Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
// file globals.
var bRunOnce = false; var oTSDiagObject = null;
var bAllVisible = false;
function SwitchShowHide () { bAllVisible = !bAllVisible
// call show hide to update our display.
ShowHide(); document.returnValue = true; }
function ShowHide() {
strMouseHover = "status='Hi';return false "; if (bAllVisible) { // document.all.ResultTableId.caption.innerHTML = "<A href='javascript:;' onClick='ShowHide();return false;' >Show All results</A>";
document.all.ResultTableId.caption.innerHTML = "<A href='javascript:;' onMouseover='status=\"Click this link to view all tests performed\"; return true' onClick='ShowHide();return false;' >Show All results</A>";
} else { // document.all.ResultTableId.caption.innerHTML = "<A href='javascript:;' onClick='ShowHide();return false;' >Show Problems only</A>";
document.all.ResultTableId.caption.innerHTML = "<A href='javascript:;' onMouseover='status=\"Click this link to view only problems detected\"; return true' onClick='ShowHide();return false;' >Show Problems Only</A>";
bAllVisible = !bAllVisible;
for (i=0; i < document.all.ResultTableBody.rows.length; i++) { if (document.all.ResultTableBody.rows(i).style.color == "red") { // this is problem row.
} else { if (bAllVisible) { document.all.ResultTableBody.rows(i).style.display=""; } else { document.all.ResultTableBody.rows(i).style.display="none"; } }
} }
function ExecuteIt (p_command) { if (oTSDiagObject) oTSDiagObject.ExecuteCommand(p_command); }
function BuildTableHeader(oTableHeader, strText) { var oRow, oCell;
// Insert a row into the header.
oRow = oTableHeader.insertRow(); oCell = oRow.insertCell();
oCell.style.fontWeight = "bold"; oCell.style.backgroundColor = "lightskyblue"; oCell.colSpan = "4"; oCell.innerText = strText; }
function RunSuite(p_testsuite, p_machinename) { var bShowFailed = true; var bShowPassed = true; var bShowUnknown = true; var bShowFailedToExecute = true; var bShowTest = true;
// if we have run once already remove the previously created table.
if (bRunOnce) { oResultTable.removeChild(document.all.ResultTableId); }
bRunOnce = true;
// create a table.
oTable = document.createElement("TABLE"); var oTHead = document.createElement("THEAD"); var oTBody0 = document.createElement("TBODY"); oCaption = document.createElement("CAPTION"); oCaption.style.fontSize = "10"; oCaption.align = "left";
oTable.appendChild(oTHead); oTable.appendChild(oTBody0); oTable.appendChild(oCaption); oTable.id = "ResultTableId"; oTBody0.id = "ResultTableBody";
// now create our activex object.
try { oTSDiagObject = new ActiveXObject("TSDiag.TSDiagnosis"); } catch (e) { alert("failed to create activex object. Please modify your browser's security settings and try again."); return; }
try {
// if we are supplied a machine set it
if ((typeof(p_machinename) != "undefined") && p_machinename != "") { oTSDiagObject.MachineName = p_machinename; } else { oTSDiagObject.MachineName = ""; }
// get the test suite supplied.
var oThisSuite = oTSDiagObject.Suites(p_testsuite);
if (oThisSuite.IsApplicable) { //
// since the suite is applicable will run test.
var bAllPassed = true; var numTests = oThisSuite.Count; for (i = 0; i < oThisSuite.Count; i++) { var oTest = oThisSuite(i); if (oTest.IsApplicable) {
oTest.Execute(); var oRow = oTBody0.insertRow();
// test name
var oCell = oRow.insertCell(); oCell.innerText = oTest.Name;
// result string
oCell = oRow.insertCell(); oCell.innerText = oTest.ResultString;
if (oTest.Result == 0) { //
// failed.
// oRow.style.color = "red";
oCell.style.color = "red"; oRow = oTBody0.insertRow(); oCell = oRow.insertCell(); oCell.colSpan = "4"; oCell.innerHTML = oTest.ResultDetails; oRow.style.color = "red"; oRow.style.fontWeight = "bold";
bAllPassed = false; } else if (oTest.Result == 1) { // ePassed
if (!bShowPassed) { oRow.style.display = "none"; }
} else if (oTest.Result == 2) { // eUnknown.
if (!bShowUnknown) { oRow.style.display = "none"; }
} else if (oTest.Result == 4) { // eFailedToExecute
if (!bShowFailedToExecute) { oRow.style.display = "none"; }
} else { // we do not know this result type.
window.alert("unknown test result"); } } }
// set the header accordingly
if (bAllPassed) {
BuildTableHeader(oTHead, "No Problems were detected with this tool. For more information refer to terminal server help");
} else { BuildTableHeader(oTHead, "Following problems were found. Please review them, click on links to fix the problems if available.");
} else { //
// since the suite is NOT applicable we havent run the tests.
// pupulate header describing why suite cannot be run.
BuildTableHeader(oTHead, oThisSuite.WhyNotApplicable); }
// showhide swiches the bAllVisible to negate its effect switch it
// before calling show hide.
bAllVisible = !bAllVisible;
// call showhide to create a caption link.
} catch (e) { alert("failed while running tsdiag. sorry bout that. "); return;
} }