTheme;
CObArray* m_Tools; CPoint m_downpt; // "click down point" for drag debounce -gh
CDocking* m_pDocking; #endif
protected: /**************************************************************/
CTool* ToolFromPoint(CRect* rect, CPoint* pt) const; void SizeByButtons(int nButtons = -1, BOOL bRepaint = FALSE); BOOL DrawStockBitmaps();
WORD m_wWide; CPoint m_btnsize; CImageWell m_imageWell; CRect m_rcTools; int m_nOffsetX; int m_nOffsetY;
public: /**************************************************************/
static const POINT NEAR ptDefButton;
CToolboxWnd(); ~CToolboxWnd();
virtual BOOL Create(const TCHAR FAR* lpWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, const POINT& btnsize = ptDefButton, WORD wWide = 1, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL, int nImageWellID = 0); virtual BOOL OnCommand(UINT wParam, LONG lParam); virtual UINT OnCmdHitTest ( CPoint point, CPoint* pCenter ); virtual BOOL SetStatusText(int nHit);
int HitTestToolTip( CPoint point, UINT* pHit );
void AddTool(CTool* tool); void RemoveTool(CTool* tool); WORD SetToolState(WORD wID, WORD wState); WORD SetToolStyle(WORD wID, WORD wStyle); void SelectTool(WORD wid); WORD CurrentToolID(); CTool* GetTool(WORD wID); void DrawButtons(CDC& dc, RECT* rcPaint);
inline int GetToolCount() { return (int)m_Tools->GetSize(); } inline CTool* GetToolAt(int nTool) { return (CTool*)m_Tools->GetAt(nTool); }
void CancelDrag();
afx_msg void OnSysColorChange(); afx_msg void OnPaint(); afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT wFlags, CPoint point); afx_msg void OnRButtonDown(UINT wFlags, CPoint point); afx_msg void OnLButtonDblClk(UINT wFlags, CPoint point); afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT wFlags, CPoint point); afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT wFlags, CPoint point); afx_msg void OnClose(); afx_msg void OnDestroy(); afx_msg void OnWinIniChange(LPCTSTR lpSection); afx_msg void OnKeyDown(UINT, UINT, UINT); afx_msg LONG OnToolDown(UINT wID, LONG lParam); afx_msg LONG OnToolUp(UINT wID, LONG lParam); afx_msg LRESULT OnThemeChanged(WPARAM, LPARAM); afx_msg LRESULT OnHelpHitTest(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); // afx_msg LONG OnSwitch(UINT wID, LONG point);
// virtual BOOL BeginDragDrop( CTool* pTool, CPoint pt );
class CImgToolWnd : public CToolboxWnd { public: /**************************************************************/
CRect m_rcBrushes;
virtual BOOL Create(const TCHAR* pWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, const POINT& btnSize, WORD wWide, CWnd* pParentWnd, BOOL bDkRegister = TRUE); virtual CSize CalcFixedLayout(BOOL bStretch, BOOL bHorz);
BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg);
afx_msg void OnSysColorChange(); afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC); afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint pt); afx_msg void OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint pt); afx_msg void OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint pt); afx_msg void OnPaint(); afx_msg UINT OnNcHitTest(CPoint point);
virtual int OnToolHitTest(CPoint point, TOOLINFO* pTI) const; virtual CSize GetSize(); virtual WORD GetHelpOffset() { return ID_WND_GRAPHIC; } virtual void OnUpdateCmdUI(CFrameWnd* pTarget, BOOL bDisableIfNoHndler);
void InvalidateOptions(BOOL bErase = TRUE); friend class CImgColorsWnd;
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const { CWnd::AssertValid(); } #endif //_DEBUG
class CFloatImgToolWnd : public CMiniFrmWnd { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CFloatImgToolWnd)
public: /**************************************************************/
virtual ~CFloatImgToolWnd(void); virtual BOOL Create(const TCHAR* pWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, const POINT& btnSize, WORD wWide, CWnd* pParentWnd, BOOL bDkRegister = TRUE); virtual WORD GetHelpOffset() { return ID_WND_GRAPHIC; } afx_msg void OnSysColorChange(); afx_msg void OnClose();
}; #endif //CUSTOMFLOAT
extern CImgToolWnd* NEAR g_pImgToolWnd;
#endif // __TOOLBOX_H__