/**INC+**********************************************************************/ /* Header: vchannel.h */ /* */ /* Purpose: virtual channel interaction */ /* */ /* Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation 1999 */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/
#ifndef __VCHANNEL_H_
#define __VCHANNEL_H_
#include <cchannel.h>
// Include the core (internal) virtual channel header
// we need access to the structure pointed to by pInitHandle
#include "vchandle.h"
#define NOTHING 0
#define NON_V1_CONNECT 1
#define V1_CONNECT 2
// Virtual channel functions
VOID WINAPI VirtualChannelOpenEventEx( PVOID lpParam, DWORD openHandle, UINT event, LPVOID pdata, UINT32 dataLength, UINT32 totalLength, UINT32 dataFlags);
VOID VCAPITYPE VirtualChannelInitEventProcEx(PVOID lpParam, LPVOID pInitHandle, UINT event, LPVOID pData, UINT dataLength);
enum ChanDataState { //
// For received items
dataIncompleteAssemblingChunks, dataReceivedComplete };
// Holds queued data that is to be sent/received
typedef struct tag_ChannelDataItem { //
// Pointer to the data buffer
// this buffer is stored in a BSTR
// so it can be handed directly to the calling script
LPVOID pData; //
// size of the buffer in bytes
DWORD dwDataLen;
// Current write pointer used during chunk reassembly
LPBYTE pCurWritePointer;
ChanDataState chanDataState;; } CHANDATA, *PCHANDATA;
typedef struct tag_chanInfo { DCACHAR chanName[CHANNEL_NAME_LEN + 1]; DWORD dwOpenHandle; BOOL fIsValidChannel; LONG channelOptions;
DCBOOL fIsOpen; HWND hNotifyWnd; //
// Info about data item we are in the process of receiving
CHANDATA CurrentlyReceivingData;
// Channel information
class CVChannels { public: CVChannels(); ~CVChannels();
DCINT ChannelIndexFromOpenHandle(DWORD dwHandle); DCINT ChannelIndexFromName(PDCACHAR szChanName); DCBOOL SendDataOnChannel(DCUINT chanIndex, LPVOID pdata, DWORD datalength); DCBOOL HandleReceiveData(IN DCUINT chanIndex, IN LPVOID pdata, IN UINT32 dataLength, IN UINT32 totalLength, IN UINT32 dataFlags); VOID VCAPITYPE IntVirtualChannelInitEventProcEx(LPVOID pInitHandle, UINT event, LPVOID pData, UINT dataLength); VOID WINAPI IntVirtualChannelOpenEventEx( DWORD openHandle, UINT event, LPVOID pdata, UINT32 dataLength, UINT32 totalLength, UINT32 dataFlags);
//Predicate, returns true if the VC entry function
//has been called
BOOL HasEntryBeenCalled() {return _pEntryPoints ? TRUE : FALSE;}
PCHANINFO _pChanInfo; PCHANNEL_ENTRY_POINTS_EX _pEntryPoints; DWORD _dwConnectState; LPVOID _phInitHandle; UINT _ChanCount; HWND _hwndControl; };
#endif //__VCHANNEL_H_