Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements Device Manager troubleshooting supporting classes
William Hsieh (williamh) created
Revision History:
#include "devmgr.h"
#include "proppage.h"
#include "tsmain.h"
#include "tswizard.h"
const TCHAR* REG_PATH_TROUBLESHOOTERS = TEXT("Troubleshooters"); const TCHAR* REG_VALUE_WIZARD32 = TEXT("Wizard32");
// class CWizard implementation
BOOL CWizard::Query( CDevice* pDevice, ULONG Problem ) { if (!m_WizardEntry) return FALSE; TSHOOTER_QUERYPARAM QueryParam; TCHAR Description[MAX_PATH]; m_pDevice = pDevice; QueryParam.Header.cbSize = sizeof(QueryParam); QueryParam.Header.Command = TSHOOTER_QUERY; QueryParam.DeviceId = pDevice->GetDeviceID(); QueryParam.Problem = Problem; QueryParam.DescBuffer = Description; QueryParam.DescBufferSize = ARRAYLEN(Description); if ((*m_WizardEntry)((PTSHOOTER_PARAMHEADER) &QueryParam)) { m_DeviceRank = QueryParam.DeviceRank; m_ProblemRank = QueryParam.ProblemRank; m_strDescription = Description; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL CWizard::About(HWND hwndOwner) { if (!m_WizardEntry) return FALSE; TSHOOTER_ABOUTPARAM AboutParam; AboutParam.Header.cbSize = sizeof(AboutParam); AboutParam.Header.Command = TSHOOTER_ABOUT; AboutParam.hwndOwner = hwndOwner; return(*m_WizardEntry)((PTSHOOTER_PARAMHEADER)&AboutParam); } BOOL CWizard::AddPages( LPPROPSHEETHEADER ppsh, DWORD MaxPages ) { if (!m_WizardEntry) return FALSE; if (!m_pDevice) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); return FALSE; } TSHOOTER_ADDPAGESPARAM AddPagesParam; AddPagesParam.Header.cbSize = sizeof(AddPagesParam); AddPagesParam.Header.Command = TSHOOTER_ADDPAGES; AddPagesParam.Problem = m_Problem; AddPagesParam.DeviceId = m_pDevice->GetDeviceID(); AddPagesParam.PropSheetHeader = ppsh; AddPagesParam.MaxPages = MaxPages; return(*m_WizardEntry)((PTSHOOTER_PARAMHEADER)&AddPagesParam); }
// class CWizardList implementation
BOOL CWizardList::Create( CDevice* pDevice, ULONG Problem ) { CSafeRegistry regDevMgr; CSafeRegistry regTShooters; DWORD RegType, Size, Type; if (regDevMgr.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_PATH_DEVICE_MANAGER) && regTShooters.Open(regDevMgr, REG_PATH_TROUBLESHOOTERS)) {
if (TWT_ANY == m_Type || TWT_PROBLEM_SPECIFIC == m_Type) { // create problem specific wizards list first
// convert problem number to subkey name
String strProblemSubkey; strProblemSubkey.Format(TEXT("%08X"), Problem); // see if there are registered for the problem.
CSafeRegistry regProblem; if (regProblem.Open(regTShooters, (LPTSTR)strProblemSubkey)) { Size = 0; if (regProblem.GetValue(REG_VALUE_WIZARD32, &Type, NULL, &Size) && REG_MULTI_SZ == Type && Size) { BufferPtr<BYTE> WizardPtr(Size); regProblem.GetValue(REG_VALUE_WIZARD32, &Type, WizardPtr, &Size); CreateWizardsFromStrings((LPTSTR)(BYTE*)WizardPtr, pDevice, Problem); } } } if (TWT_ANY == m_Type || TWT_CLASS_SPECIFIC == m_Type) { TCHAR GuidSubkey[MAX_GUID_STRING_LEN]; GUID ClassGuid; pDevice->ClassGuid(ClassGuid); ULONG Size; if (GuidToString(&ClassGuid, GuidSubkey, ARRAYLEN(GuidSubkey))) { CSafeRegistry regGuid; if (regGuid.Open(regTShooters, GuidSubkey)) { Size = 0; if (regGuid.GetValue(REG_VALUE_WIZARD32, &Type, NULL, &Size) && REG_MULTI_SZ == Type && Size) { BufferPtr<BYTE> WizardPtr(Size); regGuid.GetValue(REG_VALUE_WIZARD32, &Type, WizardPtr, &Size); CreateWizardsFromStrings((LPTSTR)(BYTE*)WizardPtr, pDevice, Problem); } } } } if (TWT_ANY == m_Type || TWT_GENERAL_PURPOSE == m_Type) { if (regTShooters.GetValue(REG_VALUE_WIZARD32, &Type, NULL, &Size) && REG_MULTI_SZ == Type && Size) { BufferPtr<BYTE> WizardPtr(Size); regTShooters.GetValue(REG_VALUE_WIZARD32, &Type, WizardPtr, &Size); CreateWizardsFromStrings((LPTSTR)(BYTE*)WizardPtr, pDevice, Problem); } } } if (TWT_ANY == m_Type || TWT_DEVMGR_DEFAULT == m_Type) { SafePtr<CDefaultWizard> WizardPtr; CDefaultWizard* pWizard = new CDefaultWizard; WizardPtr.Attach(pWizard); if (pWizard->Query(pDevice, Problem)) { m_listWizards.AddTail(pWizard); WizardPtr.Detach(); } } return !m_listWizards.IsEmpty(); }
CWizardList::~CWizardList() { if (!m_listWizards.IsEmpty()) { POSITION pos = m_listWizards.GetHeadPosition(); while (NULL != pos) { delete (CWizard*)m_listWizards.GetNext(pos); } m_listWizards.RemoveAll(); } }
BOOL CWizardList::CreateWizardsFromStrings( LPTSTR msz, CDevice* pDevice, ULONG Problem ) { LPTSTR p; p = msz; SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); BOOL Result = TRUE; // the format of each string is "dllname, dllentryname"
while (Result && _T('\0') != *p) { HMODULE hDll; FARPROC ProcAddress; Result = LoadEnumPropPage32(p, &hDll, &ProcAddress); if (Result) { SafePtr<CWizard> WizardPtr; CWizard* pWizard = new CWizard(hDll, ProcAddress); WizardPtr.Attach(pWizard); if (pWizard->Query(pDevice, Problem)) { m_listWizards.AddTail(pWizard); WizardPtr.Detach(); } } p += lstrlen(p) + 1; } return Result; }
BOOL CWizardList::GetFirstWizard( CWizard** ppWizard, PVOID* pContext ) { if (!ppWizard || !pContext) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } if (!m_listWizards.IsEmpty()) { POSITION pos = m_listWizards.GetHeadPosition(); if (NULL != pos) { *ppWizard = m_listWizards.GetNext(pos); *pContext = (PVOID)pos; return TRUE; } } SetLastError(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS); *ppWizard = NULL; *pContext = NULL; return FALSE; }
BOOL CWizardList::GetNextWizard( CWizard** ppWizard, PVOID& Context ) { if (!ppWizard) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } POSITION pos = (POSITION)Context; if (NULL != pos) { *ppWizard = m_listWizards.GetNext(pos); Context = pos; return TRUE; } *ppWizard = NULL; Context = NULL; SetLastError(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS); return FALSE; }
CWizard98::CWizard98( HWND hwndParent, UINT MaxPages ) { m_MaxPages = 0; if (MaxPages && MaxPages <= 32) { m_MaxPages = MaxPages; memset(&m_psh, 0, sizeof(m_psh)); m_psh.hInstance = g_hInstance; m_psh.hwndParent = hwndParent; m_psh.phpage = new HPROPSHEETPAGE[MaxPages]; m_psh.dwSize = sizeof(m_psh); m_psh.dwFlags = PSH_WIZARD | PSH_WIZARD97 | PSH_HEADER | PSH_WATERMARK | PSH_STRETCHWATERMARK; m_psh.pszbmWatermark = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_WATERMARK); m_psh.pszbmHeader = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BANNER); PSH_STRETCHWATERMARK; m_psh.pszCaption = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_TROUBLESHOOTING_NAME); }
BOOL CWizard98::CreateIntroPage( CDevice* pDevice ) {
CWizardIntro* pIntroPage = new CWizardIntro; HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage = pIntroPage->Create(pDevice); if (hPage) { m_psh.phpage[m_psh.nPages++] = hPage; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
HPROPSHEETPAGE CWizardIntro::Create( CDevice* pDevice ) { if (!m_pDevice) { ASSERT(m_pDevice); m_pDevice = pDevice; m_psp.dwFlags = PSP_DEFAULT | PSP_USETITLE | PSP_HIDEHEADER; m_psp.pszTitle = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_TROUBLESHOOTING_NAME); m_psp.lParam = (LPARAM)this; m_pSelectedWizard = NULL; DWORD Problem, Status; if (pDevice->GetStatus(&Status, &Problem) && m_Wizards.Create(pDevice, Problem)) { m_Problem = Problem; return CPropSheetPage::CreatePage(); } } return NULL; }
BOOL CWizardIntro::OnInitDialog( LPPROPSHEETPAGE ppsp ) { try { ASSERT(!m_hFontBold && !m_hFontBigBold); HFONT hFont = (HFONT)SendMessage(GetDlgItem(m_hDlg, IDC_WIZINTRO_WELCOME), WM_GETFONT, 0, 0); LOGFONT LogFont; GetObject(hFont, sizeof(LogFont), &LogFont); LogFont.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; m_hFontBold = CreateFontIndirect(&LogFont); int PtsPixels = GetDeviceCaps(GetDC(m_hDlg), LOGPIXELSY); int FontSize = (LogFont.lfHeight * 72 / PtsPixels) * 2; LogFont.lfHeight = PtsPixels * FontSize / 72; m_hFontBigBold = CreateFontIndirect(&LogFont);
if (m_hFontBigBold && m_hFontBold) { SendMessage(GetDlgItem(m_hDlg, IDC_WIZINTRO_WELCOME), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)m_hFontBold, (LPARAM)TRUE); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(m_hDlg, IDC_WIZINTRO_NAME), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)m_hFontBigBold, (LPARAM)TRUE); } int Count = 0; CWizard* pWizard; PVOID Context; Count = m_Wizards.NumberOfWizards(); if (Count > 1) { //
// enumerate all registered wizard32 based troubleshooters
if (m_Wizards.GetFirstWizard(&pWizard, &Context)) { do { int iItem; iItem = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hDlg, IDC_WIZINTRO_WIZARDLIST, LB_ADDSTRING, Count, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)pWizard->GetDescription() ); if (LB_ERR != iItem) { SendDlgItemMessage(m_hDlg, IDC_WIZINTRO_WIZARDLIST, LB_SETITEMDATA, iItem, (LPARAM)pWizard); Count++; } } while (m_Wizards.GetNextWizard(&pWizard, Context)); } } // if we have any troubleshooters listed at all,
// display the list and change the instruction text
if (Count > 1) { // make the default selection to the first one
SendDlgItemMessage(m_hDlg, IDC_WIZINTRO_WIZARDLIST, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); } else { // we have only one wizard in the list,
// hide the wizard list box and necessary text and
// select the only wizard as the selected wizard
ShowWindow(GetControl(IDC_WIZINTRO_WIZARDS_GROUP), SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(GetControl(IDC_WIZINTRO_WIZARDS_TEXT), SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(GetControl(IDC_WIZINTRO_WIZARDLIST), SW_HIDE); m_Wizards.GetFirstWizard(&m_pSelectedWizard, &Context); ASSERT(m_pSelectedWizard); } } catch (CMemoryException* e) { e->Delete(); MsgBoxParam(m_hDlg, 0, 0, 0); } return TRUE;
BOOL CWizardIntro::OnWizNext() { try { CWizard* pNewSelectedWizard = NULL; // get the current selected wizard from the list box
// The list box is hidden when there is only one wizard
// available.
if (IsWindowVisible(GetControl(IDC_WIZINTRO_WIZARDLIST))) { int iItem = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hDlg, IDC_WIZINTRO_WIZARDLIST, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (LB_ERR != iItem) { pNewSelectedWizard = (CWizard*) SendDlgItemMessage(m_hDlg, IDC_WIZINTRO_WIZARDLIST, LB_GETITEMDATA, iItem, 0); } } if (m_pSelectedWizard != pNewSelectedWizard) { if (m_pSelectedWizard) { // user has changed the wizard selection
// remove all the pages added by the previous wizard
UINT TotalPages = m_pSelectedWizard->m_AddedPages;
// do not remove page 0 which is our introduction page
for (UINT PageIndex = 1; TotalPages; TotalPages--, PageIndex++) { // PSM_REMOVEPAGE should also destroy the page, therefore,
// we do not call DestroyPropertySheetPage on that page
// here.
::SendMessage(GetParent(m_hDlg), PSM_REMOVEPAGE, PageIndex, 0); } } m_pSelectedWizard = NULL;
// Let the newly selected wizard to create pages
// We need a local copy of PROPERSHEETHEADER here
// because we have to add each page to the active property
// sheet(already displayed).
CWizard98 theSheet(GetParent(GetParent(m_hDlg))); LONG Error; if (pNewSelectedWizard->AddPages(&theSheet.m_psh, theSheet.GetMaxPages() )) { // Remember how many pages the wizard added to the sheet.
// It is used to removed page when we switch troubleshooters
pNewSelectedWizard->m_AddedPages = theSheet.m_psh.nPages;
// Add new pages to the property sheet
for (UINT i = 0; i < theSheet.m_psh.nPages; i++) { SendMessage(GetParent(m_hDlg), PSM_ADDPAGE, 0, (LPARAM)theSheet.m_psh.phpage[i]); } m_pSelectedWizard = pNewSelectedWizard; } else { SetWindowLong(m_hDlg, DWL_MSGRESULT, -1); } } } catch (CMemoryException* e) { e->Delete(); MsgBoxParam(m_hDlg, 0, 0, 0); } return CPropSheetPage::OnWizNext(); }
BOOL CWizardIntro::OnSetActive() { PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(m_hDlg), PSWIZB_NEXT); return CPropSheetPage::OnSetActive(); }
BOOL CWizardIntro::OnCommand( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { if (LBN_DBLCLK == HIWORD(wParam) && IDC_WIZINTRO_WIZARDLIST == LOWORD(wParam)) { int iItem = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hDlg, IDC_WIZINTRO_WIZARDLIST, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (LB_ERR != iItem && m_pSelectedWizard) {
m_pSelectedWizard->About(m_hDlg); } } return CPropSheetPage::OnCommand(wParam, lParam); }
INT_PTR StartTroubleshootingWizard( HWND hwndParent, CDevice* pDevice ) { try { CWizard98 theSheet(hwndParent); if (theSheet.CreateIntroPage(pDevice)) return theSheet.DoSheet(); } catch (CMemoryException* e) { e->Delete(); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } return 0; }