'------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Microsoft Windows ' ' Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 ' ' File: dskquota.vbs ' ' This file is a VBScript for testing the scripting features of ' the Windows 2000 disk quota interface code. It also serves as ' an example of how to properly use the disk quota objects ' with scripting. ' ' It's designed to accept /<cmd>=<value> arguments so that all ' of the scripting features can be tested using the same utility. ' It however wasn't written to be very tolerant of bad input. ' For instance, a command must be preceded by a '/' character. ' An '=' character must separate the command and value. ' No spaces are tolerated between the '/', <cmd>, '=' and <value>. ' ' This is valid: ' ' dskquota /volume=e: /showuser=redmond\brianau ' ' This is not: ' ' dskquota /volume= e: /showuser = redmond\brianau ' ' Multiple commands can appear in the same invocation. The following ' command will display quota information for both the volume and a ' user. ' ' dskquota /volume=e: /show /showuser=redmond\brianau ' ' Here's a summary of the available commands: ' ' /VOLUME=<volume id> ' ' This command is required. <volume id> identifies the volume. ' i.e. "E:" ' ' /STATE=<DISABLE | TRACK | ENFORCE> ' ' Enables or disables quotas on the volume. ' DISABLE disables quotas. ' TRACK enables quotas but doesn't enforce quota limits. ' ENFORCE enables quotas and enforces quota limits. ' ' /NAMERES=<NONE | SYNC | ASYNC> ' ' Sets the user-name synchronization mode for the current ' invocation only. Since Async name resolution is meaningless ' for a command-line script, this command use most useful for ' testing the ability to set the name resolution mode. ' The following command could be used to verify proper operation: ' ' dskquota /volume=e: /nameres=sync /show ' ' The output of /SHOW would be used to verify the correct resolution ' setting. ' ' NONE means that a name must be cached to be returned. ' SYNC means that any function returning a non-cached name ' will block until that name is resolved. This is the ' default. ' ASYNC means that any function returning a non-cached name ' will return immediately. The name resolution connection ' point is used to obtain the name asynchronously once ' it has been resolved. This has no purpose in a cmd line ' script. ' ' /DEFLIMIT=<bytes> ' ' Sets the default quota limit on the volume. ' ' /DEFWARNING=<bytes> ' ' Sets the default quota warning level on the volume. ' ' /SHOW ' ' Displays a summary of volume-specific quota information. ' ' /SHOWUSER=<user logon name> ' ' Displays a summary of user-specific quota information if there's ' a record for the user in the volume's quota file. Specify '*' ' for <user logon name> to enumerate all user quota records. ' ' dskquota /volume=e: /showuser=redmond\brianau ' dskquota /volume=e: /showuser=* ' ' /LOGLIMIT=<YES | NO> ' ' Enables/disables system logging of users who exceed their ' assigned quota limit. ' ' /LOGWARNING=<YES | NO> ' ' Enables/disables system logging of users who exceed their ' assigned quota warning threshold. ' ' /ADDUSER=<user logon name> ' ' Adds a new user record to the volume's quota file. The new record ' has assigned to it the default limit and warning threshold for ' the volume. ' ' dskquota /volume=e: /adduser=redmond\brianau ' ' /DELUSER=<user logon name> ' ' Removes a user's quota record from the volume's quota file. ' In actuality, this merely marks the record for deletion. Actual ' deletion occurs later when NTFS rebuilds the volume's quota info. ' ' /USER=<user logon name> ' ' Specifies the user record associated with a /LIMIT or /WARNING ' command. ' ' dskquota /volume=e: /user=redmond\brianau /limit=1048576 ' ' /LIMIT=<bytes> ' ' Sets the quota limit for a user's quota record. Must be accompanied ' by the /USER command. ' ' /WARNING=<bytes> ' ' Sets the quota warning level for a user's quota record. Must be ' accompanied by the /USER command. ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------
' ' Name Resolution type names. ' DIM rgstrNameRes(3) rgstrNameRes(0) = "NONE" ' No name resolution. rgstrNameRes(1) = "SYNC" ' Synchronous name resolution. rgstrNameRes(2) = "ASYNC" ' Asynchronous name resolution. ' ' Volume quota state names. ' DIM rgstrStateNames(3) rgstrStateNames(0) = "DISABLE" ' Quotas are disabled. rgstrStateNames(1) = "TRACK" ' Enabled but not enforced. rgstrStateNames(2) = "ENFORCE" ' Enabled AND enforced. ' ' Generic YES/NO name strings. ' DIM rgstrYesNo(2) rgstrYesNo(0) = "NO" rgstrYesNo(1) = "YES" ' ' Define an array index for each cmdline argument. ' iArgVolume = 0 ' /VOLUME=<volumeid> iArgState = 1 ' /STATE=<DISABLE | TRACK | ENFORCE> iArgNameRes = 2 ' /NAMERES=<NONE | SYNC | ASYNC> iArgDefLimit = 3 ' /DEFLIMIT=<bytes> iArgDefWarning = 4 ' /DEFWARNING=<bytes> iArgShow = 5 ' /SHOW iArgLogLimit = 6 ' /LOGLIMIT=<YES | NO> iArgLogWarning = 7 ' /LOGWARNING=<YES | NO> iArgShowUser = 8 ' /SHOWUSER=<user logon name> iArgAddUser = 9 ' /ADDUSER=<user logon name> iArgDelUser = 10 ' /DELUSER=<user logon name> iArgUser = 11 ' /USER=<user logon name> iArgLimit = 12 ' /LIMIT=<bytes> iArgWarning = 13 ' /WARNING=<bytes>
' ' Define an array of argument names. ' DIM rgstrArgNames(14) rgstrArgNames(0) = "VOLUME" rgstrArgNames(1) = "STATE" rgstrArgNames(2) = "NAMERES" rgstrArgNames(3) = "DEFLIMIT" rgstrArgNames(4) = "DEFWARNING" rgstrArgNames(5) = "SHOW" rgstrArgNames(6) = "LOGLIMIT" rgstrArgNames(7) = "LOGWARNING" rgstrArgNames(8) = "SHOWUSER" rgstrArgNames(9) = "ADDUSER" rgstrArgNames(10) = "DELUSER" rgstrArgNames(11) = "USER" rgstrArgNames(12) = "LIMIT" rgstrArgNames(13) = "WARNING"
' ' Define an array to hold argument values. ' The length must be the same as the length of ' rgstrArgNames. ' DIM rgstrArgValues(14)
'----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Extract an argument name from an argument string. ' ' "/STATE=DISABLE" -> "STATE" ' PRIVATE FUNCTION ArgNameFromArg(strArg) s = strArg iSlash = InStr(s, "/") IF 0 <> iSlash THEN s = MID(s, iSlash+1) END IF iEqual = INSTR(s, "=") IF 0 <> iEqual THEN s = LEFT(s, iEqual-1) END IF ArgNameFromArg = UCASE(s) END FUNCTION
'----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Extract an argument value from an argument string. ' ' "/STATE=DISABLE" -> "DISABLE" ' PRIVATE FUNCTION ArgValueFromArg(strArg) iEqual = INSTR(strArg, "=") ArgValueFromArg = MID(strArg, iEqual+1) END FUNCTION
'----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Determine the index into the global arrays for ' a given argument string. ' ' "STATE" -> 1 ' "DEFLIMIT" -> 3 ' PRIVATE FUNCTION ArgNameToIndex(strArgName) ArgNameToIndex = -1 n = UBOUND(rgstrArgNames) - LBOUND(rgstrArgNames) FOR i = 0 TO n IF strArgName = rgstrArgNames(i) THEN ArgNameToIndex = i EXIT FUNCTION END IF NEXT END FUNCTION
'----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Convert a state name into a state code for passing to ' the QuotaState property. ' ' "DISABLE" -> 0 ' PRIVATE FUNCTION StateFromStateName(strName) StateFromStateName = -1 n = UBOUND(rgstrStateNames) - LBOUND(rgstrStateNames) FOR i = 0 TO n-1 IF rgstrStateNames(i) = UCASE(strName) THEN StateFromStateName = i EXIT FUNCTION END IF NEXT END FUNCTION
'----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Convert a name resolution name into a code for passing to ' the UserNameResolution property. ' ' "SYNC" -> 1 ' PRIVATE FUNCTION NameResTypeFromTypeName(strName) NameResTypeFromTypeName = -1 n = UBOUND(rgstrNameRes) - LBOUND(rgstrNameRes) FOR i = 0 TO n-1 IF rgstrNameRes(i) = UCASE(strName) THEN NameResTypeFromTypeName = i EXIT FUNCTION END IF NEXT END FUNCTION
'----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Process the arguments on the cmd line, storing the argument ' values in the appropriate slot in rgstrArgValues[] ' PRIVATE FUNCTION ProcessArgs SET args = Wscript.Arguments n = args.COUNT FOR i = 0 TO n-1 name = ArgNameFromArg(args(i)) iArg = ArgNameToIndex(name) IF -1 <> iArg THEN rgstrArgValues(iArg) = UCASE(ArgValueFromArg(args(i))) IF iArg = iArgShow THEN rgstrArgValues(iArg) = "SHOW" END IF ELSE Wscript.Echo "Invalid option specified [", name, "]" END IF NEXT ProcessArgs = n END FUNCTION
'----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Determine if a given argument was present on the cmd line. ' PRIVATE FUNCTION ArgIsPresent(iArg) ArgIsPresent = (0 < LEN(rgstrArgValues(iArg))) END FUNCTION
'----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Display quota information specific to a volume. ' PRIVATE SUB ShowVolumeInfo(objDQC) Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "Volume............: ", rgstrArgValues(iArgVolume) Wscript.Echo "State.............: ", rgstrStateNames(objDQC.QuotaState) Wscript.Echo "Incomplete........: ", CSTR(objDQC.QuotaFileIncomplete) Wscript.Echo "Rebuilding........: ", CSTR(objDQC.QuotaFileRebuilding) Wscript.Echo "Name resolution...: ", rgstrNameRes(objDQC.UserNameResolution) Wscript.Echo "Default Limit.....: ", objDQC.DefaultQuotaLimitText, "(", objDQC.DefaultQuotaLimit, "bytes)" Wscript.Echo "Default Warning...: ", objDQC.DefaultQuotaThresholdText, "(", objDQC.DefaultQuotaThreshold, "bytes)" Wscript.Echo "Log limit.........: ", CSTR(objDQC.LogQuotaLimit) Wscript.Echo "Log Warning.......: ", CSTR(objDQC.LogQuotaThreshold) Wscript.Echo "" END SUB
'----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Display quota information specific to a single user. ' PRIVATE SUB ShowUserInfo(objUser) Wscript.Echo "Name..............: ", objUser.LogonName Wscript.Echo "Limit.............: ", objUser.QuotaLimitText, "(",objUser.QuotaLimit, "bytes)" Wscript.Echo "Warning...........: ", objUser.QuotaThresholdText, "(",objUser.QuotaThreshold, "bytes)" Wscript.Echo "" END SUB
'----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Do the work according to what argument values are in ' rgstrArgValues[]. ' PRIVATE SUB Main DIM objDQC DIM objUser
' ' User must enter volume ID. ' If none specified, display error msg and exit. ' IF NOT ArgIsPresent(iArgVolume) THEN Wscript.Echo "Must provide volume ID. (i.e. '/VOLUME=C:' )" EXIT SUB END IF
' ' Create the disk quota control object. ' SET objDQC = Wscript.CreateObject("Microsoft.DiskQuota.1") objDQC.Initialize rgstrArgValues(iArgVolume), 1
' ' Set the quota state. ' IF ArgIsPresent(iArgState) THEN iState = StateFromStateName(rgstrArgValues(iArgState)) IF (-1 < iState) THEN objDQC.QuotaState = iState ELSE Wscript.Echo "Invalid quota state (" & rgstrArgValues(iArgState) & ")" END IF END IF ' ' Set the name resolution type. We won't use this setting here ' but set it to verify we can. ' IF ArgIsPresent(iArgNameRes) THEN iResType = NameResTypeFromTypeName(rgstrArgValues(iArgNameRes)) IF (-1 < iResType) THEN objDQC.UserNameResolution = iResType ELSE Wscript.Echo "Invalid name resolution type (" & rgstrArgValues(iArgNameRes) & ")" END IF END IF
' ' Set the limit and threshold. ' IF ArgIsPresent(iArgDefLimit) THEN objDQC.DefaultQuotaLimit = rgstrArgValues(iArgDefLimit) END IF
IF ArgIsPresent(iArgDefWarning) THEN objDQC.DefaultQuotaThreshold = rgstrArgValues(iArgDefWarning) END IF
' ' Set the logging flags. ' IF ArgIsPresent(iArgLogLimit) THEN s = rgstrArgValues(iArgLogLimit) IF UCASE(s) = "NO" THEN objDQC.LogQuotaLimit = 0 ELSE objDQC.LogQuotaLimit = 1 END IF END IF
IF ArgIsPresent(iArgLogWarning) THEN s = rgstrArgValues(iArgLogWarning) IF UCASE(s) = "NO" THEN objDQC.LogQuotaThreshold = 0 ELSE objDQC.LogQuotaThreshold = 1 END IF END IF
' ' Show volume information. ' IF ArgIsPresent(iArgShow) THEN ShowVolumeInfo(objDQC) END IF
' ' Show user information. ' IF ArgIsPresent(iArgShowUser) THEN IF rgstrArgValues(iArgShowUser) = "*" THEN ' ' Enumerate all users on the volume. ' FOR EACH objUser in objDQC ShowUserInfo(objUser) NEXT ELSE ' ' Find and show info for just one user. ' SET objUser = objDQC.FindUser(rgstrArgValues(iArgShowUser)) IF TYPENAME(objUser) <> "" THEN ShowUserInfo(objUser) END IF END IF SET objUser = NOTHING END IF
' ' Delete user. ' IF ArgIsPresent(iArgDelUser) THEN SET objUser = objDQC.FindUser(rgstrArgValues(iArgDelUser)) IF TYPENAME(objUser) <> "" THEN objDQC.DeleteUser(objUser) Wscript.Echo "Quota record for ", rgstrArgValues(iArgDelUser), "deleted from volume." SET objUser = NOTHING END IF END IF
' ' Set user warning level and/or limit. ' IF ArgIsPresent(iArgLimit) OR ArgIsPresent(iArgWarning) THEN IF NOT ArgIsPresent(iArgUser) THEN Wscript.Echo "Must provide user logon name. (i.e. '/USER=REDMOND\mmouse' )" EXIT SUB END IF SET objUser = objDQC.FindUser(rgstrArgValues(iArgUser)) IF TYPENAME(objUser) <> "" THEN IF ArgIsPresent(iArgLimit) THEN objUser.QuotaLimit = rgstrArgValues(iArgLimit) END IF IF ArgIsPresent(iArgWarning) THEN objUser.QuotaThreshold = rgstrArgValues(iArgWarning) END IF END IF SET objUser = NOTHING END IF
' ' Add new user quota record. ' IF ArgIsPresent(iArgAddUser) THEN SET objUser = objDQC.AddUser(rgstrArgValues(iArgAddUser)) IF TYPENAME(objUser) <> "" THEN Wscript.Echo "Quota record for ", rgstrArgValues(iArgAddUser), "added to volume." END IF SET objUser = NOTHING END IF
'----------------------------------------------------------------- ' MAIN ' ProcessArgs ' Parse all cmd line args. Main ' Do the work.