// ThemeLdr.cpp - entrypoints for routines declared in ThemeLdr.h
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Services.h"
#include "ThemeServer.h"
#include "loader.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// InjectedThreadDispatcherExceptionFilter
// Arguments: pExceptionInfo = Exception that happened.
// Returns: LONG
// Purpose: Filters exceptions that occur when executing injected threads
// into another process context to prevent the process from
// terminating due to unforeseen exceptions.
// History: 2000-10-13 vtan created
// 2001-05-18 vtan copied from theme service LPC
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
LONG WINAPI InjectedThreadExceptionFilter (struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionInfo)
{ (LONG)RtlUnhandledExceptionFilter(pExceptionInfo); return(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::SessionAllocate
// Arguments: hProcess = Winlogon process for the session.
// dwServerChangeNumber = Server base change number.
// pfnRegister = Address of register function.
// pfnUnregister = Address of unregister function.
// Returns: void*
// Purpose: Allocates a CThemeServer object that contains information
// for a theme session. Wrapped in try/except because of
// critical section initialization.
// History: 2000-11-11 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C void* WINAPI SessionAllocate (HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwServerChangeNumber, void *pfnRegister, void *pfnUnregister, void *pfnClearStockObjects, DWORD dwStackSizeReserve, DWORD dwStackSizeCommit)
{ CThemeServer *pvContext;
__try { pvContext = new CThemeServer(hProcess, dwServerChangeNumber, pfnRegister, pfnUnregister, pfnClearStockObjects, dwStackSizeReserve, dwStackSizeCommit); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { pvContext = NULL; } return(pvContext); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::SessionFree
// Arguments: pvContext = CThemeServer this object.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Destroys the CThemeServer object when the session goes away.
// History: 2000-11-11 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C void WINAPI SessionFree (void *pvContext)
{ delete static_cast<CThemeServer*>(pvContext); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::ThemeHooksOn
// Arguments: pvContext = CThemeServer this object.
// Returns: HRESULT
// Purpose: Pass thru function.
// History: 2000-11-11 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C HRESULT WINAPI ThemeHooksOn (void *pvContext)
{ return(static_cast<CThemeServer*>(pvContext)->ThemeHooksOn()); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::ThemeHooksOff
// Arguments: pvContext = CThemeServer this object.
// Returns: HRESULT
// Purpose: Pass thru function.
// History: 2000-11-11 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C HRESULT WINAPI ThemeHooksOff (void *pvContext)
{ (HRESULT)static_cast<CThemeServer*>(pvContext)->ThemeHooksOff(); return(S_OK); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::AreThemeHooksActive
// Arguments: pvContext = CThemeServer this object.
// Returns: BOOL
// Purpose: Pass thru function.
// History: 2000-11-11 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C BOOL WINAPI AreThemeHooksActive (void *pvContext)
{ return(static_cast<CThemeServer*>(pvContext)->AreThemeHooksActive()); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::GetCurrentChangeNumber
// Arguments: pvContext = CThemeServer this object.
// Returns: int
// Purpose: Pass thru function.
// History: 2000-11-11 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C int WINAPI GetCurrentChangeNumber (void *pvContext)
{ return(static_cast<CThemeServer*>(pvContext)->GetCurrentChangeNumber()); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::GetNewChangeNumber
// Arguments: pvContext = CThemeServer this object.
// Returns: int
// Purpose: Pass thru function.
// History: 2000-11-11 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C int WINAPI GetNewChangeNumber (void *pvContext)
{ return(static_cast<CThemeServer*>(pvContext)->GetNewChangeNumber()); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::SetGlobalTheme
// Arguments: pvContext = CThemeServer this object.
// Returns: HRESULT
// Purpose: Pass thru function.
// History: 2000-11-11 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C HRESULT WINAPI SetGlobalTheme (void *pvContext, HANDLE hSection)
{ return(static_cast<CThemeServer*>(pvContext)->SetGlobalTheme(hSection)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::GetGlobalTheme
// Arguments: pvContext = CThemeServer this object.
// Returns: HRESULT
// Purpose: Pass thru function.
// History: 2000-11-11 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C HRESULT WINAPI GetGlobalTheme (void *pvContext, HANDLE *phSection)
{ return(static_cast<CThemeServer*>(pvContext)->GetGlobalTheme(phSection)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::LoadTheme
// Arguments: pvContext = CThemeServer this object.
// Returns: HRESULT
// Purpose: Pass thru function.
// History: 2000-11-11 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C HRESULT WINAPI LoadTheme ( void *pvContext, HANDLE hSection, HANDLE *phSection, LPCWSTR pszName, LPCWSTR pszColor, LPCWSTR pszSize, OPTIONAL DWORD dwFlags )
{ return(static_cast<CThemeServer*>(pvContext)->LoadTheme( hSection, phSection, pszName, pszColor, pszSize, dwFlags)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::InitUserTheme
// Arguments: BOOL
// Returns: HRESULT
// Purpose: Pass thru function.
// History: 2000-11-11 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C HRESULT WINAPI InitUserTheme (BOOL fPolicyCheckOnly)
{ return(CThemeServices::InitUserTheme(fPolicyCheckOnly)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::InitUserRegistry
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: HRESULT
// Purpose: Pass thru function.
// History: 2000-11-15 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C HRESULT WINAPI InitUserRegistry (void)
{ return(CThemeServices::InitUserRegistry()); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::ReestablishServerConnection
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Pass thru function.
// History: 2000-11-17 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C HRESULT WINAPI ReestablishServerConnection (void)
{ return(CThemeServices::ReestablishServerConnection()); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::ThemeHooksInstall
// Arguments: pvContext = Unused.
// Returns: DWORD
// Purpose: Pass thru function.
// History: 2000-11-11 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C DWORD WINAPI ThemeHooksInstall (void *pvContext)
DWORD dwResult;
__try { dwResult = CThemeServer::ThemeHooksInstall(); } __except (InjectedThreadExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) { dwResult = 0; } ExitThread(dwResult); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::ThemeHooksRemove
// Arguments: pvContext = Unused.
// Returns: DWORD
// Purpose: Pass thru function.
// History: 2000-11-11 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C DWORD WINAPI ThemeHooksRemove (void *pvContext)
DWORD dwResult;
__try { dwResult = CThemeServer::ThemeHooksRemove(); } __except (InjectedThreadExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) { dwResult = 0; } ExitThread(dwResult); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::ServerClearStockObjects
// Arguments: pvContext = ptr to section
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Pass thru function.
// History: 2001-05-01 rfernand created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C void WINAPI ServerClearStockObjects (void *pvContext)
{ DWORD dwResult;
__try { dwResult = CThemeServer::ClearStockObjects(HANDLE(pvContext)); } __except (InjectedThreadExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) { dwResult = 0; } ExitThread(dwResult); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::ServiceClearStockObjects
// Arguments: pvContext = CThemeServer this object.
// hSection = Theme section handle containing
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Pass thru function. This function differs from
// ::ServerClearStockObjects in that it is intended to be called
// from the theme service, which can't clean stock bitmaps
// itself (not on the winsta that created the bitmaps).
// History: 2002-03-11 scotthan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C HRESULT ServiceClearStockObjects(PVOID pvContext, HANDLE hSection ) { return (static_cast<CThemeServer*>(pvContext)->InjectStockObjectCleanupThread(hSection)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::ClearTheme
// Arguments: hSection = Theme section to clear.
// Returns: HRESULT
// Purpose: Clears stock bitmaps in the theme section data and closes it.
// History: 2000-11-21 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT WINAPI ClearTheme (HANDLE hSection, BOOL fForce)
if (hSection != NULL) { hr = CThemeServices::ClearStockObjects(hSection, fForce); } else { hr = S_OK; }
//---- always close the handle ----
return(hr); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::MarkSection
// Arguments: hSection = Section to change
// dwAdd, dwRemove = Flags to set or clear in the header.
// See loader.h.
// Returns: void
// Purpose: Update the global section state.
// History: 2001-05-08 lmouton created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C void WINAPI MarkSection (HANDLE hSection, DWORD dwAdd, DWORD dwRemove)
{ Log(LOG_TMLOAD, L"MarkSection: Add %d and remove %d on %X", dwAdd, dwRemove, hSection);
void *pV = MapViewOfFile(hSection, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); if (pV != NULL) { THEMEHDR *hdr = reinterpret_cast<THEMEHDR*>(pV);
// Do some validation
if (0 == memcmp(hdr->szSignature, kszBeginCacheFileSignature, kcbBeginSignature) && hdr->dwVersion == THEMEDATA_VERSION) { // Only allow this flag for now
if (dwRemove == SECTION_HASSTOCKOBJECTS) { Log(LOG_TMLOAD, L"MarkSection: Previous flags were %d", hdr->dwFlags); hdr->dwFlags &= ~dwRemove; } } UnmapViewOfFile(pV); } #ifdef DEBUG
else { Log(LOG_TMLOAD, L"MarkSection: Failed to open write handle for %X", hSection); } #endif