Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@Echo off
Rem Rem �b�w�˫��A�t�κz�����Ӱ����o�ӫ��O�� Rem
CD /D "%SystemRoot%\Application Compatibility Scripts\Install" > NUL: 2>&1
If Not "A%1A" == "AA" Goto cont0
Call "%SystemRoot%\Application Compatibility Scripts\ChkRoot.Cmd" If "%_CHKROOT%" == "FAIL" Goto Done
If "A%1A" == "AA" ..\acsr "#ROOTDRIVE#" "%RootDrive%" Template\msie40.key msie40.key ..\acsr "#SYSTEMROOT#" "%SystemRoot%" Template\msie40s.key msie40s.key
If Exist "%SystemRoot%\Setup.ini" Goto Cont2 Copy NUL: "%SystemRoot%\Setup.ini" > NUL: 2>&1
:Cont2 Cacls "%SystemRoot%\Setup.ini" /E /T /G "Authenticated Users":F >Nul: 2>&1
If Exist "%SystemRoot%\Setup.old" Goto Cont3 Copy NUL: "%SystemRoot%\Setup.old" > NUL: 2>&1
:Cont3 Attrib +r "%SystemRoot%\Setup.old" > NUL: 2>&1
FindStr /I Msie4Usr %SystemRoot%\System32\UsrLogn1.Cmd >Nul: 2>&1 If Not ErrorLevel 1 Goto Cont4 Echo Call Msie4Usr.Cmd >> %SystemRoot%\System32\UsrLogn1.Cmd
Rem �p�G�ثe���O�w�˼Ҧ��A�N�ܧw�˼Ҧ��C Set __OrigMode=Install ChgUsr /query > Nul: if Not ErrorLevel 101 Goto Begin Set __OrigMode=Exec Change User /Install > Nul: :Begin
If "A%1A" == "AA" regini Msie40.key > Nul: regini Msie40s.key > NUL:
Rem If original mode was execute, change back to Execute Mode. If "%__OrigMode%" == "Exec" Change User /Execute > Nul: Set __OrigMode=
If Not "A%1A" == "AA" Goto Done
Echo. Echo ���F���� MS IE 4 ���T�ާ@�A�ثe�w�n�J�� Echo �ϥΪ̥������n�X�A�A���s�n�J�A�~������ Echo ���ε{���C Echo. Echo Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x �h�ϥΪ����ε{���վ��B�z����
Rem �b IE AutoInstall �L�{�����n�Ȱ� Pause