/****************************************************************************/ // asdgapi.cpp
// RDP Screen Data Grabber API functions
// Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Microsoft Corporation
#include <precomp.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#define TRC_FILE "asdgapi"
#include <as_conf.hpp>
#include <nprcount.h>
/****************************************************************************/ // SDG_Init
/****************************************************************************/ void RDPCALL SHCLASS SDG_Init(void) { DC_BEGIN_FN("SDG_Init");
#define DC_INIT_DATA
#include <asdgdata.c>
TRC_ASSERT((m_desktopBpp == 8), (TB, "Unexpected bpp: %u", m_desktopBpp)); #endif
DC_END_FN(); }
/****************************************************************************/ // SDG_SendScreenDataArea
// Sends the accumulated Screen Data Area.
/****************************************************************************/ void RDPCALL SHCLASS SDG_SendScreenDataArea( BYTE *pFrameBuf, UINT32 frameBufWidth, PPDU_PACKAGE_INFO pPkgInfo) { unsigned i; RECTL sdaRect[BA_MAX_ACCUMULATED_RECTS]; unsigned cRects; BOOLEAN mustSendPDU; BOOL fBltOK = TRUE; SDG_ENCODE_CONTEXT Context;
// Get the bounds of the screen data area. At entry this is always
// our primary transmission area. Even if we had already flushed
// the primary region and were in the middle of the secondary region
// we will switch back to the primary region if any more SD
// accumulates. In this way we keep our spoiling of the secondary
// screendata maximized.
BA_GetBounds(sdaRect, &cRects);
// Initialize the context.
Context.BitmapPDUSize = 0; Context.pPackageSpace = NULL; Context.pBitmapPDU = NULL; Context.pSDARect = NULL;
// Process each of the accumulated rectangles in turn.
TRC_DBG((TB, "%d SDA rectangles", cRects)); for (i = 0; i < cRects; i++) { TRC_DBG((TB, "(%d): (%d,%d)(%d,%d)", i, sdaRect[i].left, sdaRect[i].top, sdaRect[i].right, sdaRect[i].bottom ));
// If all of the previous rectangles have been successfully sent
// then try to send this rectangle.
// If a previous rectangle failed to be sent then we don't bother
// trying to send the rest of the rectangles in the same batch -
// they are added back into the SDA so that they will be sent later.
if (fBltOK) { // Set the 'last' flag to force sending of the PDU for the last
// rectangle.
mustSendPDU = (i + 1 == cRects) ? TRUE : FALSE; fBltOK = SDGSendSDARect(pFrameBuf, frameBufWidth, &(sdaRect[i]), mustSendPDU, pPkgInfo, &Context); }
if (!fBltOK) { // The blt to network failed - probably because a network
// packet could not be allocated.
// We add the rectangle back into the SDA so that we will try
// to retransmit the area later.
if (m_pTSWd->shadowState == SHADOW_NONE) { TRC_ALT((TB, "Blt failed - add back rect (%d,%d)(%d,%d)", sdaRect[i].left, sdaRect[i].top, sdaRect[i].right, sdaRect[i].bottom)); }
// Add the rectangle into the bounds.
BA_AddRect(&(sdaRect[i])); } }
// We counted all the data available as sent, decrement by any still
// unsent!
SUB_INCOUNTER(IN_SND_SDA_AREA, m_pShm->ba.totalArea);
DC_END_FN(); }