Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module defines a special subclass of the Win32 client-side RDP printer redirection "device" class. The subclass, W32DrAutoPrn manages a queue that is automatically discovered by the client via enumerating client-side printer queues.
Tad Brockway 3/23/99
Revision History:
#ifndef __W32DRAUT_H__
#define __W32DRAUT_H__
#include "w32drprn.h"
// Defines
#define REG_RDPDR_AUTO_PORT _T("AutoPrinterPort")
#define REG_RDPDR_FILTER_QUEUE_TYPE _T("FilterQueueType")
#define FILTER_LPT_QUEUES 0x00000001
#define FILTER_COM_QUEUES 0x00000002
#define FILTER_USB_QUEUES 0x00000004
#define FILTER_NET_QUEUES 0x00000008
#define FILTER_RDP_QUEUES 0x00000010
// W32DrAutoPrn
class W32DrAutoPrn : public W32DrPRN { private:
typedef struct _PrinterInfo { LPTSTR pPrinterName; LPTSTR pPortName; LPTSTR pDriverName; DWORD Attributes; } PRINTERINFO, *PPRINTERINFO;
HANDLE _printerHandle;
ULONG _jobID; BOOL _bRunningOn9x; TCHAR _szLocalPrintingDocName[LOCAL_PRINTING_DOCNAME_LEN];
// Get the name of the printing document to use for server print jobs.
LPTSTR GetLocalPrintingDocName();
// End any jobs in progress and close the printer.
VOID ClosePrinter();
// IO Processing Functions
// This subclass of DrDevice handles the following IO requests. These
// functions may be overridden in a subclass.
// pIoRequestPacket - Request packet received from server.
// packetLen - Length of the packet
virtual VOID MsgIrpCreate( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpCleanup( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ) { // Use the default handler.
DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_SUCCESS); } virtual VOID MsgIrpClose( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ); virtual VOID MsgIrpRead( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ) { // Use the default handler and fail the read.
DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } virtual VOID MsgIrpFlushBuffers( IN PRDPDR_IOREQUEST_PACKET pIoRequestPacket, IN UINT32 packetLen ) { // Use the default handler.
DefaultIORequestMsgHandle(pIoRequestPacket, STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// Async IO Management Functions
DWORD AsyncWriteIOFunc(W32DRDEV_ASYNCIO_PARAMS *params); DWORD AsyncMsgIrpCloseFunc(W32DRDEV_ASYNCIO_PARAMS *params); DWORD AsyncMsgIrpCreateFunc(W32DRDEV_ASYNCIO_PARAMS *params);
// Open a printer with highest access possible.
BOOL W32DrOpenPrinter(LPTSTR pPrinterName, LPHANDLE phPrinter) ;
// Disable annoying printer pop up for the specified printer
// and print job.
VOID DisablePrinterPopup(HANDLE hPrinterHandle, ULONG ulJobID);
// Create a "friendly" printer name from the printer name of a
// network printer.
static LPTSTR CreateFriendlyNameFromNetworkName(LPTSTR printerName, BOOL serverIsWin2K);
// Create a printer name from the names stored in the registry.
static LPTSTR CreateNestedName(LPTSTR printerName, BOOL* pfNetwork);
// Get the printer name of the default printer.
// This function allocates memory and returns a pointer
// to the allocated string, if successful. Otherwise, it returns
// NULL.
static LPTSTR GetRDPDefaultPrinter();
// Check if printer is visible in our session
static BOOL ShouldAddThisPrinter( DWORD queueFilter, DWORD userSessionID, PPRINTERINFO pPrinterInfo, DWORD printerSessionID );
// Returns the configurable print redirection filter mask.
static DWORD GetPrinterFilterMask(ProcObj *procObj);
// Get printer info for a printer and its corresponding TS session ID, if it
// exists.
static DWORD GetPrinterInfoAndSessionID( IN ProcObj *procObj, IN LPTSTR printerName, IN DWORD printerAttribs, IN OUT BYTE **pPrinterInfoBuf, IN OUT DWORD *pPrinterInfoBufSize, OUT DWORD *sessionID, OUT PPRINTERINFO printerInfo );
// Constructor/Destructor
W32DrAutoPrn(ProcObj *processObject, const DRSTRING printerName, const DRSTRING driverName, const DRSTRING portName, BOOL isDefault, ULONG deviceID, const TCHAR *devicePath); virtual ~W32DrAutoPrn();
// Enumerate devices of this type.
static DWORD Enumerate(ProcObj *procObj, DrDeviceMgr *deviceMgr);
// Get the device type. See "Device Types" section of rdpdr.h
virtual ULONG GetDeviceType() { return RDPDR_DTYP_PRINT; }
// Return the class name.
virtual DRSTRING ClassName() { return TEXT("W32DrAutoPrn"); } };