// browsesrv.cpp: browse for servers list box
// This file is built for both UNICODE and ANSI
// and is shared between the mstsc replacement (clshell) and
// the mmc client
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "browsesrv.h"
//#include "atlconv.h"
#include "winsock.h"
#include "wuiids.h"
CBrowseServersCtl::CBrowseServersCtl(HINSTANCE hResInstance) : _hInst(hResInstance) { bIsWin95 = FALSE; hLibrary = NULL; #ifndef OS_WINCE
lpfnNetServerEnum = NULL; lpfnNetApiBufferFree = NULL; lpfnNetServerEnum2 = NULL; lpfnNetWkStaGetInfo = NULL; lpfnNetWkStaGetInfo_NT = NULL; lpfnDsGetDcName = NULL; lpfnNetEnumerateTrustedDomains = NULL; #else
lpfnWNetOpenEnum = NULL; lpfnWNetEnumResource = NULL; lpfnWNetCloseEnum = NULL; #endif
_fbrowseDNSDomain = FALSE; _hEvent = NULL; _hwndDialog = NULL; _refCount = 0;
_nServerImage=0; _nDomainImage=0; _nDomainSelectedImage=0; _hPrev = (HTREEITEM) TVI_FIRST; _hPrevRootItem = NULL; _hPrevLev2Item = NULL; }
CBrowseServersCtl::~CBrowseServersCtl() { // ASSERT(0 == _refCount);
#ifdef OS_WINCE
if (hLibrary) FreeLibrary(hLibrary); #endif
// Ref count mechanism is used to control lifetime because up to two threads
// use this class and have different lifetimes..
DCINT CBrowseServersCtl::AddRef() { #ifdef OS_WIN32
return InterlockedIncrement( ( LPLONG )&_refCount ); #else
return InterlockedIncrement( ++_refCount ); #endif
DCINT CBrowseServersCtl::Release() { #ifdef OS_WIN32
if( InterlockedDecrement( ( LPLONG )&_refCount ) == 0 ) #else
if(0 == --_refCount) #endif
{ delete this;
return 0; } return _refCount; }
// Initialize the image lists
BOOL CBrowseServersCtl::Init(HWND hwndDlg) { HIMAGELIST himl; // handle to image list
HICON hIcon; // handle to icon
HWND hwndTV = NULL; UINT uFlags = TRUE; int cxSmIcon; int cySmIcon;
cxSmIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON); cySmIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON);
hwndTV = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, UI_IDC_SERVERS_TREE); if(!hwndTV) { return FALSE; }
// Create the image list.
if ((himl = ImageList_Create(cxSmIcon, cySmIcon, TRUE, NUM_IMGLIST_ICONS, 1)) == NULL) { return FALSE; }
// Add icons for the tree (computer, domain)
hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(UI_IDI_SERVER), IMAGE_ICON, cxSmIcon, cySmIcon, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); if (hIcon) { _nServerImage = ImageList_AddIcon(himl, hIcon); DestroyIcon(hIcon); }
hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(UI_IDI_DOMAIN), IMAGE_ICON, cxSmIcon, cySmIcon, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); if (hIcon) { _nDomainImage = ImageList_AddIcon(himl, hIcon); DestroyIcon(hIcon); }
// Fail if not all of the images were added.
if (ImageList_GetImageCount(himl) < NUM_IMGLIST_ICONS) return FALSE;
// Associate the image list with the tree view control.
TreeView_SetImageList(hwndTV, himl, TVSIL_NORMAL);
return TRUE; }
// Cleanup any image lists that need to be freed
BOOL CBrowseServersCtl::Cleanup() { return TRUE; }
#ifdef OS_WIN32
/****************************************************************************/ /* Name: PopulateListBox */ /* */ /* Purpose: Fills in the owner-draw list box with the Hydra servers */ /* */ /* Returns: pointer to a domain list box item array. */ /* */ /* Params: HWND hwndDlg Handle to the dialogwindow containing the list-box */ /****************************************************************************/ ServerListItem* CBrowseServersCtl::PopulateListBox( HWND hwndDlg, DCUINT *pDomainCount ) { //
// check to see we are running on win9x and call out appropriate worker
// routine.
#ifndef OS_WINCE
if( bIsWin95 == TRUE ) { return( PopulateListBox95(hwndDlg, pDomainCount) ); } #endif
return( PopulateListBoxNT(hwndDlg, pDomainCount) ); }
#ifndef OS_WINCE
/****************************************************************************/ /* Name: PopulateListBox95 */ /* */ /* Purpose: Fills in the owner-draw list box with the Hydra servers */ /* */ /* Returns: pointer to a domain list box item array. */ /* */ /* Params: HWND hwndDlg Handle to the dialogwindow containing the list-box */ /****************************************************************************/
ServerListItem* CBrowseServersCtl::PopulateListBox95( HWND hwndDlg, DCUINT *pDomainCount ) { DWORD dwError;
ServerListItem *plbi = NULL; ServerListItem *plbiAllotted = NULL; ServerListItem *plbiReturned = NULL;
DWORD dwIndex = 0; struct wksta_info_10 *pwki10 = NULL;
unsigned short cb; DWORD dwDomains; int nCount; HWND hTree = NULL;
hTree = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, UI_IDC_SERVERS_TREE );
// set return parameters to zero first.
*pDomainCount = 0;
// check to see the load library was done before calling this
// routine, if not, simply return.
if( lpfnNetWkStaGetInfo == NULL ) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; goto Cleanup; }
if( hwndDlg == NULL ) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; }
// get work group domain.
dwError = (*lpfnNetWkStaGetInfo)(NULL, 10, NULL, 0, &cb);
if( dwError != NERR_BufTooSmall ) { goto Cleanup; }
// allocated required buffer size.
pwki10 = (struct wksta_info_10 *)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cb);
if( pwki10 == NULL ){ dwError = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// query again.
dwError = (*lpfnNetWkStaGetInfo)(NULL, 10, (char *)pwki10, cb, &cb);
if( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; }
// check to see we are browsing a dns domain also, if so, allocated 2 list
// entries.
dwDomains = _fbrowseDNSDomain ? 2 : 1;
plbiAllotted = plbi = (ServerListItem*)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(ServerListItem) * dwDomains );
if( plbiAllotted == NULL ) { dwError = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// display and expand DNS domain if we need to.
if( _fbrowseDNSDomain ) {
_tcscpy( plbi->ContainerName, (LPTSTR)_browseDNSDomainName ); plbi->Comment[0] = _T('\0'); plbi->bContainsServers = TRUE; plbi->bServersExpandedOnce = FALSE; plbi->bDNSDomain = TRUE; plbi->nServerCount = 0; plbi->ServerItems = NULL;
AddItemToTree( hTree, plbi->ContainerName, NULL, plbi, SRV_TREE_DOMAINLEVEL);
// Expand DNS Domain
ExpandDomain(hwndDlg, plbi->ContainerName, plbi, &dwIndex);
// move to the next list box entry.
plbi++; }
// fill up the work group domain now.
#ifdef UNICODE
// convert to UNICODE.
nCount = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_COMPOSITE, (LPSTR)pwki10->wki10_langroup, -1, plbi->ContainerName, sizeof(plbi->ContainerName)/sizeof(WCHAR));
if( nCount == 0 ) { dwError = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; } #else
_tcscpy( plbi->ContainerName, pwki10->wki10_langroup ); #endif
plbi->Comment[0] = _T('\0'); plbi->bContainsServers = TRUE; plbi->bServersExpandedOnce = FALSE; plbi->bDNSDomain = FALSE; plbi->nServerCount = 0; plbi->ServerItems = NULL;
AddItemToTree( hTree, plbi->ContainerName, NULL, plbi, SRV_TREE_DOMAINLEVEL);
// Expand the present Domain
ExpandDomain(hwndDlg, NULL, plbi, &dwIndex);
// we successfully populated the domain list,
// set return parameters.
plbiReturned = plbiAllotted; *pDomainCount = dwDomains;
plbiAllotted = NULL;
if( plbiAllotted != NULL ) { LocalFree(plbiAllotted); }
if( pwki10 != NULL ) { LocalFree(pwki10); }
SetLastError( dwError ); return plbiReturned; } #endif
/****************************************************************************/ /* Name: PopulateListBoxNT */ /* */ /* Purpose: Fills in the owner-draw list box with the Hydra servers */ /* */ /* Returns: pointer to a domain list box item array. */ /* */ /* Params: HWND hwndDlg Handle to the dialogwindow containing the list-box */ /****************************************************************************/
ServerListItem* CBrowseServersCtl::PopulateListBoxNT( HWND hwndDlg, DCUINT *pdwDomainCount ) { DWORD dwError; PDCTCHAR pchTrustedDomains = NULL; PDCTCHAR pchTDomain;
DCUINT dwDomainCount = 0; ServerListItem *plbiAllotted = NULL; ServerListItem *plbiReturned = NULL; ServerListItem *plbi; HWND hTree = NULL;
DWORD dwDlgIndex=0; DWORD i;
hTree = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, UI_IDC_SERVERS_TREE ); //
// set the return parameter to zero first.
*pdwDomainCount = 0;
if( hwndDlg == NULL ) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; }
// enumurate trusted domain names.
pchTrustedDomains = UIGetTrustedDomains();
if( pchTrustedDomains == NULL ) { dwError = ERROR_CANT_ACCESS_DOMAIN_INFO; goto Cleanup; }
// count number of domains.
pchTDomain = pchTrustedDomains; while( *pchTDomain != _T('\0') ) { dwDomainCount++; pchTDomain += (_tcslen(pchTDomain) + 1); }
// check to see we need to browse the DNS domain.
if( _fbrowseDNSDomain ) { dwDomainCount++; }
// allocate the memory for the ServerListItem (based on the no. of domains)
plbiAllotted = (ServerListItem *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, (sizeof(ServerListItem) * dwDomainCount) );
if ( plbiAllotted == NULL ) { dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// set scan variables.
plbi = plbiAllotted; pchTDomain = pchTrustedDomains;
// display and expand DNS domain if we need to.
if( _fbrowseDNSDomain ) {
_tcscpy(plbi->ContainerName, (LPTSTR)_browseDNSDomainName ); plbi->Comment[0] = _T('\0'); plbi->bContainsServers = TRUE; plbi->bServersExpandedOnce = FALSE; plbi->bDNSDomain = TRUE; plbi->nServerCount = 0; plbi->ServerItems = NULL; plbi->hTreeParentItem = NULL;
plbi->hTreeItem = AddItemToTree( hTree, plbi->ContainerName, NULL, plbi, SRV_TREE_DOMAINLEVEL); //
// expand the primary domain
ExpandDomain(hwndDlg, plbi->ContainerName, plbi, &dwDlgIndex);
// move to next list entry.
plbi++; }
// first entry in the domain list is the primary domain,
// display it and expand it by default.
_tcscpy(plbi->ContainerName, pchTDomain); plbi->Comment[0] = _T('\0'); plbi->bContainsServers = TRUE; plbi->bServersExpandedOnce = FALSE; plbi->bDNSDomain = FALSE; plbi->nServerCount = 0; plbi->ServerItems = NULL; plbi->hTreeParentItem = NULL;
plbi->hTreeItem = AddItemToTree( hTree, pchTDomain, NULL, plbi, SRV_TREE_DOMAINLEVEL);
// expand the primary domain
if(ExpandDomain(hwndDlg, NULL, plbi, &dwDlgIndex)) { if(plbi->hTreeItem) { //Expand default domain
TreeView_Expand( hTree, plbi->hTreeItem, TVE_EXPAND); } }
// display other domains, don't expand them.
for((i = (_fbrowseDNSDomain == TRUE) ? 2 : 1); i < dwDomainCount; i++) {
// move to the next entry in the domain list.
plbi++; pchTDomain += (_tcslen(pchTDomain) + 1);
_tcscpy(plbi->ContainerName, pchTDomain); plbi->Comment[0] = _T('\0'); plbi->bContainsServers = TRUE; plbi->bServersExpandedOnce = FALSE; plbi->bDNSDomain = FALSE; plbi->nServerCount = 0; plbi->ServerItems = NULL; plbi->hTreeParentItem = NULL;
plbi->hTreeItem = AddItemToTree( hTree, pchTDomain, NULL, plbi, SRV_TREE_DOMAINLEVEL);
// we successfully populated the domain list,
// set return parameters.
*pdwDomainCount = dwDomainCount; plbiReturned = plbiAllotted; plbiAllotted = NULL; dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if( pchTrustedDomains != NULL ) { LocalFree( pchTrustedDomains ); }
if( plbiAllotted != NULL ) { LocalFree( plbiAllotted ); }
SetLastError( dwError ); return( plbiReturned ); }
#endif //OS_WIN32
#ifdef OS_WIN32
/****************************************************************************/ /* Name: LoadLibraries */ /* */ /* Purpose: Load the appropriate libraries for win95 and winnt. */ /* */ /* Returns: None */ /* */ /* Params: None */ /****************************************************************************/ void CBrowseServersCtl::LoadLibraries(void) { #ifndef OS_WINCE
OSVERSIONINFOA osVersionInfo; osVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOA);
//A version to avoid wrapping
if(GetVersionExA(&osVersionInfo) == TRUE) { if(VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS == osVersionInfo.dwPlatformId ) { bIsWin95 = TRUE; if(!hLibrary) { hLibrary = LoadLibrary(__T("msnet32.dll")); } if(NULL == hLibrary) return ;
lpfnNetServerEnum2 = (LPFNNETSERVERENUM2)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hLibrary, (LPCSTR)0x0029);
lpfnNetWkStaGetInfo = (LPFNNETWKSTAGETINFO)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hLibrary, (LPCSTR)0x0039); } else if(VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == osVersionInfo.dwPlatformId ) { if(!hLibrary) { hLibrary = LoadLibrary(__T("NetApi32.dll")); } if(NULL == hLibrary) return;
lpfnNetServerEnum = (LPFNNETSERVERENUM) GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hLibrary, "NetServerEnum");
lpfnNetApiBufferFree = (LPFNNETAPIBUFFERFREE) GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hLibrary, "NetApiBufferFree");
lpfnNetWkStaGetInfo_NT = (LPFNNETWKSTAGETINFO_NT)GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)hLibrary, "NetWkstaGetInfo");
lpfnNetEnumerateTrustedDomains = (LPFNNETENUMERATETRUSTEDDOMAINS) GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hLibrary, "NetEnumerateTrustedDomains");
#ifdef UNICODE
lpfnDsGetDcName = (LPFNDSGETDCNAME) GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hLibrary, "DsGetDcNameW"); #else // UNICODE
lpfnDsGetDcName = (LPFNDSGETDCNAME) GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hLibrary, "DsGetDcNameA"); #endif // UNICODE
} } return; #else
hLibrary = LoadLibrary(L"coredll.dll"); lpfnWNetOpenEnum = (LPFNWNETOPENENUM ) GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hLibrary, L"WNetOpenEnumW"); lpfnWNetEnumResource = (LPFNWNETENUMRESOURCE ) GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hLibrary, L"WNetEnumResourceW"); lpfnWNetCloseEnum = (LPFNWNETCLOSEENUM ) GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hLibrary, L"WNetCloseEnum"); #endif
} #endif //OS_WIN32
/****************************************************************************/ /* Name: ExpandDomain */ /* */ /* Purpose: Enumerates the Hydra Servers in a Domain/workgroup, adds */ /* them to the linked-list and as items in the list box. */ /* */ /* Returns: */ /* */ /* Params: HWND hwndDlg Handle to the dialogwindow containing the list-box */ /****************************************************************************/
int CBrowseServersCtl::ExpandDomain(HWND hwndDlg, TCHAR *pDomainName, ServerListItem *plbi, DWORD *pdwIndex) { //
// check to see we are expanding a DNS domain.
if( plbi->bDNSDomain ) { return( UIExpandDNSDomain( hwndDlg, pDomainName, plbi, pdwIndex ) ); }
// check to we are running on Win9x machine.
#ifndef OS_WINCE
if( bIsWin95 == TRUE) { return( ExpandDomain95(hwndDlg, pDomainName, plbi, pdwIndex) ); } else { return( ExpandDomainNT(hwndDlg, pDomainName, plbi, pdwIndex) ); } #else
return ExpandDomainCE(hwndDlg, pDomainName, plbi, pdwIndex); #endif
/****************************************************************************/ /* Name: ExpandDomain95 */ /* */ /* Purpose: Enumerates the Hydra Servers in a Domain/workgroup, adds */ /* them to the linked-list and as items in the list box. */ /* */ /* Returns: */ /* */ /* Params: HWND hwndDlg Handle to the dialogwindow containing the list-box */ /****************************************************************************/ #ifdef OS_WIN32
#ifndef OS_WINCE
int CBrowseServersCtl::ExpandDomain95(HWND hwndDlg, TCHAR *pDomainName, ServerListItem *plbi, DWORD *pdwIndex) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pDomainName);
DWORD dwIndex = *pdwIndex; unsigned short AvailCount = 0, TotalEntries = 0;
ServerListItem *plbistore = NULL, *pItemsStore = NULL; DCUINT index = 0, cb = 0; struct server_info_1 *pInfo1 = NULL; int err = 0; int nCount = 0; HWND hTree = NULL;
if(NULL == lpfnNetServerEnum2) return 0;
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
if(!plbi->ServerItems) {
// Determine how much information is available
err = (*lpfnNetServerEnum2)(NULL, 1, NULL, 0, &AvailCount, &TotalEntries, HYDRA_SERVER_LANMAN_BITS, NULL);
if(err != ERROR_MORE_DATA) return 0;
// Allocate memory to receive the information
// Give a little extra, since sometimes one is missed
cb = (TotalEntries + 1) * sizeof(struct server_info_1); pInfo1 = (struct server_info_1 *)LocalAlloc(0, cb);
if ( pInfo1 == NULL ) { goto done1; }
// lpfnNetServerEnum2 is going to take a long time,
// Retrieve the information
err = (*lpfnNetServerEnum2)( NULL, 1, (char far *)pInfo1, (unsigned short)cb, &AvailCount, &TotalEntries, HYDRA_SERVER_LANMAN_BITS, NULL);
// Due to the dynamic nature of the network, we may get
// ERROR_MORE_DATA, but that means we got the bulk of the
// correct values, and we should display them
if ((err != NERR_Success) && (err != ERROR_MORE_DATA)) goto done1;
//Allocate memory.
cb = sizeof(ServerListItem)*AvailCount; plbi->ServerItems = (ServerListItem *)LocalAlloc(0, (sizeof(ServerListItem)*AvailCount)); if ( plbi->ServerItems == NULL ) { goto done1; }
pItemsStore = plbi->ServerItems;
if(IsBadWritePtr((LPVOID)plbi->ServerItems,sizeof(ServerListItem)*AvailCount)) goto done1;
// Traverse list, copy servers to plbi.
for( index = 0; index < AvailCount; index++ ) { if( ((pInfo1[index].sv1_version_major & MAJOR_VERSION_MASK) >= 4) && (pInfo1[index].sv1_version_minor >= 0) ) { #ifdef UNICODE
nCount = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_COMPOSITE, (LPSTR)pInfo1[index].sv1_name, -1, pItemsStore->ContainerName, sizeof(pItemsStore->ContainerName)/sizeof(WCHAR));
if( nCount == 0 ) { return 0; } #else
_tcscpy(pItemsStore->ContainerName, pInfo1[index].sv1_name); #endif
if(pInfo1[index].sv1_comment != NULL) { #ifdef UNICODE
nCount = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_COMPOSITE, (LPSTR)pInfo1[index].sv1_comment, -1, pItemsStore->Comment, sizeof(pItemsStore->Comment)/sizeof(WCHAR));
if( nCount == 0 ) { return 0; } #else
_tcscpy(pItemsStore->Comment, pInfo1[index].sv1_comment); #endif
pItemsStore->bContainsServers = FALSE; pItemsStore++; plbi->nServerCount++; } }
done1: if ( AvailCount && pInfo1 ) { LocalFree( pInfo1 ); } if(!plbi->ServerItems) { return 0; } } else AvailCount = (unsigned short)plbi->nServerCount;
// Traverse the plbi>ServerItems and add the servers to the List-box:
pItemsStore = plbi->ServerItems; hTree = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, UI_IDC_SERVERS_TREE ); HTREEITEM hTreeParentNode = plbi->hTreeItem; for (index = 0; index < plbi->nServerCount; ++index) { if(hwndDlg) { if (DC_TSTRCMP(pItemsStore->ContainerName, _T(""))) { pItemsStore->hTreeParentItem = hTreeParentNode; pItemsStore->hTreeItem = AddItemToTree(hTree, pItemsStore->ContainerName, hTreeParentNode, pItemsStore, SRV_TREE_SERVERLEVEL); }
} pItemsStore++; }
plbi->bServersExpandedOnce = TRUE;
*pdwIndex = dwIndex;
if(hwndDlg) { InvalidateRect(hwndDlg, NULL, TRUE); }
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW));
return AvailCount;
}/* ExpandDomain95 */
/****************************************************************************/ /* Name: ExpandDomainNT */ /* */ /* Purpose: Enumerates the Hydra Servers in a Domain/workgroup, adds */ /* them to the linked-list and as items in the list box. */ /* */ /* Returns: */ /* */ /* Params: HWND hwndDlg Handle to the dialogwindow containing the list-box */ /****************************************************************************/ int CBrowseServersCtl::ExpandDomainNT(HWND hwndDlg, TCHAR *pDomainName, ServerListItem *plbi, DWORD *pdwIndex) { DWORD dwIndex = *pdwIndex, AvailCount = 0, TotalEntries = 0; SERVER_INFO_101 *pInfo = NULL; DCUINT index = 0; ServerListItem *plbistore = NULL, *pItemsStore = NULL; WCHAR pDomain[BROWSE_MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; int nCount = 0; HWND hTree = NULL;
if(NULL == lpfnNetServerEnum) return 0;
if(NULL == lpfnNetApiBufferFree) return 0;
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
if(plbi->ServerItems) { AvailCount = plbi->nServerCount; } else { //
//enumerate the servers in the primary domain if not already present
if(pDomainName) { #ifndef UNICODE
nCount = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_COMPOSITE, pDomainName, lstrlen(pDomainName) * sizeof(TCHAR), (LPWSTR)pDomain, sizeof(pDomain) / sizeof(TCHAR));
if(nCount) { pDomain[nCount] = 0; } else { AvailCount = 0; goto done; } #else
_tcsncpy( pDomain, (LPTSTR)pDomainName, sizeof(pDomain)/sizeof(TCHAR) - 1); pDomain[sizeof(pDomain)/sizeof(TCHAR) - 1] = 0; #endif
// lpfnNetServerEnum is going to take a long time,
if ((*lpfnNetServerEnum)(NULL, 101, (LPBYTE *)&pInfo, (DWORD) -1, &AvailCount, &TotalEntries, HYDRA_SERVER_LANMAN_BITS, pDomainName ? (LPTSTR)pDomain : NULL, NULL ) || !AvailCount ) { AvailCount = 0; goto done; }
//Allocate memory.
if ( (plbi->ServerItems = (ServerListItem *)LocalAlloc(0, (sizeof(ServerListItem)*AvailCount))) == NULL ) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto done; }
memset(plbi->ServerItems,0,sizeof(ServerListItem)*AvailCount); pItemsStore = plbi->ServerItems;
// Traverse list, copy servers to plbi.
for( index = 0; index < AvailCount; index++ ) { if( ((pInfo[index].sv101_version_major & MAJOR_VERSION_MASK) >= 4) ) { #ifdef UNICODE
lstrcpy(pItemsStore->ContainerName, pInfo[index].sv101_name); lstrcpy(pItemsStore->Comment, pInfo[index].sv101_comment); #else
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, WC_COMPOSITECHECK|WC_SEPCHARS, (LPCWSTR)pInfo[index].sv101_name, wcslen((const wchar_t *)pInfo[index].sv101_name), pItemsStore->ContainerName, sizeof(pItemsStore->ContainerName), NULL, NULL);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, WC_COMPOSITECHECK|WC_SEPCHARS, (LPCWSTR)pInfo[index].sv101_comment, wcslen((const wchar_t *)pInfo[index].sv101_comment), pItemsStore->Comment, sizeof(pItemsStore->Comment), NULL, NULL); #endif
pItemsStore->bContainsServers = FALSE; pItemsStore++; plbi->nServerCount ++; } }
done: if ( AvailCount && pInfo ) { (*lpfnNetApiBufferFree)( pInfo ); } }
// Traverse the plbi>ServerItems and add the servers to the List-box:
pItemsStore = plbi->ServerItems; hTree = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, UI_IDC_SERVERS_TREE ); HTREEITEM hTreeParentNode = plbi->hTreeItem; for (index = 0; index < plbi->nServerCount;++index) { if(hwndDlg) {
if (DC_TSTRCMP(pItemsStore->ContainerName, _T(""))) { pItemsStore->hTreeParentItem = hTreeParentNode; pItemsStore->hTreeItem = AddItemToTree(hTree, pItemsStore->ContainerName, hTreeParentNode, pItemsStore, SRV_TREE_SERVERLEVEL); }
plbi->bServersExpandedOnce = TRUE; pItemsStore++; }
*pdwIndex = dwIndex;
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW));
return AvailCount;
} /* ExpandDomainNT */ #else
/****************************************************************************/ /* Name: ExpandDomainCE */ /* */ /* Purpose: Enumerates the Hydra Servers in a Domain/workgroup, adds */ /* them to the linked-list and as items in the list box. */ /* */ /* Returns: */ /* */ /* Params: HWND hwndDlg Handle to the dialogwindow containing the list-box */ /****************************************************************************/ int CBrowseServersCtl::ExpandDomainCE(HWND hwndDlg, TCHAR *pDomainName, ServerListItem *plbi, DWORD *pdwIndex) { DWORD AvailCount = 0; NETRESOURCE *pNetRsrc = NULL; HWND hTree = NULL; DWORD dwInitBufSize = 16*1024;
if((NULL == lpfnWNetOpenEnum) || (NULL == lpfnWNetCloseEnum) || (NULL == lpfnWNetEnumResource)) return 0;
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
if(plbi->ServerItems) { AvailCount = plbi->nServerCount; } else { NETRESOURCE netrsrc; HANDLE hEnum = NULL; DWORD dwRet = NO_ERROR;
netrsrc.dwScope = RESOURCE_GLOBALNET; netrsrc.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_ANY; netrsrc.dwDisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_GENERIC; netrsrc.dwUsage = RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER; netrsrc.lpLocalName = NULL; netrsrc.lpRemoteName = pDomainName; netrsrc.lpComment = NULL; netrsrc.lpProvider = NULL;
hTree = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, UI_IDC_SERVERS_TREE ); dwRet = lpfnWNetOpenEnum(RESOURCE_GLOBALNET, RESOURCETYPE_RESERVED, HYDRA_SERVER_LANMAN_BITS, &netrsrc, &hEnum); if ((dwRet != NO_ERROR) || (hEnum == NULL)) return 0;
AvailCount = 0; pNetRsrc = (NETRESOURCE *)LocalAlloc(0, dwInitBufSize); if (!pNetRsrc) goto done;
while(dwRet == NO_ERROR) { DWORD dwCount, dwTempSize; dwCount = 0xffffffff; dwTempSize = dwInitBufSize; dwRet = lpfnWNetEnumResource(hEnum, &dwCount, pNetRsrc, &dwTempSize); if (dwRet == NO_ERROR) { AvailCount += dwCount; for (DWORD i=0; i<dwCount; i++) { AddItemToTree(hTree, pNetRsrc[i].lpRemoteName, plbi->hTreeItem, NULL, SRV_TREE_SERVERLEVEL); } } }
lpfnWNetCloseEnum(hEnum); hEnum = NULL;
done: if (pNetRsrc) LocalFree(pNetRsrc); lpfnWNetCloseEnum(hEnum); }
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW));
return AvailCount;
} /* ExpandDomainCE */
#endif //OS_WIN32
/****************************************************************************/ /* Name: UIGetTrustedDomains */ /* */ /* Purpose: Queries teh registry for a list of the Trusted Domains */ /* */ /* Returns: */ /* */ /* Params: HWND hwndDlg Handle to the dialogwindow containing the list-box */ /****************************************************************************/
#ifdef OS_WIN32
#ifndef OS_WINCE
PDCTCHAR CBrowseServersCtl::UIGetTrustedDomains() {
HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD size = 0 , size1 = 0; PDCTCHAR pTrustedDomains = NULL; PDCTCHAR pPutHere = NULL;
PDCTCHAR szPrimaryDomain = NULL; PDCTCHAR szWkstaDomainName = NULL; PDCTCHAR pDomain = NULL;
memset(&OsVer, 0x0, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOA)); OsVer.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOA); GetVersionExA(&OsVer);
if(OsVer.dwMajorVersion <= 4) { // Get the current domain information from the winlogon settings.
dwResult = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, PRIMARY_VAL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &size); if (dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS && size > 0) { szPrimaryDomain = (PDCTCHAR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (size + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (szPrimaryDomain == NULL) { goto Cleanup; } if ((RegQueryValueEx( hKey, PRIMARY_VAL, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szPrimaryDomain, &size ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && szPrimaryDomain[0]) { pDomain = szPrimaryDomain; } } } } else { if(NULL == lpfnDsGetDcName) return 0;
// this section gets the current domain the app is running on
if((*lpfnDsGetDcName)(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, DS_RETURN_FLAT_NAME, &pDCI ) == NO_ERROR) { pDomain = pDCI->DomainName; } }
// Get the domain/work group information from NetWkStaGetInfo
if (lpfnNetWkStaGetInfo_NT) { LPBYTE buffer = NULL; if ((*lpfnNetWkStaGetInfo_NT)(NULL, 100, &buffer) == NERR_Success && buffer) { LPWSTR langroup = ((WKSTA_INFO_100 *)buffer)->wki100_langroup; DWORD langroupLen = (langroup) ? wcslen(langroup) : 0;
if (langroupLen) { szWkstaDomainName = (PDCTCHAR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (langroupLen + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (szWkstaDomainName == NULL) { goto Cleanup; }
#ifdef UNICODE
_tcscpy(szWkstaDomainName,langroup); pDomain = szWkstaDomainName; #else
// convert the unicode string to ansi
if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, langroup, -1, szWkstaDomainName, (langroupLen + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR), NULL, NULL)) { pDomain = szWkstaDomainName; } #endif
} if (lpfnNetApiBufferFree) { (*lpfnNetApiBufferFree)(buffer); } } }
// We should get the list of trusted domains only when the machine belongs to a domain, not a workgroup
// We determine that the machine belongs to a domain if the winlogon cached information, and the langroup from
// NetWkstaGetInfo match.
if (szPrimaryDomain && szPrimaryDomain[0] && szWkstaDomainName && _tcscmp(szPrimaryDomain, szWkstaDomainName) == 0) { bGetTrustedDomains = TRUE; }
size = (pDomain) ? _tcslen(pDomain) : 0;
if(size > 0) { if (bGetTrustedDomains && hKey != NULL && (OsVer.dwMajorVersion < 4)) { if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, CACHE_VAL_NT351, NULL, NULL, NULL, &size1)) { pTrustedDomains = (PDCTCHAR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (size + size1 + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if(NULL == pTrustedDomains) goto Cleanup; _tcscpy(pTrustedDomains, pDomain);
pPutHere = pTrustedDomains; pPutHere += (_tcslen(pTrustedDomains) + 1);
*pPutHere = _T('\0'); } else { goto Cleanup; } } else if (bGetTrustedDomains && hKey != NULL && (4 == OsVer.dwMajorVersion) ) { if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, CACHE_VAL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &size1)) { pTrustedDomains = (PDCTCHAR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (size + size1 + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if(NULL == pTrustedDomains) goto Cleanup; _tcscpy(pTrustedDomains, pDomain);
pPutHere = pTrustedDomains; pPutHere += (_tcslen(pTrustedDomains) + 1);
*pPutHere = _T('\0');
RegQueryValueEx(hKey, CACHE_VAL, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)pPutHere, &size1); } } else if (5 <= OsVer.dwMajorVersion) { LPWSTR szDomainNames = NULL;
if(NULL == lpfnNetEnumerateTrustedDomains) goto Cleanup;
size1 = 0; DWORD dwCount; LPWSTR szWideBuf = NULL; if( (*lpfnNetEnumerateTrustedDomains)(NULL, &szDomainNames ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { szWideBuf = szDomainNames; while(*szWideBuf && (*szWideBuf+1)) { size1 += wcslen(szWideBuf) + 1; szWideBuf += wcslen(szWideBuf) + 1; } szWideBuf = szDomainNames; }
pTrustedDomains = (PDCTCHAR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (size + size1 + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if(NULL == pTrustedDomains) goto Cleanup; _tcscpy(pTrustedDomains, pDomain); pPutHere = pTrustedDomains + _tcslen(pTrustedDomains) + 1; *pPutHere = _T('\0');
if(size1) { //
// CONVERT unicode domain name to ansi.
while(*szWideBuf && (*szWideBuf+1)) { #ifndef UNICODE
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szWideBuf, -1, pPutHere, wcslen(szWideBuf) * sizeof(TCHAR), NULL, NULL ); #else // UNICODE
lstrcpy(pPutHere, szWideBuf); #endif //UNICODE
pPutHere += _tcslen(pPutHere); *pPutHere++ = 0; szWideBuf += wcslen(szWideBuf) + 1; }
if(NULL == lpfnNetApiBufferFree) return 0;
(*lpfnNetApiBufferFree)( szDomainNames ); } } }
if (hKey) { RegCloseKey(hKey); }
if (szPrimaryDomain) { LocalFree(szPrimaryDomain); }
if (szWkstaDomainName) { LocalFree(szWkstaDomainName); }
return pTrustedDomains; }
PDCTCHAR CBrowseServersCtl::UIGetTrustedDomains() {
HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD size = 0; PDCTCHAR szPrimaryDomain = NULL; PDCTCHAR pTrustedDomains = NULL;
dwResult = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, PRIMARY_VAL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &size); if (dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS && size > 0) { szPrimaryDomain = (PDCTCHAR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (size + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (szPrimaryDomain == NULL) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return NULL; } if ((RegQueryValueEx( hKey, PRIMARY_VAL, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szPrimaryDomain, &size ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && szPrimaryDomain[0]) { pTrustedDomains = szPrimaryDomain; } else { LocalFree(szPrimaryDomain); } } }
return pTrustedDomains; }
#endif //OS_WIN32
/* UIGetTrustedDomains */
/****************************************************************************/ /* Name: UIExpandDNSDomain */ /* */ /* Purpose: Enumerates the Hydra Servers in a DNS Domain, adds */ /* them to the linked-list and as items in the list box. */ /* */ /* Returns: numbers of server expanded */ /* */ /* Params: HWND hwndDlg Handle to the dialogwindow containing the list-box */ /****************************************************************************/ int CBrowseServersCtl::UIExpandDNSDomain( HWND hwndDlg, TCHAR *pDomainName, ServerListItem *plbi, DWORD *pdwIndex ) { DWORD dwError;
LPHOSTENT lpHostEnt; LPHOSTENT lpRevHostEnt; DWORD dwIPEntries;
LPSTR FAR *lplpIPEntry; DWORD FAR *lpIPAddrsAlloted = NULL; DWORD FAR *lpIPAddrs;
ServerListItem *lpServerListItem = NULL; ServerListItem *lpLBItem;
DWORD i; DWORD dwEntriesDisplayed = 0; HWND hTree = NULL; HTREEITEM hTreeParentNode = NULL;
// set cursor to wait cursor while we do this.
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
// check to see the specified list box entry is server entry.
// TRC_ASSERT((plbi->bContainsServers == TRUE),
// (TB,"Not a server entry"));
if( plbi->bContainsServers == FALSE ) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; goto Cleanup; }
if( hwndDlg == NULL ) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; goto Cleanup; }
// resolve the DNS domain name if it is not done before.
if( plbi->ServerItems == NULL ) {
#ifdef UNICODE
// CONVERT unicode domain name to ansi.
dwCount = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_SEPCHARS, pDomainName, -1, (LPSTR)achDomainName, sizeof(achDomainName), NULL, NULL);
if( dwCount == 0 ) { dwError = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
achDomainName[dwCount/sizeof(TCHAR)]= '\0';
lpHostEnt = gethostbyname( (LPSTR)achDomainName );
#else // UNICODE
// resolve the domain name to ip address list.
lpHostEnt = gethostbyname( pDomainName );
#endif // UNICODE
if( lpHostEnt == NULL ) { dwError = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// we handle only IP address type.
TRC_ASSERT((lpHostEnt->h_addrtype == PF_INET), (TB,"Invalid address type"));
TRC_ASSERT((lpHostEnt->h_length == 4), (TB,"Invalid address length")); */
if( (lpHostEnt->h_addrtype != PF_INET) || (lpHostEnt->h_length != 4) ) {
dwError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; goto Cleanup; }
dwIPEntries = 0; lplpIPEntry = lpHostEnt->h_addr_list;
while( *lplpIPEntry != NULL ) { dwIPEntries++; lplpIPEntry++; }
// allocate memory for the ip address list and
// save for further use in this routine (only).
// Note: lpHostEnt points to a thread storeage
// which is reused by gethostbyname() and
// gethostbyaddr() calls with in the same
// thread, since we need to call gethostbyaddr()
// we better save the address list.
lpIPAddrsAlloted = lpIPAddrs = (DWORD FAR *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(DWORD) * dwIPEntries );
if( lpIPAddrs == NULL ) { dwError = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
lplpIPEntry = lpHostEnt->h_addr_list;
while( *lplpIPEntry != NULL ) { *lpIPAddrs = *(DWORD *)(*lplpIPEntry); lpIPAddrs++; lplpIPEntry++; }
// allocate memory for domain ServerListItem array.
lpLBItem = lpServerListItem = (ServerListItem *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, dwIPEntries * sizeof(ServerListItem) );
if( lpServerListItem == NULL ) { dwError = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// reverse resolve each ip address and get the name.
lpIPAddrs = lpIPAddrsAlloted;
for( i = 0; i < dwIPEntries; i++ ) {
CHAR achContainerName[BROWSE_MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; int nCount; BOOL bIPAddressString = FALSE;
lpRevHostEnt = gethostbyaddr( (LPSTR)lpIPAddrs, sizeof(*lpIPAddrs), PF_INET );
// if we can not reverse resolve the address or
// if the host name is too long, or
// display the ipaddress.
if( (lpRevHostEnt == NULL) || ((strlen(lpRevHostEnt->h_name) + 1) > (BROWSE_MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH/sizeof(TCHAR)) ) ) {
bIPAddressString = TRUE; } else {
LPSTR lpszDomainName;
#ifdef UNICODE
lpszDomainName = (LPSTR)achDomainName; #else // UNICODE
lpszDomainName = pDomainName; #endif // UNICODE
// the resolved name is same of the orginal name,
// display the ipaddress.
// compare the entire name first.
if( _stricmp( lpRevHostEnt->h_name, lpszDomainName ) != 0 ) {
LPSTR lpszDotPostion1; LPSTR lpszDotPostion2; DWORD dwCmpLen = 0;
// compare the only the first part of the name.
lpszDotPostion1 = strchr( lpRevHostEnt->h_name, '.'); lpszDotPostion2 = strchr( lpszDomainName, '.');
if( (lpszDotPostion1 == NULL) && (lpszDotPostion2 != NULL) ) {
dwCmpLen = (DWORD)(lpszDotPostion2 - lpszDomainName); } else if( (lpszDotPostion1 != NULL) && (lpszDotPostion2 == NULL) ) {
dwCmpLen = (DWORD)(lpszDotPostion1 - lpRevHostEnt->h_name); }
if( dwCmpLen != 0 ) {
if( _strnicmp( lpRevHostEnt->h_name, lpszDomainName, (size_t)dwCmpLen ) == 0 ) {
bIPAddressString = TRUE; } } } else {
bIPAddressString = TRUE; } }
if( bIPAddressString ) {
strcpy( (LPSTR)achContainerName, inet_ntoa( *(struct in_addr *)lpIPAddrs )); } else { strcpy( (LPSTR)achContainerName, lpRevHostEnt->h_name); }
#ifdef UNICODE
// convert to UNICODE.
nCount = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_COMPOSITE, (LPSTR)achContainerName, -1, lpLBItem->ContainerName, sizeof(lpLBItem->ContainerName)/sizeof(WCHAR));
if( nCount == 0 ) { dwError = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// terminate converted string.
lpLBItem->ContainerName[nCount] = _T('\0');
#else // UNICODE
strcpy( lpLBItem->ContainerName, (LPSTR)achContainerName );
#endif // UNICODE
lpLBItem->Comment[0] = _T('\0'); lpLBItem->bContainsServers = FALSE;; lpLBItem->bServersExpandedOnce = FALSE; lpLBItem->bDNSDomain = FALSE; lpLBItem->nServerCount = 0; lpLBItem->ServerItems = NULL;
// move to next entry.
lpLBItem++; lpIPAddrs++; }
// Hook the allotted ServerListItem to the server
// structure, it will be used in future.
plbi->ServerItems = lpServerListItem; plbi->nServerCount = dwIPEntries;
// set lpServerListItem to NULL, so that
// it will not get freed.
lpServerListItem = NULL;
// When we are here ..
// plbi->ServerItems points to the servers ServerListItem array
// and plbi->nServerCount has the count.
// display entires.
lpLBItem = plbi->ServerItems;
hTree = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, UI_IDC_SERVERS_TREE ); hTreeParentNode = plbi->hTreeItem;
for( i = 0; i < plbi->nServerCount; i++ ) {
lpLBItem->hTreeParentItem = hTreeParentNode; lpLBItem->hTreeItem = AddItemToTree(hTree, lpLBItem->ContainerName, hTreeParentNode, lpLBItem, SRV_TREE_SERVERLEVEL); lpLBItem++; }
// Refresh the dialog box.
InvalidateRect(hwndDlg, NULL, TRUE);
plbi->bServersExpandedOnce = TRUE; dwEntriesDisplayed = plbi->nServerCount;
// We are done.
if( lpIPAddrsAlloted != NULL ) { LocalFree( lpIPAddrsAlloted ); }
if( lpServerListItem != NULL ) { LocalFree( lpServerListItem ); }
if( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //TRC_NRM((TB, "UIExpandDNSDomain failed, %ld", dwError));
SetLastError( dwError );
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW));
return( dwEntriesDisplayed ); }
#ifdef OS_WIN32
DWORD WINAPI CBrowseServersCtl::UIStaticPopListBoxThread(LPVOID lpvThreadParm) { DWORD dwRetVal=0; //TRC_ASSERT(lpvThreadParm, (TB, "Thread param is NULL (instance pointer should be set)\n"));
if(lpvThreadParm) { CBrowseServersCtl* pBrowseSrv = (CBrowseServersCtl*)lpvThreadParm; dwRetVal = pBrowseSrv->UIPopListBoxThread(NULL); } return dwRetVal; }
/****************************************************************************/ /* Name: UIPopListBoxThread */ /* */ /* Purpose: Thread function to populate the list box. */ /* */ /* Returns: Success/Failure of the function */ /* */ /* Params: */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/ DWORD WINAPI CBrowseServersCtl::UIPopListBoxThread(LPVOID lpvThreadParm) { DWORD dwResult = 0; ServerListItem *pBrowsePlbi = NULL, *ptempList = NULL; DCUINT browseCount = 0;
DC_IGNORE_PARAMETER(lpvThreadParm); // TRC_ASSERT( _hwndDialog, (TB, "_hwndDialog is not set\n"));
PostMessage(_hwndDialog, UI_LB_POPULATE_START, 0, 0);
LoadLibraries(); pBrowsePlbi = PopulateListBox( _hwndDialog, &browseCount);
//message is posted to the main thread to notify that the listbox has been populated
PostMessage(_hwndDialog, UI_LB_POPULATE_END, 0, 0);
//wait for the event to be signalled when the "connect server" dialog box is destroyed
if(_hEvent) { DWORD dwRetVal; dwRetVal = WaitForSingleObject(_hEvent, INFINITE); if(WAIT_FAILED == dwRetVal) { /// TRC_ASSERT(WAIT_FAILED != dwRetVal, (TB, "Wait failed\n"));
} if(!CloseHandle(_hEvent)) { DWORD dwLastErr = GetLastError(); // TRC_ABORT((TB, "Close handle failed: GetLastError=%d\n",dwLastErr));
} }
ptempList = pBrowsePlbi; //free the ServerListItems and memory to linked-list
if(pBrowsePlbi) { while(browseCount) { if(ptempList->ServerItems) { LocalFree((HANDLE)ptempList->ServerItems); } ptempList++; browseCount --; }
LocalFree((HLOCAL)pBrowsePlbi); }
//decrement ref count for this object held by this thread
return (dwResult); } /*UIPopListBoxThread*/ #endif /* OS_WIN32 */
HTREEITEM CBrowseServersCtl::AddItemToTree( HWND hwndTV, LPTSTR lpszItem, HTREEITEM hParent, ServerListItem* pItem, int nLevel) {
HTREEITEM hti; #endif
if(nLevel == SRV_TREE_DOMAINLEVEL) { //
// Assume all domains have child servers
// they won't actually be enumerated until
// the user tries to expand the nodes
tvi.mask |= TVIF_CHILDREN; tvi.cChildren = 1; //min number of children, will be updated
tvi.iImage = _nDomainImage; tvi.iSelectedImage = _nDomainImage; } else { tvi.iImage = _nServerImage; tvi.iSelectedImage = _nServerImage; }
// Set the text of the item.
tvi.pszText = lpszItem; tvi.cchTextMax = lstrlen(lpszItem);
// Save the ServerListItem info in the user defined area
// data area.
tvi.lParam = (LPARAM) pItem;
tvins.item = tvi; tvins.hInsertAfter = _hPrev;
// Set the parent item based on the specified level.
tvins.hParent = hParent;
// Add the item to the tree view control.
// Save the handle to the item.
if (nLevel == SRV_TREE_DOMAINLEVEL) _hPrevRootItem = _hPrev; else if (nLevel == SRV_TREE_SERVERLEVEL) _hPrevLev2Item = _hPrev;
return _hPrev; }
// On first expansion of a domain node, enumerate
// all the servers in that node and add them to the
// tree. Subsequent expands/collapses will just be handled
// by the tree.
// Return TRUE to allow expansion
// false otherwise
BOOL CBrowseServersCtl::OnItemExpanding(HWND hwndDlg, LPNMTREEVIEW nmTv) { ServerListItem* pSrvItem = NULL; if(nmTv && (TVE_EXPAND == nmTv->action) && (nmTv->itemNew.mask & TVIF_PARAM)) { //
// Expanding, need to build the list
// of servers for this domain
pSrvItem = (ServerListItem*)nmTv->itemNew.lParam; if(pSrvItem) { //
// Only expanddomain if we've never expanded this node
// before
if(!pSrvItem->bServersExpandedOnce) { //Attempt to expand the domain
DWORD cItems = 0; if(ExpandDomain( hwndDlg, pSrvItem->ContainerName, pSrvItem, (DWORD*)&cItems)) { return TRUE; } else { //
// Pop a message explaining that
// there are no TS's in this domain
UINT intRC; TCHAR noTerminalServer[MAX_PATH]; intRC = LoadString(_hInst, UI_IDS_NO_TERMINAL_SERVER, noTerminalServer, MAX_PATH);
if(intRC) { TCHAR title[MAX_PATH]; intRC = LoadString(_hInst, UI_IDS_APP_NAME, title, MAX_PATH);
_stprintf(szBuffer, noTerminalServer, pSrvItem->ContainerName); MessageBox( hwndDlg, szBuffer, title, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); } } return FALSE; } } else { //Already expanded so everythign is cached
//and ready to go, allow expansion
return TRUE; } } else { return FALSE; } } else { //Allow everythign else to expand
return TRUE; } }
BOOL CBrowseServersCtl::OnNotify( HWND hwndDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPNMHDR pnmh = (LPNMHDR) lParam; if(pnmh) { switch( pnmh->code) { case TVN_ITEMEXPANDING: { return OnItemExpanding( hwndDlg, (LPNMTREEVIEW) lParam); } break; } } return TRUE; }
#ifndef OS_WINCE
// Returns currently selected server
// or false if current selection is not a server but a domain
BOOL CBrowseServersCtl::GetServer(LPTSTR szServer, int cchLen) { HTREEITEM hti; HWND hTree;
if(!_hwndDialog) { return FALSE; }
hTree = GetDlgItem( _hwndDialog, UI_IDC_SERVERS_TREE );
hti = TreeView_GetSelection( hTree ); if( hti ) { TVITEM item; item.hItem = hti; item.mask = TVIF_PARAM; if(TreeView_GetItem( hTree, &item)) { ServerListItem* ps = (ServerListItem*)item.lParam; if(ps && !ps->bContainsServers) { _tcsncpy( szServer, ps->ContainerName, cchLen); return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; }
BOOL CBrowseServersCtl::GetServer(LPTSTR szServer, int cchLen) { HTREEITEM hti; HWND hTree;
if(!_hwndDialog) { return FALSE; }
hTree = GetDlgItem( _hwndDialog, UI_IDC_SERVERS_TREE );
hti = TreeView_GetSelection( hTree ); if( hti ) { TVITEM item; item.hItem = hti; item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM;; item.pszText = szServer; item.cchTextMax = cchLen;
if(TreeView_GetItem( hTree, &item)) { _tcsncpy( szServer, item.pszText, item.cchTextMax); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }