Leaked source code of windows server 2003

113 lines
3.4 KiB

  1. // This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
  2. // Copyright (C) 1992-1995 Microsoft Corporation
  3. // All rights reserved.
  4. //
  5. // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
  6. // Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
  7. // electronic documentation provided with the library.
  8. // See these sources for detailed information regarding the
  9. // Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
  10. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  11. // Auxiliary System/Screen metrics
  12. struct AUX_DATA
  13. {
  14. // system metrics
  15. int cxVScroll, cyHScroll;
  16. int cxIcon, cyIcon;
  17. int cxBorder2, cyBorder2;
  18. // device metrics for screen
  19. int cxPixelsPerInch, cyPixelsPerInch;
  20. // convenient system color
  21. HBRUSH hbrWindowFrame;
  22. HBRUSH hbrBtnFace;
  23. #ifdef _MAC
  24. HBRUSH hbr3DLight;
  25. #endif
  26. // color values of system colors used for CToolBar
  27. COLORREF clrBtnFace, clrBtnShadow, clrBtnHilite;
  28. COLORREF clrBtnText, clrWindowFrame;
  29. #ifdef _MAC
  30. COLORREF clr3DLight;
  31. #endif
  32. // standard cursors
  33. HCURSOR hcurWait;
  34. HCURSOR hcurArrow;
  35. HCURSOR hcurHelp; // cursor used in Shift+F1 help
  36. // special GDI objects allocated on demand
  37. HFONT hStatusFont;
  38. HFONT hToolTipsFont;
  39. HBITMAP hbmMenuDot;
  40. // other system information
  41. UINT nWinVer; // Major.Minor version numbers
  42. BOOL bWin32s; // TRUE if Win32s (or Windows 95)
  43. BOOL bWin4; // TRUE if Windows 4.0
  44. BOOL bNotWin4; // TRUE if not Windows 4.0
  45. BOOL bSmCaption; // TRUE if WS_EX_SMCAPTION is supported
  46. BOOL bMarked4; // TRUE if marked as 4.0
  47. #ifdef _MAC
  48. BOOL bOleIgnoreSuspend;
  49. #endif
  50. // Implementation
  51. AUX_DATA();
  52. ~AUX_DATA();
  53. void UpdateSysColors();
  54. void UpdateSysMetrics();
  55. };
  56. extern AFX_DATA_IMPORT AUX_DATA afxData;
  57. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  58. // _AFX_EDIT_STATE
  59. class _AFX_EDIT_STATE : public CNoTrackObject
  60. {
  61. public:
  62. _AFX_EDIT_STATE();
  63. virtual ~_AFX_EDIT_STATE();
  64. CFindReplaceDialog* pFindReplaceDlg; // find or replace dialog
  65. BOOL bFindOnly; // Is pFindReplace the find or replace?
  66. CString strFind; // last find string
  67. CString strReplace; // last replace string
  68. BOOL bCase; // TRUE==case sensitive, FALSE==not
  69. int bNext; // TRUE==search down, FALSE== search up
  70. BOOL bWord; // TRUE==match whole word, FALSE==not
  71. };
  72. #undef AFX_DATA
  73. #define AFX_DATA
  74. class _AFX_RICHEDIT2_STATE : public _AFX_EDIT_STATE
  75. {
  76. public:
  77. HINSTANCE m_hInstRichEdit; // handle to richedit dll
  78. virtual ~_AFX_RICHEDIT2_STATE();
  79. };
  81. _AFX_RICHEDIT2_STATE* AFX_CDECL AfxGetRichEdit2State();
  82. // dialog/commdlg hook procs
  84. // support for standard dialogs
  85. extern const UINT _afxNMsgSETRGB;
  87. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  88. // Special helpers
  89. BOOL AFXAPI AfxHelpEnabled(); // determine if ID_HELP handler exists