/****************************************************************************/ // mcsapi.c
// TS RDPWSX MCS user-mode multiplexing layer code.
// Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "mcsmux.h"
* Defines */ #define DefaultNumDomains 10
#define DefaultNumChannels 3
#define MinDomainControlMarker 0xFFFFFFF0
#define ReadChannelRequestMarker 0xFFFFFFFD
#define CloseChannelRequestMarker 0xFFFFFFFE
#define ExitIoThreadMarker 0xFFFFFFFF
// Defines the maximum number of threads that can be waiting on the global
// I/O completion port. 0 means the same as the number of processors in
// the system.
#define MaxIoPortThreads 0
* DLL globals */ static PVOID g_NCUserDefined = NULL; static DWORD g_IoThreadID = 0; static HANDLE g_hIoPort = NULL, g_hIoThread = NULL, g_hIoThreadEndEvent = NULL; static OVERLAPPED g_NCOverlapped; static MCSNodeControllerCallback g_NCCallback = NULL;
// Externs global to all sources.
BOOL g_bInitialized = FALSE;
CRITICAL_SECTION g_csGlobalListLock; SList g_UserList; SList g_ConnList; #endif
* Local function prototypes. */ MCSError SendConnectProviderResponse(Domain *, ConnectionHandle, MCSResult, BYTE *, unsigned);
* Initialization done at RDPWSX.dll load. */ BOOL MCSDLLInit(void) { return TRUE; }
* Cleanup done at RDPWSX.dll unload. */ void MCSDllCleanup(void) { // Cleanup all resources. MCSCleanup() must handle abnormal
// terminations where MCSCleanup() was not properly called
// by the node controller.
MCSCleanup(); }
* Utility functions. */ void DestroyUserInfo(UserInformation *pUserInfo) { MCSChannel *pMCSChannel; SListResetIteration(&pUserInfo->JoinedChannelList); while (SListIterate(&pUserInfo->JoinedChannelList, (unsigned *)&pMCSChannel, &pMCSChannel)) Free(pMCSChannel); SListDestroy(&pUserInfo->JoinedChannelList); }
// Perform common domain destruction. Used in multiple places in code.
void DestroyDomain(Domain *pDomain) { // Fill the to-be-freed Domain with recognizable trash
// and then release it back to the heap
DeleteCriticalSection(&pDomain->csLock); Free(pDomain);
* Handles a connect-provider indication ChanelInput coming from kernel mode. */ void HandleConnectProviderIndication( Domain *pDomain, unsigned BytesTransferred, ConnectProviderIndicationIoctl *pCPin) { MCSError MCSErr; Connection *pConn; ConnectProviderIndication CP;
if (BytesTransferred != sizeof(ConnectProviderIndicationIoctl)) { ErrOutIca1(pDomain->hIca, "HandleConnectProvInd(): Wrong size data " "received (%d), ignoring", BytesTransferred); return; }
ASSERT(pCPin->UserDataLength <= MaxGCCConnectDataLength);
if (pDomain->State != Dom_Unconnected) { ErrOutIca(pDomain->hIca, "HandleConnectProvInd(): Connect received " "unexpectedly, ignoring"); return; }
// Generate a new Connection for user mode. Associate it with the domain.
// This allows the ConnectProviderResponse() to find the domain again.
// TODO FUTURE: We use a static Connection embedded in the Domain since
// we are currently a single-connection system. Change this in the
// future for multiple-connection system.
pConn = &pDomain->MainConn; pConn->pDomain = pDomain; pConn->hConnKernel = pCPin->hConn;
#ifdef MCS_Future
pConn = Malloc(sizeof(Connection)); if (pConn == NULL) { ErrOutIca(pDomain->hIca, "HandleConnectProvInd(): Could not " "create Connection");
// Send error PDU back.
MCSErr = SendConnectProviderResponse(pDomain, pCPin->hConn, RESULT_UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE, NULL, 0);
// We cannot do much more error handling if this does not work.
ASSERT(MCSErr == MCS_NO_ERROR); return; }
EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock); if (!SListAppend(&g_ConnList, (unsigned)pConn, pDomain)) { LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock);
ErrOutIca(pDomain->hIca, "ConnectProvInd: Could not " "add hConn to global list");
// Send error PDU back.
MCSErr = SendConnectProviderResponse(pDomain, pCPin->hConn, RESULT_UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE, NULL, 0);
// We cannot do much more error handling if this does not work.
ASSERT(MCSErr == MCS_NO_ERROR); return; } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock); #endif
// Store information away for future use.
pDomain->DomParams = pCPin->DomainParams;
// Prepare a ConnectProviderIndication for sending up to
// the node controller.
CP.hConnection = pConn; CP.bUpwardConnection = pCPin->bUpwardConnection; CP.DomainParams = pCPin->DomainParams;
CP.UserDataLength = pCPin->UserDataLength; if (CP.UserDataLength == 0) CP.pUserData = NULL; else CP.pUserData = pCPin->UserData;
//TODO FUTURE: This is a hack, assumes only one connection
// per domain. This is used in DisconnectProviderInd
// to get the user mode hConn for the domain.
pDomain->hConn = pConn;
// Set state to pending response.
pDomain->State = Dom_PendingCPResponse;
// Call the node controller callback.
TraceOutIca(pDomain->hIca, "MCS_CONNECT_PROV_IND received, calling node " "ctrl callback"); ASSERT(g_NCCallback != NULL); g_NCCallback(pDomain, MCS_CONNECT_PROVIDER_INDICATION, &CP, pDomain->NCUserDefined); }
* Handles a disconnect-provider indication ChanelInput coming from kernel * mode. */ void HandleDisconnectProviderIndication( Domain *pDomain, unsigned BytesTransferred, DisconnectProviderIndicationIoctl *pDPin) { Domain *pDomainConn; Connection *pConn; DisconnectProviderIndication DP;
if (BytesTransferred != sizeof(DisconnectProviderIndicationIoctl)) { ErrOutIca1(pDomain->hIca, "HandleDiscProvInd(): Wrong size data " "received (%d), ignoring", BytesTransferred); return; }
#ifdef MCS_Future
// Remove the connection from the connection list, destroy.
EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock); SListResetIteration(&g_ConnList); while (SListIterate(&g_ConnList, (unsigned *)&pConn, &pDomainConn)) { if (pConn->hConnKernel == pDPin->hConn) { ASSERT(pDomainConn == pDomain); SListRemove(&g_ConnList, (unsigned)pConn, NULL);
// TODO FUTURE: This was removed to work with the statically
// allocated Connection object contained in the Domain.
// Restore if moving to a multiple-connection system.
break; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock); #endif
// We are now no longer connected.
pDomain->hConn = NULL; pDomain->State = Dom_Unconnected;
// Prepare a DisconnectProviderIndication for sending up
// to node controller.
DP.hDomain = pDomain; //TODO FUTURE: This hack assumes only one connection per
// domain.
DP.hConnection = pDomain->hConn; DP.Reason = pDPin->Reason;
// Call the node controller callback.
TraceOutIca(pDomain->hIca, "MCS_DISCONNECT_PROV_IND received, calling " "node ctrl callback"); ASSERT(g_NCCallback != NULL); g_NCCallback(pDomain, MCS_DISCONNECT_PROVIDER_INDICATION, &DP, pDomain->NCUserDefined); }
* Takes a reference count on a domain */ VOID MCSReferenceDomain(Domain *pDomain) { if (InterlockedIncrement(&pDomain->RefCount) <= 0) ASSERT(0); }
* Releases domain resources if the reference count goes to zero */ VOID MCSDereferenceDomain(Domain *pDomain) { ASSERT(pDomain->RefCount > 0);
// Don't delete the domain unless everyone is done with it. This means
// GCC has let it go, and there are no pending I/O's for it.
if (InterlockedDecrement(&pDomain->RefCount) == 0) { DestroyDomain(pDomain); } }
* Closes the domain channel. Does nothing if the channel is already closed */ VOID MCSChannelClose(Domain *pDomain) { // Note that the channel is disconnected, and then
// close the ica channel if it is still open
pDomain->bPortDisconnected = TRUE;
if (pDomain->hIcaT120Channel != NULL) { //TraceOutIca(pDomain->hIca, "MCSChannelClose(): Closing "
// "T120 ICA channel");
CancelIo(pDomain->hIcaT120Channel); IcaChannelClose(pDomain->hIcaT120Channel);
pDomain->hIcaT120Channel = NULL; } }
* Initiates port disconnection */ NTSTATUS MCSDisconnectPort(Domain *pDomain, MCSReason Reason) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; DisconnectProviderRequestIoctl DPrq; // Send special disconnect-provider request to kernel to trigger
// sending detach-user requests to local attachments with their own
// UserIDs, signaling that the domain is going away.
if (!pDomain->bPortDisconnected) { DPrq.Header.Type = MCS_DISCONNECT_PROVIDER_REQUEST; DPrq.Header.hUser = NULL; // Special meaning node controller.
DPrq.hConn = NULL; // Special meaning last local connection.
DPrq.Reason = Reason; // Call kernel mode
ntStatus = IcaStackIoControl(pDomain->hIcaStack, IOCTL_T120_REQUEST, &DPrq, sizeof(DPrq), NULL, 0, NULL); } // Queue a channel close request to the IoThreadFunc() to cancel the I/O
// since GCC is done with it. This is necessary as the I/O must
// be canceled from the same thread that initially issued it.
MCSReferenceDomain(pDomain); PostQueuedCompletionStatus(g_hIoPort, CloseChannelRequestMarker, (ULONG_PTR)pDomain, NULL);
return ntStatus; }
* Handles port data and reissues the read */ VOID MCSPortData(Domain *pDomain, DWORD BytesTransferred) { IoctlHeader *pHeader; EnterCriticalSection(&pDomain->csLock); // If real data has been received on the channel instead of a queued domain
// control message, then process the data.
if (BytesTransferred < MinDomainControlMarker) { // We only do callbacks if MCSDeleteDomain() was not called.
if (pDomain->bDeleteDomainCalled == FALSE) { // Decode the ChannelInput and make the callback.
pHeader = (IoctlHeader *)pDomain->InputBuf; switch (pHeader->Type) { case MCS_CONNECT_PROVIDER_INDICATION: ASSERT(pHeader->hUser == NULL); HandleConnectProviderIndication(pDomain, BytesTransferred, (ConnectProviderIndicationIoctl *)pHeader); break; case MCS_DISCONNECT_PROVIDER_INDICATION: ASSERT(pHeader->hUser == NULL); HandleDisconnectProviderIndication(pDomain, BytesTransferred, (DisconnectProviderIndicationIoctl *)pHeader); MCSChannelClose(pDomain); break; default: //TODO FUTURE: Handle other MCS indications/confirms.
ErrOutIca2(pDomain->hIca, "IoThreadFunc(): Unknown " "node controller ioctl %d received for " "domain %X", pHeader->Type, pDomain); break; } // Set the message number to an invalid value.
// This makes sure that any improperly-received dequeued
// messages that do not bring data with them will, when
// reusing pDomain->InputBuf, fall to the default part of
// the switch statement and throw an error.
pHeader->Type = 0xFFFFFFFF; } }
// Else, a special domain control request has been queued to the I/O port
else { switch (BytesTransferred) { case ReadChannelRequestMarker : break;
case CloseChannelRequestMarker : MCSChannelClose(pDomain); break;
default: ErrOutIca2(pDomain->hIca, "MCSPortData: Unknown domain control " "for Domain(%lx), code(%lx)", pDomain, BytesTransferred); } }
// Issue a new read to catch the next indication/confirm. Overlapped
// I/O reads will return as "unsuccessful" if there is no data already
// waiting to be read so check for that status specifically.
if (pDomain->hIcaT120Channel) { if (ReadFile(pDomain->hIcaT120Channel, pDomain->InputBuf, DefaultInputBufSize, NULL, &pDomain->Overlapped) || (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING)) MCSReferenceDomain(pDomain); else { // Warning only. This should occur only when the ICA stack
// is being torn down without our direct knowledge. In that
// case, we simply keep running until we are torn down at the
// user mode level. Take off a ref count since there is no
// longer a pending I/O.
WarnOutIca2(pDomain->hIca, "IoThreadFunc(): Could not perform " "ReadFile, pDomain=%X, rc=%X", pDomain, GetLastError()); } }
// Release the lock on the domain
// drop the reference count since we just completed processing
MCSDereferenceDomain(pDomain); }
* Param is the handle for the I/O completion port to wait on. * Completion key of ExitIoThreadMarker tells the thread to exit. * On exit we set an event to indicate we are done. This must be done instead * of relying solely on the thread's handle signaling in the case where * the unload is occurring because of abnormal termination, and Cleanup() * does not get called normally but instead from within DLL_PROCESS_DETACH. * The call to DllEntryPoint prevents the thread handle from signaling, * so we would end up in a race condition. A parallel event handle can be * signaled correctly in all cases. */
DWORD WINAPI IoThreadFunc(void *Param) { BOOL bSuccess; DWORD BytesTransferred; Domain *pDomain; OVERLAPPED *pOverlapped;
ASSERT(Param != NULL);
for (;;) { // Wait for a port completion status
pDomain = NULL; pOverlapped = NULL; bSuccess = GetQueuedCompletionStatus((HANDLE)Param, &BytesTransferred, (ULONG_PTR *)&pDomain, &pOverlapped, INFINITE);
// Check for failed dequeue, at which point pDomain is not valid.
if (!bSuccess && (pOverlapped == NULL)) { continue; }
// If the pDomain is ExitIoThreadMarker then we are
// shutting down and being unloaded
if (pDomain == (Domain *)(DWORD_PTR)ExitIoThreadMarker) break;
// We have successfully received a completion status. Either it is a
// domain control request or user data
if (bSuccess) MCSPortData(pDomain, BytesTransferred); // Else a cancel or abort I/O has occurred. Release a ref count since
// an I/O is no longer pending.
else MCSDereferenceDomain(pDomain); }
ASSERT(g_hIoThreadEndEvent); SetEvent(g_hIoThreadEndEvent);
return 0; }
* MUX-only non-MCS primitive function to allow ICA code to inject a new entry * into the MUX-internal domain/stack database. */ MCSError APIENTRY MCSCreateDomain( HANDLE hIca, HANDLE hIcaStack, void *pContext, DomainHandle *phDomain) { NTSTATUS status; Domain *pDomain; NTSTATUS Status; IoctlHeader StartIoctl;
// Init the receiver's data to NULL to ensure a fault if they skip the
// error code.
*phDomain = NULL;
pDomain = Malloc(sizeof(Domain)); if (pDomain != NULL) { // Create and enter the locking critical section.
status = RtlInitializeCriticalSection(&pDomain->csLock); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { EnterCriticalSection(&pDomain->csLock);
#if MCS_Future
pDomain->SelLen = 0; #endif
pDomain->hIca = hIca; pDomain->hIcaStack = hIcaStack; pDomain->NCUserDefined = pContext; pDomain->State = Dom_Unconnected; pDomain->Overlapped.hEvent = NULL; pDomain->Overlapped.Offset = pDomain->Overlapped.OffsetHigh = 0; pDomain->RefCount = 0;
// Take a reference count for the caller of this function (GCC).
// Open T.120 ICA virtual channel.
Status = IcaChannelOpen(hIca, Channel_Virtual, Virtual_T120, &pDomain->hIcaT120Channel); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ErrOutIca(hIca, "CreateDomain: Error opening virtual channel"); goto PostInitCS; }
// Add the hIcaT120 Channel to the handles associated with the
// main I/O completion port. We use pDomain as the completion key
// so we can find it during callback processing.
if (CreateIoCompletionPort(pDomain->hIcaT120Channel, g_hIoPort, (ULONG_PTR)pDomain, MaxIoPortThreads) == NULL) { ErrOutIca(hIca, "CreateDomain(): Could not add ICA channel to " "I/O completion port"); goto PostChannel; }
// Tell kernel mode to start the MCS I/O.
StartIoctl.hUser = NULL; StartIoctl.Type = MCS_T120_START; Status = IcaStackIoControl(hIcaStack, IOCTL_T120_REQUEST, &StartIoctl, sizeof(StartIoctl), NULL, 0, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ErrOutIca(hIca, "Could not start kernel T120 I/O"); goto PostChannel; }
// Set the domain handle for use by GCC
*phDomain = pDomain;
// Send a message to the IoThreadFunc to initiate the read on
// the channel. We do this so that the same thread is always
// responsible for all I/O operations. This is important for
// CancelIo. Take another ref count since an I/O result is
// pending for the completion port now.
MCSReferenceDomain(pDomain); PostQueuedCompletionStatus(g_hIoPort, ReadChannelRequestMarker, (ULONG_PTR)pDomain, NULL);
// Leave the Domain locking critical section.
LeaveCriticalSection(&pDomain->csLock); } else { ErrOutIca(hIca, "CreateDomain: Error initialize pDomain->csLock"); goto PostAlloc; } } else { ErrOutIca(hIca, "CreateDomain(): Error allocating a new domain"); return MCS_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; }
return MCS_NO_ERROR;
// Error handling
PostChannel: IcaChannelClose(pDomain->hIcaT120Channel);
PostInitCS: LeaveCriticalSection(&pDomain->csLock); DeleteCriticalSection(&pDomain->csLock);
PostAlloc: Free(pDomain);
* Signals that an hIca is no longer valid. * Tears down the associated domain, including sending detach-user * indications to remaining local attachments. */
MCSError APIENTRY MCSDeleteDomain( HANDLE hIca, DomainHandle hDomain, MCSReason Reason) { Domain *pDomain, pDomainConn; NTSTATUS Status; MCSError MCSErr; Connection *pConn;
pDomain = (Domain *)hDomain;
TraceOutIca(hIca, "DeleteDomain() entry");
// Gain access to the domain. Prevents collision with other API functions
// and concurrent callbacks.
// This API should not be called more than once per domain.
if (pDomain->bDeleteDomainCalled) { ASSERT(!pDomain->bDeleteDomainCalled); MCSErr = MCS_INVALID_PARAMETER; LeaveCriticalSection(&pDomain->csLock); goto PostLockDomain; }
#ifdef MCS_Future
// If we are still connected find and remove remaining connections
// which refer to this domain.
if (pDomain->State != Dom_Unconnected) { //TODO FUTURE: This assumes only one connection per domain.
EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock); SListRemove(&g_ConnList, (unsigned)pDomain->hConn, (void **)&pDomainConn); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock);
// TODO FUTURE: This was removed to work with the statically
// allocated Connection object contained in the Domain.
// Restore if moving to a multiple-connection system.
if (pDomainConn != NULL) Free(pConn); } #endif
pDomain->hConn = NULL; pDomain->State = Dom_Unconnected;
//TODO: Implement detach-user indications for local attachments.
// Queue the "Destroy this domain!" request. This allows the domain
// free code to be in only one place and the IoPort queue will
// serialize this request along with closed virtual channel indications.
pDomain->bDeleteDomainCalled = TRUE; MCSDisconnectPort(pDomain, Reason);
// Drop a ref count because GCC is done with the domain. This count was
// originally incremented for GCC in MCSCreateDomain().
LeaveCriticalSection(&pDomain->csLock); MCSDereferenceDomain(pDomain); MCSErr = MCS_NO_ERROR;
PostLockDomain: return MCSErr; }
* Called by node controller to initialize DLL. */
MCSError APIENTRY MCSInitialize(MCSNodeControllerCallback Callback) { NTSTATUS status;
#if DBG
if (g_bInitialized) { ErrOut("Initialize() called when already initialized"); return MCS_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; } #endif
// Initialize node controller specific information.
g_NCCallback = Callback;
// Initialize global MCS lists.
status = RtlInitializeCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { ErrOut("MCSInitialize: Error initialize g_csGlobalListLock"); return MCS_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; } EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock); SListInit(&g_UserList, DefaultNumDomains); SListInit(&g_ConnList, DefaultNumDomains); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock); #endif
// Create I/O completion port, not associated with any requests.
g_hIoPort = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, MaxIoPortThreads); if (g_hIoPort == NULL) { ErrOut1("IO completion port not created (rc = %ld)", GetLastError()); return MCS_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; }
// Create I/O port listening thread, starts waiting immediately.
g_hIoThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, IoThreadFunc, g_hIoPort, 0, &g_IoThreadID); if (g_hIoThread == NULL) { ErrOut1("IO thread not created (rc = %ld)", GetLastError()); return MCS_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; }
// Increase the priority of the IoThread to increase connect performance.
SetThreadPriority(g_hIoThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
g_bInitialized = TRUE;
return MCS_NO_ERROR; }
* Called by the node controller or DllEntryPoint() to shut down the DLL. */
MCSError APIENTRY MCSCleanup(void) { DWORD WaitResult; Domain *pDomain; Connection *pConn; UserInformation *pUserInfo;
if (!g_bInitialized) return MCS_NO_ERROR; // Kill I/O completion port, thread(s) waiting on it.
g_hIoThreadEndEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); PostQueuedCompletionStatus(g_hIoPort, 0, ExitIoThreadMarker, NULL);
WaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(g_hIoThreadEndEvent, INFINITE);
CloseHandle(g_hIoThreadEndEvent); CloseHandle(g_hIoThread); CloseHandle(g_hIoPort);
// Cleanup node controller-specific information.
g_NCCallback = NULL; g_NCUserDefined = NULL;
* Clean up global MCS lists. */
#ifdef MCS_Future
// Kill remaining users.
SListResetIteration(&g_UserList); while (SListIterate(&g_UserList, (unsigned *)&pUserInfo, NULL)) { DestroyUserInfo(pUserInfo); Free(pUserInfo); } SListDestroy(&g_UserList);
// Kill remaining connections.
SListResetIteration(&g_ConnList); // TODO FUTURE: Removed to work with statically allocated Connection
// contained in Domain. Restore fo multiple-connection system.
while (SListIterate(&g_ConnList, (unsigned *)&pConn, NULL)) Free(pConn); SListDestroy(&g_ConnList);
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock); DeleteCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock); #endif
g_bInitialized = FALSE;
return MCS_NO_ERROR; }
* Response function for an MCS_CONNECT_PROVIDER_INDICATION callback. Result * values are as defined by T.125. */
MCSError APIENTRY MCSConnectProviderResponse( DomainHandle hDomain, MCSResult Result, BYTE *pUserData, unsigned UserDataLen) { Domain *pDomain; MCSError MCSErr; ConnectProviderResponseIoctl CPrs; CheckInitialized("ConnectProvResponse()");
pDomain = (Domain *) hDomain;
// Lock the domain.
// It is possible for us to call this function in the wrong state, e.g.
// if we have gotten a disconnect very soon after processing a
// connection, and have transitioned to State_Unconnected.
if (pDomain->State != Dom_PendingCPResponse) { TraceOutIca(pDomain->hIca, "ConnectProvderResp(): in wrong state, " "ignoring call"); MCSErr = MCS_NO_ERROR; goto PostLockDomain; }
// TODO FUTURE: We are assuming an hConn in the Domain which is a hack
// only for a single-connection system.
MCSErr = SendConnectProviderResponse(pDomain, ((Connection *)pDomain->hConn)->hConnKernel, Result, pUserData, UserDataLen); if (MCSErr == MCS_NO_ERROR) { if (Result == RESULT_SUCCESSFUL) pDomain->State = Dom_Connected; else pDomain->State = Dom_Rejected; }
PostLockDomain: // Release the domain.
return MCSErr; }
// Utility function called internally as well as part of
// MCSConnectProviderResponse(). Domain must be locked before calling.
MCSError SendConnectProviderResponse( Domain *pDomain, ConnectionHandle hConnKernel, MCSResult Result, BYTE *pUserData, unsigned UserDataLen) { NTSTATUS Status; ConnectProviderResponseIoctl CPrs;
// Transfer params.
CPrs.Header.hUser = NULL; // Special value meaning node controller.
CPrs.Header.Type = MCS_CONNECT_PROVIDER_RESPONSE; CPrs.hConn = hConnKernel; CPrs.Result = Result; CPrs.UserDataLength = UserDataLen;
// Points to user data.
if (UserDataLen) CPrs.pUserData = pUserData;
// Call kernel mode. No callback is expected.
Status = IcaStackIoControl(pDomain->hIcaStack, IOCTL_T120_REQUEST, &CPrs, sizeof(ConnectProviderResponseIoctl), NULL, 0, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ErrOutIca(pDomain->hIca, "ConnectProvResponse(): Stack ioctl failed"); return MCS_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; } TraceOutIca(pDomain->hIca, "Sent MCS_CONNECT_PROVIDER_RESPONSE");
return MCS_NO_ERROR; }
* Terminates an existing MCS connection or aborts a creation in-progress. */
MCSError APIENTRY MCSDisconnectProviderRequest( HANDLE hIca, ConnectionHandle hConn, MCSReason Reason) { Domain *pDomain; NTSTATUS Status; MCSError MCSErr; Connection *pConn; DisconnectProviderRequestIoctl DPrq;
pConn = (Connection *)hConn; pDomain = pConn->pDomain;
// Lock the domain.
// Transfer params.
DPrq.Header.hUser = NULL; // Special meaning node controller.
DPrq.Header.Type = MCS_DISCONNECT_PROVIDER_REQUEST; DPrq.hConn = pConn->hConnKernel; DPrq.Reason = Reason;
// TODO FUTURE: Assumes only one connection.
pDomain->hConn = NULL; pDomain->State = Dom_Unconnected;
// TODO FUTURE: We do not deallocate the Connection. Unnecessary for now
// since we are using a static Connection in the Domain, but will be an
// issue when mallocing the Connection objects.
#ifdef MCS_Future
EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock); SListRemove(&g_ConnList, (unsigned)pConn, NULL); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock);
Free(pConn); #endif
// Call kernel mode. No callback is expected.
Status = IcaStackIoControl(pDomain->hIcaStack, IOCTL_T120_REQUEST, &DPrq, sizeof(DPrq), NULL, 0, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ErrOutIca(hIca, "DisconnectProvRequest(): Stack ioctl failed"); MCSErr = MCS_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; goto PostLockDomain; } TraceOutIca(hIca, "Sent MCS_DISCONNECT_PROVIDER_REQUEST");
PostLockDomain: // Release the domain.
return MCSErr; }
#if MCS_Future
* Connects a local domain to a remote domain, merging the two domains. */
MCSError APIENTRY MCSConnectProviderRequest( DomainSelector CallingDom, unsigned CallingDomLen, DomainSelector CalledDom, unsigned CalledDomLen, BOOL bUpwardConnection, PDomainParameters pDomParams, BYTE *UserData, unsigned UserDataLen, DomainHandle *phDomain, ConnectionHandle *phConn)
{ CheckInitialized("ConnectProvReq()");
// Create new domain or look up already-created one.
// call to kernel mode to set up the connection.
ErrOut("ConnectProviderRequest: Not implemented"); return MCS_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED; } #endif // MCS_Future
#if MCS_Future
* Attaches a user SAP to an existing domain. */
MCSError APIENTRY MCSAttachUserRequest( DomainHandle hDomain, MCSUserCallback UserCallback, MCSSendDataCallback SDCallback, void *UserDefined, UserHandle *phUser, unsigned *pMaxSendSize, BOOLEAN *pbCompleted) { Domain *pDomain; unsigned i, Err, OutBufSize, BytesReturned; NTSTATUS ntStatus; UserInformation *pUserInfo; AttachUserReturnIoctl AUrt; AttachUserRequestIoctl AUrq;
pDomain = (Domain *)hDomain; *pbCompleted = FALSE;
// We must by this time have an hICA assigned to the domain.
ASSERT(pDomain->hIca != NULL);
// Make a new user-mode user information struct.
*phUser = pUserInfo = Malloc(sizeof(UserInformation)); if (pUserInfo == NULL) { ErrOutIca(pDomain->hIca, "AttachUserReq(): Alloc failure for " "user info"); return MCS_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; }
// Fill in the struct
pUserInfo->Callback = UserCallback; pUserInfo->SDCallback = SDCallback; pUserInfo->UserDefined = UserDefined; pUserInfo->State = User_AttachConfirmPending; pUserInfo->hUserKernel = NULL; // Don't yet have kernel hUser assignment.
pUserInfo->UserID = 0; // Don't yet have kernel UserID assignment.
pUserInfo->pDomain = pDomain; SListInit(&pUserInfo->JoinedChannelList, DefaultNumChannels);
// Transfer params for kernel-mode call.
AUrq.Header.hUser = NULL; AUrq.Header.Type = MCS_ATTACH_USER_REQUEST; AUrq.UserDefined = UserDefined;
// Add the user to the global UserInfo list.
EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock); if (!SListAppend(&g_UserList, (unsigned)pUserInfo, pDomain)) { ErrOutIca(pDomain->hIca, "AttachUserReq(): Could not add user to " "user list"); AUrt.MCSErr = MCS_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock); goto PostAlloc; } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock);
// Issue the T120 request to kernel mode.
ntStatus = IcaStackIoControl(pDomain->hIcaStack, IOCTL_T120_REQUEST, &AUrq, sizeof(AUrq), &AUrt, sizeof(AUrt), &BytesReturned); if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { ErrOutIca(pDomain->hIca, "AttachUserRequest(): T120 request failed"); AUrt.MCSErr = MCS_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; goto PostAddList; } if (AUrt.MCSErr != MCS_NO_ERROR) goto PostAddList;
pUserInfo->hUserKernel = AUrt.hUser; *phUser = pUserInfo; *pMaxSendSize = AUrt.MaxSendSize; pUserInfo->MaxSendSize = AUrt.MaxSendSize; if (AUrt.bCompleted) { pUserInfo->UserID = AUrt.UserID; *pbCompleted = TRUE; }
return MCS_NO_ERROR;
// Error handling.
PostAddList: EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock); SListRemove(&g_UserList, (unsigned)pUserInfo, NULL); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock); PostAlloc: SListDestroy(&pUserInfo->JoinedChannelList); Free(pUserInfo); return AUrt.MCSErr; } #endif // MCS_Future
#if MCS_Future
UserID MCSGetUserIDFromHandle(UserHandle hUser) { return ((UserInformation *)hUser)->UserID; } #endif // MCS_Future
#if MCS_Future
* Detach a previously created user attachment from a domain. */
MCSError APIENTRY MCSDetachUserRequest(UserHandle hUser) { Domain *pDomain; NTSTATUS Status; unsigned BytesReturned; MCSError MCSErr; MCSChannel *pMCSChannel; UserInformation *pUserInfo; DetachUserRequestIoctl DUrq;
CheckInitialized("DetachUserReq()"); pUserInfo = (UserInformation *)hUser; // Fill in detach-user request for sending to kernel mode.
DUrq.Header.Type = MCS_DETACH_USER_REQUEST; DUrq.Header.hUser = pUserInfo->hUserKernel;
// Call down to kernel mode, using the user attachment channel.
// Issue the T120 request to kernel mode.
Status = IcaStackIoControl(pUserInfo->pDomain->hIcaStack, IOCTL_T120_REQUEST, &DUrq, sizeof(DUrq), &MCSErr, sizeof(MCSErr), &BytesReturned); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ErrOutIca(pDomain->hIca, "DetachUserRequest(): T120 request failed"); return MCS_USER_NOT_ATTACHED; } if (MCSErr != MCS_NO_ERROR) return MCSErr;
// Remove the hUser from the User list.
EnterCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock); SListRemove(&g_UserList, (unsigned)hUser, &pDomain); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csGlobalListLock); if (pDomain == NULL) return MCS_NO_SUCH_USER; // Clean up contents of pUserInfo then free.
DestroyUserInfo(pUserInfo); Free(pUserInfo);
return MCS_NO_ERROR; } #endif // MCS_Future
#if MCS_Future
* Join a data channel. Once joined, an attachment can receive data sent on * that channel. Static channels are in range 1..1000 and can be joined by * any user. Dynamic channels are in range 1001..65535 and cannot be joined * unless they are convened by a user and the convenor allows this user * to be admitted, or the dynamic channel is a previously assigned channel * requested by a user attachment calling JoinRequest() with a channel ID * of 0. */
MCSError APIENTRY MCSChannelJoinRequest( UserHandle hUser, ChannelID ChannelID, ChannelHandle *phChannel, BOOLEAN *pbCompleted) { unsigned Err, BytesReturned; NTSTATUS Status; MCSChannel *pMCSChannel; UserInformation *pUserInfo; ChannelJoinReturnIoctl CJrt; ChannelJoinRequestIoctl CJrq;
pUserInfo = (UserInformation *)hUser; *pbCompleted = FALSE;
// Alloc a new user-mode channel struct.
pMCSChannel = Malloc(sizeof(MCSChannel)); if (pMCSChannel == NULL) { ErrOutIca(pUserInfo->pDomain->hIca, "ChannelJoinReq(): " "Could not alloc a user-mode channel"); return MCS_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; } pMCSChannel->hChannelKernel = NULL; pMCSChannel->ChannelID = 0;
// Add channel to user list of joined channels.
if (!SListAppend(&pUserInfo->JoinedChannelList, (unsigned)pMCSChannel, pMCSChannel)) { ErrOutIca(pUserInfo->pDomain->hIca, "ChannelJoinReq(): " "Could not add channel to user mode user list"); CJrt.MCSErr = MCS_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; goto PostAlloc; }
// Transfer params for kernel mode call.
CJrq.Header.hUser = pUserInfo->hUserKernel; CJrq.Header.Type = MCS_CHANNEL_JOIN_REQUEST; CJrq.ChannelID = ChannelID;
// Issue the T120 request to kernel mode
Status = IcaStackIoControl(pUserInfo->pDomain->hIcaStack, IOCTL_T120_REQUEST, &CJrq, sizeof(CJrq), &CJrt, sizeof(CJrt), &BytesReturned); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ErrOutIca1(pUserInfo->pDomain->hIca, "ChannelJoinReq(): " "T120 request failed (%ld)", Status); CJrt.MCSErr = MCS_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; goto PostAddList; } if (CJrt.MCSErr != MCS_NO_ERROR) goto PostAddList;
if (CJrt.bCompleted) { // Fill in the user-mode channel info.
pMCSChannel->hChannelKernel = CJrt.hChannel; pMCSChannel->ChannelID = CJrt.ChannelID; *phChannel = pMCSChannel; *pbCompleted = TRUE; }
return MCS_NO_ERROR;
// Error handling.
PostAddList: SListRemove(&pUserInfo->JoinedChannelList, (unsigned)pMCSChannel, NULL); PostAlloc: Free(pMCSChannel); return CJrt.MCSErr; } #endif // MCS_Future
#if MCS_Future
* Leave a data channel previously joined. Once unjoined, the user attachment * does not receive data from that channel. */
MCSError APIENTRY MCSChannelLeaveRequest( UserHandle hUser, ChannelHandle hChannel) { unsigned BytesReturned; MCSError MCSErr; NTSTATUS Status; MCSChannel *pMCSChannel; UserInformation *pUserInfo; ChannelLeaveRequestIoctl CLrq;
pUserInfo = (UserInformation *)hUser;
#if DBG
// Check that the indicated channel is actually present.
if (!SListGetByKey(&pUserInfo->JoinedChannelList, (unsigned)hChannel, &pMCSChannel)) { ErrOutIca(pUserInfo->pDomain->hIca, "ChannelLeaveReq(): " "Given hChannel not present!"); return MCS_NO_SUCH_CHANNEL; } #endif
pMCSChannel = (MCSChannel *)hChannel; // Transfer params.
CLrq.Header.Type = MCS_CHANNEL_LEAVE_REQUEST; CLrq.Header.hUser = pUserInfo->hUserKernel; CLrq.hChannel = pMCSChannel->hChannelKernel;
// Issue the T120 request to kernel mode
Status = IcaStackIoControl(pUserInfo->pDomain->hIcaStack, IOCTL_T120_REQUEST, &CLrq, sizeof(CLrq), &MCSErr, sizeof(MCSErr), &BytesReturned); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ErrOutIca1(pUserInfo->pDomain->hIca, "ChannelLeaveReq(): " "T120 request failed (%ld)", Status); return MCS_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; } if (MCSErr != MCS_NO_ERROR) return MCSErr;
// Remove the user-mode channel from the user list and destroy.
SListRemove(&pUserInfo->JoinedChannelList, (unsigned)pMCSChannel, NULL); Free(pMCSChannel);
return MCS_NO_ERROR; } #endif // MCS_Future
* Allocates a SendData buffer. This must be done by MCS to ensure high * performance operation without memcpy()'s. */
#if MCS_Future
MCSError APIENTRY MCSGetBufferRequest( UserHandle hUser, unsigned Size, void **ppBuffer) { BYTE *pBuf;
// Leave sizeof(MCSSendDataRequestIoctl) in front of the block to bypass
// memcpy()'s during SendData.
pBuf = Malloc(sizeof(SendDataRequestIoctl) + Size); if (pBuf == NULL) { ErrOut("GetBufferReq(): Malloc failed"); return MCS_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; }
*ppBuffer = pBuf + sizeof(SendDataRequestIoctl); return MCS_NO_ERROR; } #endif // MCS_Future
* Free a buffer allocated using GetBufferRequest(). This should only need to * be done in the case where a buffer was allocated but never used. * SendDataReq() automatically frees the buffer used before it returns. */
#if MCS_Future
MCSError APIENTRY MCSFreeBufferRequest(UserHandle hUser, void *pBuffer) { CheckInitialized("FreeBufReq()");
ASSERT(pBuffer != NULL);
// Reverse the process done in GetBufferReq() above.
Free((BYTE *)pBuffer - sizeof(SendDataRequestIoctl));
return MCS_NO_ERROR; } #endif // MCS_Future
#if MCS_Future
* Sends data on a channel. The channel need not have been joined before * sending. The pData[] buffers must have been generated from successful * calls to MCSGetBufferRequest(). After this call the pData[] are invalid; * MCS will free them, and assign NULL to the contents in pData[]. */
MCSError APIENTRY MCSSendDataRequest( UserHandle hUser, DataRequestType RequestType, ChannelHandle hChannel, ChannelID ChannelID, MCSPriority Priority, Segmentation Segmentation, BYTE *pData, unsigned DataLength) { unsigned BytesReturned; NTSTATUS Status; MCSError MCSErr; MCSChannel *pMCSChannel; UserInformation *pUserInfo; SendDataRequestIoctl *pSDrq;
CheckInitialized("SendDataReq()"); ASSERT(pData != NULL);
pUserInfo = (UserInformation *)hUser;
#if DBG
// Check against maximum send size allowed.
if (DataLength > pUserInfo->MaxSendSize) { ErrOutIca(pUserInfo->pDomain->hIca, "SendDataReq(): Send size " "exceeds negotiated domain maximum"); return MCS_SEND_SIZE_TOO_LARGE; } #endif
// Inbound buffer was allocated by GetBufferReq() with
// sizeof(MCSSendDataRequestIoctl) bytes at the beginning.
pSDrq = (SendDataRequestIoctl *)(pData - sizeof(SendDataRequestIoctl));
if (hChannel == NULL) { // The user requested a send to a channel that it has not joined.
ASSERT(ChannelID >= 1 && ChannelID <= 65535);
// Forward the channel number to kernel mode for handling.
pSDrq->hChannel = NULL; pSDrq->ChannelID = ChannelID; } else {
#if DBG
// Check that the indicated channel is actually present.
if (!SListGetByKey(&pUserInfo->JoinedChannelList, (unsigned)hChannel, &pMCSChannel)) { ErrOutIca(pUserInfo->pDomain->hIca, "SendDataReq(): " "Given hChannel not joined by user!"); return MCS_NO_SUCH_CHANNEL; } #endif
pMCSChannel = (MCSChannel *)hChannel;
pSDrq->hChannel = pMCSChannel->hChannelKernel; pSDrq->ChannelID = 0; }
// Fill out data for sending to kernel mode.
pSDrq->Header.Type = (RequestType == NORMAL_SEND_DATA ? MCS_SEND_DATA_REQUEST : MCS_UNIFORM_SEND_DATA_REQUEST); pSDrq->Header.hUser = pUserInfo->hUserKernel; pSDrq->RequestType = RequestType; pSDrq->Priority = Priority; pSDrq->Segmentation = Segmentation; pSDrq->DataLength = DataLength;
// Issue the T120 request to kernel mode.
Status = IcaStackIoControl(pUserInfo->pDomain->hIcaStack, IOCTL_T120_REQUEST, (BYTE *)pSDrq, sizeof(SendDataRequestIoctl) + DataLength, &MCSErr, sizeof(MCSErr), &BytesReturned); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ErrOutIca1(pUserInfo->pDomain->hIca, "MCSSendDataReq(): " "T120 request failed (%ld)", Status); return MCS_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; } if (MCSErr != MCS_NO_ERROR) return MCSErr;
// Buffer sent to kernel mode is copied as necessary. We free
// the memory after we are done.
MCSFreeBufferRequest(hUser, pData);
return MCS_NO_ERROR; } #endif // MCS_Future