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@echo off REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ REM REM createcat.cmd REM Create an NT 5 catalog file from a list REM REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. REM REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ if defined _CPCMAGIC goto CPCBegin perl -x "%~f0" %* goto :EOF #!perl use strict; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts"; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}; use PbuildEnv; use ParseArgs;
sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) } createcat -f <filelist> -c <catfile> -t <tempdir> -o <outdir> [-a <osattr>] [-l <language>]
Creates a CAT file signed with the test certificate given a file with the proper list format for a CDF.
-f <filelist> Specifies the file listing the files to be put into the CAT file. Each file needs to be listed on a separate line as follows:
-c <catfile> Specifies the name of the catalog file, with no extension. -t <tempdir> Specifies the temporary directory to use when creating the CAT and CDF files. -o <outdir> Specifies the directory to place the final CAT and CDF files. -a <osattr> Specifies the OSAttr used in CDF's CATATTR1 entry. 2:5.0 is the default value, correct for Win2k files. Use 1:4.0 for Win98 files, and 2:4.x for NT4 SP files. USAGE
parseargs('?' => \&Usage, 'f:'=> \$ENV{LIST}, 'c:'=> \$ENV{CATFILE}, 't:'=> \$ENV{TEMPDIR}, 'o:'=> \$ENV{BINOUT}, 'a:'=> \$ENV{OSATTR});
REM OSAttr is 2:5.2 (.NET) by default. if not defined osattr ( set osattr=2:5.2 )
REM -------------------------------------------------- REM Create the CDF file REM --------------------------------------------------
set tmp_catfile=%tempdir%\%catfile%.cat set tmp_cdffile=%tempdir%\%catfile%.cdf
if /i NOT exist %tempdir% md %tempdir% if errorlevel 1 ( call errmsg.cmd "Unable to create the temporary directory %tempdir%." goto :EOF )
REM Put the header on and output it as a CDF call logmsg.cmd "Creating %tmp_cdffile%..."
echo ^[CatalogHeader^]> %tmp_cdffile% echo Name=%catfile%>> %tmp_cdffile% echo PublicVersion=0x0000001>> %tmp_cdffile% echo EncodingType=0x00010001>> %tmp_cdffile% echo CATATTR1=0x10010001:OSAttr:%osattr%>> %tmp_cdffile% echo ^[CatalogFiles^]>> %tmp_cdffile% type %list%>> %tmp_cdffile%
if exist %tmp_cdffile% call logmsg.cmd "Creating %tmp_cdffile% succeeded"
REM --------------------------------------------------- REM Create the CAT file REM --------------------------------------------------- set cmd=pushd %tempdir% %cmd% if errorlevel 1 ( call errmsg.cmd "%cmd% failed." goto :EOF )
call logmsg.cmd "Creating %tmp_catfile%..." call ExecuteCmd.cmd "makecat %tmp_cdffile%" if errorlevel 1 ( popd& goto :EOF )
if exist %tmp_catfile% call logmsg.cmd "Creating %tmp_catfile% succeeded"
REM --------------------------------------------------- REM Sign the CAT file with the test signature REM ---------------------------------------------------
call logmsg.cmd "Signing %tmp_catfile% with the test signature..." popd
signtool sign /q %SIGNTOOL_SIGN% "%tmp_catfile%" if errorlevel 1 ( call errmsg.cmd "signtool failed." goto :EOF )
REM --------------------------------------------------- REM Move CAT file to the output directory REM ---------------------------------------------------
if /i "%tempdir%" == "%binout%" goto move_done
if /i NOT exist %binout% md %binout% if errorlevel 1 ( call errmsg.cmd "Unable to make the output directory %binout%." goto :EOF )
call logmsg.cmd "Copying %tmp_catfile% to %binout%..." call ExecuteCmd.cmd "xcopy /yf %tmp_catfile% %binout%\" if errorlevel 1 ( goto :EOF )
REM Need the CDF file for testing purposes call logmsg.cmd "Copying %tmp_cdffile% to %binout%..." call ExecuteCmd.cmd "xcopy /yf %tmp_cdffile% %binout%\" if errorlevel 1 ( goto :EOF )
:move_done call logmsg.cmd "%binout%\%catfile%.cat and %binout%\%catfile%.cdf generated successfully."