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  1. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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  87. <H1><A name="TOP"></A>Microsoft� Remote Desktop Web Connection
  88. <BR>README</H1>
  89. <HR>
  90. <H2><A name="contents">Table of
  91. Contents</FONT></A></H2>
  92. <P><B><br>
  93. 1.0 Introduction<br>
  94. 1.1 What is the Remote Desktop Web Connection?<br>
  95. 1.2 Overview of Remote Desktop Web Connection Components and Features<br><br>
  96. 2.0 Installation Instructions for the Remote Desktop Web Connection<br>
  97. 2.1 Before You Install the ActiveX Client Control and Sample Web Pages<br>
  98. 2.2 To Install the ActiveX Client Control and Sample Web Pages<br>
  99. 2.3 Embedding the Remote Desktop ActiveX Control in a Web Page<br></B>
  100. </P>
  101. <P>Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site
  102. references, is subject to change without notice and is provided for
  103. informational purposes only. The entire risk of the use or results of the use of
  104. this document remains with the user, and Microsoft Corporation makes no
  105. warranties, either express or implied. Unless otherwise noted, the example
  106. companies, organizations, products, people and events depicted herein are
  107. fictitious and no association with any real company, organization, product,
  108. person or event is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable
  109. copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights
  110. under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or
  111. introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means
  112. (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any
  113. purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. </P>
  114. <P>Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or
  115. other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document.
  116. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft,
  117. the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents,
  118. trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.</P>
  119. <P>� 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.</P>
  120. <P>Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows&nbsp;NT, Active Directory, ActiveX,
  121. IntelliMirror, and Visual Basic are either registered trademarks or trademarks
  122. of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. </P>
  123. <P>The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the
  124. trademarks of their respective owners.</P>
  125. <H2>How to Use This Document</H2>
  126. <P>This document provides information about Microsoft Remote Desktop Web Connection, as well as&nbsp;answers to questions that you might have.</P>
  127. <P></P>
  128. <H2>1.0 Introduction</H2>
  129. <P><B>1.1 What Is the Remote Desktop Web Connection?</B></P>
  130. <P>
  131. Welcome to the Remote
  132. Desktop Web Connection. The purpose of this release is to extend the
  133. functionality of Terminal Services on the client side, so that system administrators,
  134. Web page designers, and Web administrators can implement Terminal Services
  135. client sessions in Web pages or Visual Basic� applications without requiring the
  136. user to download or install the full Remote Desktop Connection client program. These
  137. innovations greatly extend the usefulness of Terminal Services for remote
  138. administration of servers, for Web applications, and for management of terminal
  139. server installations. </P>
  140. <P><B>1.2 Overview of Remote Desktop Web Connection Components
  141. and Features</B></P>
  142. <P>Remote Desktop Web Connection consists of an ActiveX client control and sample Web pages.</P>
  143. <P>The ActiveX client control provides virtually the same functionality as the full Remote Desktop Connection client,
  144. but it is designed to deliver this functionality over the Web. When embedded in
  145. a Web page, the ActiveX client control can host a client session with a terminal
  146. server, even if the full Remote Desktop Connection client is not installed on a user's
  147. computer.</P>
  148. <P> When you install the ActiveX client control, a minimal set of
  149. sample Web pages is also installed on your Web server. These pages
  150. include: sample default pages that work together to create a terminal server Web
  151. connection, and a page for adminstrators that hosts multiple instances of the
  152. ActiveX client control.</P>
  153. <P>
  154. &nbsp; </P>
  155. <H2>2.0 Installation Instructions for Remote Desktop Web Connection</H2>
  156. <P>This section explains how to install the ActiveX client
  157. control and sample Web pages for the Remote Desktop Web Connection. This package
  158. is not meant for Web servers running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003. For
  159. these operating systems, administrators&nbsp;can install the Remote Desktop Web Connection via Add/Remove Windows Components.</P>
  160. <P><B>2.1 Before you install the ActiveX Client Control and
  161. Sample Web Pages</B></P>
  162. The Remote Desktop Web
  163. Connection ActiveX client control is designed to be installed on a Web server running
  164. Windows&nbsp;NT&nbsp;4.0 Server or later and Internet Information Server 4.0 or later.
  165. <P><B>2.2 To Install the ActiveX Client Control and Sample Web
  166. Pages</B></P>
  167. <P>The ActiveX client control and sample Web pages are
  168. contained in
  169. a self-extracting executable file called Tswebsetup.exe.&nbsp;The Setup program installs all files in the
  170. directory that you specify on the local computer.</P>
  171. <P class="indent"><B>Important</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The ActiveX client control
  172. and sample Web pages are designed to be installed on a Web server running Windows&nbsp;NT
  173. 4.0 Server or later and Internet Information Server 4.0 or later. If installed
  174. on a computer that does not meet these requirements, the components will not
  175. function as described. </P>
  176. <P class="Proclabel">To install the ActiveX client control and sample Web
  177. pages</P>
  178. <OL>
  179. <LI>At the Web server where you want to install the
  180. ActiveX client control, download the Tswebsetup.exe file to that web server.
  181. <LI>At a command prompt, type the
  182. following:<BR><BR><CODE><B>&lt;directory&gt;\Tswebsetup.exe</B></CODE><BR><BR>where
  183. <I>directory</I> is the path to
  184. the file Tswebsetup.exe For
  185. example:<BR><BR><B>D:\Temp\Tswebsetup.exe</B> </LI></OL>
  186. <P>The ActiveX Client Control Setup program installs the files in the directory
  187. you specify on the target computer. The default location is C:\Inetpub\Wwwroot\Tsweb.</P>
  188. <P>
  189. &nbsp;</P>
  190. <P><B>2.3 Embedding the Remote Desktop ActiveX Control in a Web Page</B></P>
  191. <P><span style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">You can embed the Remote Desktop ActiveX control in a Web page by inserting the HTML &lt;OBJECT&gt; tag, as in the following example:</span></P>
  192. <PRE><CODE>
  193. &lt;OBJECT language="vbscript"
  194. ID="MsRdpClient"&gt;
  195. CLASSID="CLSID:9059f30f-4eb1-4bd2-9fdc-36f43a218f4a"
  196. CODEBASE="msrdp.cab#version=5,2,xxxx,0
  197. WIDTH=&lt;% resWidth = Request.QueryString("rW")
  198. if resWidth &lt; 200 or resWidth VIEWASTEXT &gt; 1600 then
  199. resWidth = 800
  200. end if
  201. Response.Write resWidth %&gt;
  202. HEIGHT=&lt;% resHeight = Request.QueryString("rH")
  203. if resHeight &lt; 200 or resHeight &gt; 1200 then
  204. resHeight = 600
  205. end if
  206. Response.Write resHeight %&gt;&gt;
  207. &lt;/OBJECT&gt;
  208. </CODE></PRE>
  209. <P><span style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Where xxxx equals the build number of the control.
  210. Developers can find this information by looking in the default.htm page under
  211. the "CONNECT" section of the source. The value that the WIDTH keyword is set to is the width, in pixels, of the Terminal Services session displayed on the Web page. The value that the HEIGHT keyword is set to is the height, in pixels, of the Terminal Services session. The value that the CODEBASE keyword is set to is the location of the file containing the Remote Desktop Web Connection code. The name of this file is Msrdp.cab, and it is located in the directory in which you installed the Remote Desktop ActiveX control and sample pages. The PARAMNAME keyword is set to one or more of the parameters supported in Msrdp.ocx.</span></P>
  212. <P><span style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Note that the Remote Desktop ActiveX control object parameters are not listed in this document. To view them, open Msrdp.ocx in a tool such as Oleview.exe or the Visual Basic Object Browser. Msrdp.ocx is located in Msrdp.cab.</span></P>
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