Copyright (C) 2001 Microsoft Corp.
sdwmi.H -- WMI provider class definition Description: *******************************************************************/
// Property set identification
#ifndef _SessionDirectory_H_
#define _SessionDirectory_H_
#include "resource.h"
//#include <utilsub.h>
#include <allproc.h>
#include "trace.h"
#include "jetrpc.h"
#define TSSD_NameLength 128
#define PROVIDER_NAME_Win32_WIN32_SESSIONDIRECTORYCLUSTER_Prov L"Win32_SessionDirectoryCluster"
#define PROVIDER_NAME_Win32_WIN32_SESSIONDIRECTORYSERVER_Prov L"Win32_SessionDirectoryServer"
#define PROVIDER_NAME_Win32_WIN32_SESSIONDIRECTORYSESSION_Prov L"Win32_SessionDirectorySession"
#define SIZE_OF_BUFFER( x ) sizeof( x ) / sizeof( TCHAR )
extern BOOL g_bInitialized;
// See ExecQuery for details of the usage of these #defines
#define BIT_CLUSTERNAME 0x00000001
#define BIT_NUMBEROFSERVERS 0x00000002
#define BIT_SINGLESESSIONMODE 0x00000004
#define BIT_SERVERNAME 0x00000008
#define BIT_SERVERIPADDRESS 0x00000010
#define BIT_NUMBEROFSESSIONS 0x00000020
#define BIT_USERNAME 0x00000040
#define BIT_DOMAINNAME 0x00000080
#define BIT_SESSIONID 0x00000100
#define BIT_TSPROTOCOL 0x00000200
#define BIT_APPLICATIONTYPE 0x00000400
#define BIT_RESOLUTIONWIDTH 0x00000800
#define BIT_RESOLUTIONHEIGHT 0x00001000
#define BIT_COLORDEPTH 0x00002000
#define BIT_CREATETIME 0x00004000
#define BIT_DISCONNECTTIME 0x00008000
#define BIT_SESSIONSTATE 0x00010000
#define BIT_ALL_PROPERTIES 0xffffffff
class CWin32_SessionDirectoryCluster : public Provider { public: // Constructor/destructor
CWin32_SessionDirectoryCluster(LPCWSTR lpwszClassName, LPCWSTR lpwszNameSpace); virtual ~CWin32_SessionDirectoryCluster();
protected: // Reading Functions
virtual HRESULT EnumerateInstances(MethodContext* pMethodContext, long lFlags = 0L); virtual HRESULT GetObject(CInstance* pInstance, long lFlags, CFrameworkQuery &Query); virtual HRESULT ExecQuery(MethodContext *pMethodContext, CFrameworkQuery& Query, long lFlags = 0L);
// Writing Functions
virtual HRESULT PutInstance(const CInstance& Instance, long lFlags = 0L); virtual HRESULT DeleteInstance(const CInstance& Instance, long lFlags = 0L);
// Other Functions
//virtual HRESULT ExecMethod(const CInstance& Instance,
// const BSTR bstrMethodName,
// CInstance *pInParams,
// CInstance *pOutParams,
// long lFlags = 0L );
HRESULT LoadPropertyValues(CInstance *pInstance, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwRequiredProperties);
// TO DO: Declare any additional functions and accessor
// functions for private data used by this class
private: // All data members for CTerminalWinstation should be included here.
BOOL IsInList(const CHStringArray &asArray, LPCWSTR pszString); TCHAR m_szClusterName[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szNumberOfServers[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szSingleSessionMode[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; //TCHAR m_szSetNumberOfSessions[ SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH ];
TSSD_ClusterInfo *m_pClusterInfo; } ;
class CWin32_SessionDirectoryServer : public Provider { public: // Constructor/destructor
CWin32_SessionDirectoryServer(LPCWSTR lpwszClassName, LPCWSTR lpwszNameSpace); virtual ~CWin32_SessionDirectoryServer();
protected: // Reading Functions
virtual HRESULT EnumerateInstances(MethodContext* pMethodContext, long lFlags = 0L); virtual HRESULT GetObject(CInstance* pInstance, long lFlags, CFrameworkQuery &Query); virtual HRESULT ExecQuery(MethodContext *pMethodContext, CFrameworkQuery& Query, long lFlags = 0L);
// Writing Functions
virtual HRESULT PutInstance(const CInstance& Instance, long lFlags = 0L); virtual HRESULT DeleteInstance(const CInstance& Instance, long lFlags = 0L);
// Other Functions
//virtual HRESULT ExecMethod(const CInstance& Instance,
// const BSTR bstrMethodName,
// CInstance *pInParams,
// CInstance *pOutParams,
// long lFlags = 0L );
HRESULT LoadPropertyValues(CInstance *pInstance, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwRequiredProperties);
// TO DO: Declare any additional functions and accessor
// functions for private data used by this class
private: // All data members for CWin32_SessionDirectoryServer should be included here.
BOOL IsInList(const CHStringArray &asArray, LPCWSTR pszString); TCHAR m_szServerName[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szServerIPAddress[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szClusterName[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szNumberOfSessions[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szSingleSessionMode[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; //TCHAR m_szSetNumberOfSessions[ SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH ];
TSSD_ServerInfo *m_pServerInfo; } ;
class CWin32_SessionDirectorySession : public Provider { public: // Constructor/destructor
CWin32_SessionDirectorySession(LPCWSTR lpwszClassName, LPCWSTR lpwszNameSpace); virtual ~CWin32_SessionDirectorySession();
protected: // Reading Functions
virtual HRESULT EnumerateInstances(MethodContext* pMethodContext, long lFlags = 0L); virtual HRESULT GetObject(CInstance* pInstance, long lFlags, CFrameworkQuery &Query); virtual HRESULT ExecQuery(MethodContext *pMethodContext, CFrameworkQuery& Query, long lFlags = 0L);
// Writing Functions
virtual HRESULT PutInstance(const CInstance& Instance, long lFlags = 0L); virtual HRESULT DeleteInstance(const CInstance& Instance, long lFlags = 0L);
// Other Functions
//virtual HRESULT ExecMethod(const CInstance& Instance,
// const BSTR bstrMethodName,
// CInstance *pInParams,
// CInstance *pOutParams,
// long lFlags = 0L );
HRESULT LoadPropertyValues(CInstance *pInstance, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwRequiredProperties);
// TO DO: Declare any additional functions and accessor
// functions for private data used by this class
private: // All data members for CWin32_SessionDirectorySession should be included here.
BOOL IsInList(const CHStringArray &asArray, LPCWSTR pszString); TCHAR m_szServerName[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szSessionID[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szUserName[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szDomainName[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szServerIPAddress[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szTSProtocol[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szApplicationType[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szResolutionWidth[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szResolutionHeight[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szColorDepth[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szCreateTime[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szDisconnectTime[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR m_szSessionState[SDWMI_NAME_LENGTH];
TSSD_SessionInfo *m_pSessionInfo; } ;