// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
// Copyright (C) 1992-1995 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdafx2.h"
#include "wordpad.h"
// See Win98 HACKHACK below
#ifdef _CHICAGO_
#include <initguid.h>
#include <tom.h>
#pragma comment (lib, "oleaut32.lib")
#endif // _CHICAGO_
// Hack multimon to work with NT4 headers but NT5 libs
#if _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0500
#include <multimon.h>
#undef GetSystemMetrics
#undef MonitorFromWindow
#undef MonitorFromRect
#undef MonitorFromPoint
#undef GetMonitorInfo
#undef EnumDisplayMonitors
#undef EnumDisplayDevices
#define GetMonitorInfo GetMonitorInfoW
#define GetMonitorInfo GetMonitorInfoA
#endif // !UNICODE
} #endif
#ifdef AFX_CORE4_SEG
#pragma code_seg(AFX_CORE4_SEG)
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// CRe2Object
class CRe2Object : public _reobject { public: CRe2Object(); CRe2Object(CRichEdit2CntrItem* pItem); ~CRe2Object(); };
CRe2Object::CRe2Object() { cbStruct = sizeof(REOBJECT); poleobj = NULL; pstg = NULL; polesite = NULL; }
CRe2Object::CRe2Object(CRichEdit2CntrItem* pItem) { ASSERT(pItem != NULL); cbStruct = sizeof(REOBJECT);
pItem->GetClassID(&clsid); poleobj = pItem->m_lpObject; pstg = pItem->m_lpStorage; polesite = pItem->m_lpClientSite; ASSERT(poleobj != NULL); ASSERT(pstg != NULL); ASSERT(polesite != NULL); poleobj->AddRef(); pstg->AddRef(); polesite->AddRef();
sizel.cx = sizel.cy = 0; // let richedit determine initial size
dvaspect = pItem->GetDrawAspect(); dwFlags = REO_RESIZABLE; dwUser = 0; }
CRe2Object::~CRe2Object() { if (poleobj != NULL) poleobj->Release(); if (pstg != NULL) pstg->Release(); if (polesite != NULL) polesite->Release(); }
// The Richedit2 control is Unicode internally so it needs to convert
// strings from Ansi to Unicode when it recieves a EM_FINDTEXTEX message.
// Unfortunately it seems to set the code page for the conversion based
// on the current keyboard layout. This breaks in the following scenario:
// Start Wordpad on FE Win98 and type some DBCS chars. Pull up the find
// dialog and enter one of the DBCS chars that you typed before. Set the
// keyboard layout to US and try to find the character - it will fail.
// Now set it to non-US and try the find - it will work.
// The hack is to do the conversion ourselves using the system default
// codepage and then do the find using the TOM interfaces.
// Richedit3 is supposed to be smarter about this whole issue and hopefully
// this hack can be removed then.
#ifdef _CHICAGO_
long CRichEdit2Ctrl::FindText(DWORD dwFlags, FINDTEXTEX* pFindText) const { long index = -1; ITextRange *range = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; UINT cchFind = _tcslen(pFindText->lpstrText) + 1; LPWSTR lpwszFind = NULL; long length;
// Get the base richedit ole interface
IUnknown *unk = GetIRichEditOle();
if (NULL == unk) hr = E_NOINTERFACE;
// Get a range object
if (S_OK == hr) { ITextDocument *doc;
hr = unk->QueryInterface(IID_ITextDocument, (void **) &doc);
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = doc->Range( pFindText->chrg.cpMin, pFindText->chrg.cpMax, &range);
doc->Release(); }
unk->Release(); }
// Convert the text-to-find to Unicode using the system default code page
if (S_OK == hr) { try { lpwszFind = (LPWSTR) alloca(cchFind * sizeof(WCHAR)); } catch (...) { _resetstkoflw(); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; // alloca failed
if (S_OK == hr) { int error = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, pFindText->lpstrText, -1, lpwszFind, cchFind);
if (0 != error) lpwszFind = SysAllocString(lpwszFind); else hr = E_FAIL;
if (S_OK == hr && NULL == lpwszFind) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
// Try to find the text
if (S_OK == hr) { long flags = 0;
flags |= (dwFlags & FR_MATCHCASE) ? tomMatchCase : 0; flags |= (dwFlags & FR_WHOLEWORD) ? tomMatchWord : 0;
hr = range->FindText((BSTR) lpwszFind, 0, flags, &length);
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = range->GetIndex(tomCharacter, &index);
if (S_OK == hr) { // GetIndex returns 1-based indices, EM_FINDTEXTEX returns
// 0-based indices.
--index; pFindText->chrgText.cpMin = index; pFindText->chrgText.cpMax = index + length; } } }
if (NULL != range) range->Release();
// If all else fails, fall back to EM_FINDTEXTEX
if (S_OK != hr) index = (long)::SendMessage( m_hWnd, EM_FINDTEXTEX, dwFlags, (LPARAM)pFindText);
return index; } #endif // _CHICAGO
// CRichEdit2View
static const UINT nMsgFindReplace = ::RegisterWindowMessage(FINDMSGSTRING);
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CRichEdit2View, CCtrlView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CRichEdit2View)
// richedit buffer limit -- let's set it at 16M
AFX_DATADEF ULONG CRichEdit2View::lMaxSize = 0xffffff;
// CRichEdit2View construction/destruction
CRichEdit2View::CRichEdit2View() : CCtrlView(MSFTEDIT_CLASS, AFX_WS_DEFAULT_VIEW | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_AUTOVSCROLL | ES_MULTILINE | ES_NOHIDESEL | ES_SAVESEL | ES_SELECTIONBAR) { m_bSyncCharFormat = m_bSyncParaFormat = TRUE; m_lpRichEditOle = NULL; m_nBulletIndent = 720; // 1/2 inch
m_nWordWrap = WrapToWindow; m_nPasteType = 0; SetPaperSize(CSize(8*1440+720, 11*1440)); SetMargins(CRect(0,0,0,0)); m_charformat.cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMAT); m_paraformat.cbSize = sizeof(PARAFORMAT); }
BOOL CRichEdit2View::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { _AFX_RICHEDIT2_STATE* pState = AfxGetRichEdit2State(); BOOL bRet = TRUE; if (pState->m_hInstRichEdit == NULL) { bRet = FALSE; pState->m_hInstRichEdit = LoadLibrary(L"MSFTEDIT.DLL");
if (!pState->m_hInstRichEdit) { pState->m_hInstRichEdit = LoadLibrary(L"RICHED20.DLL"); }
if (pState->m_hInstRichEdit) { bRet = TRUE; } }
CCtrlView::PreCreateWindow(cs); cs.lpszName = &afxChNil;
cs.cx = cs.cy = 100; // necessary to avoid bug with ES_SELECTIONBAR and zero for cx and cy
cs.style |= WS_CLIPSIBLINGS;
return bRet; }
int CRichEdit2View::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs) { if (CCtrlView::OnCreate(lpcs) != 0) return -1; GetRichEditCtrl().LimitText(lMaxSize); GetRichEditCtrl().SetEventMask(ENM_SELCHANGE | ENM_CHANGE | ENM_SCROLL); VERIFY(GetRichEditCtrl().SetOLECallback(&m_xRichEditOleCallback)); m_lpRichEditOle = GetRichEditCtrl().GetIRichEditOle(); DragAcceptFiles(); GetRichEditCtrl().SetOptions(ECOOP_OR, ECO_AUTOWORDSELECTION); WrapChanged(); ASSERT(m_lpRichEditOle != NULL);
DWORD_PTR dwOptions = GetRichEditCtrl().SendMessage(EM_GETLANGOPTIONS, 0, 0); dwOptions &= ~IMF_DUALFONT; GetRichEditCtrl().SendMessage(EM_SETLANGOPTIONS, 0, dwOptions);
return 0; }
void CRichEdit2View::OnInitialUpdate() { CCtrlView::OnInitialUpdate(); m_bSyncCharFormat = m_bSyncParaFormat = TRUE; }
// CRichEdit2View document like functions
void CRichEdit2View::DeleteContents() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_hWnd != NULL); SetWindowText(_T("")); GetRichEditCtrl().EmptyUndoBuffer(); m_bSyncCharFormat = m_bSyncParaFormat = TRUE; ASSERT_VALID(this); }
void CRichEdit2View::WrapChanged() { CWaitCursor wait; CRichEdit2Ctrl& ctrl = GetRichEditCtrl(); if (m_nWordWrap == WrapNone) ctrl.SetTargetDevice(NULL, 1); else if (m_nWordWrap == WrapToWindow) ctrl.SetTargetDevice(NULL, 0); else if (m_nWordWrap == WrapToTargetDevice) // wrap to ruler
{ AfxGetApp()->CreatePrinterDC(m_dcTarget); if (m_dcTarget.m_hDC == NULL) m_dcTarget.CreateDC(_T("DISPLAY"), NULL, NULL, NULL); ctrl.SetTargetDevice(m_dcTarget, GetPrintWidth()); } }
// CRichEdit2View serialization support
class _afxRichEditCookie { public: CArchive& m_ar; DWORD m_dwError; _afxRichEditCookie(CArchive& ar) : m_ar(ar) {m_dwError=0;} };
void CRichEdit2View::Serialize(CArchive& ar) // Read and write CRichEdit2View object to archive, with length prefix.
{ ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_hWnd != NULL); Stream(ar, FALSE); ASSERT_VALID(this); }
void CRichEdit2View::Stream(CArchive& ar, BOOL bSelection) { EDITSTREAM es = {0, 0, EditStreamCallBack}; _afxRichEditCookie cookie(ar); es.dwCookie = (DWORD_PTR)&cookie; int nFormat = GetDocument()->GetStreamFormat();
if (bSelection) nFormat |= SFF_SELECTION; if (GetDocument()->IsUnicode()) nFormat |= SF_UNICODE;
if (ar.IsStoring()) GetRichEditCtrl().StreamOut(nFormat, es); else { GetRichEditCtrl().StreamIn(nFormat, es); Invalidate(); } if (cookie.m_dwError != 0) AfxThrowFileException(cookie.m_dwError); }
// return 0 for no error, otherwise return error code
DWORD CALLBACK CRichEdit2View::EditStreamCallBack(DWORD_PTR dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG *pcb) { _afxRichEditCookie* pCookie = (_afxRichEditCookie*)dwCookie; CArchive& ar = pCookie->m_ar; ar.Flush(); DWORD dw = 0; *pcb = cb; TRY { if (ar.IsStoring()) ar.GetFile()->WriteHuge(pbBuff, cb); else *pcb = ar.GetFile()->ReadHuge(pbBuff, cb); } CATCH(CFileException, e) { *pcb = 0; pCookie->m_dwError = (DWORD)e->m_cause; dw = 1; DELETE_EXCEPTION(e); } AND_CATCH_ALL(e) { *pcb = 0; pCookie->m_dwError = (DWORD)CFileException::generic; dw = 1; DELETE_EXCEPTION(e); } END_CATCH_ALL return dw; }
// CRichEdit2View Printing support
void CRichEdit2View::OnBeginPrinting(CDC* /*pDC*/, CPrintInfo*) { ASSERT_VALID(this); // ASSERT_VALID(pDC);
// initialize page start vector
ASSERT(m_aPageStart.GetSize() == 0); m_aPageStart.Add(0); ASSERT(m_aPageStart.GetSize() > 0); GetRichEditCtrl().FormatRange(NULL, FALSE); // required by RichEdit to clear out cache
BOOL CRichEdit2View::PaginateTo(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo) // attempts pagination to pInfo->m_nCurPage, TRUE == success
CRect rectSave = pInfo->m_rectDraw; UINT nPageSave = pInfo->m_nCurPage; ASSERT(nPageSave > 1); ASSERT(nPageSave >= (UINT)m_aPageStart.GetSize()); VERIFY(pDC->SaveDC() != 0); pDC->IntersectClipRect(0, 0, 0, 0); pInfo->m_nCurPage = (UINT)m_aPageStart.GetSize(); while (pInfo->m_nCurPage < nPageSave) { ASSERT(pInfo->m_nCurPage == (UINT)m_aPageStart.GetSize()); OnPrepareDC(pDC, pInfo); ASSERT(pInfo->m_bContinuePrinting); pInfo->m_rectDraw.SetRect(0, 0, pDC->GetDeviceCaps(HORZRES), pDC->GetDeviceCaps(VERTRES)); pDC->DPtoLP(&pInfo->m_rectDraw); OnPrint(pDC, pInfo); if (pInfo->m_nCurPage == (UINT)m_aPageStart.GetSize()) break; ++pInfo->m_nCurPage; } BOOL bResult = pInfo->m_nCurPage == nPageSave; pDC->RestoreDC(-1); pInfo->m_nCurPage = nPageSave; pInfo->m_rectDraw = rectSave; ASSERT_VALID(this); return bResult; }
void CRichEdit2View::OnPrepareDC(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT_VALID(pDC); ASSERT(pInfo != NULL); // overriding OnPaint -- never get this.
if (pInfo->m_nCurPage > (UINT)m_aPageStart.GetSize() && !PaginateTo(pDC, pInfo)) { // can't paginate to that page, thus cannot print it.
pInfo->m_bContinuePrinting = FALSE; } ASSERT_VALID(this); }
long CRichEdit2View::PrintPage(CDC* pDC, long nIndexStart, long nIndexStop) // worker function for laying out text in a rectangle.
// offset by printing offset
pDC->SetViewportOrg(-pDC->GetDeviceCaps(PHYSICALOFFSETX), -pDC->GetDeviceCaps(PHYSICALOFFSETY)); // adjust DC because richedit doesn't do things like MFC
if (::GetDeviceCaps(pDC->m_hDC, TECHNOLOGY) != DT_METAFILE && pDC->m_hAttribDC != NULL) { ::ScaleWindowExtEx(pDC->m_hDC, ::GetDeviceCaps(pDC->m_hDC, LOGPIXELSX), ::GetDeviceCaps(pDC->m_hAttribDC, LOGPIXELSX), ::GetDeviceCaps(pDC->m_hDC, LOGPIXELSY), ::GetDeviceCaps(pDC->m_hAttribDC, LOGPIXELSY), NULL); }
fr.hdcTarget = pDC->m_hAttribDC; fr.hdc = pDC->m_hDC; fr.rcPage = GetPageRect(); fr.rc = GetPrintRect();
fr.chrg.cpMin = nIndexStart; fr.chrg.cpMax = nIndexStop; long lRes = GetRichEditCtrl().FormatRange(&fr,TRUE);
return lRes; }
long CRichEdit2View::PrintInsideRect(CDC* pDC, RECT& rectLayout, long nIndexStart, long nIndexStop, BOOL bOutput) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT_VALID(pDC); FORMATRANGE fr;
// adjust DC because richedit doesn't do things like MFC
if (::GetDeviceCaps(pDC->m_hDC, TECHNOLOGY) != DT_METAFILE && pDC->m_hAttribDC != NULL) { ::ScaleWindowExtEx(pDC->m_hDC, ::GetDeviceCaps(pDC->m_hDC, LOGPIXELSX), ::GetDeviceCaps(pDC->m_hAttribDC, LOGPIXELSX), ::GetDeviceCaps(pDC->m_hDC, LOGPIXELSY), ::GetDeviceCaps(pDC->m_hAttribDC, LOGPIXELSY), NULL); }
fr.hdcTarget = pDC->m_hAttribDC; fr.hdc = pDC->m_hDC; // convert rect to twips
fr.rcPage = rectLayout; fr.rc = rectLayout;
fr.chrg.cpMin = nIndexStart; fr.chrg.cpMax = nIndexStop; GetRichEditCtrl().FormatRange(NULL, FALSE); // required by RichEdit to clear out cache
// if bOutput is FALSE, we only measure
long lres = GetRichEditCtrl().FormatRange(&fr, bOutput); GetRichEditCtrl().FormatRange(NULL, FALSE); // required by RichEdit to clear out cache
rectLayout = fr.rc; return lres; }
void CRichEdit2View::OnPrint(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT_VALID(pDC); ASSERT(pInfo != NULL); ASSERT(pInfo->m_bContinuePrinting);
UINT nPage = pInfo->m_nCurPage; ASSERT(nPage <= (UINT)m_aPageStart.GetSize()); long nIndex = (long) m_aPageStart[nPage-1];
// print as much as possible in the current page.
nIndex = PrintPage(pDC, nIndex, 0xFFFFFFFF);
if (nIndex >= GetTextLength()) { TRACE0("End of Document\n"); pInfo->SetMaxPage(nPage); }
// update pagination information for page just printed
if (nPage == (UINT)m_aPageStart.GetSize()) { if (nIndex < GetTextLength()) m_aPageStart.Add(nIndex); } else { ASSERT(nPage+1 <= (UINT)m_aPageStart.GetSize()); ASSERT(nIndex == (long)m_aPageStart[nPage+1-1]); } }
void CRichEdit2View::OnEndPrinting(CDC*, CPrintInfo*) { ASSERT_VALID(this); GetRichEditCtrl().FormatRange(NULL, FALSE); // required by RichEdit to clear out cache
m_aPageStart.RemoveAll(); }
// CRichEdit2View::XRichEditOleCallback
BEGIN_INTERFACE_MAP(CRichEdit2View, CCtrlView) // we use IID_IUnknown because richedit doesn't define an IID
INTERFACE_PART(CRichEdit2View, IID_IUnknown, RichEditOleCallback) END_INTERFACE_MAP()
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CRichEdit2View::XRichEditOleCallback::AddRef() { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX_(CRichEdit2View, RichEditOleCallback) return (ULONG)pThis->InternalAddRef(); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CRichEdit2View::XRichEditOleCallback::Release() { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX_(CRichEdit2View, RichEditOleCallback) return (ULONG)pThis->InternalRelease(); }
STDMETHODIMP CRichEdit2View::XRichEditOleCallback::QueryInterface( REFIID iid, LPVOID* ppvObj) { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX_(CRichEdit2View, RichEditOleCallback) return (HRESULT)pThis->InternalQueryInterface(&iid, ppvObj); }
STDMETHODIMP CRichEdit2View::XRichEditOleCallback::GetNewStorage(LPSTORAGE* ppstg) { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX_(CRichEdit2View, RichEditOleCallback)
// Create a flat storage and steal it from the client item
// the client item is only used for creating the storage
COleClientItem item; item.GetItemStorageFlat(); *ppstg = item.m_lpStorage; HRESULT hRes = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (item.m_lpStorage != NULL) { item.m_lpStorage = NULL; hRes = S_OK; } pThis->GetDocument()->InvalidateObjectCache(); return hRes; }
STDMETHODIMP CRichEdit2View::XRichEditOleCallback::GetInPlaceContext( LPOLEINPLACEFRAME* lplpFrame, LPOLEINPLACEUIWINDOW* lplpDoc, LPOLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO lpFrameInfo) { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX(CRichEdit2View, RichEditOleCallback) return pThis->GetWindowContext(lplpFrame, lplpDoc, lpFrameInfo); }
STDMETHODIMP CRichEdit2View::XRichEditOleCallback::ShowContainerUI(BOOL fShow) { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX(CRichEdit2View, RichEditOleCallback) return pThis->ShowContainerUI(fShow); }
STDMETHODIMP CRichEdit2View::XRichEditOleCallback::QueryInsertObject( LPCLSID /*lpclsid*/, LPSTORAGE /*pstg*/, LONG /*cp*/) { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX(CRichEdit2View, RichEditOleCallback) pThis->GetDocument()->InvalidateObjectCache(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CRichEdit2View::XRichEditOleCallback::DeleteObject(LPOLEOBJECT /*lpoleobj*/) { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX_(CRichEdit2View, RichEditOleCallback) pThis->GetDocument()->InvalidateObjectCache(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CRichEdit2View::XRichEditOleCallback::QueryAcceptData( LPDATAOBJECT lpdataobj, CLIPFORMAT* lpcfFormat, DWORD reco, BOOL fReally, HGLOBAL hMetaPict) { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX(CRichEdit2View, RichEditOleCallback) return pThis->QueryAcceptData(lpdataobj, lpcfFormat, reco, fReally, hMetaPict); }
STDMETHODIMP CRichEdit2View::XRichEditOleCallback::ContextSensitiveHelp(BOOL /*fEnterMode*/) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHODIMP CRichEdit2View::XRichEditOleCallback::GetClipboardData( CHARRANGE* lpchrg, DWORD reco, LPDATAOBJECT* lplpdataobj) { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX(CRichEdit2View, RichEditOleCallback) LPDATAOBJECT lpOrigDataObject = NULL;
// get richedit's data object
if (FAILED(pThis->m_lpRichEditOle->GetClipboardData(lpchrg, reco, &lpOrigDataObject))) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// allow changes
HRESULT hRes = pThis->GetClipboardData(lpchrg, reco, lpOrigDataObject, lplpdataobj);
// if changed then free original object
if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { if (lpOrigDataObject!=NULL) lpOrigDataObject->Release(); return hRes; } else { // use richedit's data object
*lplpdataobj = lpOrigDataObject; return S_OK; } }
STDMETHODIMP CRichEdit2View::XRichEditOleCallback::GetDragDropEffect( BOOL fDrag, DWORD grfKeyState, LPDWORD pdwEffect) { if (!fDrag) // allowable dest effects
{ DWORD dwEffect; // check for force link
if ((grfKeyState & (MK_CONTROL|MK_SHIFT)) == (MK_CONTROL|MK_SHIFT)) dwEffect = DROPEFFECT_LINK; // check for force copy
else if ((grfKeyState & MK_CONTROL) == MK_CONTROL) dwEffect = DROPEFFECT_COPY; // check for force move
else if ((grfKeyState & MK_ALT) == MK_ALT) dwEffect = DROPEFFECT_MOVE; // default -- recommended action is move
else dwEffect = DROPEFFECT_MOVE; if (dwEffect & *pdwEffect) // make sure allowed type
*pdwEffect = dwEffect; } return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CRichEdit2View::XRichEditOleCallback::GetContextMenu( WORD seltype, LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobj, CHARRANGE* lpchrg, HMENU* lphmenu) { METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX(CRichEdit2View, RichEditOleCallback) HMENU hMenu = pThis->GetContextMenu(seltype, lpoleobj, lpchrg); if (hMenu == NULL) return E_NOTIMPL; *lphmenu = hMenu; return S_OK; }
// CRichEdit2View command helpers
void CRichEdit2View::OnCharEffect(DWORD dwMask, DWORD dwEffect) { GetCharFormatSelection(); if (m_charformat.dwMask & dwMask) // selection is all the same
m_charformat.dwEffects ^= dwEffect; else m_charformat.dwEffects |= dwEffect; m_charformat.dwMask = dwMask; SetCharFormat(m_charformat); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnUpdateCharEffect(CCmdUI* pCmdUI, DWORD dwMask, DWORD dwEffect) { GetCharFormatSelection(); pCmdUI->SetCheck((m_charformat.dwMask & dwMask) ? ((m_charformat.dwEffects & dwEffect) ? 1 : 0) : 2); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnParaAlign(WORD wAlign) { GetParaFormatSelection(); m_paraformat.dwMask = PFM_ALIGNMENT; m_paraformat.wAlignment = wAlign; SetParaFormat(m_paraformat); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnUpdateParaAlign(CCmdUI* pCmdUI, WORD wAlign) { GetParaFormatSelection(); // disable if no word wrap since alignment is meaningless
pCmdUI->Enable( (m_nWordWrap == WrapNone) ? FALSE : TRUE); pCmdUI->SetCheck( (m_paraformat.dwMask & PFM_ALIGNMENT) ? ((m_paraformat.wAlignment == wAlign) ? 1 : 0) : 2); }
// CRichEdit2View commands
void CRichEdit2View::OnUpdateNeedSel(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { ASSERT_VALID(this); long nStartChar, nEndChar; GetRichEditCtrl().GetSel(nStartChar, nEndChar); pCmdUI->Enable(nStartChar != nEndChar); ASSERT_VALID(this); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnUpdateNeedClip(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { ASSERT_VALID(this); pCmdUI->Enable(CanPaste()); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnUpdateNeedText(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { ASSERT_VALID(this); pCmdUI->Enable(GetTextLength() != 0); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnUpdateNeedFind(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { ASSERT_VALID(this); _AFX_RICHEDIT2_STATE* pEditState = _afxRichEdit2State; pCmdUI->Enable(GetTextLength() != 0 && !pEditState->strFind.IsEmpty()); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnUpdateEditUndo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { ASSERT_VALID(this); pCmdUI->Enable(GetRichEditCtrl().CanUndo()); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnEditCut() { ASSERT_VALID(this); GetRichEditCtrl().Cut(); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnEditCopy() { ASSERT_VALID(this); GetRichEditCtrl().Copy(); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnEditPaste() { ASSERT_VALID(this); m_nPasteType = 0; GetRichEditCtrl().Paste(); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnEditClear() { ASSERT_VALID(this); GetRichEditCtrl().Clear(); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnEditUndo() { ASSERT_VALID(this); GetRichEditCtrl().Undo(); m_bSyncCharFormat = m_bSyncParaFormat = TRUE; }
void CRichEdit2View::OnEditSelectAll() { ASSERT_VALID(this); GetRichEditCtrl().SetSel(0, -1); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnEditFind() { ASSERT_VALID(this); OnEditFindReplace(TRUE); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnEditReplace() { ASSERT_VALID(this); OnEditFindReplace(FALSE); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnEditRepeat() { ASSERT_VALID(this); _AFX_RICHEDIT2_STATE* pEditState = _afxRichEdit2State; if (!FindText(pEditState)) TextNotFound(pEditState->strFind); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnCancelEditCntr() { m_lpRichEditOle->InPlaceDeactivate(); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnInsertObject() { // Invoke the standard Insert Object dialog box to obtain information
COleInsertDialog dlg; if (dlg.DoModal() != IDOK) return;
CWaitCursor wait;
CRichEdit2CntrItem* pItem = NULL; TRY { // create item from dialog results
pItem = GetDocument()->CreateClientItem(); pItem->m_bLock = TRUE; if (!dlg.CreateItem(pItem)) { pItem->m_bLock = FALSE; AfxThrowMemoryException(); // any exception will do
HRESULT hr = InsertItem(pItem); pItem->UpdateItemType();
pItem->m_bLock = FALSE;
if (hr != NOERROR) AfxThrowOleException(hr);
// if insert new object -- initially show the object
if (dlg.GetSelectionType() == COleInsertDialog::createNewItem) pItem->DoVerb(OLEIVERB_SHOW, this); } CATCH(CException, e) { if (pItem != NULL) { ASSERT_VALID(pItem); pItem->Delete(); } AfxMessageBox(AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_CREATE); } END_CATCH }
void CRichEdit2View::OnSelChange(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { ASSERT(pNMHDR->code == EN_SELCHANGE); UNUSED(pNMHDR); // not used in release builds
m_bSyncCharFormat = m_bSyncParaFormat = TRUE; *pResult = 0; }
void CRichEdit2View::OnDestroy() { if (m_lpRichEditOle != NULL) m_lpRichEditOle->Release(); CCtrlView::OnDestroy(); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnEditProperties() { ASSERT(m_lpRichEditOle != NULL); CRichEdit2CntrItem* pSelection = GetSelectedItem(); // make sure item is in sync with richedit's item
CRe2Object reo; m_lpRichEditOle->GetObject(REO_IOB_SELECTION, &reo, REO_GETOBJ_NO_INTERFACES); pSelection->SyncToRichEditObject(reo);
// HACKHACK: Due to a mismatch between the NT build environment and MFC
// wrt to the setting of _WIN32_IE, Wordpad and MFC have
// different views of how large a COlePropertiesDialog is. The
// result is that MFC ends up wiping part of the stack in it's
// initialization code. Hack some extra space until the
// mismatch is resolved.
// COlePropertiesDialog dlg(pSelection);
struct Hack { COlePropertiesDialog dlg; BYTE space[128]; Hack(CRichEdit2CntrItem *pSelection) : dlg(pSelection) {} } hack(pSelection); COlePropertiesDialog &dlg = hack.dlg;
// The Object Properties dialog doesn't display a help button even if
// you tell it to. The dialogs under it (e.g. Change Icon) will display
// the help button though. We never want a help button but MFC turns it
// on by default. If the Ole dialogs are fixed to not display the help
// button then this can be removed.
dlg.m_op.dwFlags &= ~OPF_SHOWHELP;
dlg.DoModal(); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnUpdateEditProperties(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(GetSelectedItem() != NULL); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnCharBold() { OnCharEffect(CFM_BOLD, CFE_BOLD); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnUpdateCharBold(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { OnUpdateCharEffect(pCmdUI, CFM_BOLD, CFE_BOLD); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnCharItalic() { OnCharEffect(CFM_ITALIC, CFE_ITALIC); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnUpdateCharItalic(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { OnUpdateCharEffect(pCmdUI, CFM_ITALIC, CFE_ITALIC); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnCharUnderline() { OnCharEffect(CFM_UNDERLINE, CFE_UNDERLINE); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnUpdateCharUnderline(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { OnUpdateCharEffect(pCmdUI, CFM_UNDERLINE, CFE_UNDERLINE); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnParaCenter() { OnParaAlign(PFA_CENTER); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnUpdateParaCenter(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { OnUpdateParaAlign(pCmdUI, PFA_CENTER); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnParaLeft() { OnParaAlign(PFA_LEFT); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnUpdateParaLeft(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { OnUpdateParaAlign(pCmdUI, PFA_LEFT); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnParaRight() { OnParaAlign(PFA_RIGHT); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnUpdateParaRight(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { OnUpdateParaAlign(pCmdUI, PFA_RIGHT); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnBullet() { GetParaFormatSelection(); if (m_paraformat.dwMask & PFM_NUMBERING && m_paraformat.wNumbering == PFN_BULLET) { m_paraformat.wNumbering = 0; m_paraformat.dxOffset = 0; m_paraformat.dxStartIndent = 0; m_paraformat.dwMask = PFM_NUMBERING | PFM_STARTINDENT | PFM_OFFSET; } else { m_paraformat.wNumbering = PFN_BULLET; m_paraformat.dwMask = PFM_NUMBERING; if (m_paraformat.dxOffset == 0) { m_paraformat.dxOffset = m_nBulletIndent; m_paraformat.dwMask = PFM_NUMBERING | PFM_STARTINDENT | PFM_OFFSET; } } SetParaFormat(m_paraformat); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnUpdateBullet(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { GetParaFormatSelection(); pCmdUI->SetCheck( (m_paraformat.dwMask & PFM_NUMBERING) ? ((m_paraformat.wNumbering & PFN_BULLET) ? 1 : 0) : 2); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnFormatFont() { GetCharFormatSelection(); CFontDialog2 dlg(m_charformat, CF_BOTH|CF_NOOEMFONTS); if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { dlg.GetCharFormat(m_charformat); SetCharFormat(m_charformat); } }
void CRichEdit2View::OnColorPick(COLORREF cr) { GetCharFormatSelection(); m_charformat.dwMask = CFM_COLOR; m_charformat.dwEffects = NULL; m_charformat.crTextColor = cr; SetCharFormat(m_charformat); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnColorDefault() { GetCharFormatSelection(); m_charformat.dwMask = CFM_COLOR; m_charformat.dwEffects = CFE_AUTOCOLOR; SetCharFormat(m_charformat); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnEditPasteSpecial() { COlePasteSpecialDialog dlg; dlg.AddStandardFormats(); dlg.AddFormat(_oleData.cfRichTextFormat, TYMED_HGLOBAL, AFX_IDS_RTF_FORMAT, FALSE, FALSE); dlg.AddFormat(CF_TEXT, TYMED_HGLOBAL, AFX_IDS_TEXT_FORMAT, FALSE, FALSE);
if (dlg.DoModal() != IDOK) return;
DVASPECT dv = dlg.GetDrawAspect(); HMETAFILE hMF = (HMETAFILE)dlg.GetIconicMetafile(); CLIPFORMAT cf = dlg.m_ps.arrPasteEntries[dlg.m_ps.nSelectedIndex].fmtetc.cfFormat;
CWaitCursor wait; SetCapture();
// we set the target type so that QueryAcceptData know what to paste
m_nPasteType = dlg.GetSelectionType(); GetRichEditCtrl().PasteSpecial(cf, dv, hMF); m_nPasteType = 0;
ReleaseCapture(); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnUpdateEditPasteSpecial(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(CanPaste()); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { if (nChar == VK_F10 && GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) { CRect rect; GetClientRect(rect); CPoint pt = rect.CenterPoint(); SendMessage(WM_CONTEXTMENU, (WPARAM)m_hWnd, MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y)); } else CCtrlView::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo) { TCHAR szFileName[_MAX_PATH]; UINT nFileCount = ::DragQueryFile(hDropInfo, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 0); ASSERT(nFileCount != 0); CHARRANGE cr;
GetRichEditCtrl().GetSel(cr); int nMin = cr.cpMin; for (UINT i=0;i<nFileCount;i++) { ::DragQueryFile(hDropInfo, i, szFileName, ARRAYSIZE(szFileName)); InsertFileAsObject(szFileName); GetRichEditCtrl().GetSel(cr); cr.cpMin = cr.cpMax; GetRichEditCtrl().SetSel(cr); UpdateWindow(); } cr.cpMin = nMin; GetRichEditCtrl().SetSel(cr); ::DragFinish(hDropInfo); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnDevModeChange(LPTSTR /*lpDeviceName*/) { // WM_DEVMODECHANGE forwarded by the main window of the app
CDC dc; AfxGetApp()->CreatePrinterDC(dc); OnPrinterChanged(dc); }
// CRichEdit2View attributes
BOOL AFX_CDECL CRichEdit2View::IsRichEdit2Format(CLIPFORMAT cf) { return ((cf == _oleData.cfRichTextFormat) || (cf == _oleData.cfRichTextAndObjects) || (cf == CF_TEXT) || (cf == CF_UNICODETEXT)); }
BOOL CRichEdit2View::CanPaste() const { return (CountClipboardFormats() != 0) && (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT) || IsClipboardFormatAvailable(_oleData.cfRichTextFormat) || IsClipboardFormatAvailable(_oleData.cfEmbedSource) || IsClipboardFormatAvailable(_oleData.cfEmbeddedObject) || IsClipboardFormatAvailable(_oleData.cfFileName) || IsClipboardFormatAvailable(_oleData.cfFileNameW) || IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_METAFILEPICT) || IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_DIB) || IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_BITMAP) || GetRichEditCtrl().CanPaste()); }
CHARFORMAT& CRichEdit2View::GetCharFormatSelection() { if (m_bSyncCharFormat) { GetRichEditCtrl().GetSelectionCharFormat(m_charformat); m_bSyncCharFormat = FALSE; } return m_charformat; }
PARAFORMAT& CRichEdit2View::GetParaFormatSelection() { if (m_bSyncParaFormat) { GetRichEditCtrl().GetParaFormat(m_paraformat); m_bSyncParaFormat = FALSE; } return m_paraformat; }
void CRichEdit2View::SetCharFormat(CHARFORMAT cf) { CWaitCursor wait; GetRichEditCtrl().SetSelectionCharFormat(cf); m_bSyncCharFormat = TRUE; }
void CRichEdit2View::SetParaFormat(PARAFORMAT& pf) { CWaitCursor wait; GetRichEditCtrl().SetParaFormat(pf); m_bSyncParaFormat = TRUE; }
CRichEdit2CntrItem* CRichEdit2View::GetSelectedItem() const { ASSERT(m_lpRichEditOle != NULL); CRichEdit2Doc* pDoc = GetDocument(); CRichEdit2CntrItem* pItem = NULL;
CRe2Object reo; HRESULT hr = m_lpRichEditOle->GetObject(REO_IOB_SELECTION, &reo, REO_GETOBJ_ALL_INTERFACES); //reo's interfaces are all in UNICODE
if (GetScode(hr) == S_OK) { pItem = pDoc->LookupItem(reo.poleobj); if (pItem == NULL) pItem = pDoc->CreateClientItem(&reo); ASSERT(pItem != NULL); } return pItem; }
CRichEdit2CntrItem* CRichEdit2View::GetInPlaceActiveItem() const { ASSERT(m_lpRichEditOle != NULL); CRichEdit2Doc* pDoc = GetDocument(); CRichEdit2CntrItem* pItem = NULL;
CRe2Object reo; HRESULT hr = m_lpRichEditOle->GetObject(REO_IOB_SELECTION, &reo, REO_GETOBJ_ALL_INTERFACES); //reo's interfaces are all in UNICODE
if (GetScode(hr) == S_OK && (reo.dwFlags & REO_INPLACEACTIVE)) { pItem = pDoc->LookupItem(reo.poleobj); if (pItem == NULL) pItem = pDoc->CreateClientItem(&reo); ASSERT(pItem != NULL); } return pItem; }
// CRichEdit2View operations
HRESULT CRichEdit2View::InsertItem(CRichEdit2CntrItem* pItem) { ASSERT(m_lpRichEditOle != NULL); CRe2Object reo(pItem); reo.cp = REO_CP_SELECTION;
HRESULT hr = m_lpRichEditOle->InsertObject(&reo);
CHARRANGE cr; GetRichEditCtrl().GetSel(cr); cr.cpMin = cr.cpMax -1; GetRichEditCtrl().SetSel(cr); return hr; }
void CRichEdit2View::InsertFileAsObject(LPCTSTR lpszFileName) { CString str = lpszFileName; CWaitCursor wait; CRichEdit2CntrItem* pItem = NULL; TRY { // create item from dialog results
pItem = GetDocument()->CreateClientItem(); pItem->m_bLock = TRUE; if (!pItem->CreateFromFile(str)) AfxThrowMemoryException(); // any exception will do
pItem->UpdateLink(); InsertItem(pItem); pItem->m_bLock = FALSE; } CATCH(CException, e) { if (pItem != NULL) { pItem->m_bLock = FALSE; ASSERT_VALID(pItem); pItem->Delete(); } } END_CATCH }
// CRichEditView::DoPaste doesn't return an error but we need it to...
HRESULT g_hrPaste;
void CRichEdit2View::DoPaste(COleDataObject& dataobj, CLIPFORMAT cf, HMETAFILEPICT hMetaPict) { CWaitCursor wait;
g_hrPaste = S_FALSE;
CRichEdit2CntrItem* pItem = NULL; TRY { // create item from dialog results
pItem = GetDocument()->CreateClientItem(); pItem->m_bLock = TRUE;
if (m_nPasteType == COlePasteSpecialDialog::pasteLink) // paste link
{ if (!pItem->CreateLinkFromData(&dataobj)) AfxThrowMemoryException(); // any exception will do
} else if (m_nPasteType == COlePasteSpecialDialog::pasteNormal) { if (!pItem->CreateFromData(&dataobj)) AfxThrowMemoryException(); // any exception will do
} else if (m_nPasteType == COlePasteSpecialDialog::pasteStatic) { if (!pItem->CreateStaticFromData(&dataobj)) AfxThrowMemoryException(); // any exception will do
} else { // paste embedded
if (!pItem->CreateFromData(&dataobj) && !pItem->CreateStaticFromData(&dataobj)) { AfxThrowMemoryException(); // any exception will do
} }
if (cf == 0) { // copy the current iconic representation
FORMATETC fmtetc; fmtetc.cfFormat = CF_METAFILEPICT; fmtetc.dwAspect = DVASPECT_ICON; fmtetc.ptd = NULL; fmtetc.tymed = TYMED_MFPICT; fmtetc.lindex = 1; HGLOBAL hObj = dataobj.GetGlobalData(CF_METAFILEPICT, &fmtetc); if (hObj != NULL) { pItem->SetIconicMetafile(hObj); // the following code is an easy way to free a metafile pict
STGMEDIUM stgMed; memset(&stgMed, 0, sizeof(stgMed)); stgMed.tymed = TYMED_MFPICT; stgMed.hGlobal = hObj; ReleaseStgMedium(&stgMed); }
// set the current drawing aspect
hObj = dataobj.GetGlobalData((CLIPFORMAT)_oleData.cfObjectDescriptor); if (hObj != NULL) { ASSERT(hObj != NULL); // got CF_OBJECTDESCRIPTOR ok. Lock it down and extract size.
LPOBJECTDESCRIPTOR pObjDesc = (LPOBJECTDESCRIPTOR)GlobalLock(hObj); ASSERT(pObjDesc != NULL); ((COleClientItem*)pItem)->SetDrawAspect((DVASPECT)pObjDesc->dwDrawAspect); GlobalUnlock(hObj); GlobalFree(hObj); } } else { if (hMetaPict != NULL) { pItem->SetIconicMetafile(hMetaPict); ((COleClientItem*)pItem)->SetDrawAspect(DVASPECT_ICON); } else ((COleClientItem*)pItem)->SetDrawAspect(DVASPECT_CONTENT); }
HRESULT hr = InsertItem(pItem); pItem->UpdateItemType();
pItem->m_bLock = FALSE;
if (hr != NOERROR) AfxThrowOleException(hr);
} CATCH(CException, e) { if (pItem != NULL) { pItem->m_bLock = FALSE; ASSERT_VALID(pItem); pItem->Delete(); } g_hrPaste = E_FAIL; } END_CATCH }
// CRichEdit2View virtuals
void CRichEdit2View::OnPrinterChanged(const CDC& dcPrinter) { // this is typically called by the view when it gets a WM_DEVMODECHANGE
// also called during page setup
CSize size; if (dcPrinter.m_hDC != NULL) { // this will fill in the page size
size.cx = MulDiv(dcPrinter.GetDeviceCaps(PHYSICALWIDTH), 1440, dcPrinter.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX)); size.cy = MulDiv(dcPrinter.GetDeviceCaps(PHYSICALHEIGHT), 1440, dcPrinter.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY)); } else size = CSize(8*1440+720, 11*1440); // 8.5" by 11"
if (GetPaperSize() != size) { SetPaperSize(size); if (m_nWordWrap == WrapToTargetDevice) //wrap to ruler
WrapChanged(); } }
BOOL CRichEdit2View::OnPasteNativeObject(LPSTORAGE) { // use this function to pull out native data from an embedded object
// one would typically do this by create a COleStreamFile and attaching it
// to an archive
return FALSE; }
HMENU CRichEdit2View::GetContextMenu(WORD, LPOLEOBJECT, CHARRANGE* ) { return NULL; }
HRESULT CRichEdit2View::GetClipboardData(CHARRANGE* /*lpchrg*/, DWORD /*reco*/, LPDATAOBJECT /*lpRichDataObj*/, LPDATAOBJECT* /*lplpdataobj*/) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT CRichEdit2View::QueryAcceptData(LPDATAOBJECT lpdataobj, CLIPFORMAT* lpcfFormat, DWORD /*dwReco*/, BOOL bReally, HGLOBAL hMetaPict) { ASSERT(lpcfFormat != NULL); if (!bReally) // not actually pasting
return S_OK; // if direct pasting a particular native format allow it
if (IsRichEdit2Format(*lpcfFormat)) return S_OK;
COleDataObject dataobj; dataobj.Attach(lpdataobj, FALSE); // if format is 0, then force particular formats if available
if (*lpcfFormat == 0 && (m_nPasteType == 0)) { if (dataobj.IsDataAvailable((CLIPFORMAT)_oleData.cfRichTextAndObjects)) // native avail, let richedit do as it wants
return S_OK; else if (dataobj.IsDataAvailable((CLIPFORMAT)_oleData.cfRichTextFormat)) { *lpcfFormat = (CLIPFORMAT)_oleData.cfRichTextFormat; return S_OK; } else if (dataobj.IsDataAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT)) { *lpcfFormat = CF_UNICODETEXT; return S_OK; } else if (dataobj.IsDataAvailable(CF_TEXT)) { *lpcfFormat = CF_TEXT; return S_OK; } } // paste OLE formats
DoPaste(dataobj, *lpcfFormat, hMetaPict); return g_hrPaste; }
HRESULT CRichEdit2View::GetWindowContext(LPOLEINPLACEFRAME* lplpFrame, LPOLEINPLACEUIWINDOW* lplpDoc, LPOLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO lpFrameInfo) { CRichEdit2CntrItem* pItem = GetSelectedItem(); if (pItem == NULL) return E_FAIL; pItem->m_pView = this; HRESULT hr = pItem->GetWindowContext(lplpFrame, lplpDoc, lpFrameInfo); pItem->m_pView = NULL; return hr; }
HRESULT CRichEdit2View::ShowContainerUI(BOOL b) { CRichEdit2CntrItem* pItem = GetSelectedItem(); if (pItem == NULL) return E_FAIL; if (b) pItem->m_pView = this; HRESULT hr = pItem->ShowContainerUI(b); if (FAILED(hr) || !b) pItem->m_pView = NULL; return hr; }
// CRichEdit2View Find & Replace
void CRichEdit2View::AdjustDialogPosition(CDialog* pDlg) { ASSERT(pDlg != NULL);
long lStart, lEnd; GetRichEditCtrl().GetSel(lStart, lEnd); CPoint point = GetRichEditCtrl().GetCharPos(lStart); ClientToScreen(&point); CRect rectDlg; pDlg->GetWindowRect(&rectDlg); if (rectDlg.PtInRect(point)) { if (point.y > rectDlg.Height()) rectDlg.OffsetRect(0, point.y - rectDlg.bottom - 20); else { HMONITOR hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(*pDlg, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST); MONITORINFO monitorInfo; monitorInfo.cbSize = sizeof(monitorInfo); GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &monitorInfo);
int nVertExt = monitorInfo.rcMonitor.bottom - monitorInfo.rcMonitor.top; if (point.y + rectDlg.Height() < nVertExt) rectDlg.OffsetRect(0, 40 + point.y - rectDlg.top); } pDlg->MoveWindow(&rectDlg); } }
void CRichEdit2View::OnEditFindReplace(BOOL bFindOnly) { ASSERT_VALID(this); m_bFirstSearch = TRUE; _AFX_RICHEDIT2_STATE* pEditState = _afxRichEdit2State; if (pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg != NULL) { if (pEditState->bFindOnly == bFindOnly) { pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg->SetActiveWindow(); pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); return; } else { ASSERT(pEditState->bFindOnly != bFindOnly); pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg->SendMessage(WM_CLOSE); ASSERT(pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg == NULL); ASSERT_VALID(this); } } CString strFind = GetRichEditCtrl().GetSelText(); // if selection is empty or spans multiple lines use old find text
if (strFind.IsEmpty() || (strFind.FindOneOf(_T("\n\r")) != -1)) strFind = pEditState->strFind; CString strReplace = pEditState->strReplace; pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg = new CFindReplaceDialog; ASSERT(pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg != NULL); DWORD dwFlags = NULL; if (pEditState->bNext) dwFlags |= FR_DOWN; if (pEditState->bCase) dwFlags |= FR_MATCHCASE; if (pEditState->bWord) dwFlags |= FR_WHOLEWORD; // hide stuff that RichEdit doesn't support
dwFlags |= FR_HIDEUPDOWN; if (!pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg->Create(bFindOnly, strFind, strReplace, dwFlags, this)) { pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg = NULL; ASSERT_VALID(this); return; } ASSERT(pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg != NULL); pEditState->bFindOnly = bFindOnly; pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg->SetActiveWindow(); pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); ASSERT_VALID(this); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnFindNext(LPCTSTR lpszFind, BOOL bNext, BOOL bCase, BOOL bWord) { ASSERT_VALID(this);
_AFX_RICHEDIT2_STATE* pEditState = _afxRichEdit2State; pEditState->strFind = lpszFind; pEditState->bCase = bCase; pEditState->bWord = bWord; pEditState->bNext = bNext;
if (!FindText(pEditState)) TextNotFound(pEditState->strFind); else AdjustDialogPosition(pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg); ASSERT_VALID(this); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnReplaceSel(LPCTSTR lpszFind, BOOL bNext, BOOL bCase, BOOL bWord, LPCTSTR lpszReplace) { ASSERT_VALID(this); _AFX_RICHEDIT2_STATE* pEditState = _afxRichEdit2State; pEditState->strFind = lpszFind; pEditState->strReplace = lpszReplace; pEditState->bCase = bCase; pEditState->bWord = bWord; pEditState->bNext = bNext;
if (!SameAsSelected(pEditState->strFind, pEditState->bCase, pEditState->bWord)) { if (!FindText(pEditState)) TextNotFound(pEditState->strFind); else AdjustDialogPosition(pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg); return; }
long start; long end; long length1; long length2;
GetRichEditCtrl().GetSel(start, end); length1 = end - start;
GetRichEditCtrl().ReplaceSel(pEditState->strReplace, TRUE); if (!FindText(pEditState)) { TextNotFound(pEditState->strFind); } else { GetRichEditCtrl().GetSel(start, end); length2 = end - start;
if (m_lInitialSearchPos < 0) m_lInitialSearchPos += (length2 - length1);
AdjustDialogPosition(pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg); } ASSERT_VALID(this); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnReplaceAll(LPCTSTR lpszFind, LPCTSTR lpszReplace, BOOL bCase, BOOL bWord) { ASSERT_VALID(this); _AFX_RICHEDIT2_STATE* pEditState = _afxRichEdit2State; pEditState->strFind = lpszFind; pEditState->strReplace = lpszReplace; pEditState->bCase = bCase; pEditState->bWord = bWord; pEditState->bNext = TRUE;
CWaitCursor wait; // no selection or different than what looking for
if (!SameAsSelected(pEditState->strFind, pEditState->bCase, pEditState->bWord)) { if (!FindText(pEditState)) { TextNotFound(pEditState->strFind); return; } }
GetRichEditCtrl().HideSelection(TRUE, FALSE); do { GetRichEditCtrl().ReplaceSel(pEditState->strReplace, TRUE); } while (FindTextSimple(pEditState)); TextNotFound(pEditState->strFind); GetRichEditCtrl().HideSelection(FALSE, FALSE);
LRESULT CRichEdit2View::OnFindReplaceCmd(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { ASSERT_VALID(this); CFindReplaceDialog* pDialog = CFindReplaceDialog::GetNotifier(lParam); ASSERT(pDialog != NULL); _AFX_RICHEDIT2_STATE* pEditState = _afxRichEdit2State; ASSERT(pDialog == pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg); if (pDialog->IsTerminating()) pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg = NULL; else if (pDialog->FindNext()) { OnFindNext(pDialog->GetFindString(), pDialog->SearchDown(), pDialog->MatchCase(), pDialog->MatchWholeWord()); } else if (pDialog->ReplaceCurrent()) { ASSERT(!pEditState->bFindOnly); OnReplaceSel(pDialog->GetFindString(), pDialog->SearchDown(), pDialog->MatchCase(), pDialog->MatchWholeWord(), pDialog->GetReplaceString()); } else if (pDialog->ReplaceAll()) { ASSERT(!pEditState->bFindOnly); OnReplaceAll(pDialog->GetFindString(), pDialog->GetReplaceString(), pDialog->MatchCase(), pDialog->MatchWholeWord()); } ASSERT_VALID(this); return 0; }
BOOL CRichEdit2View::SameAsSelected(LPCTSTR lpszCompare, BOOL bCase, BOOL /*bWord*/) { CString strSelect = GetRichEditCtrl().GetSelText(); return (bCase && lstrcmp(lpszCompare, strSelect) == 0) || (!bCase && lstrcmpi(lpszCompare, strSelect) == 0); }
BOOL CRichEdit2View::FindText(_AFX_RICHEDIT2_STATE* pEditState) { ASSERT(pEditState != NULL); return FindText(pEditState->strFind, pEditState->bCase, pEditState->bWord); }
BOOL CRichEdit2View::FindText(LPCTSTR lpszFind, BOOL bCase, BOOL bWord) { ASSERT_VALID(this); CWaitCursor wait; return FindTextSimple(lpszFind, bCase, bWord); }
BOOL CRichEdit2View::FindTextSimple(_AFX_RICHEDIT2_STATE* pEditState) { ASSERT(pEditState != NULL); return FindTextSimple(pEditState->strFind, pEditState->bCase, pEditState->bWord); }
BOOL CRichEdit2View::FindTextSimple(LPCTSTR lpszFind, BOOL bCase, BOOL bWord) { USES_CONVERSION; ASSERT(lpszFind != NULL); FINDTEXTEX ft; long cchText;
textlen.flags = GTL_NUMCHARS; #ifdef UNICODE
textlen.codepage = 1200; // Unicode code page
textlen.codepage = CP_ACP; #endif
cchText = (long)GetRichEditCtrl().SendMessage( EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, (WPARAM) &textlen, 0);
if (m_bFirstSearch) { m_lInitialSearchPos = ft.chrg.cpMin; m_bFirstSearch = FALSE; } //REVIEW: Is this cast safe?
ft.lpstrText = (LPTSTR)lpszFind; if (ft.chrg.cpMin != ft.chrg.cpMax) // i.e. there is a selection
DWORD dwFlags = bCase ? FR_MATCHCASE : 0; dwFlags |= bWord ? FR_WHOLEWORD : 0; dwFlags |= FR_DOWN;
ft.chrg.cpMax = cchText;
long index = GetRichEditCtrl().FindText(dwFlags, &ft);
if (-1 == index && m_lInitialSearchPos > 0) { //
// m_lInitialSearchPos pulls double duty as the point at which we
// started searching and a flag which says if we've wrapped back
// to the beginning of the text during a search. If it's negative
// (biased by the number of characters) then we've already wrapped
m_lInitialSearchPos = m_lInitialSearchPos - cchText;
ft.chrg.cpMin = 0; ft.chrg.cpMax = cchText; index = GetRichEditCtrl().FindText(dwFlags, &ft); }
if (-1 != index && m_lInitialSearchPos < 0) if (index >= (m_lInitialSearchPos + cchText) ) index = -1;
if (-1 != index) GetRichEditCtrl().SetSel(ft.chrgText);
return (-1 != index); }
long CRichEdit2View::FindAndSelect(DWORD dwFlags, FINDTEXTEX& ft) { long index = GetRichEditCtrl().FindText(dwFlags, &ft); if (index != -1) // i.e. we found something
GetRichEditCtrl().SetSel(ft.chrgText); return index; }
void CRichEdit2View::TextNotFound(LPCTSTR lpszFind) { ASSERT_VALID(this); m_bFirstSearch = TRUE; OnTextNotFound(lpszFind); }
void CRichEdit2View::OnTextNotFound(LPCTSTR) { }
// CRichEdit2View diagnostics
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CRichEdit2View::AssertValid() const { CCtrlView::AssertValid(); ASSERT_VALID(&m_aPageStart); _AFX_RICHEDIT2_STATE* pEditState = _afxRichEdit2State; if (pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg != NULL) ASSERT_VALID(pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg); }
void CRichEdit2View::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CCtrlView::Dump(dc); AFX_DUMP1(dc, "\nm_aPageStart ", &m_aPageStart); AFX_DUMP0(dc, "\n Static Member Data:"); _AFX_RICHEDIT2_STATE* pEditState = _afxRichEdit2State; if (pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg != NULL) { AFX_DUMP1(dc, "\npFindReplaceDlg = ", (void*)pEditState->pFindReplaceDlg); AFX_DUMP1(dc, "\nbFindOnly = ", pEditState->bFindOnly); } AFX_DUMP1(dc, "\nstrFind = ", pEditState->strFind); AFX_DUMP1(dc, "\nstrReplace = ", pEditState->strReplace); AFX_DUMP1(dc, "\nbCase = ", pEditState->bCase); AFX_DUMP1(dc, "\nbWord = ", pEditState->bWord); AFX_DUMP1(dc, "\nbNext = ", pEditState->bNext); } #endif //_DEBUG
// OLE Client support and commands
BOOL CRichEdit2View::IsSelected(const CObject* pDocItem) const { return (pDocItem == GetSelectedItem()); }
// CRichEdit2Doc
CRichEdit2Doc::CRichEdit2Doc() { m_bRTF = TRUE; m_bUnicode = FALSE; m_bUpdateObjectCache = FALSE; ASSERT_VALID(this); }
CRichEdit2View* CRichEdit2Doc::GetView() const { // find the first view - if there are no views
// we must return NULL
POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); if (pos == NULL) return NULL;
// find the first view that is a CRichEdit2View
CView* pView; while (pos != NULL) { pView = GetNextView(pos); if (pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CRichEdit2View))) return (CRichEdit2View*) pView; }
// can't find one--return NULL
return NULL; }
BOOL CRichEdit2Doc::IsModified() { return GetView()->GetRichEditCtrl().GetModify(); }
void CRichEdit2Doc::SetModifiedFlag(BOOL bModified) { GetView()->GetRichEditCtrl().SetModify(bModified); ASSERT(!!GetView()->GetRichEditCtrl().GetModify() == !!bModified); }
COleClientItem* CRichEdit2Doc::GetInPlaceActiveItem(CWnd* pWnd) { ASSERT_KINDOF(CRichEdit2View, pWnd); CRichEdit2View* pView = (CRichEdit2View*)pWnd; return pView->GetInPlaceActiveItem(); }
void CRichEdit2Doc::SetPathName(LPCTSTR lpszPathName, BOOL bAddToMRU) { // we call CDocument and not COleServerDoc because we don't want to do the
// SetHostNames stuff here. The richedit will do it. And we tell the richedit
// in SetTitle
CDocument::SetPathName(lpszPathName, bAddToMRU); }
void CRichEdit2Doc::SetTitle(LPCTSTR pwszTitle) { USES_CONVERSION; COleServerDoc::SetTitle(pwszTitle); CRichEdit2View *pView = GetView(); ASSERT(pView != NULL); ASSERT(pView->m_lpRichEditOle != NULL); LPCSTR pszAppName = WideToAnsiNewArray(AfxGetAppName()); if (pszAppName) { LPCSTR pszTitle = WideToAnsiNewArray(pwszTitle);
if (pszTitle) { pView->m_lpRichEditOle->SetHostNames(pszAppName, pszTitle); delete [] pszTitle; } delete [] pszAppName; } }
CRichEdit2CntrItem* CRichEdit2Doc::LookupItem(LPOLEOBJECT lpobj) const { POSITION pos = COleServerDoc::GetStartPosition(); CRichEdit2CntrItem* pItem; while (pos != NULL) { pItem = (CRichEdit2CntrItem*) COleServerDoc::GetNextItem(pos); // delete item is right type and not under construction
if (pItem->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CRichEdit2CntrItem)) && pItem->m_lpObject == lpobj) { return pItem; } } return NULL; }
CRichEdit2CntrItem* CRichEdit2Doc::CreateClientItem(REOBJECT* preo) const { // cast away constness of this
return new CRichEdit2CntrItem(preo, (CRichEdit2Doc*)this); // a derived class typically needs to return its own item of a class
// derived from CRichEdit2CntrItem
void CRichEdit2Doc::MarkItemsClear() const { POSITION pos = COleServerDoc::GetStartPosition(); CRichEdit2CntrItem* pItem; while (pos != NULL) { pItem = (CRichEdit2CntrItem*) COleServerDoc::GetNextItem(pos); // Mark item as not in use unless under construction (i.e. m_lpObject == NULL)
if (pItem->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CRichEdit2CntrItem))) pItem->Mark( (pItem->m_lpObject == NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE); } }
void CRichEdit2Doc::DeleteUnmarkedItems() const { POSITION pos = COleServerDoc::GetStartPosition(); CRichEdit2CntrItem* pItem; while (pos != NULL) { pItem = (CRichEdit2CntrItem*) COleServerDoc::GetNextItem(pos); // Mark item as not in use unless under construction (i.e. m_lpObject == NULL)
if (pItem->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CRichEdit2CntrItem)) && !pItem->IsMarked()) delete pItem; } }
POSITION CRichEdit2Doc::GetStartPosition() const { if (m_bUpdateObjectCache) ((CRichEdit2Doc*)this)->UpdateObjectCache(); //cast away const
return COleServerDoc::GetStartPosition(); }
void CRichEdit2Doc::UpdateObjectCache() { CRichEdit2View* pView = GetView(); CRichEdit2CntrItem* pItem; if (pView != NULL) { ASSERT(pView->m_lpRichEditOle != NULL); MarkItemsClear(); long i,nCount = pView->m_lpRichEditOle->GetObjectCount(); for (i=0;i<nCount;i++) { CRe2Object reo; // needs to be in here so destructor called to release interfaces
HRESULT hr = pView->m_lpRichEditOle->GetObject(i, &reo, REO_GETOBJ_ALL_INTERFACES); //reo interfaces are UNICODE
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (GetScode(hr) == S_OK) { pItem = LookupItem(reo.poleobj); if (pItem == NULL) { pItem = ((CRichEdit2Doc*)this)->CreateClientItem(&reo); pItem->UpdateItemType(); } ASSERT(pItem != NULL); pItem->Mark(TRUE); } } DeleteUnmarkedItems(); } m_bUpdateObjectCache = FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// CRichEdit2Doc Attributes
COleClientItem* CRichEdit2Doc::GetPrimarySelectedItem(CView* pView) { ASSERT(pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CRichEdit2View))); return ((CRichEdit2View*)pView)->GetSelectedItem(); }
// CRichEdit2Doc Operations
void CRichEdit2Doc::DeleteContents() { COleServerDoc::DeleteContents(); CWaitCursor wait; CRichEdit2View *pView = GetView(); if (pView != NULL) { pView->DeleteContents(); pView->GetRichEditCtrl().SetModify(FALSE); ASSERT(pView->GetRichEditCtrl().GetModify() == FALSE); } }
// CRichEdit2Doc serialization
void CRichEdit2Doc::Serialize(CArchive& ar) { CRichEdit2View *pView = GetView(); if (pView != NULL) pView->Serialize(ar); // we don't call the base class COleServerDoc::Serialize
// because we don't want the client items serialized
// the client items are handled directly by the RichEdit control
// CRichEdit2Doc diagnostics
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CRichEdit2Doc::AssertValid() const { COleServerDoc::AssertValid(); }
void CRichEdit2Doc::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { COleServerDoc::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG
// CRichEdit2Doc commands
void CRichEdit2Doc::PreCloseFrame(CFrameWnd* pFrameArg) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT_VALID(pFrameArg);
// turn off redraw so the user doesn't see the deactivation happening
BOOL bSetRedraw = FALSE; if (pFrameArg->GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) { pFrameArg->SendMessage(WM_SETREDRAW, (WPARAM)FALSE); bSetRedraw = TRUE; }
// deactivate any inplace active items on this frame
POSITION pos = GetStartPosition(); CRichEdit2CntrItem* pItem; while (pos != NULL) { pItem = (CRichEdit2CntrItem*) GetNextClientItem(pos); if (pItem == NULL) break; ASSERT(pItem->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CRichEdit2CntrItem))); pItem->Close(); }
// turn redraw back on
if (bSetRedraw) pFrameArg->SendMessage(WM_SETREDRAW, (WPARAM)TRUE); }
void CRichEdit2Doc::UpdateModifiedFlag() { // don't do anything here
// let the richedit handle all of this
COleServerItem* CRichEdit2Doc::OnGetEmbeddedItem() { ASSERT(FALSE); return NULL; }
// CRichEdit2CntrItem implementation
CRichEdit2CntrItem::CRichEdit2CntrItem(REOBJECT *preo, CRichEdit2Doc* pContainer) : COleClientItem(pContainer) { m_bMark = FALSE; m_bLock = FALSE; if (preo != NULL) { ASSERT(preo->poleobj != NULL); ASSERT(preo->pstg != NULL); ASSERT(preo->polesite != NULL); m_lpObject = preo->poleobj; m_lpStorage = preo->pstg; m_lpClientSite = preo->polesite; m_lpObject->AddRef(); m_lpStorage->AddRef(); m_lpClientSite->AddRef(); } else { m_lpObject = NULL; m_lpStorage = NULL; m_lpClientSite = NULL; } }
CRichEdit2CntrItem::~CRichEdit2CntrItem() { if (m_lpClientSite != NULL) m_lpClientSite->Release(); }
void CRichEdit2CntrItem::OnDeactivateUI(BOOL bUndoable) { CView* pView = GetActiveView(); if (pView != NULL) { ASSERT(pView->GetParentFrame() != NULL); pView->GetParentFrame()->SendMessage(WM_SETMESSAGESTRING, (WPARAM)AFX_IDS_IDLEMESSAGE); } COleClientItem::OnDeactivateUI(bUndoable); }
HRESULT CRichEdit2CntrItem::ShowContainerUI(BOOL b) { if (!CanActivate()) return E_NOTIMPL; if (b) { OnDeactivateUI(FALSE); OnDeactivate(); } else { OnActivate(); OnActivateUI(); } return S_OK; }
BOOL CRichEdit2CntrItem::OnChangeItemPosition(const CRect& /*rectPos*/) { ASSERT_VALID(this);
// richedit handles this
return FALSE; }
BOOL CRichEdit2CntrItem::CanActivate() { // Editing in-place while the server itself is being edited in-place
// does not work and is not supported. So, disable in-place
// activation in this case.
COleServerDoc* pDoc = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(COleServerDoc, GetDocument()); if (pDoc != NULL && pDoc->IsInPlaceActive()) return FALSE;
// otherwise, rely on default behavior
return COleClientItem::CanActivate(); }
HRESULT CRichEdit2CntrItem::GetWindowContext(LPOLEINPLACEFRAME* lplpFrame, LPOLEINPLACEUIWINDOW* lplpDoc, LPOLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO lpFrameInfo) { CRect rc1,rc2; if (!CanActivate()) return E_NOTIMPL; return m_xOleIPSite.GetWindowContext(lplpFrame, lplpDoc, &rc1, &rc2, lpFrameInfo); }
BOOL CRichEdit2CntrItem::ConvertTo(REFCLSID clsidNew) { USES_CONVERSION; LPRICHEDITOLE preole = GetDocument()->GetView()->m_lpRichEditOle; LPOLESTR lpOleStr; OleRegGetUserType(clsidNew, USERCLASSTYPE_FULL, &lpOleStr); LPCTSTR pwsz = OLE2CT(lpOleStr); BOOL bRet; LPSTR psz = WideToAnsiNewArray(pwsz); if (psz) { bRet = SUCCEEDED(preole->ConvertObject(REO_IOB_SELECTION, clsidNew, psz)); delete [] psz; } else { bRet = FALSE; }
CoTaskMemFree(lpOleStr); return (bRet); }
BOOL CRichEdit2CntrItem::ActivateAs(LPCTSTR, REFCLSID clsidOld, REFCLSID clsidNew) { LPRICHEDITOLE preole = GetDocument()->GetView()->m_lpRichEditOle; HRESULT hRes = preole->ActivateAs(clsidOld, clsidNew); return (SUCCEEDED(hRes)); }
void CRichEdit2CntrItem::SetDrawAspect(DVASPECT nDrawAspect) { LPRICHEDITOLE preole = GetDocument()->GetView()->m_lpRichEditOle; preole->SetDvaspect(REO_IOB_SELECTION, nDrawAspect); COleClientItem::SetDrawAspect(nDrawAspect); }
void CRichEdit2CntrItem::SyncToRichEditObject(REOBJECT& reo) { COleClientItem::SetDrawAspect((DVASPECT)reo.dvaspect); }
// CRichEdit2CntrItem diagnostics
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CRichEdit2CntrItem::AssertValid() const { COleClientItem::AssertValid(); }
void CRichEdit2CntrItem::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { COleClientItem::Dump(dc); } #endif
LPOLECLIENTSITE CRichEdit2CntrItem::GetClientSite() { if (m_lpClientSite == NULL) { CRichEdit2Doc* pDoc = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CRichEdit2Doc, GetDocument()); CRichEdit2View* pView = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CRichEdit2View, pDoc->GetView()); ASSERT(pView->m_lpRichEditOle != NULL); HRESULT hr = pView->m_lpRichEditOle->GetClientSite(&m_lpClientSite); if (hr != S_OK) AfxThrowOleException(hr); } ASSERT(m_lpClientSite != NULL); return m_lpClientSite; }
static const char _szAfxWinInl[] = "afxrich2.inl"; #undef THIS_FILE
#define THIS_FILE _szAfxWinInl
#include "afxrich2.inl"
#pragma code_seg(AFX_INIT_SEG)
IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(CRichEdit2CntrItem, COleClientItem, 0) IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CRichEdit2Doc, COleServerDoc) IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CRichEdit2View, CCtrlView)