use strict; use lib $ENV{ "RazzleToolPath" }; require $ENV{ "RazzleToolPath" } . "\\sendmsg.pl";
# simple utility to send a mail to the different Pseudo enterested parties.
my( $Sender, $Subject, $Message, @Recips ); my( $ExitCode, @FileLines, $Line, $MailFileName ); $Subject = $ENV{"_BuildBranch"}." ". $ENV{"LANG"}." ". $ENV{"BuildName"}." build failed. Please investigate !!!";
if(lc("$ENV{_BuildBranch}") =~ /main/i) { @Recips = ( 'NTPSLOC' , 'replyto:NTPSLOC' ); } if(lc("$ENV{_BuildBranch}") =~ /srv03_rtm/i) { @Recips = ( 'NTPSLOC' , 'replyto:NTPSLOC' ); } if(lc("$ENV{_BuildBranch}") =~ /lab01_n/i) { @Recips = ( 'NTPSLOC','bryant' , 'replyto:NTPSLOC' ); } if(lc("$ENV{_BuildBranch}") =~ /lab02_n/i) { @Recips = ( 'NTPSLOC','NetVBL' , 'replyto:NTPSLOC' ); } if(lc("$ENV{_BuildBranch}") =~ /lab03_DEV/i) { @Recips = ( 'NTPSLOC','domtho' , 'replyto:NTPSLOC' ); } if(lc("$ENV{_BuildBranch}") =~ /lab04_n/i) { @Recips = ( 'NTPSLOC','MGMTBVT','MGMTBLD' , 'replyto:NTPSLOC' ); } if(lc("$ENV{_BuildBranch}") =~ /lab06_n/i) { @Recips = ( 'NTPSLOC','deskvbt' , 'replyto:NTPSLOC'); } if(lc("$ENV{_BuildBranch}") =~ /lab07_n/i) { @Recips = ( 'NTPSLOC','niksta' , 'replyto:NTPSLOC' ); } if(lc("$ENV{_BuildBranch}") =~ /jasbr/i) { @Recips = ( 'NTPSLOC','niksta' , 'replyto:NTPSLOC' ); }
$ExitCode = 0;
$Sender = "NTPSLOC";
#$Message .="<html><body><p style='font-family:Arial; font-size:10 pt; font-weight=regular;'>"; #$Message .=$Subject; #$Message .="<Br>Build failed on <a href='file:////"; #$Message .=$ENV{ "COMPUTERNAME" }; #$Message .="'>\\\\"; #$Message .=$ENV{ "COMPUTERNAME" }; #$Message .="</a> build machine<BR><BR>Contact <a href='mailto:NTPSLOC'>NTPSLOC</a> if you need additional assistance.</p><p style='font-family:Arial; font-size:8 pt; font-weight=bold; font-color:#000080;' >Your friends,<Br>NTPSLOC</p></body></HTML>";
$Message .=$Subject; $Message .="\n\nBuild failed on \\\\"; $Message .=$ENV{ "COMPUTERNAME" }; $Message .=" build machine\n\nContact mailto:NTPSLOC if you need additional assistance.\n\nYour friends,\nNTPSLOC"; sendmsg( $Sender, $Subject, $Message, @Recips );
exit( $ExitCode );