// tscapp.cpp
// Implementation of CTscApp
// Ts Client Shell app logic
// Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation 2000
// Author: Nadim Abdo (nadima)
#include "stdafx.h"
#define TRC_FILE "tscapp.cpp"
#include <atrcapi.h>
#include "tscapp.h"
#include "tscsetting.h"
#include "rdpfstore.h"
#include "rmigrate.h"
#include "sh.h"
CTscApp::CTscApp() { DC_BEGIN_FN("CTscApp"); _pWnd = NULL; _pShellUtil = NULL; _pTscSet = NULL; _fAutoSaveSettings = FALSE; DC_END_FN(); }
CTscApp::~CTscApp() { DC_BEGIN_FN("~CTscApp");
delete _pWnd; delete _pShellUtil; delete _pTscSet;
DC_END_FN(); }
// StartShell called to startup the app
BOOL CTscApp::StartShell(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpszCmdLine) { DWORD dwErr;
_hInst = hInstance; TRC_ASSERT(!_pWnd, (TB,_T("Calling StartShell while container wnd is up")));
// Create the container window
_pShellUtil = new CSH(); if(_pShellUtil) { if(!_pShellUtil->SH_Init( hInstance)) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("SH_Init failed"))); return FALSE; }
dwErr = _pShellUtil->SH_ParseCmdParam( lpszCmdLine);
if (SH_PARSECMD_OK != dwErr) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("SH_ParseCmdParam failed on: %s code: 0x%x"),lpszCmdLine, dwErr));
// Invalid connection file specified
_pShellUtil->SH_DisplayErrorBox(NULL, UI_IDS_ERR_INVALID_CONNECTION_FILE, _pShellUtil->GetRegSession() ); }
// Parse failure is fatal
return FALSE; }
#ifndef OS_WINCE
if(_pShellUtil->SH_GetCmdMigrate()) { //Only do a migrate and then quit
CTscRegMigrate mig; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; if(_pShellUtil->SH_GetRemoteDesktopFolderPath(szPath, SIZECHAR(szPath))) { if(!mig.MigrateAll(szPath)) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("MigrateAll failed to dir:%s"),szPath)); } //Want to quit the app
return FALSE; } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("SH_GetRemoteDesktopFolderPath failed"))); return FALSE; } } #endif
if(!InitSettings(hInstance)) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("InitSettings returned FALSE"))); return FALSE; }
_pWnd = new CContainerWnd(); if(_pWnd) { if (_pWnd->Init( hInstance, _pTscSet, _pShellUtil)) { return TRUE; } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("Error: pWnd->Init returned FALSE. Exiting\n"))); return FALSE; } } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("Could not new CContainerWnd"))); return FALSE; } } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("Could not new CSH"))); return FALSE; }
DC_END_FN(); }
HWND CTscApp::GetTscDialogHandle() { DC_BEGIN_FN("GetTscDialogHandle"); HWND hwndDlg = NULL; if(_pWnd) { hwndDlg = _pWnd->GetConnectDialogHandle(); }
DC_END_FN(); return hwndDlg; }
// Setup the settings structures
// Based on command line options
// This involves figuring out where to load settings from
// and then doing it. E.g
// Load from file
// Load from registry
// Load from internal defaults
BOOL CTscApp::InitSettings(HINSTANCE hInstance) { CRdpFileStore rdpf; LPTSTR szFileName = NULL; TCHAR szDefaultFile[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fLoadedSettings = FALSE;
_pTscSet = new CTscSettings(); if(!_pTscSet) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("Could not new CTscSettings"))); return FALSE; }
if(_pShellUtil->SH_GetCmdFileForEdit() || _pShellUtil->SH_GetCmdFileForConnect()) { szFileName = _pShellUtil->SH_GetCmdLnFileName(); if(!_pShellUtil->SH_FileExists(szFileName)) { TCHAR errFileNotFound[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szAppName[MAX_PATH];
if(LoadString(hInstance, UI_IDS_APP_NAME, szAppName, SIZECHAR(szAppName))) { if (LoadString(hInstance, UI_IDS_ERR_FILEDOESNOTEXIST, errFileNotFound, SIZECHAR(errFileNotFound)) != 0) { TCHAR errFormatedFileNotFound[MAX_PATH*3]; _stprintf(errFormatedFileNotFound, errFileNotFound, szFileName); MessageBox(NULL, errFormatedFileNotFound, szAppName, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } } else if(_pShellUtil->GetRegSessionSpecified()) { // Automigrate the specified registry
// session directly to an in-memory settings store
_fAutoSaveSettings = FALSE; rdpf.SetToNullStore();
CTscRegMigrate mig; TRC_NRM((TB,_T("Automigrating session %s"), _pShellUtil->GetRegSession())); if(mig.MigrateSession( _pShellUtil->GetRegSession(), &rdpf)) { TRC_NRM((TB,_T("Success automigrating reg setting")));
HRESULT hr = _pTscSet->LoadFromStore(&rdpf); if(FAILED(hr)) { _pShellUtil->SH_DisplayErrorBox(NULL, UI_IDS_ERR_INITDEFAULT, szFileName); return FALSE; }
_pShellUtil->SetAutoConnect( TRUE ); fLoadedSettings = TRUE; } else { //Something bad happened
//could not automigrate..indicate failure
//and use NULL store
fLoadedSettings = FALSE; } } else { //No files specified or registry sessions specified
//Try to use the default.rdp file (create if necessary)
if(!_pShellUtil->SH_GetPathToDefaultFile( szDefaultFile, SIZECHAR(szDefaultFile))) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("SH_GetPathToDefaultFile failed"))); //
// Display error message to user
_pShellUtil->SH_DisplayErrorBox(NULL, UI_IDS_ERR_GETPATH_TO_DEFAULT_FILE); return FALSE; }
szFileName = szDefaultFile; if(!_pShellUtil->SH_FileExists(szFileName)) { //
// File doesn't exist so create the Remote Desktops
// directory to ensure the file can be created
if(!CreateRDdir()) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("Couldn't create RD dir. Not using %s"), szFileName)); szFileName = NULL; }
// Now create a hidden default file
if (szFileName) { if (!CSH::SH_CreateHiddenFile(szFileName)) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("Unable to create and hide file %s"), szFileName)); szFileName = NULL; } } } //
// Auto Save on exit if we're using the default
// connection file (Default.rdp)
_fAutoSaveSettings = szFileName ? TRUE : FALSE; }
if(szFileName) { //
//We're loading the settings from a file
//this is the common case.
if(rdpf.OpenStore(szFileName)) { HRESULT hr = _pTscSet->LoadFromStore(&rdpf); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { fLoadedSettings = TRUE; } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("LoadFromStore failed"))); _pShellUtil->SH_DisplayErrorBox(NULL, UI_IDS_ERR_LOAD, szFileName); // We can load NULL file even if you can't load the file
} rdpf.CloseStore(); } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("OpenStore (%s) failed"),szFileName)); _pShellUtil->SH_DisplayErrorBox(NULL,UI_IDS_ERR_OPEN_FILE, szFileName);
// We can load NULL file even if you can't open the file
} }
if(!fLoadedSettings) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("Couldn't load settings, using NULL STORE"))); //Some bad thing happened and we can't get a file to load
//from (not even the default file). So load from an empty
//store, this will initialize everything to defaults
if(rdpf.SetToNullStore()) { HRESULT hr = _pTscSet->LoadFromStore(&rdpf); if(FAILED(hr)) { _pShellUtil->SH_DisplayErrorBox(NULL, UI_IDS_ERR_INITDEFAULT, szFileName); return FALSE; } } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("SetToNullStore Failed"))); return FALSE; } }
//Keep track of the filename
if(szFileName) { _pTscSet->SetFileName(szFileName); }
// Override loaded settings with cmd line settings
_pShellUtil->SH_ApplyCmdLineSettings(_pTscSet, NULL);
DC_END_FN(); return TRUE; }
BOOL CTscApp::EndShell() { DC_BEGIN_FN("EndShell"); BOOL fRet = FALSE; if(!_pTscSet || !_pShellUtil) { return FALSE; }
#ifndef OS_WINCE
_pShellUtil->SH_Cleanup(); #endif
// Only autosave if
// the last connection was successful
if(_fAutoSaveSettings && _pWnd && _pWnd->GetConnectionSuccessFlag()) { //
// AutoSave the tscsettings
// (only if the current file is still Default.rdp)
TCHAR szDefaultFile[MAX_PATH]; if(!_pShellUtil->SH_GetPathToDefaultFile( szDefaultFile, SIZECHAR(szDefaultFile))) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("SH_GetPathToDefaultFile failed"))); return FALSE; } if(!_tcscmp(szDefaultFile, _pTscSet->GetFileName())) {
CRdpFileStore rdpf; if(rdpf.OpenStore(szDefaultFile)) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; hr = _pTscSet->SaveToStore(&rdpf); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(rdpf.CommitStore()) { //Save last filename
_pTscSet->SetFileName(szDefaultFile); fRet = TRUE; } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("Unable to CommitStore settings"))); } } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("Unable to save settings to store %d, %s"), hr, szDefaultFile)); }
rdpf.CloseStore(); if(!fRet) { _pShellUtil->SH_DisplayErrorBox(NULL, UI_IDS_ERR_SAVE, szDefaultFile);
} return fRet; } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("Unable to OpenStore for save %s"), szDefaultFile)); _pShellUtil->SH_DisplayErrorBox(NULL,UI_IDS_ERR_OPEN_FILE, szDefaultFile); return FALSE; }
} else { //Not a failure, but nothing to do
TRC_NRM((TB,_T("Current file is no longer default, don't autosave"))); return TRUE; } } else { return TRUE; } DC_END_FN(); }
// Creates the Remote Desktops dir (if needed)
// pops UI on failure
// Returns:
// TRUE on success
BOOL CTscApp::CreateRDdir() { DC_BEGIN_FN("CreateRDdir");
// Make sure the directory exists so that the file
// can be created by the OpenStore
TCHAR szDir[MAX_PATH]; if(_pShellUtil->SH_GetRemoteDesktopFolderPath(szDir, SIZECHAR(szDir))) { if(_pShellUtil->SH_CreateDirectory(szDir)) { return TRUE; } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("SH_CreateDirectory failed %s:%d"), szDir, GetLastError())); //
// Display error message to user
#ifndef OS_WINCE
TCHAR szMyDocsFolderName[MAX_PATH]; if(_pShellUtil->SH_GetMyDocumentsDisplayName( szMyDocsFolderName, SIZECHAR(szMyDocsFolderName))) { TCHAR errCantCreateRDFolder[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szAppName[MAX_PATH];
if(LoadString(_hInst, UI_IDS_APP_NAME, szAppName, SIZECHAR(szAppName))) { if (LoadString(_hInst, UI_IDS_ERR_CREATE_REMDESKS_FOLDER, errCantCreateRDFolder, SIZECHAR(errCantCreateRDFolder))) { TCHAR errFmtCantCreateRDFolder[MAX_PATH*3]; _stprintf(errFmtCantCreateRDFolder, errCantCreateRDFolder, szMyDocsFolderName, szDir); MessageBox(NULL, errFmtCantCreateRDFolder, szAppName, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); } } } #endif
// This is an error but we'll handle it anyway
// by loading defaults from a null store
return FALSE; } } else { //Guess we can't load from a file after all
return FALSE; }
DC_END_FN(); }