* * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORP., 1993-1995 * TITLE: OVRCURNT.CPP * VERSION: 1.0 * AUTHOR: jsenior * DATE: 10/28/1998 * ******************************************************************************** * * CHANGE LOG: * * DATE REV DESCRIPTION * ---------- ------- ---------------------------------------------------------- * 10/28/1998 jsenior Original implementation. * *******************************************************************************/ #include "usbpopup.h"
#include "itemfind.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "usbutil.h"
// Refresh the contents of the treeview control.
// Find all hubs with unused ports on them. If there are none, find some which
// have devices requiring less than 100 mA.
BOOL UsbOvercurrentPopup::Refresh() { TV_INSERTSTRUCT item; int i=0; //, size;
PUSB_ACQUIRE_INFO acquireInfoController = 0; BOOL result = FALSE; TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH], formatString[MAX_PATH]; HWND hReset; String hubName = HubAcquireInfo->Buffer;
// Make the Reset button visible, since this is the overcurrent dialog
if (NULL != (hReset =GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_RESET_PORT)) ) { SetWindowLong(hReset, GWL_STYLE, (GetWindowLong(hReset, GWL_STYLE) | WS_VISIBLE) & ~WS_DISABLED); } //
// Set the window's title bar
LoadString(gHInst, IDS_CURRENT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, buf, MAX_PATH); SetWindowText(hWnd, buf);
// Clear all UI components, and then recreate the rootItem
UsbTreeView_DeleteAllItems(hTreeDevices); if (rootItem) { DeleteChunk(rootItem); delete rootItem; } rootItem = new UsbItem; if (!rootItem) { USBERROR((_T("Out of memory!\n"))); goto OvercurrentRefreshError; } AddChunk(rootItem);
// Get the controller name and enumerate the tree
acquireInfoController = GetControllerName(WmiHandle, InstanceName); if (!acquireInfoController) { goto OvercurrentRefreshError; } if (!rootItem->EnumerateController(0, acquireInfoController->Buffer, &ImageList, 0)) { goto OvercurrentRefreshError; } acquireInfoController = (PUSB_ACQUIRE_INFO) LocalFree(acquireInfoController); LoadString(gHInst, IDS_UNKNOWNDEVICE, buf, MAX_PATH); LoadString(gHInst, IDS_UNKNOWNDEVICE, formatString, MAX_PATH); if (deviceItem.IsUnusedPort() || !_tcscmp(deviceItem.configInfo->deviceDesc.c_str(), buf) || !_tcscmp(deviceItem.configInfo->deviceDesc.c_str(), formatString)) { //
// The hub has eroneously removed the device prior to throwing the
// overcurrent notification
// The device is still there
// Set the notification using the name of the offending device
LoadString(gHInst, IDS_OVERCURRENT_NOTIFICATION, formatString, MAX_PATH); UsbSprintf(buf, formatString, deviceItem.configInfo->deviceDesc.c_str()); } if (!SetTextItem(hWnd, IDC_POWER_NOTIFICATION, buf) || !SetTextItem(hWnd, IDC_POWER_EXPLANATION, IDS_ENUMFAIL_COURSE) || !SetTextItem(hWnd, IDC_POWER_RECOMMENDATION, IDS_OVERCURRENT_RECOMMENDATION)) { goto OvercurrentRefreshError; } if (rootItem->child) { if (deviceItem.configInfo->devInst) { //
// The device hasn't been removed by either the hub or the user yet
// Find the overcurrent device
UsbItemActionFindOvercurrentDevice f1(deviceItem.configInfo->devInst); rootItem->Walk(f1); if (f1.GetDevice()) { //
// Device is still attached
result=InsertTreeItem (hTreeDevices, rootItem->child, TreeView_GetRoot(hTreeDevices), &item, TrueAlways, UsbItemActionFindOvercurrentDevice::IsValid, UsbItemActionFindOvercurrentDevice::IsExpanded); } } if (!result) { //
// Device has been removed by either the hub or the user. Find the
// hub that the device was attached to and highlight the port.
UsbItemActionFindOvercurrentHubPort f2(hubName, deviceItem.cxnAttributes.ConnectionIndex); rootItem->Walk(f2); if (f2.GetDevice()) { result=InsertTreeItem (hTreeDevices, rootItem->child, TreeView_GetRoot(hTreeDevices), &item, TrueAlways, UsbItemActionFindOvercurrentHubPort::IsValid, UsbItemActionFindOvercurrentHubPort::IsExpanded); } } } return result; OvercurrentRefreshError: if (acquireInfoController) { LocalFree(acquireInfoController); } return FALSE; }
BOOL UsbOvercurrentPopup::OnCommand(INT wNotifyCode, INT wID, HWND hCtl) { switch (wID) { case IDC_RESET_PORT: PUSB_CONNECTION_NOTIFICATION resetNotification; ULONG size, res; _try { size = sizeof(USB_CONNECTION_NOTIFICATION); resetNotification = (PUSB_CONNECTION_NOTIFICATION) LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, size); if (!resetNotification) { //
// do something here
return FALSE; } resetNotification->NotificationType = ResetOvercurrent; resetNotification->ConnectionNumber = ConnectionNotification->ConnectionNumber; res = WmiExecuteMethod(WmiHandle, InstanceName.c_str(), ResetOvercurrent, size, resetNotification, &size, resetNotification); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR szTitle[MAX_PATH], szMessage[MAX_PATH]; LoadString(gHInst, IDS_RESET_FAILED, szMessage, MAX_PATH); LoadString(gHInst, IDS_USB_ERROR, szTitle, MAX_PATH); MessageBox(hWnd, szMessage, szTitle, MB_OK | MB_USERICON); } } _finally { if (resetNotification) { LocalFree(resetNotification); } EndDialog(hWnd, wID); } return TRUE; case IDOK: EndDialog(hWnd, wID); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
BOOL UsbOvercurrentPopup::CustomDialogWrap() { TCHAR unknownDevice[MAX_PATH], unknownHub[MAX_PATH];
LoadString(gHInst, IDS_UNKNOWNDEVICE, unknownDevice, MAX_PATH); LoadString(gHInst, IDS_UNKNOWNHUB, unknownHub, MAX_PATH); if (deviceItem.IsUnusedPort() || !_tcscmp(deviceItem.configInfo->deviceDesc.c_str(), unknownDevice) || !_tcscmp(deviceItem.configInfo->deviceDesc.c_str(), unknownHub)) { return CustomDialog(IDD_INSUFFICIENT_POWER, NIIF_ERROR, IDS_OVERCURRENT_INITIAL_UNKNOWN, IDS_CURRENT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED); } else { return CustomDialog(IDD_INSUFFICIENT_POWER, NIIF_ERROR, IDS_OVERCURRENT_INITIAL, IDS_CURRENT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED); } }