* fontcl.h - declarations for the font class and it related buddies: * * PANOSEBytesClass - The list of decoded PANOSE bytes * PANOSENumClass - The PANOSE number * DirFilenameClass - Directory slot and filename * CFontClass - Font class itself * * Copyright (C) 1992-93 ElseWare Corporation. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************/
#ifndef __FONTCL_H__
#define __FONTCL_H__
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#if !defined(__FDIR_H__)
#include "fdir.h"
* PANOSE definitions. *************************************************************************/
#define NUM_PAN_DIGITS 10
#define PANOSE_LEN 10
#define PANOSE_ANY 0
#define PANOSE_NOFIT 1
* LATIN TEXT PANOSE INDICES * * Indices into an array containing the standard 10-digit PANOSE number. ***************************************************************************/
#define PAN_IND_FAMILY 0
#define PAN_IND_SERIF 1
#define PAN_IND_WEIGHT 2
#define PAN_IND_STROKE 5
#define PAN_IND__LAST 9
* PURPOSE: Check a 10-digit PANOSE for validity. We just look for any * PANOSE_ANY's and disqualify it if we find one. We probably should] * also check for digits greater than DIGIT__LAST. ***************************************************************************/
class far PANOSEBytesClass { public : PANOSEBytesClass () { vClear (); }; VOID vClear () { for( int i = 0; i < PANOSE_LEN; i++ ) m_ajBytes[i] = PANOSE_NOFIT; }; BOOL bVerify () { for( int i = 0; i < PANOSE_LEN; i++ ) if( m_ajBytes[i] == PANOSE_ANY ) return FALSE; return TRUE; }; BYTE jFamily () { return jGet(PAN_IND_FAMILY); }; BYTE jGet( int i ) { return m_ajBytes[i]; };
public : // fields
BYTE m_ajBytes[ PANOSE_LEN ];
}; // end PANOSEBytesClass
/* required wrapper */
class far PANOSENumClass { public : BYTE m_ajNumMem[ NUM_PAN_DIGITS ]; // m_xNumMem. Old extended pan.
* Path and filename */
class far DirFilenameClass { public : void vGetFullName( LPTSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath );
void vGetFileName( LPTSTR pszName, size_t cchName ) { StringCchCopy( pszName, cchName, m_szFOnly ); };
BOOL bSameFileName( LPTSTR pszName ) { return( lstrcmpi( pszName, m_szFOnly ) == 0 ); } ;
void vSet (CFontDir * poDir, LPTSTR pszPath) { m_poDir = poDir; StringCchCopy( m_szFOnly, ARRAYSIZE(m_szFOnly), pszPath ); };
BOOL bSameName( LPTSTR pszName ) { return lstrcmpi( pszName, m_szFOnly ) == 0; }; BOOL bOnSysDir(void) { return m_poDir->bOnSysDir(); };
private: CFontDir * m_poDir; FILENAME m_szFOnly; // File name portion only
* Font record */ class far CFontClass { public : CFontClass () : m_cRef(0), m_bAttributesValid(FALSE) { m_eFileKind = eFKNone; vClear( ); }; ~CFontClass () { vFreeFOT( ); }
ULONG AddRef(void); ULONG Release(void);
static int s_cFonts; //
// WARNING: This function zeros out the ENTIRE object using memset.
// This is so bogus I can't believe the original author did it.
// I'm not changing it because I don't want to break anything but
// be aware that it's here. If you introduce a virtual function,
// into this class, this call will overwrite your vtable ptr
// with NULL (ugh!). If you add a non-trivial class as a member,
// this function will wipe out any initialization and any vtable
// ptr it might contain (double ugh!). [brianau - 3/24/98]
void vClear () { memset( this, 0, sizeof( *this ) ); m_lpszFamName = m_szFamName; m_cchFamNameMax = ARRAYSIZE(m_szFamName); };
/* PANOSE stuff */
BYTE *lpBasePANOSE( ) { bFillIn(); return (BYTE *)&m_xPANOSE.m_ajBytes;};
BOOL bLTDFamily( ) { bFillIn(); return m_jFamily == FAMILY_LATTEXT; }; BOOL bLTDAndPANOSE( ) { bFillIn(); return /* m_fHavePANOSE && */ bLTDFamily();};
* Name (also Family and filename) stuff */ BOOL bSameFileName( PTSTR pStr ) { return m_dirfn.bSameFileName(pStr); };
BOOL bGetFQName( LPTSTR lpszName, size_t cchName );
BOOL GetFileTime( FILETIME* pft );
void GetFileInfo( );
void vGetFileName( PTSTR pStr, size_t cchStr ) { m_dirfn.vGetFileName( pStr, cchStr ); };
DWORD dwGetFileAttributes(void); void InvalidateFileAttributes(void) { m_bAttributesValid = FALSE; }
void vGetDirFN( PTSTR pStr, size_t cchStr ) { m_dirfn.vGetFullName( pStr, cchStr ); };
BOOL bSameDirName( PTSTR pStr ) { return m_dirfn.bSameName( pStr ); };
RC rcStoreDirFN ( LPTSTR pStr ) { return rcStoreDirFN (pStr, m_dirfn); }; void vGetDesc( PTSTR pstr, size_t cchDesc ) { StringCchCopy( pstr, cchDesc, m_szFontLHS ); };
const LPTSTR szGetDesc( ) { return m_szFontLHS; }
void vGetName( PTSTR pstr, size_t cchName ) { StringCchCopy( pstr, cchName, m_szFontLHS ); } BOOL bNameOverlap( PTSTR pstr ) { int iLen = lstrlen( pstr ); if( iLen > m_wNameLen ) iLen = m_wNameLen; int iCmp = _tcsnicmp( m_szFontLHS, pstr, iLen ); return( iCmp == 0 ); } ; BOOL bSameName( PTSTR pstr ) { int iCmp = ( lstrlen( pstr ) - m_wNameLen ); if( iCmp == 0 ) iCmp = _tcsnicmp( m_szFontLHS, pstr, m_wNameLen ); return iCmp == 0; }; BOOL bSameDesc( PTSTR pstr ) { return( lstrcmpi( pstr, m_szFontLHS ) == 0 ); }; int iCompareName( CFontClass* pComp ) { return _tcsnccmp( m_szFontLHS, pComp->m_szFontLHS, m_wNameLen ); }; void vGetFamName( PTSTR pstr, size_t cchName ) { bFillIn(); StringCchCopy (pstr, cchName, m_lpszFamName); };
void vSetFamName( PTSTR pstr ) { StringCchCopy (m_lpszFamName, m_cchFamNameMax, pstr); }; BOOL bSameFamily( CFontClass* pComp ) { if( pComp == NULL ) return FALSE; bFillIn(); pComp->bFillIn(); return lstrcmp( m_lpszFamName, pComp->m_lpszFamName ) == 0;}; /**********************************************************************
* font data stuff */ int iFontType( ) { return m_eFileKind; } BOOL bDeviceType( ) { return m_eFileKind == eFKDevice; } BOOL bTrueType( ) { return ((m_eFileKind == eFKTrueType) || (m_eFileKind == eFKTTC)); } BOOL bOpenType( ) { return m_eFileKind == eFKOpenType; } BOOL bTTC( ) { return m_eFileKind == eFKTTC; } BOOL bType1( ) { return m_eFileKind == eFKType1; } /**********************************************************************
* AddFontResource and RemoveFontResource */ BOOL bAFR(); BOOL bRFR(); /**********************************************************************
* For dealing with the font family list */ VOID vSetFamilyFont( ) { m_bFamily = TRUE; };
VOID vSetNoFamilyFont( ) { m_bFamily = FALSE; /* m_wFamIdx = IDX_NULL; */ };
VOID vSetFamIndex( WORD wVal ) { m_wFamIdx = wVal; };
WORD wGetFamIndex( ) { return m_wFamIdx; };
BOOL bSameFamIndex( CFontClass* pComp ) { return pComp->m_wFamIdx == m_wFamIdx; }; /**********************************************************************
* For dealing with the flags */ DWORD dwStyle( ) { return m_dwStyle; }
BOOL bHavePANOSE( ) { bFillIn(); return (m_jFamily != PANOSE_ANY); }
BOOL bFamilyFont( ) { return m_bFamily; }; BOOL bOnSysDir( ) { return m_dirfn.bOnSysDir(); };
WORD wFontSize( ) { return m_wFileK; }; BOOL bFilledIn( ) { return m_bFilledIn; }; DWORD dCalcFileSize( );
RC rcStoreDirFN( LPTSTR pStr, DirFilenameClass& dirfn ); BOOL bInit( LPTSTR lpszDesc, LPTSTR lpPath, LPTSTR lpAltPath = NULL );
BOOL bFillIn( ); BOOL bFOT() { return( m_lpszFOT != NULL ); };
BOOL bGetFOT( LPTSTR pszFOT, size_t cchFOT ) { if( !bFOT( ) ) return( FALSE );
if (FAILED(StringCchCopy( pszFOT, cchFOT, m_lpszFOT ))) return( FALSE );
return( TRUE ); } BOOL bPFB() { return( m_lpszPFB != NULL ); };
BOOL bGetPFB( LPTSTR pszPFB, size_t cchPFB ) { if( !bType1( ) ) return( FALSE );
if (FAILED(StringCchCopy( pszPFB, cchPFB, m_lpszPFB ))) return( FALSE );
return( TRUE ); } BOOL bGetFileToDel( LPTSTR pszFileName, size_t cchFileName ); private : CFontDir * poAddDir( LPTSTR lpPath, LPTSTR * lpName ); BOOL bAddDirToDirList(CFontDirList *pDirList, LPCTSTR pszDir, BOOL bSystemDir); VOID vSetDeviceType( ) { m_eFileKind = eFKDevice; }; VOID vSetTrueType( BOOL bFOT) { m_eFileKind = eFKTrueType; } VOID vSetOpenType( ) { m_eFileKind = eFKOpenType; } VOID vSetTTCType( ) { m_eFileKind = eFKTTC; } VOID vSetType1( ) { m_eFileKind = eFKType1; } BOOL bSetFOT( LPCTSTR pszFOT ) { m_lpszFOT = StrDup(pszFOT); return NULL != m_lpszFOT; }
void vFreeFOT() { if( bFOT( ) ) LocalFree( m_lpszFOT ); m_lpszFOT = NULL; }
BOOL bSetPFB( LPCTSTR pszPFB ) { m_lpszPFB = StrDup(pszPFB); return NULL != m_lpszPFB; }
void vFreePFB() { if( bType1( ) ) LocalFree( m_lpszPFB ); m_lpszPFB = NULL; }
// Functions for getting information from Type1 fonts and
// 32-bit font resources.
DWORD GetType1Info(LPCTSTR pszPath, LPTSTR pszFamilyBuf, UINT nBufChars, LPDWORD pdwStyle, LPWORD pwWeight);
DWORD GetLogFontInfo(LPTSTR pszPath, LOGFONT **ppLogFontInfo); private : LONG m_cRef; // Reference count.
// Some things are filled in on the first pass, others are
// filled in on the second pass during background processing,
// idle time, or on demand.
BOOL m_bAFR; // True if the font is in GDI
FontDesc_t m_szFontLHS; // 1
FAMNAME m_szFamName; // 2
LPTSTR m_lpszFamName; // 2
size_t m_cchFamNameMax; BOOL m_bFilledIn; // True after 2nd pass
BYTE m_wNameLen; // 1
BYTE m_jFamily; // 2
PANOSEBytesClass m_xPANOSE; // 2
DirFilenameClass m_dirfn; // 1. Path in WIN.INI, not real TTF path
WORD m_wFileK; // 2.
WORD m_wFamIdx; // Set externally.
eFileKind m_eFileKind; // Always an int
BOOL m_bFileInfoFetched; FILETIME m_ft; LPTSTR m_lpszFOT; LPTSTR m_lpszPFB; DWORD m_dwFileAttributes; // Cached file attributes.
BOOL m_bAttributesValid;
public: // TODO: Add access functions for this.
WORD m_wWeight; // 2. From OS/2 table
BOOL m_bFamily; // 2. Set if main family font
DWORD m_dwStyle; // 2. Same values as
BOOL PASCAL bMakeFQName( LPTSTR, LPTSTR, size_t, BOOL bSearchPath=FALSE );
BOOL bTTFFromFOT( LPTSTR pszFOTPath, LPTSTR pszTTF, size_t cchTTF );
BOOL FFGetFileResource( LPCTSTR szFile, LPCTSTR szType, LPCTSTR szRes, DWORD dwReserved, DWORD *pdwLen, LPVOID lpvData );
#endif // __FONTCL_H__