// Microsoft Forms
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994-2000
// File: cstrinout.h
// Contents: shell-wide string thunkers, for use by unicode wrappers
#include "uniansi.h"
#define CP_ATOM 0xFFFFFFFF /* not a string at all */
// Class: CConvertStr (CStr)
// Purpose: Base class for conversion classes.
class CConvertStr { public: operator char *(); inline BOOL IsAtom() { return _uCP == CP_ATOM; }
protected: CConvertStr(UINT uCP); ~CConvertStr(); void Free();
UINT _uCP; LPSTR _pstr; char _ach[MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR)]; };
// Member: CConvertStr::CConvertStr
// Synopsis: ctor.
inline CConvertStr::CConvertStr(UINT uCP) { _uCP = uCP; _pstr = NULL; }
// Member: CConvertStr::~CConvertStr
// Synopsis: dtor.
inline CConvertStr::~CConvertStr() { Free(); }
// Member: CConvertStr::operator char *
// Synopsis: Returns the string.
inline CConvertStr::operator char *() { return _pstr; }
// Class: CStrIn (CStrI)
// Purpose: Converts string function arguments which are passed into
// a Windows API.
class CStrIn : public CConvertStr { public: CStrIn(LPCWSTR pwstr); CStrIn(LPCWSTR pwstr, int cwch); CStrIn(UINT uCP, LPCWSTR pwstr); CStrIn(UINT uCP, LPCWSTR pwstr, int cwch); int strlen();
protected: CStrIn(); void Init(LPCWSTR pwstr, int cwch);
int _cchLen; };
// Member: CStrIn::CStrIn
// Synopsis: Inits the class with a given length
inline CStrIn::CStrIn(LPCWSTR pwstr, int cwch) : CConvertStr(CP_ACP) { Init(pwstr, cwch); }
inline CStrIn::CStrIn(UINT uCP, LPCWSTR pwstr, int cwch) : CConvertStr(uCP) { Init(pwstr, cwch); }
// Member: CStrIn::CStrIn
// Synopsis: Initialization for derived classes which call Init.
inline CStrIn::CStrIn() : CConvertStr(CP_ACP) { }
// Member: CStrIn::strlen
// Synopsis: Returns the length of the string in characters, excluding
// the terminating NULL.
inline int CStrIn::strlen() { return _cchLen; }
// Class: CStrInMulti (CStrIM)
// Purpose: Converts multiple strings which are terminated by two NULLs,
// e.g. "Foo\0Bar\0\0"
class CStrInMulti : public CStrIn { public: CStrInMulti(LPCWSTR pwstr); };
// Class: CPPFIn
// Purpose: Converts string function arguments which are passed into
// a Win9x PrivateProfile API. Win9x DBCS has a bug where
// passing a string longer than MAX_PATH will fault kernel.
// PPF = Private Profile Filename
class CPPFIn { public: operator char *(); CPPFIn(LPCWSTR pwstr);
private: char _ach[MAX_PATH]; };
// Member: CPPFIn::operator char *
// Synopsis: Returns the string.
inline CPPFIn::operator char *() { return _ach; }
// Class: CStrOut (CStrO)
// Purpose: Converts string function arguments which are passed out
// from a Windows API.
class CStrOut : public CConvertStr { public: CStrOut(LPWSTR pwstr, int cwchBuf); CStrOut(UINT uCP, LPWSTR pwstr, int cwchBuf); ~CStrOut();
int BufSize(); int ConvertIncludingNul(); int ConvertExcludingNul(); int CopyNoConvert(int srcBytes); protected: void Init(LPWSTR pwstr, int cwchBuf); private: LPWSTR _pwstr; int _cwchBuf; };
// Member: CStrOut::BufSize
// Synopsis: Returns the size of the buffer to receive an out argument,
// including the terminating NULL.
inline int CStrOut::BufSize() { return _cwchBuf * sizeof(WCHAR); }
// Multi-Byte ---> Unicode conversion
// Class: CConvertStrW (CStr)
// Purpose: Base class for multibyte conversion classes.
class CConvertStrW { public: operator WCHAR *();
protected: CConvertStrW(); ~CConvertStrW(); void Free();
LPWSTR _pwstr; WCHAR _awch[MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR)]; };
// Member: CConvertStrW::CConvertStrW
// Synopsis: ctor.
inline CConvertStrW::CConvertStrW() { _pwstr = NULL; }
// Member: CConvertStrW::~CConvertStrW
// Synopsis: dtor.
inline CConvertStrW::~CConvertStrW() { Free(); }
// Member: CConvertStrW::operator WCHAR *
// Synopsis: Returns the string.
inline CConvertStrW::operator WCHAR *() { return _pwstr; }
// Class: CStrInW (CStrI)
// Purpose: Converts multibyte strings into UNICODE
class CStrInW : public CConvertStrW { public: CStrInW(LPCSTR pstr) { Init(pstr, -1); } CStrInW(LPCSTR pstr, int cch) { Init(pstr, cch); } int strlen();
protected: CStrInW(); void Init(LPCSTR pstr, int cch);
int _cwchLen; };
// Member: CStrInW::CStrInW
// Synopsis: Initialization for derived classes which call Init.
inline CStrInW::CStrInW() { }
// Member: CStrInW::strlen
// Synopsis: Returns the length of the string in characters, excluding
// the terminating NULL.
inline int CStrInW::strlen() { return _cwchLen; }
// Class: CStrOutW (CStrO)
// Purpose: Converts returned unicode strings into ANSI. Used for [out]
// params (so we initialize with a buffer that should later be
// filled with the correct ansi data)
class CStrOutW : public CConvertStrW { public: CStrOutW(LPSTR pstr, int cchBuf); ~CStrOutW();
int BufSize(); int ConvertIncludingNul(); int ConvertExcludingNul();
private: LPSTR _pstr; int _cchBuf; };
// Member: CStrOutW::BufSize
// Synopsis: Returns the size of the buffer to receive an out argument,
// including the terminating NULL.
inline int CStrOutW::BufSize() { return _cchBuf; }
// Class: CWin32FindDataInOut
// Purpose: Converts WIN32_FIND_DATA structures from UNICODE to ANSI
// on the way in, then ANSI to UNICODE on the way out.
class CWin32FindDataInOut { public: operator LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA(); CWin32FindDataInOut(LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW pfdW); ~CWin32FindDataInOut();
protected: LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW _pfdW; WIN32_FIND_DATAA _fdA; };
// Member: CWin32FindDataInOut::CWin32FindDataInOut
// Synopsis: Convert the non-string fields to ANSI. You'd think this
// isn't necessary, but it is, because Win95 puts secret
// goo into the dwReserved fields that must be preserved.
inline CWin32FindDataInOut::CWin32FindDataInOut(LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW pfdW) : _pfdW(pfdW) { memcpy(&_fdA, _pfdW, FIELD_OFFSET(WIN32_FIND_DATA, cFileName));
_fdA.cFileName[0] = '\0'; _fdA.cAlternateFileName[0] = '\0'; }
// Member: CWin32FindDataInOut::~CWin32FindDataInOut
// Synopsis: Convert all the fields from ANSI back to UNICODE.
inline CWin32FindDataInOut::~CWin32FindDataInOut() { memcpy(_pfdW, &_fdA, FIELD_OFFSET(WIN32_FIND_DATA, cFileName));
SHAnsiToUnicode(_fdA.cFileName, _pfdW->cFileName, ARRAYSIZE(_pfdW->cFileName)); SHAnsiToUnicode(_fdA.cAlternateFileName, _pfdW->cAlternateFileName, ARRAYSIZE(_pfdW->cAlternateFileName)); }
// Member: CWin32FindDataInOut::operator LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA
// Synopsis: Returns the WIN32_FIND_DATAA.
inline CWin32FindDataInOut::operator LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA() { return &_fdA; }
#endif // _CSTRINOUT_HXX_