* * CTXMON.C * * This module contains code to monitor user processes * * Copyright Microsoft, 1997 * * Author: * * *******************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ntexapi.h>
#include "winreg.h"
== Local Defines =============================================================================*/
#define BUFFER_SIZE 32*1024
#define MAXNAME 18
BOOL IsSystemLUID(HANDLE ProcessId); //
// This table contains common NT system programs
DWORD dwNumberofSysProcs = 0; LPTSTR *SysProcTable;
typedef struct { HANDLE hProcess; HANDLE TerminateEvent; //HWND hwndNotify;
== Internal Procedures =============================================================================*/
== External Procedures =============================================================================*/
VOID LookupSidUser( PSID pSid, PWCHAR pUserName, PULONG pcbUserName );
HANDLE ImpersonateUser( HANDLE UserToken, HANDLE ThreadHandle );
BOOL StopImpersonating( HANDLE ThreadHandle );
BOOL CreateSystemProcList () { DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwLongestProcName = 0; DWORD dwSize = 0; HKEY hKeySysProcs = NULL; DWORD iValueIndex = 0; LONG lResult;
const LPCTSTR SYS_PROC_KEY = TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Terminal Server\\SysProcs");
// to start with.
SysProcTable = NULL; dwNumberofSysProcs = 0;
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // handle of open key
SYS_PROC_KEY, // address of name of subkey to open
0 , // reserved
KEY_READ, // security access mask
&hKeySysProcs // address of handle of open key
if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; }
lResult = RegQueryInfoKey( hKeySysProcs, // handle to key
NULL, // class buffer
NULL, // size of class buffer
NULL, // reserved
NULL, // number of subkeys
NULL, // longest subkey name
NULL, // longest class string
&dwNumberofSysProcs, // number of value entries
&dwLongestProcName, // longest value name
NULL, // longest value data
NULL, // descriptor length
NULL // last write time
if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwNumberofSysProcs == 0) { dwNumberofSysProcs = 0; RegCloseKey(hKeySysProcs); return FALSE; }
dwLongestProcName += 1; // provision for the terminating null
SysProcTable = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(LPTSTR) * dwNumberofSysProcs); if (!SysProcTable) { SysProcTable = NULL; dwNumberofSysProcs = 0; RegCloseKey(hKeySysProcs); return FALSE; }
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwNumberofSysProcs; dwIndex++) { SysProcTable[dwIndex] = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwLongestProcName * sizeof(TCHAR));
if (SysProcTable[dwIndex] == NULL) { //
// if we failed to alloc bail out.
while (dwIndex) { LocalFree(SysProcTable[dwIndex-1]); dwIndex--; }
LocalFree(SysProcTable); SysProcTable = NULL; dwNumberofSysProcs = 0; RegCloseKey(hKeySysProcs);
return FALSE; }
iValueIndex = 0; while (iValueIndex < dwNumberofSysProcs) { dwSize = dwLongestProcName; lResult = RegEnumValue( hKeySysProcs, // handle of key to query
iValueIndex, // index of value to query
SysProcTable[iValueIndex], // address of buffer for value string
&dwSize, // address for size of value buffer
0, // reserved
NULL, // address of buffer for type code
NULL, // address of buffer for value data
NULL // address for size of data buffer
if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { lstrcpy(SysProcTable[iValueIndex], TEXT("")); // this is an invalid entry.
if (lResult == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) break; }
iValueIndex++; }
return TRUE; }
void DestroySystemprocList () { DWORD dwIndex; if (SysProcTable) { for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwNumberofSysProcs; dwIndex++) { if (SysProcTable[dwIndex]) { LocalFree(SysProcTable[dwIndex]); }
LocalFree(SysProcTable); SysProcTable = NULL; dwNumberofSysProcs = 0; } }
* FUNCTION: UserProcessMonitorThread * * Thread monitoring user processes. It intiates a LOGOFF when there * are no more user processes. * * \***************************************************************************/
DWORD UserProcessMonitorThread( LPVOID lpThreadParameter ) { PUSER_PROCESS_MONITOR pMonitor = (PUSER_PROCESS_MONITOR)lpThreadParameter; HANDLE ImpersonationHandle; DWORD WaitResult; HANDLE WaitHandle; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwVal = 0;
//This value should be per user
if (RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\WOW", 0, KEY_WRITE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// Set the SharedWowTimeout to zero so that WOW exits as soon as all the 16 bit
// processes are gone
RegSetValueEx (hKey, L"SharedWowTimeout", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwVal, sizeof(DWORD));
if (!CreateSystemProcList ()) DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "ERROR, CreateSystemProcList failed.\n", GetLastError()));
for (;;) { if ( !(pMonitor->hProcess = OpenUserProcessHandle()) ) {
// Wait for process to exit or terminate event to be signaled
WaitResult = WaitForMultipleObjects( 2, &pMonitor->hProcess, FALSE, (DWORD)-1 );
if ( WaitResult == 1 ) { // if terminate event was signaled
CloseHandle( pMonitor->hProcess ); DestroySystemprocList ();
return(0); } }
DestroySystemprocList ();
// Initiate logoff
ImpersonationHandle = ImpersonateUser(g_UserToken , NULL );
if( ImpersonationHandle ) { ExitWindowsEx(EWX_LOGOFF, 0); StopImpersonating(ImpersonationHandle); }
WaitForSingleObject( pMonitor->TerminateEvent, (DWORD)-1 );
return(0); }
* FUNCTION: StartUserProcessMonitor * * PURPOSE: Creates a thread to monitor user processes * \***************************************************************************/
LPVOID StartUserProcessMonitor( //HWND hwndNotify
pMonitor = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(USER_PROCESS_MONITOR)); if (pMonitor == NULL) { return(NULL); }
// Initialize monitor fields
//pMonitor->hwndNotify = hwndNotify;
pMonitor->TerminateEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
// Create the monitor thread
pMonitor->Thread = CreateThread( NULL, // Use default ACL
0, // Same stack size
UserProcessMonitorThread, // Start address
(LPVOID)pMonitor, // Parameter
0, // Creation flags
&ThreadId // Get the id back here
); if (pMonitor->Thread == NULL) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "Failed to create monitor thread, error = %d", GetLastError())); LocalFree(pMonitor); return(NULL); }
return((LPVOID)pMonitor); }
VOID DeleteUserProcessMonitor( LPVOID Parameter ) { PUSER_PROCESS_MONITOR pMonitor = (PUSER_PROCESS_MONITOR)Parameter; BOOL Result;
if (!pMonitor) return;
// Set the terminate event for this monitor
// and wait for the monitor thread to exit
SetEvent( pMonitor->TerminateEvent ); if ( WaitForSingleObject( pMonitor->Thread, 5000 ) == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) (VOID)TerminateThread(pMonitor->Thread, ERROR_SUCCESS);
// Close our handle to the monitor thread
Result = CloseHandle(pMonitor->Thread); if (!Result) { DebugLog((DEB_ERROR, "DeleteUserProcessMonitor: failed to close monitor thread, error = %d\n", GetLastError())); }
// Delete monitor object
CloseHandle(pMonitor->TerminateEvent); LocalFree(pMonitor); }
HANDLE OpenUserProcessHandle() { HANDLE ProcessHandle = NULL; // handle to notify process
int rc; //WCHAR UserName[USERNAME_LENGTH];
ULONG SessionId; //PSID pUserSid;
ByteCount = BUFFER_SIZE;
Retry: RetryIfNoneFound = FALSE;
SessionProcessInfo.SessionId = g_SessionId;
for(;;) {
if ( (pBuffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, ByteCount )) == NULL ) { return(NULL); }
SessionProcessInfo.Buffer = pBuffer; SessionProcessInfo.SizeOfBuf = ByteCount;
* get process info */ status = NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemSessionProcessInformation, &SessionProcessInfo, sizeof(SessionProcessInfo), &retlen );
if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) break;
* Make sure buffer is big enough */ if ( status != STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH ) { LocalFree ( pBuffer ); return(NULL); }
LocalFree( pBuffer ); ByteCount *= 2; }
if (retlen == 0) { LocalFree(pBuffer); return NULL; }
* Loop through all processes. Find first process running on this station */ ProcessInfo = (PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION)pBuffer; TotalOffset = 0; rc = 0;
for(;;) {
ThreadInfo = (PSYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION)(ProcessInfo + 1);
// SessionId = ProcessInfo->SessionId;
// if (SessionId == g_SessionId) {
* Get the User name for the SID of the process. */ MaxLen = USERNAME_LENGTH; //LookupSidUser( pUserSid, UserName, &MaxLen);
ProcessHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, (DWORD)(UINT_PTR)ProcessInfo->UniqueProcessId);
// OpenProcess may fail for System processes like csrss.exe if we do not have enough privilege
// In that case, we just skip that process because we r not worried about System processes anyway
if (!ProcessHandle && (GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) ) { goto NextProcess; }
if ( ProcessHandle && !IsSystemLUID(ProcessHandle) && !IsSystemProcess( ProcessInfo) && (ThreadInfo->ThreadState != 4) ) { //
// Open the process for the monitor thread.
break; } if (ProcessHandle) { CloseHandle(ProcessHandle); ProcessHandle = NULL; } else {
// When OpenProcess fails, it means the process is already
// gone. This can happen if the list is sufficiently long.
// If for example the process was userinit.exe, it may have
// spawned progman and exited by the time we see the entry
// for userinit. But, since this is a snapshot of the list
// of processes, progman may not be in this snapshot. So,
// if we don't find any processes in this list, we have to
// get another snapshot to avoid prematurely logging off the
// user.
RetryIfNoneFound = TRUE; }
// }
NextProcess: if( ProcessInfo->NextEntryOffset == 0 ) { break; } TotalOffset += ProcessInfo->NextEntryOffset; ProcessInfo = (PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION)&pBuffer[TotalOffset]; }
LocalFree( pBuffer );
if (!ProcessHandle && RetryIfNoneFound) { Sleep(4000); goto Retry; }
return(ProcessHandle); }
BOOL IsSystemLUID(HANDLE ProcessId) { HANDLE TokenHandle; UCHAR TokenInformation[ sizeof( TOKEN_STATISTICS ) ]; ULONG ReturnLength; LUID CurrentLUID = { 0, 0 }; LUID SystemLUID = SYSTEM_LUID; NTSTATUS Status;
Status = NtOpenProcessToken( ProcessId, TOKEN_QUERY, &TokenHandle ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) return(TRUE);
NtQueryInformationToken( TokenHandle, TokenStatistics, &TokenInformation, sizeof(TokenInformation), &ReturnLength ); NtClose( TokenHandle );
RtlCopyLuid(&CurrentLUID, &(((PTOKEN_STATISTICS)TokenInformation)->AuthenticationId));
if (RtlEqualLuid(&CurrentLUID, &SystemLUID)) { return(TRUE); } else { return(FALSE ); } }
* * IsSystemProcess * * Return whether the given process described by SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION * is an NT "system" process, and not a user program. * * ENTRY: * pProcessInfo (input) * Pointer to an NT SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION structure for a single * process. * EXIT: * TRUE if this is an NT system process; FALSE if a general user process. * *****************************************************************************/
BOOLEAN IsSystemProcess( PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION pSysProcessInfo) { DWORD dwIndex; WCHAR *WellKnownSysProcTable[] = { L"csrss.exe", L"smss.exe", L"screg.exe", L"lsass.exe", L"spoolss.exe", L"EventLog.exe", L"netdde.exe", L"clipsrv.exe", L"lmsvcs.exe", L"MsgSvc.exe", L"winlogon.exe", L"NETSTRS.EXE", L"nddeagnt.exe", L"os2srv.exe", L"wfshell.exe", L"win.com", L"rdpclip.exe", L"conime.exe", L"proquota.exe", L"imepadsv.exe", L"ctfmon.exe", NULL };
if (dwNumberofSysProcs == 0) { /*
* we failed to read the sys processes from registry. so lets fall back to our well known proc list. */ for( dwIndex=0; WellKnownSysProcTable[dwIndex]; dwIndex++) { if ( !_wcsnicmp( pSysProcessInfo->ImageName.Buffer, WellKnownSysProcTable[dwIndex], pSysProcessInfo->ImageName.Length) ) { return(TRUE); } }
} else { /*
* Compare its image name against some well known system image names. */ for( dwIndex=0; dwIndex < dwNumberofSysProcs; dwIndex++) { if ( !_wcsnicmp( pSysProcessInfo->ImageName.Buffer, SysProcTable[dwIndex], pSysProcessInfo->ImageName.Length) ) { return(TRUE); } } } return(FALSE);
} /* IsSystemProcess() */