Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This header file provides access to the memory allocation debugging utilities.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 9/29/1995
#ifndef _MEMCHECK_H_
#define _MEMCHECK_H_
#if DBG
#if ((!defined (OS_WINCE)) || (_WIN32_WCE > 300))
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <iostream.h> // Just in case it's not anywhere else.
extern "C" { #else // __cplusplus
#include <stdio.h> // Just in case it's not anywhere else.
#endif // __cplusplus
#include <stdio.h>
// Function prototype
extern BOOL debugGbl; // Whether or not to print breakpoint status.
extern void Breakpoint( // A convienient spot for a breakpoint.
extern LPVOID AllocateMemory( // Memory manipulation routines.
DWORD bytes, LPCTSTR allocator);
extern LPVOID ReallocateMemory( LPVOID mem, DWORD bytes);
extern LPVOID FreeMemory( LPVOID mem);
LPCTSTR typeMemory( // Show the reason for allocation.
LPVOID mem);
extern void DisplayMemory( // Report statistics on allocated memory.
BOOL ValidateMemory( // Check out the allocations
#if ((!defined (OS_WINCE)) || (_WIN32_WCE > 300))
#ifdef __cplusplus
#ifdef _MSVC
extern void SetReason( LPCTSTR szWhy);
extern void * ::operator new( size_t size);
extern void ::operator delete( void *obj); #endif
#endif __cplusplus
#else // _DEBUG
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif // __cplusplus
extern LPVOID AllocateMemory( DWORD bytes);
extern LPVOID ReallocateMemory( LPVOID mem, DWORD bytes);
extern LPVOID FreeMemory( LPVOID mem);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif // __cplusplus
#endif // _DEBUG
#ifdef TRACE
#undef TRACE // Get rid of any conflicting definitions.
#ifdef ASSERT
#undef ASSERT
#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined (_MSVC)
#define breakpoint Breakpoint()
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define TRACE(aMessage) cout << aMessage << endl;
#define ASSERT(aTruism) if (!(aTruism)) { \
TRACE("Assertion failed:\n " << #aTruism << "\n module " << __FILE__ << " line " << __LINE__) \ breakpoint; } #define NEWReason(x) SetReason(x);
#define DECLARE_NEW \
void *operator new(size_t size); \ void operator delete(void *obj); #define IMPLEMENT_NEW(cls) \
void * cls::operator new(size_t size) { \ return (cls *)AllocateMemory(size, #cls " Object"); } \ void cls::operator delete(void *obj) { \ FreeMemory(obj); } #define IMPLEMENT_INLINE_NEW(cls) \
inline void * cls::operator new(size_t size) { \ return (cls *)AllocateMemory(size, #cls " Object"); } \ inline void cls::operator delete(void *obj) { \ FreeMemory(obj); } #else
#define TRACE(aMessage) (void)printf aMessage, fflush(stdout);
#define ASSERT(aTruism) if (!(aTruism)) { \
TRACE(("Assertion failed:\n %s\n module %s, line %d\n", #aTruism, __FILE__, __LINE__)) \ breakpoint; } #endif
#define allocateMemory(aLocation, aType, aSize, aReason) \
aLocation = (aType)AllocateMemory(aSize, aReason) #define reallocateMemory(aLocation, aType, aSize) \
aLocation = (aType)ReallocateMemory(aLocation, aSize) #define freeMemory(aLocation, aType) \
aLocation = (aType)FreeMemory(aLocation) #define displayMemory DisplayMemory()
#define breakpoint
#define TRACE(aMessage)
#define ASSERT(aTruism)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define NEWReason(x)
#define IMPLEMENT_NEW(cls)
#define allocateMemory(aLocation, aType, aSize, aReason) \
aLocation = (aType)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, aSize) #define reallocateMemory(aLocation, aType, aSize) \
aLocation = (aType)GlobalReAlloc(aLocation, aSize, 0) #define freeMemory(aLocation, aType) \
aLocation = (aType)GlobalFree(aLocation)
#define displayMemory
#endif // _DEBUG
#endif // _MEMCHECK_H_
// End memcheck.h