/**MOD+**********************************************************************/ /* Module: nccb.cpp */ /* */ /* Purpose: NC callbacks from MCS */ /* */ /* Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation 1997 */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/
#include <adcg.h>
extern "C" { #define TRC_GROUP TRC_GROUP_NETWORK
#define TRC_FILE "anccb"
#include <atrcapi.h>
#include "autil.h"
#include "wui.h"
#include "nc.h"
#include "mcs.h"
#include "nl.h"
#include "cchan.h"
/**PROC+*********************************************************************/ /* Name: NC_OnMCSConnected */ /* */ /* Purpose: Connected callback from MCS */ /* */ /* Returns: None */ /* */ /* Params: IN result - result code */ /* IN pUserData - user data */ /* IN userDataLen - user data length */ /* */ /* Operation: Validate the GCC PDU and userdata supplied in the MCS */ /* userdata. If invalid, then disconnect. */ /* The GCC PDU is encoded as follows: */ /* */ /* number of bytes value */ /* =============== ===== */ /* NC_MCS_HDRLEN MCS header */ /* 1 or 2 Total GCC PDU length */ /* NC_GCC_RSPLEN GCC CreateConferenceConfirm PDU body */ /* 4 H221 key */ /* 1 or 2 length of GCC user data */ /* ? GCC user data */ /* */ /* */ /**PROC-*********************************************************************/ DCVOID DCCALLBACK CNC::NC_OnMCSConnected(DCUINT result, PDCUINT8 pUserData, DCUINT userDataLen) { PRNS_UD_HEADER pHdr; PDCUINT8 ptr; DCUINT16 udLen; PDCUINT16 pMCSChannel;
if (result != MCS_RESULT_SUCCESSFUL) { /********************************************************************/ /* Something's wrong. Trace and set the disconnect error code. */ /********************************************************************/ TRC_ERR((TB, _T("ConnectResponse error %u"), result)); TRC_ASSERT((0 == _NC.disconnectReason), (TB, _T("Disconnect reason has already been set!"))); _NC.disconnectReason = NL_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(NL_ERR_NCBADMCSRESULT);
/********************************************************************/ /* Begin the disconnection process. */ /********************************************************************/ _pMcs->MCS_Disconnect(); DC_QUIT; }
TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Connected OK"))); TRC_DATA_DBG("UserData", pUserData, userDataLen);
/************************************************************************/ /* First, skip the MCS header bytes */ /************************************************************************/ ptr = pUserData + NC_MCS_HDRLEN;
/************************************************************************/ /* SECURITY: The GCC PDU length read below is a length encoded within */ /* a PDU (Usually, this is bad). However, in this case, the client */ /* ignores this value (note the length is skipped over below). */ /* ALSO, the server has this size HARDCODED as 0x2a. See */ /* tgccdata.c!gccEncodeUserData which uses hardcoded values to fill in */ /* parts of the GCC table. Thus, it's not a security bug. */ /************************************************************************/
/************************************************************************/ /* Allow for length > 128. In PER this is encoded as 10xxxxxx xxxxxxxx */ /************************************************************************/ TRC_DBG((TB, _T("GCC PDU length byte %#x"), *ptr)); if (*ptr++ & 0x80) { ptr++; TRC_DBG((TB, _T("GCC PDU length byte 2 %#x"), *ptr)); }
/************************************************************************/ /* The GCC PDU bytes don't contain any useful information, so just skip */ /* over them. */ /************************************************************************/ ptr += NC_GCC_RSPLEN;
if (ptr >= pUserData + userDataLen) { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("No UserData"))); TRC_ASSERT((0 == _NC.disconnectReason), (TB, _T("Disconnect reason has already been set!"))); _NC.disconnectReason = NL_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(NL_ERR_NCNOUSERDATA); _pMcs->MCS_Disconnect(); DC_QUIT; }
if (DC_MEMCMP(ptr, SERVER_H221_KEY, H221_KEY_LEN)) { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Invalid H221 key from server"))); TRC_ASSERT((0 == _NC.disconnectReason), (TB, _T("Disconnect reason has already been set!"))); _NC.disconnectReason = NL_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(NL_ERR_NCINVALIDH221KEY); _pMcs->MCS_Disconnect(); DC_QUIT; }
/************************************************************************/ /* Skip H221 key; read the GCC userdata length. */ /************************************************************************/ ptr += H221_KEY_LEN;
/************************************************************************/ /* Length is PER encoded: either 0xxxxxxx or 10xxxxxx xxxxxxxx. */ /************************************************************************/ udLen = (DCUINT16)*ptr++; if (udLen & 0x0080) { udLen = (DCUINT16)(*ptr++ | ((udLen & 0x3F) << 8)); } TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Length of GCC userdata %hu"), udLen));
/************************************************************************/ /* Save the user data to return on the onConnected callback. */ /* Note: pass _NC.userDataRNS (aligned) to UT_ParseUserData(), not ptr */ /* (unaligned). */ /************************************************************************/ _NC.userDataLenRNS = udLen;
if( _NC.pUserDataRNS ) { UT_Free( _pUt, _NC.pUserDataRNS ); }
/************************************************************************/ /* Verify that the udLen size that came out of the packet is less than */ /* the packet size itself, since we're going to do a MEMCPY from the */ /* packet. Also, because the size of udLen is limited to the size of */ /* the packet, the Malloc below is not unbounded. */ /************************************************************************/ if (!IsContainedMemory(pUserData, userDataLen, ptr, udLen)) { TRC_ABORT((TB, _T("Bad UserData size"))); TRC_ASSERT((0 == _NC.disconnectReason), (TB, _T("Disconnect reason has already been set!"))); _NC.disconnectReason = NL_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(NL_ERR_NCNOCOREDATA); _pMcs->MCS_Disconnect(); DC_QUIT; }
_NC.pUserDataRNS = (PDCUINT8)UT_Malloc( _pUt, udLen );
if( NULL == _NC.pUserDataRNS ) { TRC_ERR( ( TB, _T("Failed to allocate %u bytes for core user data"), udLen ) ); DC_QUIT; }
DC_MEMCPY(_NC.pUserDataRNS, ptr, udLen);
/************************************************************************/ /* Get the server version number from the CORE user data. */ /************************************************************************/ pHdr = _pUt->UT_ParseUserData((PRNS_UD_HEADER)_NC.pUserDataRNS, _NC.userDataLenRNS, RNS_UD_SC_CORE_ID); if (pHdr == NULL) { /********************************************************************/ /* No core user data, disconnect. */ /********************************************************************/ TRC_ERR((TB, _T("No CORE user data"))); TRC_ASSERT((0 == _NC.disconnectReason), (TB, _T("Disconnect reason has already been set!"))); _NC.disconnectReason = NL_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(NL_ERR_NCNOCOREDATA); _pMcs->MCS_Disconnect();
_NC.serverVersion = ((PRNS_UD_SC_CORE)pHdr)->version; if (_RNS_MAJOR_VERSION(_NC.serverVersion) != RNS_UD_MAJOR_VERSION) { /********************************************************************/ /* The server version data doesn't match the client, so disconnect.*/ /********************************************************************/ TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Version mismatch, client: %#lx server: %#lx"), RNS_UD_VERSION, ((PRNS_UD_SC_CORE)pHdr)->version)); TRC_ASSERT((0 == _NC.disconnectReason), (TB, _T("Disconnect reason has already been set!"))); _NC.disconnectReason = NL_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(NL_ERR_NCVERSIONMISMATCH); _pMcs->MCS_Disconnect(); DC_QUIT; }
/************************************************************************/ /* Extract the T.128 channel from the user data */ /************************************************************************/ pHdr = _pUt->UT_ParseUserData((PRNS_UD_HEADER)_NC.pUserDataRNS, _NC.userDataLenRNS, RNS_UD_SC_NET_ID);
/************************************************************************/ /* Disconnect if no NET user data. */ /************************************************************************/ if (pHdr == NULL) { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("No NET data: cannot join share"))); TRC_ASSERT((0 == _NC.disconnectReason), (TB, _T("Disconnect reason has already been set!"))); _NC.disconnectReason = NL_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(NL_ERR_NCNONETDATA); _pMcs->MCS_Disconnect(); DC_QUIT; }
_NC.pNetData = (PRNS_UD_SC_NET)pHdr;
// Validate the share channel ID - the invalid channel ID is reserved
// to prevent re-joining all channels (see #479976)
if (MCS_INVALID_CHANNEL_ID == _NC.pNetData->MCSChannelID) { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Got invalid channel ID"))); TRC_ASSERT((0 == _NC.disconnectReason), (TB, _T("Disconnect reason has already been set!"))); _NC.disconnectReason = NL_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(NL_ERR_NCJOINBADCHANNEL); _pMcs->MCS_Disconnect(); DC_QUIT; } _NC.shareChannel = _NC.pNetData->MCSChannelID; TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Share Channel from userData %#hx"), _NC.shareChannel));
/************************************************************************/ /* The length of .pNetData has already been checked to make sure that */ /* it fits in our source packet: */ /* a) userDataLenRNS was bounds-checked above, within the packet */ /* passed into this function. */ /* b) pNetData->header.length was verified to be within */ /* userDataLenRNS in the call to UT_ParseUserData above. */ /* */ /* Thus, pNetData sits within the packet passed into this function. We */ /* can assert this here, but the retail check was already done. */ /************************************************************************/ TRC_ASSERT((IsContainedMemory(_NC.pUserDataRNS, _NC.userDataLenRNS, _NC.pNetData, _NC.pNetData->header.length)), (TB, _T("Invalid pNetData size in packet; Retail check failed to catch it.")));
/************************************************************************/ /* Extract virtual channel numbers */ /************************************************************************/ TRC_NRM((TB, _T("%d virtual channels returned"), _NC.pNetData->channelCount)); if (_RNS_MINOR_VERSION(_NC.serverVersion) >= 3) { _NC.MCSChannelCount = _NC.pNetData->channelCount; if (_NC.pNetData->channelCount != 0 && _NC.pNetData->channelCount < CHANNEL_MAX_COUNT) { pMCSChannel = (PDCUINT16)(_NC.pNetData + 1); DC_MEMCPY(&(_NC.MCSChannel), pMCSChannel, _NC.pNetData->channelCount * sizeof(DCUINT16)); } else { TRC_ALT((TB,_T("Invalid or zero channel count."))); _NC.MCSChannelCount = 0; } } else { TRC_ALT((TB, _T("Server minor ver %hd doesn't support 4-byte lengths"), _RNS_MINOR_VERSION(_NC.serverVersion))); _NC.MCSChannelCount = 0; }
/************************************************************************/ /* Issue AttachUser to continue connection establishment. */ /************************************************************************/ _pMcs->MCS_AttachUser();
// Flag we're waiting for a confirm to validate that we
// only receive confirms in response to our requests
_NC.fPendingAttachUserConfirm = TRUE;
} /* NC_OnMCSConnected */
/**PROC+*********************************************************************/ /* Name: NC_OnMCSAttachUserConfirm */ /* */ /* Purpose: AttachUserConfirm callback from MCS */ /* */ /* Returns: None */ /* */ /* Params: IN result - result code */ /* IN userID - MCS User ID */ /* */ /**PROC-*********************************************************************/ DCVOID DCCALLBACK CNC::NC_OnMCSAttachUserConfirm(DCUINT result, DCUINT16 userID) { DC_BEGIN_FN("NC_OnMCSAttachUserConfirm");
if (result == MCS_RESULT_SUCCESSFUL && _NC.fPendingAttachUserConfirm) { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("AttachUser OK - user %#hx"), userID)); _pUi->UI_SetClientMCSID(userID);
/********************************************************************/ /* Join the channels */ /********************************************************************/ _pMcs->MCS_JoinChannel(userID, userID); } else { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("AttachUser Failed - result %u fPending: %d"), result, _NC.fPendingAttachUserConfirm)); TRC_ASSERT((0 == _NC.disconnectReason), (TB, _T("Disconnect reason has already been set!"))); _NC.disconnectReason = NL_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(NL_ERR_NCATTACHUSERFAILED); _pMcs->MCS_Disconnect(); }
// Only allow confirms in response to our requests
_NC.fPendingAttachUserConfirm = FALSE;
DC_END_FN(); return;
} /* NC_OnMCSAttachUserConfirm */
/**PROC+*********************************************************************/ /* Name: NC_OnMCSChannelJoinConfirm */ /* */ /* Purpose: ChannelJoinConfirm callback from MCS */ /* */ /* Returns: None */ /* */ /* Params: IN result - result code */ /* IN channel - MCS Channel */ /* */ /* Operation: Join the other channel, or notify SL of connection */ /* */ /**PROC-*********************************************************************/ DCVOID DCCALLBACK CNC::NC_OnMCSChannelJoinConfirm(DCUINT result, DCUINT16 channel) { DCBOOL callOnConnected = FALSE;
/************************************************************************/ /* Ensure that we joined the channel successfully. */ /************************************************************************/ if (result != MCS_RESULT_SUCCESSFUL) { /********************************************************************/ /* We failed to join the channel so set the correct error reason */ /* and then disconnect. */ /********************************************************************/ TRC_ALT((TB, _T("Channel join failed channel:%#hx result:%u"), channel, result));
TRC_ASSERT((0 == _NC.disconnectReason), (TB, _T("Disconnect reason has already been set!"))); _NC.disconnectReason = NL_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(NL_ERR_NCCHANNELJOINFAILED); _pMcs->MCS_Disconnect(); DC_QUIT; }
TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Channel Join %#hx OK"), channel));
// Validate that we receive the confirm for the last channel
// we requested.
if (_pMcs->MCS_GetPendingChannelJoin() != channel) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("Received unexpected channel join.") _T("Expecting: 0x%x received: 0x%x"), _pMcs->MCS_GetPendingChannelJoin(), channel));
/************************************************************************/ /* Now determine which channel we joined. */ /************************************************************************/ if (channel == _pUi->UI_GetClientMCSID()) { /********************************************************************/ /* We've just successfully joined the single user channel, so now */ /* go on and try to join the share channel. */ /********************************************************************/ TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Joined user chan OK - attempt to join share chan %#hx"), _NC.shareChannel)); _pMcs->MCS_JoinChannel(_NC.shareChannel, _pUi->UI_GetClientMCSID()); } else if (channel == _NC.shareChannel) { /********************************************************************/ /* We've just joined the Share channel */ /********************************************************************/ if (_NC.MCSChannelCount != 0) { /****************************************************************/ /* Start joining virtual channels */ /****************************************************************/ TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Joined Share channel - join first VC %d"), _NC.MCSChannel[0])); _NC.MCSChannelNumber = 0; _pMcs->MCS_JoinChannel(_NC.MCSChannel[0], _pUi->UI_GetClientMCSID()); } else { /****************************************************************/ /* No virtual channels - tell the Core that we are connected. */ /****************************************************************/ TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Joined share channel, no VCs - call OnConnected"))); callOnConnected = TRUE; } } else if (channel == _NC.MCSChannel[_NC.MCSChannelNumber]) { /********************************************************************/ /* We've just joined a virtual channel */ /********************************************************************/ TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Joined Virtual channel #%d (%x)"), _NC.MCSChannelNumber, _NC.MCSChannel[_NC.MCSChannelNumber])); _NC.MCSChannelNumber++;
if (_NC.MCSChannelNumber == _NC.MCSChannelCount) { /****************************************************************/ /* That was the last virtual channel - tell the core */ /****************************************************************/ TRC_NRM((TB, _T("All done - call OnConnected callbacks"))); callOnConnected = TRUE; } else { /****************************************************************/ /* Join the next virtual channel */ /****************************************************************/ TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Join virtual channel #%d (%x)"), _NC.MCSChannelNumber, _NC.MCSChannel[_NC.MCSChannelNumber])); _pMcs->MCS_JoinChannel(_NC.MCSChannel[_NC.MCSChannelNumber], _pUi->UI_GetClientMCSID()); } } else { /********************************************************************/ /* We didn't expect to join this channel! Something bad must have */ /* happened so disconnect now. */ /********************************************************************/ TRC_ABORT((TB, _T("Joined unexpected channel:%#hx"), channel)); TRC_ASSERT((0 == _NC.disconnectReason), (TB, _T("Disconnect reason has already been set!"))); _NC.disconnectReason = NL_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(NL_ERR_NCJOINBADCHANNEL); _pMcs->MCS_Disconnect(); DC_QUIT; }
/************************************************************************/ /* Call the onConnected callbacks if required */ /************************************************************************/ if (callOnConnected) { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Call onConnected callbacks")));
// We don't expect to join any more channels
_pNl->_NL.callbacks.onConnected(_pSl, _NC.shareChannel, _NC.pUserDataRNS, _NC.userDataLenRNS, _NC.serverVersion);
/************************************************************************/ /* Note that the length pNetData->header.length was already verified */ /* in NC_OnMCSConnected (retail check). */ /************************************************************************/ _pChan->ChannelOnConnected(_NC.shareChannel, _NC.serverVersion, _NC.pNetData, _NC.pNetData->header.length); }
} /* NC_OnMCSChannelJoinConfirm */
/**PROC+*********************************************************************/ /* Name: NC_OnMCSDisconnected */ /* */ /* Purpose: Disconnected callback from MCS. */ /* */ /* Params: IN reason - reason code */ /* */ /**PROC-*********************************************************************/ DCVOID DCCALLBACK CNC::NC_OnMCSDisconnected(DCUINT reason) { DC_BEGIN_FN("NC_OnMCSDisconnected");
/************************************************************************/ /* Decide if we want to over-ride the disconnect reason code. */ /************************************************************************/ if (_NC.disconnectReason != 0) { TRC_ALT((TB, _T("Over-riding disconnection reason (%u->%u)"), reason, _NC.disconnectReason));
/********************************************************************/ /* Over-ride the error code and set the global variable to 0. */ /********************************************************************/ reason = _NC.disconnectReason; _NC.disconnectReason = 0; }
/************************************************************************/ /* Free the core user data. */ /************************************************************************/
if( _NC.pUserDataRNS ) { UT_Free( _pUt, _NC.pUserDataRNS ); _NC.pUserDataRNS = NULL; }
/************************************************************************/ /* Issue the callback to the layer above to let him know that we've */ /* disconnected. */ /************************************************************************/ TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Disconnect reason:%u"), reason)); _pNl->_NL.callbacks.onDisconnected(_pSl, reason);
DC_END_FN(); return;
} /* NC_OnMCSDisconnected */
/**PROC+*********************************************************************/ /* Name: NC_OnMCSBufferAvailable */ /* */ /* Purpose: OnBufferAvailable callback from MCS */ /* */ /* Returns: none */ /* */ /* Params: none */ /* */ /**PROC-*********************************************************************/ DCVOID DCCALLBACK CNC::NC_OnMCSBufferAvailable(DCVOID) { DC_BEGIN_FN("NC_OnMCSBufferAvailable");
/************************************************************************/ /* Call the core callback first to let the core have first shot at any */ /* available buffers */ /************************************************************************/ TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Call Core OnBufferAvailable callback")));
/************************************************************************/ /* Now call the virtual channel callback */ /************************************************************************/ TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Call VC OnBufferAvailable callback"))); _pChan->ChannelOnBufferAvailable();
} /* NC_OnMCSBufferAvailable */