Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains a subclass of W32DrDev that uses overlapped IO implementations of read, write, and IOCTL handlers.
Tad Brockway 3/23/99
Revision History:
#include <precom.h>
#define TRC_FILE "DrDeviceOverlapped"
#include "drdevol.h"
#include "proc.h"
#include "drdbg.h"
#include "w32utl.h"
#include "utl.h"
#include "w32proc.h"
#include "drfsfile.h"
VOID W32DrDeviceOverlapped::CancelIOFunc( IN W32DRDEV_OVERLAPPEDIO_PARAMS *params ) /*++
Routine Description:
Start a Read IO operation.
params - Context for the IO request.
Return Value:
// Assert the integrity of the IO context
// Get the IO request.
pIoRequest = ¶ms->pIoRequestPacket->IoRequest;
// Allocate and send the reply buffer. VCMgr cleans up the
// reply buffer for us.
replyPacketSize = sizeof(RDPDR_IOCOMPLETION_PACKET); replyPacketSize += (pIoRequest->Parameters.Read.Length - 1); pReplyPacket = DrUTL_AllocIOCompletePacket(params->pIoRequestPacket, replyPacketSize) ; if (pReplyPacket != NULL) { pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.IoStatus = STATUS_CANCELLED; ProcessObject()->GetVCMgr().ChannelWriteEx(pReplyPacket, replyPacketSize); } else { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to alloc %ld bytes."), replyPacketSize)); }
// Clean up the IO request parameters.
if (params->overlapped.hEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(params->overlapped.hEvent); params->overlapped.hEvent = NULL; }
delete params->pIoRequestPacket; params->pIoRequestPacket = NULL; delete params;
DC_END_FN(); } VOID W32DrDeviceOverlapped::_CancelIOFunc( IN W32DRDEV_OVERLAPPEDIO_PARAMS *params ) { DC_BEGIN_FN("W32DrDeviceOverlapped::_CancelIOFunc");
// Assert the integrity of the IO context
// Dispatch it.
params->pObject->CancelIOFunc(params); DC_END_FN(); }
VOID W32DrDeviceOverlapped::_CompleteIOFunc(PVOID clientData, DWORD status) /*++
Routine Description:
Calls the instance-specific async IO completion function.
params - Context for the IO request. error - Status.
Return Value:
params->pObject->CompleteIOFunc(params, status);
DC_END_FN(); }
VOID W32DrDeviceOverlapped::MsgIrpCreate( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handle a "Create" IO request from the server.
pIoRequestPacket - Server IO request packet. packetLen - Length of the packet
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG ulRetCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; PRDPDR_DEVICE_IOREQUEST pIoRequest; PRDPDR_IOCOMPLETION_PACKET pReplyPacket; ULONG ulReplyPacketSize = 0; DWORD result; DWORD flags; TCHAR FileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *pFileName; HANDLE FileHandle; ULONG FileId = 0; DrFile *FileObj; DWORD CreateDisposition; DWORD DesiredAccess; DWORD FileAttributes = -1; DWORD Information; BOOL IsDirectory = FALSE;
// This version does not work without a file name.
// Get IO request pointer.
pIoRequest = &pIoRequestPacket->IoRequest;
// Get the file attributes, but make sure the overlapped bit is set.
flags = pIoRequest->Parameters.Create.FileAttributes | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED;
// Disable the error box popup, e.g. There is no disk in Drive A
// Setup parameters to pass into the createfile
pFileName = ConstructFileName((PWCHAR)(pIoRequestPacket + 1), pIoRequest->Parameters.Create.PathLength); if (pFileName == NULL) { goto Cleanup; }
DesiredAccess = ConstructDesiredAccess(pIoRequest->Parameters.Create.DesiredAccess); CreateDisposition = ConstructCreateDisposition(pIoRequest->Parameters.Create.Disposition); flags |= ConstructFileFlags(pIoRequest->Parameters.Create.CreateOptions);
if (GetDeviceType() == RDPDR_DTYP_FILESYSTEM) { FileAttributes = GetFileAttributes(pFileName); IsDirectory = IsDirectoryFile(DesiredAccess, pIoRequest->Parameters.Create.CreateOptions, FileAttributes, &flags); }
// If we are requesting a directory and the file is not a directory
// We return ERROR_DIRECTORY code back to the server
if (FileAttributes != -1 && !(FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && IsDirectory) { ulRetCode = ERROR_DIRECTORY; goto SendPkt; } //
// Check if we are trying to create a directory
if (!((pIoRequest->Parameters.Create.CreateOptions & FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE) && CreateDisposition == CREATE_NEW)) {
FileHandle = CreateFile(pFileName, DesiredAccess, pIoRequest->Parameters.Create.ShareAccess & ~(FILE_SHARE_DELETE), NULL, CreateDisposition, flags, NULL ); if (FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || IsDirectory) { //
// We either get a valid file handle or this is a directory
// and we are trying to query directory information, so
// we will just by pass the create file
FileId = _FileMgr->GetUniqueObjectID();
// Create the file object
if (GetDeviceType() == RDPDR_DTYP_FILESYSTEM) { FileObj = new DrFSFile(this, FileId, FileHandle, IsDirectory, pFileName); } else { FileObj = new DrFile(this, FileId, FileHandle); }
if (FileObj) { //
// give subclass object a change to initialize.
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != InitializeDevice( FileObj ) ) { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to initialize device"))); delete FileObj; goto Cleanup; }
if (_FileMgr->AddObject(FileObj) != ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) { FileObj->AddRef(); } else { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to add File Object"))); delete FileObj; goto Cleanup; } } else { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to alloc File Object"))); goto Cleanup; } } else { ulRetCode = GetLastError(); TRC_ERR((TB, _T("CreateFile failed, %ld."), ulRetCode)); } } else { if (CreateDirectory(pFileName, NULL)) { //
// Set the attributes on the directory
if (SetFileAttributes(pFileName, pIoRequest->Parameters.Create.FileAttributes)) { //
// Create a new directory
FileId = _FileMgr->GetUniqueObjectID(); IsDirectory = TRUE; FileObj = new DrFSFile(this, FileId, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, IsDirectory, pFileName);
if (FileObj) { if (_FileMgr->AddObject(FileObj) != ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) { FileObj->AddRef(); } else { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to add File Object"))); delete FileObj; goto Cleanup; } } else { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to alloc File Object"))); goto Cleanup; } } else { ulRetCode = GetLastError(); TRC_ERR((TB, _T("SetFileAttribute for CreateDirectory failed, %ld."), ulRetCode)); } } else { ulRetCode = GetLastError(); TRC_ERR((TB, _T("CreateDirectory failed, %ld."), ulRetCode)); } }
// Setup return information.
if (CreateDisposition == CREATE_ALWAYS) Information = FILE_OVERWRITTEN; else if (CreateDisposition == OPEN_ALWAYS) Information = FILE_OPENED;
// Allocate reply buffer.
ulReplyPacketSize = sizeof(RDPDR_IOCOMPLETION_PACKET);
pReplyPacket = DrUTL_AllocIOCompletePacket(pIoRequestPacket, ulReplyPacketSize);
if (pReplyPacket) { //
// Setup File Id for create IRP
pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.Create.FileId = (UINT32) FileId; pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.Create.Information = (UCHAR)Information; //
// Send the result to the server.
result = TranslateWinError(ulRetCode);
pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.IoStatus = result; ProcessObject()->GetVCMgr().ChannelWriteEx( (PVOID)pReplyPacket, (UINT)ulReplyPacketSize); } else { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to alloc %ld bytes."), ulReplyPacketSize)); }
// Clean up the request packet and file name.
if (pFileName != NULL && pIoRequest->Parameters.Create.PathLength != 0) { delete pFileName; } delete pIoRequestPacket;
DC_END_FN(); }
VOID W32DrDeviceOverlapped::MsgIrpReadWrite( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handles Read and Write IO requests.
pIoRequestPacket - Server IO request packet. packetLen - Length of the packet
Return Value:
--*/ { W32DRDEV_OVERLAPPEDIO_PARAMS *params; DWORD result;
TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Request to write %d bytes"), pIoRequestPacket->IoRequest.Parameters.Write.Length));
// Allocate and dispatch an asynchronous IO request.
params = new W32DRDEV_OVERLAPPEDIO_PARAMS(this, pIoRequestPacket); if (params != NULL ) {
TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Async IO operation"))); result = ProcessObject()->DispatchAsyncIORequest( (RDPAsyncFunc_StartIO) W32DrDeviceOverlapped::_StartIOFunc, (RDPAsyncFunc_IOComplete) W32DrDeviceOverlapped::_CompleteIOFunc, (RDPAsyncFunc_IOCancel) W32DrDeviceOverlapped::_CancelIOFunc, params ); } else { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Memory alloc failed."))); result = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Clean up on error.
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (params != NULL) { delete params; } delete pIoRequestPacket;
// How can I return an error the server if I cannot allocate
// the return buffer. This needs to be fixed. Otherwise, the server will
// just hang on to an IO request that never completes.
DC_END_FN(); }
HANDLE W32DrDeviceOverlapped::StartReadIO( IN W32DRDEV_OVERLAPPEDIO_PARAMS *params, OUT DWORD *status ) /*++
Routine Description:
Start an overlapped Read IO operation.
params - Context for the IO request. status - Return status for IO request in the form of a windows error code.
Return Value:
Returns a handle the pending IO object if the operation did not complete. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
--*/ { PRDPDR_IOCOMPLETION_PACKET pReplyPacket = NULL; PRDPDR_DEVICE_IOREQUEST pIoRequest; ULONG replyPacketSize = 0; DrFile *pFile; HANDLE FileHandle;
// Assert the integrity of the IO context
*status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Get the IO request.
pIoRequest = ¶ms->pIoRequestPacket->IoRequest;
// Get File object and File handle
pFile = _FileMgr->GetObject(pIoRequest->FileId); if (pFile) FileHandle = pFile->GetFileHandle(); else FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Allocate reply buffer.
replyPacketSize = sizeof(RDPDR_IOCOMPLETION_PACKET); replyPacketSize += (pIoRequest->Parameters.Read.Length - 1); pReplyPacket = DrUTL_AllocIOCompletePacket(params->pIoRequestPacket, replyPacketSize) ; if (pReplyPacket == NULL) { *status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to alloc %ld bytes."), replyPacketSize)); goto Cleanup; }
// Save the reply packet info to the context for this IO operation.
params->pIoReplyPacket = pReplyPacket; params->IoReplyPacketSize = replyPacketSize;
// Create an event for the overlapped IO.
memset(¶ms->overlapped, 0, sizeof(params->overlapped)); params->overlapped.hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, // no attribute.
TRUE, // manual reset.
FALSE, // initially not signalled.
NULL // no name.
); if (params->overlapped.hEvent == NULL) { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to create event"))); *status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// Use ReadFile to execute the read.
// Set the file pointer position if this is a seekable device
if (IsSeekableDevice()) { DWORD dwPtr;
// The offset is from FILE_BEGIN
dwPtr = SetFilePointer(FileHandle, pIoRequest->Parameters.Read.OffsetLow, &(pIoRequest->Parameters.Read.OffsetHigh), FILE_BEGIN);
if (dwPtr == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { *status = GetLastError();
if (*status != NO_ERROR) { pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.Read.Length = 0; TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Error SetFilePointer %x."), *status)); goto Cleanup; } } }
if (!ReadFile( FileHandle, pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.Read.Buffer, pIoRequest->Parameters.Read.Length, &(pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.Read.Length), ¶ms->overlapped)) { //
// If IO is pending.
*status = GetLastError(); if (*status == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Pending read IO."))); } else { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Error %x."), *status)); goto Cleanup; } } else { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Read completed synchronously."))); *status = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// If IO is pending, return the handle to the pending IO.
if (*status == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { DC_END_FN(); return params->overlapped.hEvent; } //
// Otherwise, clean up the event handle and return NULL so that the
// CompleteIOFunc can be called to send the results to the server.
else { CloseHandle(params->overlapped.hEvent); params->overlapped.hEvent = NULL;
DC_END_FN(); return NULL; } }
HANDLE W32DrDeviceOverlapped::StartWriteIO( IN W32DRDEV_OVERLAPPEDIO_PARAMS *params, OUT DWORD *status ) /*++
Routine Description:
Start an overlapped Write IO operation.
params - Context for the IO request. status - Return status for IO request in the form of a windows error code.
Return Value:
Returns a handle the pending IO object if the operation did not complete. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
--*/ { PBYTE pDataBuffer; PRDPDR_IOCOMPLETION_PACKET pReplyPacket = NULL; PRDPDR_DEVICE_IOREQUEST pIoRequest; ULONG replyPacketSize = 0; DrFile *pFile; HANDLE FileHandle;
*status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Assert the integrity of the IO context
// Get the IO request.
pIoRequest = ¶ms->pIoRequestPacket->IoRequest;
// Get File object and File handle
pFile = _FileMgr->GetObject(pIoRequest->FileId); if (pFile) FileHandle = pFile->GetFileHandle(); else FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Allocate reply buffer.
replyPacketSize = sizeof(RDPDR_IOCOMPLETION_PACKET); pReplyPacket = DrUTL_AllocIOCompletePacket(params->pIoRequestPacket, replyPacketSize) ; if (pReplyPacket == NULL) { *status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to alloc %ld bytes."), replyPacketSize)); goto Cleanup; }
// Save the reply packet info to the context for this IO operation.
params->pIoReplyPacket = pReplyPacket; params->IoReplyPacketSize = replyPacketSize;
// Create an event for the overlapped IO.
memset(¶ms->overlapped, 0, sizeof(params->overlapped)); params->overlapped.hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, // no attribute.
TRUE, // manual reset.
FALSE, // initially not signalled.
NULL // no name.
); if (params->overlapped.hEvent == NULL) { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to create event"))); *status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// Get the data buffer pointer.
pDataBuffer = (PBYTE)(pIoRequest + 1);
// Use WriteFile to execute the write operation.
// Set the file pointer position if this is a seekable device
if (IsSeekableDevice()) { DWORD dwPtr;
// The offset is from FILE_BEGIN
dwPtr = SetFilePointer(FileHandle, pIoRequest->Parameters.Write.OffsetLow, &(pIoRequest->Parameters.Write.OffsetHigh), FILE_BEGIN);
if (dwPtr == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { *status = GetLastError();
if (*status != NO_ERROR) { pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.Write.Length = 0; TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Error SetFilePointer %x."), *status)); goto Cleanup; } } }
if (!WriteFile( FileHandle, pDataBuffer, pIoRequest->Parameters.Write.Length, &(pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.Write.Length), ¶ms->overlapped)) { //
// If IO is pending.
*status = GetLastError(); if (*status == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Pending IO."))); } else { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Error %x."), *status)); goto Cleanup; } } else { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Read completed synchronously."))); *status = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// If IO is pending, return the handle to the pending IO.
if (*status == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { DC_END_FN(); return params->overlapped.hEvent; } //
// Otherwise, clean up the event handle and return NULL so that the
// CompleteIOFunc can be called to send the results to the server.
else { CloseHandle(params->overlapped.hEvent); params->overlapped.hEvent = NULL;
DC_END_FN(); return NULL; } }
HANDLE W32DrDeviceOverlapped::StartIOCTL( IN W32DRDEV_OVERLAPPEDIO_PARAMS *params, OUT DWORD *status ) /*++
Routine Description:
Start a generic overlapped IOCTL operation.
params - Context for the IO request. status - Return status for IO request in the form of a windows error code.
Return Value:
Returns a handle the pending IO object if the operation did not complete. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
--*/ { PRDPDR_IOCOMPLETION_PACKET pReplyPacket = NULL; PRDPDR_DEVICE_IOREQUEST pIoRequest; ULONG replyPacketSize = 0; DrFile *pFile; HANDLE FileHandle; PVOID pInputBuffer = NULL; PVOID pOutputBuffer = NULL;
*status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Assert the integrity of the IO context
// Get the IO request.
pIoRequest = ¶ms->pIoRequestPacket->IoRequest;
// Get File object and File handle
pFile = _FileMgr->GetObject(pIoRequest->FileId); if (pFile) FileHandle = pFile->GetFileHandle(); else FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Allocate reply buffer.
replyPacketSize = DR_IOCTL_REPLYBUFSIZE(pIoRequest); pReplyPacket = DrUTL_AllocIOCompletePacket(params->pIoRequestPacket, replyPacketSize) ; if (pReplyPacket == NULL) { *status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to alloc %ld bytes."), replyPacketSize)); goto Cleanup; }
if (pIoRequest->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength) { pInputBuffer = pIoRequest + 1; } if (pIoRequest->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength) { pOutputBuffer = pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBuffer; }
// Save the reply packet info to the context for this IO operation.
params->pIoReplyPacket = pReplyPacket; params->IoReplyPacketSize = replyPacketSize;
// Create an event for the overlapped IO.
memset(¶ms->overlapped, 0, sizeof(params->overlapped)); params->overlapped.hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, // no attribute.
TRUE, // manual reset.
FALSE, // initially not signalled.
NULL // no name.
); if (params->overlapped.hEvent == NULL) { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Failed to create event"))); *status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// Use DeviceIoControl to execute the IO request.
if (FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!DeviceIoControl(FileHandle, pIoRequest->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode, pInputBuffer, pIoRequest->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength, pOutputBuffer, pIoRequest->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength, &(pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength), ¶ms->overlapped)) { //
// If IO is pending.
*status = GetLastError(); if (*status == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Pending IO."))); } else { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Error %ld."), *status)); goto Cleanup; } } else { *status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } else { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("IOCTL completed unsuccessfully."))); pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength = 0; *status = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; }
// If IO is pending, return the handle to the pending IO.
if (*status == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { DC_END_FN(); return params->overlapped.hEvent; } //
// Otherwise, return NULL so that the CompleteIOFunc can be called
// to send the results to the server.
else { DC_END_FN(); if (params->overlapped.hEvent) { CloseHandle(params->overlapped.hEvent); params->overlapped.hEvent = NULL; } return NULL; } }
VOID W32DrDeviceOverlapped::CompleteIOFunc( IN W32DRDEV_OVERLAPPEDIO_PARAMS *params, IN DWORD status ) /*++
Routine Description:
Complete an async IO operation.
params - Context for the IO request. error - Status.
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG replyPacketSize; PRDPDR_IOCOMPLETION_PACKET pReplyPacket; PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket; PRDPDR_DEVICE_IOREQUEST pIoRequest; DrFile *pFile; HANDLE FileHandle; DWORD Temp;
// Simplify the params.
replyPacketSize = params->IoReplyPacketSize; pReplyPacket = params->pIoReplyPacket; pIoRequestPacket = params->pIoRequestPacket;
pIoRequest = &pIoRequestPacket->IoRequest; if (pReplyPacket != NULL) { //
// Get File object and File handle
pFile = _FileMgr->GetObject(pIoRequest->FileId); if (pFile) FileHandle = pFile->GetFileHandle(); else FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; //
// If the operation had been pending, then we need to get
// the overlapped results.
if (params->overlapped.hEvent != NULL) { LPDWORD bytesTransferred = NULL; ULONG irpMajor; irpMajor = pIoRequestPacket->IoRequest.MajorFunction; if (irpMajor == IRP_MJ_READ) { bytesTransferred = &pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.Read.Length; } else if (irpMajor == IRP_MJ_WRITE) { bytesTransferred = &pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.Write.Length; } else if (irpMajor == IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL) { bytesTransferred = &pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength;
// IOCTL_SERIAL_WAIT_ON_MASK corresponds to WatiCommEvent(), for this call
// *bytesTransferred returned from GetOverlappedResult() is undefined,
// so we manually set OutputBufferLength to sizeof(DWORD) here
if (params->pIoRequestPacket->IoRequest.Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode == IOCTL_SERIAL_WAIT_ON_MASK) { pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength = sizeof(DWORD); bytesTransferred = &Temp; } } else { ASSERT(FALSE); } if (!GetOverlappedResult( FileHandle, ¶ms->overlapped, bytesTransferred, TRUE // wait
)) { status = GetLastError(); TRC_ERR((TB, _T("GetOverlappedResult %ld."), status)); } CloseHandle(params->overlapped.hEvent); params->overlapped.hEvent = NULL; } if (pIoRequestPacket->IoRequest.MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_READ) { //
// Make sure the reply is the minimum size required
replyPacketSize = (ULONG)FIELD_OFFSET(RDPDR_IOCOMPLETION_PACKET, IoCompletion.Parameters.Read.Buffer) + pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.Read.Length; TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Read %d bytes"), pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.Read.Length)); } else if (pIoRequestPacket->IoRequest.MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL) { //
// Make sure the reply is the minimum size required
replyPacketSize = (ULONG)FIELD_OFFSET(RDPDR_IOCOMPLETION_PACKET, IoCompletion.Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBuffer) + pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength; TRC_NRM((TB, _T("DeviceIoControl %d bytes"), pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength)); } //
// Finish the response and send it.
TRC_NRM((TB, _T("replyPacketSize %ld."), replyPacketSize)); pReplyPacket->IoCompletion.IoStatus = TranslateWinError(status); ProcessObject()->GetVCMgr().ChannelWriteEx(pReplyPacket, replyPacketSize); } else { //
// We previously failed allocating reply packet, try again
DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); params->pIoRequestPacket = NULL; } //
// ChannelWrite releases the reply packet for us.
params->pIoReplyPacket = NULL; params->IoReplyPacketSize = 0;
// Clean up the rest of the request packet and IO parms.
if (params->pIoRequestPacket != NULL) { delete params->pIoRequestPacket; params->pIoRequestPacket = NULL; }
DC_END_FN(); delete params; }
VOID W32DrDeviceOverlapped::DispatchIOCTLDirectlyToDriver( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dispatch an IOCTL directly to the device driver. This will likely not work for platforms that don't match the server platform.
pIoRequestPacket - Request packet received from server.
Return Value:
The size (in bytes) of a device announce packet for this device.
--*/ { W32DRDEV_OVERLAPPEDIO_PARAMS *params; DWORD result;
// Allocate and dispatch an asynchronous IO request.
params = new W32DRDEV_OVERLAPPEDIO_PARAMS(this, pIoRequestPacket); if (params != NULL ) { result = ProcessObject()->DispatchAsyncIORequest( (RDPAsyncFunc_StartIO) W32DrDeviceOverlapped::_StartIOFunc, (RDPAsyncFunc_IOComplete) W32DrDeviceOverlapped::_CompleteIOFunc, (RDPAsyncFunc_IOCancel) W32DrDeviceOverlapped::_CancelIOFunc, params ); } else { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Memory alloc failed."))); result = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Clean up on error.
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (params != NULL) { delete params; } delete pIoRequestPacket;
// How can I return an error the server if I cannot allocate
// the return buffer. This needs to be fixed. Otherwise, the server will
// just hang on to an IO request that never completes.
DC_END_FN(); }
HANDLE W32DrDeviceOverlapped::_StartIOFunc( IN PVOID clientData, OUT DWORD *status ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dispatch an IO operation start to the right instance of this class.
clientData - Context for the IO request. status - Return status for IO request in the form of a windows error code.
Return Value:
// Assert the integrity of the IO context
// Get the IO request.
pIoRequest = ¶ms->pIoRequestPacket->IoRequest;
// Dispatch it.
DC_END_FN(); switch(pIoRequest->MajorFunction) { ASSERT(params->pObject != NULL); case IRP_MJ_READ: return params->pObject->StartReadIO(params, status); case IRP_MJ_WRITE: return params->pObject->StartWriteIO(params, status); case IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL: return params->pObject->StartIOCTL(params, status); default: ASSERT(FALSE); return NULL; } }