/****************************************************************************/ // noadisp.c
// RDP Order Accumulation code
// Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation
#include <precmpdd.h>
#define hdrstop
#define TRC_FILE "noadisp"
#include <adcg.h>
#include <adcs.h>
#include <ndddata.c>
#include <noadisp.h>
#include <nprcount.h>
// No data, don't waste time including the file.
//#include <noadata.c>
#include <nschdisp.h>
// Common functions.
#include <aoacom.c>
/****************************************************************************/ // OA_DDInit
/****************************************************************************/ void RDPCALL OA_DDInit() { DC_BEGIN_FN("OA_DDInit");
// Don't waste time including the nonexistent data.
//#define DC_INIT_DATA
//#include <noadata.c>
//#undef DC_INIT_DATA
DC_END_FN(); }
/****************************************************************************/ // OA_InitShm
/****************************************************************************/ void RDPCALL OA_InitShm(void) { DC_BEGIN_FN("OA_InitShm");
// Init OA shm variables that need it. Be sure not to init the
// order heap itself.
DC_END_FN(); }
/****************************************************************************/ // OA_AllocOrderMem
// Allocates order heap memory. Returns a pointer to the heap block.
/****************************************************************************/ PINT_ORDER RDPCALL OA_AllocOrderMem(PDD_PDEV ppdev, unsigned OrderDataLength) { unsigned Size; PINT_ORDER pOrder;
// Round up the total allocation to the nearest 4 bytes to keep the 4 byte
// alignment within the heap.
Size = sizeof(INT_ORDER) + OrderDataLength; Size = (Size + sizeof(PVOID) - 1) & ~(sizeof(PVOID)-1);
// If we don't have enough heap space, flush and check again.
// Not being able to flush simply means the network is backed up,
// callers should be able to handle this.
if ((pddShm->oa.nextOrder + Size) >= OA_ORDER_HEAP_SIZE) SCH_DDOutputAvailable(ppdev, TRUE); if ((pddShm->oa.nextOrder + Size) < OA_ORDER_HEAP_SIZE) { TRC_ASSERT((pddShm->oa.nextOrder == (pddShm->oa.nextOrder & ~(sizeof(PVOID)-1))), (TB,"oa.nextOrder %u is not DWORD_PTR-aligned", pddShm->oa.nextOrder));
// Init the header.
pOrder = (INT_ORDER *)(pddShm->oa.orderHeap + pddShm->oa.nextOrder); pOrder->OrderLength = OrderDataLength;
// Add to the end of the order list.
InsertTailList(&pddShm->oa.orderListHead, &pOrder->list);
// Update the end-of-heap pointer to point to the next section of
// free heap.
pddShm->oa.nextOrder += Size;
TRC_DBG((TB, "Alloc order, addr %p, size %u", pOrder, OrderDataLength)); } else { TRC_ALT((TB, "Heap limit hit")); pOrder = NULL; }
DC_END_FN(); return pOrder; }
/****************************************************************************/ // OA_FreeOrderMem
// Frees order memory allocated by OA_AllocOrderMem().
/****************************************************************************/ void RDPCALL OA_FreeOrderMem(PINT_ORDER pOrder) { PINT_ORDER pOrderTail;
TRC_DBG((TB, "Free order %p", pOrder));
// Check for freeing the last item in the list.
if ((&pOrder->list) == pddShm->oa.orderListHead.Blink) { // This is the last item in the heap, so we can set the marker for
// the next order memory to be used back to the start of the order
// being freed.
pddShm->oa.nextOrder = (UINT32)((BYTE *)pOrder - pddShm->oa.orderHeap); }
// Remove the item from the chain.
DC_END_FN(); }
/****************************************************************************/ // OA_AppendToOrderList
// Finalizes the heap addition of an order, without doing extra processing,
// by adding the final order size to the total size of ready-to-send orders
// in the heap.
/****************************************************************************/ void OA_AppendToOrderList(PINT_ORDER _pOrder) { unsigned i, j; PINT_ORDER pPrevOrder;
pddShm->oa.TotalOrderBytes += (_pOrder)->OrderLength; #if DC_DEBUG
// Add checksum for order
_pOrder->CheckSum = 0; for (i = 0; i < _pOrder->OrderLength; i++) { _pOrder->CheckSum += _pOrder->OrderData[i]; } #endif
// Check past 3 orders
pPrevOrder = (PINT_ORDER)_pOrder; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { unsigned sum = 0;
if (pPrevOrder->list.Blink != &_pShm->oa.orderListHead) { pPrevOrder = CONTAINING_RECORD(pPrevOrder->list.Blink, INT_ORDER, list); for (i = 0; i < pPrevOrder->OrderLength; i++) { sum += pPrevOrder->OrderData[i]; }
if (pPrevOrder->CheckSum != sum) { TRC_ASSERT((FALSE), (TB, "order heap corruption: %p", pPrevOrder)); } } else { break; } } #endif
TRC_ASSERT(((BYTE *)(_pOrder) - pddShm->oa.orderHeap + ((_pOrder)->OrderLength) <= pddShm->oa.nextOrder),(TB,"OA_Append: Order is too long " "for heap allocation size: OrdLen=%u, Start=%u, NextOrd=%u", (_pOrder)->OrderLength, (BYTE *)(_pOrder) - pddShm->oa.orderHeap, pddShm->oa.nextOrder));
TRC_DBG((TB,"OA_Append: Appending %u bytes at %p", (_pOrder)->OrderLength, (_pOrder)));
DC_END_FN(); }