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<H3>ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) Stored Procedures</H3> Calling stored procedures can be done with the Command object. Store the name of the procedure in a scalar variable, set the ActiveConnection-property to either a Connection object or a valid ConnectionString and then specify the stored procedure to run and specify that the Commandis a stored procedure. The stored procedure used is named "get_customer" and looks as follows: <PRE> CREATE PROCEDURE get_customer @cust_id nchar(5) AS SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID=@cust_id </PRE> It is written for the Northwind database, and to work with the parameters, from ADO you call <B>Refresh()</B> to get the Parameters that the stored procedure call takes, then set a valid value, and execute the procedure. The example was written for the Northwind database on SQL Server 7.0 and 2000, but can easily be modified to work with other databases. <BR><BR> <B>Output from stored procedure:</B><BR> <% # Import the constants # use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5';
# Set the name of the stored procedure to run # $stored_procedure = "get_customer";
# Create the Command object # $cmd = $Server->CreateObject('ADODB.Command');
# Set the string used to connect to the database # $cmd->{ActiveConnection} = (<<EOF); Provider=SQLOLEDB; Persist Security Info=False; User ID=sa; Initial Catalog=Northwind EOF
# The text of the command to execute # $cmd->{CommandText} = $stored_procedure;
# The type of the command -- will not work without it # $cmd->{CommandType} = adCmdStoredProc; # Very important
# Refresh the parameters collection so that you have all parameters available # $cmd->Parameters->Refresh();
# Set the value of the parameter to use # $cmd->Parameters('@cust_id')->{Value}='ALFKI';
# Execute the Command # $rst = $cmd->Execute();
# Get the number of fields # $count = $rst->Fields->{Count};
# Loop the fields # for(my $i=0; $i<$count; $i++) { $Response->Write($rst->Fields($i)->{Name}); $Response->Write(": "); $Response->Write($rst->Fields($i)->{Value}); $Response->Write("<BR>"); }
undef($cmd); %>
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