# # # TODO NOTES: # # batch and perform MD5 checksum checks # output file of what we decided was golden # be sure we return a status that gets warning message sent if we are unhappy # check that we are setting the dates correctly # see if we can work with files under lang\ (or other sub-directories) # be sure Wade is happy # # FileName: PopFilter.pl # # Script for building Windows .Net Server builds and XP Client SP1 together. # Have any changes to this file reviewed by DavePr, BryanT, or BPerkins before checking in. # # Usage = PopFilter.pl [-fake] # Usage = PopFilter.pl [-fake] [-vbl=vblreleasedir] [-xpsp1=xpsp1dir] [-nttree=nttreedir] [-nocompare] # # Function: Populate missing files in nttreedir from vblreleaseddir so # 1) Find the XPSP1 directory, searching under # xpsp1dir # SDXROOT\.. # VBL_RELEASE # \\winbuilds\release\main\usa # And read in the Version information and the GoldTimestamps # 2) Read in SDXROOT\dbdir\LockedDB and parse into several piles: # CheckFiles -- non-PE files that should be found to be completely unchanged -- measured by # an external date/size/checksum. .inf files are checked for size/date after # removing the DriverVer= line This check probably will just say UNICODE INFs miscompare. # CheckPEFiles -- PE files that should be found to be completely unchanged -- measured by # an internal date/checksum. # PEReplaceFiles -- PE files that are expected to have been re-built, but should be the same as measured # by xpsp1compdir /i /b /y [someday just /y]. # 3) Check CheckFiles unless -nocompare. # 4) Check CheckPEFiles unless -nocompare. # 5) Check PEReplaceFiles against XPSP1\Reference\* -- unless -nocompare or CHK or ClientSDXRoot in version != SDXROOT # 6) Pick a source directory for PEReplaceFiles according to the following algorithm # XPSP1\Checked -- if this is a checked build, and this directory exists # XPSP1\Gold -- if this directory exists # XPSP1\Reference -- otherwise # 7) Replace files (unless check said not to). # # [-verbose] -- chatter while working # [-fake] -- don't actually make any changes # [-force] -- force copies even if errors on comparisons -- but miscompares never copied # [-filter] -- copy over the files from the client if no mismatches or -force # [-nofilter] -- do not copy over the client files (kind of an official -fake). The default is $NoFilter -- for now. # [-test] -- hook for special testing # # [-nodates] -- turn off date comparisons in non-PE files and rely on size and checksum # ####################################### ### TEMPORARY -- REMOVE THESE LINES ### ####################################### # [-ignoreinf] -- temporary flag to ignore INF files if sizes match, since the DriverVer issues wasn't fixed in the last test run # [-testfilter=flags] -- restrict testing to files with the specified flags (BN, BF, PF, ...) # [-testlimits=flags] -- limit testing to that specified by the flags {CF, PECF, RF) # # # VBLpath will be computed from BuildMachines.txt if not supplied either # on the command line, or in the VBL_RELEASE environment variable. #
# WARNING: # WARNING: make sure pathname comparisons are case insensitive. # WARNING: Either convert the case (e.g. with 'lc') or do the comparisons like this: # WARNING: if ($foo =~ /^\Q$bar\E$/i) {} # WARNING: or if ($foo !~ /^\Q$bar\E$/i) {} # WARNING:
$begintime = time();
$VBLPathVariableName = 'VBL_RELEASE'; $BuildMachinesFile = $ENV{ "RazzleToolPath" } . "\\BuildMachines.txt"; $PopFilterDir = $ENV{ "RazzleToolPath" } . "\\PopFilter"; $LogFile = "build.popfilter"; $TestFile = "build.popfilter-test"; $GoldFiles = "build.GoldFiles"; $xpsp1dir = ""; $Winbuilds = "\\\\winbuilds\\release\\main\\usa";
$dbdir = "MergedComponents\\PopFilter"; $LockedDatabase = "LockedDB"; $SymbolFiles = "SymbolFiles";
#$comptool = "tools\\PopFilter\\popcompdir.exe /y /i /b"; $comptool = "tools\\PopFilter\\pecomp.exe /OnlyPE /Silent "; $PECOMPERROR = 999999999;
# # Usage variables # $PGM='PopFilter: ';
$Usage = $PGM . "Usage: PopFilter.pl [-fake] [-vbl=vblreleasedir] [-xpsp1=xpsp1dir] [-nttree=nttreedir] [-nocompare]\n";
# # Get the current directory # open CWD, 'cd 2>&1|'; $CurrDir = <CWD>; close CWD; chomp $CurrDir;
$CurrDrive = substr($CurrDir, 0, 2);
# # Check variables expected to be set in the environment. # $sdxroot = $ENV{'SDXROOT'} or die $PGM, "Error: SDXROOT not set in environment\n"; $buildarch = $ENV{'_BuildArch'} or die $PGM, "Error: _BuildArch not set in environment\n"; $computername = $ENV{'COMPUTERNAME'} or die $PGM, "Error: COMPUTERNAME not set in environment\n"; $branchname = $ENV{'_BuildBranch'} or die $PGM, "Error: _BuildBranch not set in environment\n";
$foo = $ENV{'NTDEBUG'} or die $PGM, "Error: NTDEBUG not set in environment\n"; $dbgtype = 'chk'; $dbgtype = 'fre' if $foo =~ /nodbg$/i; $chkbuild = ($dbgtype eq 'chk');
# # initialize argument variables # $Test = $ENV{'POPFILTER_TEST'}; $Force = $ENV{'POPFILTER_FORCE'}; $Fake = $ENV{'POPFILTER_FAKE'}; $Verbose = $ENV{'POPFILTER_VERBOSE'};
# # Reverse the order of the lines below to change default of $NoFilter # $NoFilter = !$ENV{'POPFILTER_FILTER'}; # default value for $NoFilter is TRUE. $NoFilter = $ENV{'POPFILTER_NOFILTER'}; # default value for $NoFilter is FALSE.
# # Debug routines for printing out variables # sub gvar { for (@_) { print "\$$_ = $$_\n"; } }
# # print on the various files # sub printall { print LOGFILE @_; print $PGM unless @_ == 1 and @_[0] eq "\n"; print @_; }
sub printfall { printf LOGFILE @_; print $PGM unless @_ == 1 and @_[0] eq "\n"; printf @_; }
# # Sub hms # Takes Argument time in seconds and returns as list of (hrs, mins, secs) # sub hms { $s = shift @_; $h = int ($s / 3600); $s -= 3600*$h; $m = int ($s / 60); $s -= 60*$m;
return ($h, $m, $s); }
# # signal catcher (at least this would work on unix) # sub catch_ctrlc { printall "Aborted.\n"; die $PGM, "Error: Aborted.\n"; }
$SIG{INT} = \&catch_ctrlc;
# # routine to fully qualify a pathname # sub fullyqualify { die $PGM . "Error: Internal error in fullpathname().\n" unless @_ == 1; $_ = @_[0];
if (/\s/) { die $PGM, "Error: Spaces in pathnames not allowed: '", $_, "'\n"; }
return $_ unless $_; # empty strings are a noop
s/([^:])\\$/$1/; # get rid of trailing \
while (s/\\\.\\/\\/) {} # get rid of \.\ while (s/\\[^\\]+\\\.\.\\/\\/) {} # get rid of \foo\..\
s/\\[^\\]+\\\.\.$/\\/; # get rid of \foo\.. s/:[^\\]+\\\.\.$/:/; # get rid of x:foo\.. s/([^:])\\\.$/$1/; # get rid of foo\. s/:\\\.$/:\\/; # get rid of x:\. s/:[^\\]+\\\.\.$/:/; # get rid of x:foo\..
s/^$CurrDrive[^\\]/$CurrDir\\/i; # convert drive-relative on current drive
if (/^[a-z]:\\/i) { return $_; } # full if (/^\\[^\\].*/) { return "$CurrDrive$_"; } # rooted if (/^\\\\[^\\]/) { # print $PGM, 'Warning: Use of UNC name bypasses safety checks: ', $_, "\n"; return $_; # UNC }
if (/^\.$/) { return "$CurrDir"; } # dot if (/^$CurrDrive\.$/i) { return "$CurrDir"; } # dot on current drive
if (/^[^\\][^:].*/i) { return "$CurrDir\\$_"; } # relative
if (/^([a-z]:)([^\\].*)/i) { $drp = $CurrDir; # this case handled above if ($1 ne $CurrDir) { # $drp = $ENV{"=$1"}; # doesn't work! die $PGM, "Error: Can't translate drive-relative pathnames: ", $_, "\n"; } return "$drp\\$2"; # drive:relative }
die $PGM, "Error: Unrecognized pathname format: $_\n"; }
# # Routine to copy a file -- avoiding win32::CopyFile # # Not currently used #
use Fcntl;
sub populatecopy { my $writesize = 64*4096;
my($src, $dst) = @_; my($infile, $outfile, $buf, $n, $r, $o);
if (not sysopen INFILE, $src, O_RDONLY() | O_BINARY()) { return 0; }
if (not sysopen OUTFILE, $dst, O_WRONLY() | O_CREAT() | O_TRUNC() | O_BINARY(), 0777) { close INFILE; return 0; }
$r = 0; # need this to be defined in case INFILE is empty
ERR: while ($n = sysread INFILE, $buf, $writesize) { last ERR unless defined $n;
$o = 0; while ($n) { $r = syswrite OUTFILE, $buf, $n, $o; last ERR unless defined $r;
$n -= $r; $o += $r; } }
close INFILE; close OUTFILE;
return 0 if not defined $n or not defined $r or $n != 0; return 1; }
# Given a path to a file, strip off the # file and check for the existence of # the directory. If it does not exist, # create it. sub verifydestdir($) { my $dest = shift; my $dest_dir, @dest_dir;
# Check for existence of destination dir if ( $dest =~ /(.*)\\.*$/ && ! -d $1 ) { $dest_dir = fullyqualify( $1 ); if ( $dest_dir =~ /^([a-zA-Z]\:\\[^\\]+)\\/ || $dest_dir =~ /^(\\\\[^\\]\\[^\\])\\/ ) { my $initial = $1; my $final = $'; @dest_dir = ( $initial, split /\\/, $final ); } else { @dest_dir = split /\\/, $dest_dir; }
# Create destination directory my $new_dir = ""; foreach (@dest_dir) { $new_dir .= "$_\\"; return if ( ! -d $new_dir && !mkdir $new_dir, 0777 ); } }
return 1; }
use File::Copy; use File::Compare; use Win32::File qw(SetAttributes);
sub copyex($$) { my ($src, $dest) = @_; return (verifydestdir($dest) && copy($src, $dest)); }
sub renameex($$) { my ($src, $dest) = @_; return (verifydestdir($dest) && rename($src,$dest)); }
# # Process and validate arguments # for (@ARGV) { if (/^[\/\-]test$/i) { $Test++; next; } if (/^[\/\-]fake$/i) { $Fake++; next; } if (/^[\/\-]verbose$/i) { $Verbose++; next; } if (/^[\/\-]force$/i) { $Force++; next; } if (/^[\/\-]filter$/i) { $NoFilter = 0; next; } if (/^[\/\-]nofilter$/i) { $NoFilter = 1; next; } if (/^[\/\-]nocompare$/i) { $NoCompare++; next; } if (/^[\/\-]nopecompare$/i) { $NoPECompare++; next; } if (/^[\/\-]nodates$/i) { $NoDates++; next; } if (/^[\/\-]ignoreinfs$/i) { $IgnoreINFs++; next; } if (/^[\/\-]vbl=(.+)$/i) { $VBL = $1; next; } if (/^[\/\-]nttree=(.+)$/i) { $nttree = $1; next; } if (/^[\/\-]xpsp1=(.+)$/i) { $xpsp1dirarg = $1; next; }
if (/^[\/\-]testfilters=(.*)$/i) { $TestFilters = $1; next; } if (/^[\/\-]testlimits=(.*)$/i) { $TestLimits = $1; next; }
if (/^[\/\-]?$/i) { die $Usage; } if (/^[\/\-]help$/i) { die $Usage; }
die $Usage; }
# # If we didn't get the NTTree directory from the command line, # get it from the _NTTREE environment variable. #
$nttree = $ENV{'_NTTREE'} unless $nttree;
$t = $NoFilter? 'NOFILTER' : 'FILTER';
$t .= ' NOCOMPARE' if $NoCompare; $t .= ' NOPECOMPARE' if $NoPECompare; $t .= ' NODATES' if $NoDates; $t .= ' VERBOSE' if $Verbose; $t .= ' FORCE' if $Force; $t .= ' FAKE' if $Fake; $t .= ' TEST' if $Test; $t .= ' IGNOREINFs' if $IgnoreINFs; $t .= " XPSP1=$xpsp1dirarg" if $xpsp1dirarg; $t .= " LIMITS=$TestLimits" if $TestLimits; $t .= " LIMITS=$TestLimits" if $TestFilters;
printall "OPTIONS: $t\n";
if ($TestLimits) { $what = ''; for (split /,/, $TestLimits) { $testlimitedto{$_}++; $what .= " $_"; } printall "Limiting test to:$what\n"; }
if ($TestFilters) { $what = ''; for (split /,/, $TestFilters) { $testfilteredto{$_}++; $what .= " $_"; } printall "Filtering files by:$what\n"; }
# # Can only popfilter with the current directory the same as sdxroot. # die $PGM, "Error: Can only popfilter if CD <$CurrDir> is SDXROOT <$sdxroot>\n" unless $sdxroot =~ /^\Q$CurrDir\E$/io;
# # If we didn't get the local target directory from the command line, # get it from the environment. If that fails, we parse BuildMachines.txt. # $VBL = $ENV{$VBLPathVariableName} unless $VBL;
if ((not $VBL) || ($VBL =~ /^[\d\w_]+$/)) { $tbranchname = $branchname; $tbranchname = $VBL if $VBL =~ /^[\d\w_]+$/; $fname = $BuildMachinesFile; open BMFILE, $fname or die $PGM, "Error: Could not open: $fname\n";
for (<BMFILE>) { s/\s+//g; s/;.*$//; next if /^$/; ($vblmach, $vblprime, $vblbranch, $vblarch, $vbldbgtype, $vbldl, $disttype, $alt_release ) = split /,/;
if ($vblarch =~ /\Q$buildarch\E/io and $vbldbgtype =~ /\Q$dbgtype\E/io and $vblbranch =~ /\Q$tbranchname\E/io and $disttype !~ /distbuild/i) { if ( defined $alt_release) { $dname = $alt_release; last; } else { $dname = "\\\\$vblmach\\release"; } opendir BDIR, "$dname\\" or die $PGM, "Error: Could not open directory: $dname\n"; @reldirs = readdir BDIR; close BDIR;
$rname = 0; $date = 0; for (@reldirs) { next unless /[0-9]+\.$vblarch$vbldbgtype\.$vblbranch\.(.+)$/io; ($date = $1, $rname = $_) unless $date gt $1 or substr($date, 0, 2) eq '00' and substr($1, 0, 2) eq '99'; # Y2K trade-off }
if (not $rname) { print $PGM, "Warning: No valid release shares found on $dname.\n"; } else { $VBL = "$dname\\$rname"; } last; } }
close BMFILE; }
die $PGM, "Error: Not a directory: ", $VBL, "\n" if $VBL and ! -d $VBL;
die $Usage unless $nttree; die $PGM, "Error: Not a directory: ", $nttree, "\n" unless -d $nttree; die $PGM, "Error: Not writable: ", $nttree, "\n" unless -w $nttree;
if (-d "$nttree\\$SERVERDIRNAME") { warn $PGM, "Skipping populate filtering: $SERVERDIRNAME directory already exists\n"; exit 0; } die $PGM, "Error: $SERVERDIRNAME directory already exists\n" if -e "$nttree\\$SERVERDIRNAME"; die $PGM, "Error: $CLIENTDIRNAME directory already exists\n" if -e "$nttree\\$CLIENTDIRNAME";
# # Fully qualify the pathnames # $VBL = fullyqualify($VBL) if $VBL; $nttree = fullyqualify($nttree);
# # Open the logfile, and maybe the testfile # Open the build.GoldFiles file. # $foo = "$nttree\\build_logs\\$LogFile"; open LOGFILE, ">>$foo" or die $PGM, "Error: Could not create logfile: ", $foo, ": $!\n";
open TSTFILE, ">$TestFile" or die $PGM, "Error: Could not create testfile: ", $TestFile, ": $!\n" if $Test;
open GOLDFILESFILE, ">$GoldFiles" or die $PGM, "Error: Could not create testfile: ", $GoldFiles, ": $!\n";
# # Find the XPSP1 directory # $t = $xpsp1dirarg; if (not $xpsp1dir and -d $t and -s "$t\\Version" and -d "$t\\Reference") { printall "WARNING: XPSP1DIR: $xpsp1dir invalid (Version or Reference\\ missing)\n"; $xpsp1dir = ""; }
$xpsp1dir = ""; $tries = 0; @slist = (); push @slist, ( "$xpsp1dirarg", "$xpsp1dirarg\\XPSP1" ) if $xpsp1dirarg; push @slist, ( "$sdxroot\\XPSP1", "$VBL\\XPSP1", "$Winbuilds\\XPSP1" );
for ( @slist ) { $tries++; $xpsp1dir = $_ if -d $_ and -s "$_\\Version" and -d "$_\\Reference"; last if $xpsp1dir; }
die "Could not find XPSP1 (@slist)\n" unless $xpsp1dir; printall "WARNING: XPSP1DIR: $xpsp1dirarg invalid (Version or Reference\\ missing)\n" if $xpsp1dirarg and $tries > 2;
printall "Comparing against: $xpsp1dir\n";
# # Read in the Version information # $tname = "$xpsp1dir\\Version"; open VERSION, "<$tname" or die "Could not open $tname\n";
for (<VERSION>) { chop; s/\s*\#.*$//; next if /^\s*$/;
s/^\s*//; s/\s*=\s*/=/;
($tkey, $tvalue) = split '=', $_, 2; $verinfo{lc $tkey} = $tvalue; } close VERSION;
# # Read in the GoldTimestamps # $tname = "$xpsp1dir\\GoldTimestamps"; open GOLDSTAMPS, "<$tname" or die "Could not open $tname\n";
for (<GOLDSTAMPS>) { chop; s/\s*\#.*$//; next if /^\s*$/;
s/^\s*//; s/\s*=\s*/=/;
($tfile, $tstamp, $tlen, $tmd5) = split ' ', $_, 4; $tfile = lc $tfile; $GoldStamp{$tfile} = $tstamp; $GoldMD5{$tfile} = $tmd5; $GoldLength{$tfile} = $tlen;
} close VERSION;
printall "ClientSDXRoot defaulting to D:\\NT because undefined in Version\n" unless $verinfo{lc ClientSDXRoot};
@list = ( 'ClientFileVersion', 'ClientSDXRoot' ); for ( @list ) { printall "Version Info: $_=$verinfo{lc $_}\n"; }
if ($Test) { print "Version info:\n"; for (sort keys %verinfo) { print "$_ = $verinfo{$_}\n"; } }
# # Parse LockedDatabase into CheckFiles, CheckPEFiles and PEReplaceFiles. #
$t = "$sdxroot\\$dbdir\\$LockedDatabase"; open LOCKEDDB, "<$t" or die "Could not open: $t\n";
$lineno = 0; for (<LOCKEDDB>) { $lineno++; chop; s/\s*[#;].*//; next if /^$/;
s/\s+/ /g;
($fname, $rest) = split " ", $_, 2; $fname = lc $fname;
$lockeddb{$fname} = $rest;
# # act_plcy.htm # no @htm 3b634b0a 58548 - 106c - Sat_Jul_28_16:30:18_2001 F # fname # 0 drivercab (+no, +yes) # 1 filetype (EXE, DLL, @ext) # 2 timestamp # 3 PE checksum # 4 MD5 checksum # 5 -- # 6 magic (size) # 7 -- # 8 datestring # 9 category type ( BD BF BFI D F FI PD PF ) # @fields = split " ", $rest;
$category = $fields[9];
next if $TestFilters and not $testfilteredto{$category};
if ($category =~ /^P/) { push @PEReplaceFiles, $fname;
} elsif ($fields[1] =~ /^\@/) { push @CheckFiles, $fname;
} else { die "$LockedDatabase corrupt at line $lineno: (", $fname, @fields, ")\n" unless $category =~ /^B/; push @CheckPEFiles, $fname; }
} close LOCKEDDB;
printfall "%-5d files to just Check, %-5d files to maybe replace from client RTM.\n", @CheckFiles + @CheckPEFiles, scalar @PEReplaceFiles;
$PEMismatches = 0; $OtherMismatches = 0; $OtherPEMismatches = 0;
# # Check CheckFiles unless -nocompare. # unless ($NoCompare) {
unless ($TestLimits and not $testlimitedto{'CF'}) { for (sort @CheckFiles) { $fname = "$nttree\\$_"; $openstring = /\.inf$/i ? "findstr /B /V DriverVer $fname |" : "<$fname";
$s = open CHKFD, "$openstring" or printall "Could not open for checking $openstring\n"; next unless $s;
@client = split " ", $lockeddb{$_};
@s = stat $fname; $magic = $s[7]; # size $timestamp = $s[9];
{ local $/; $checksum = unpack ("%32C*", <CHKFD>); } close CHKFD;
$client[2] = hex $client[2]; $client[3] = hex $client[3]; $client[6] = hex $client[6];
$timestamp = $client[2] = 0 if $NoDates; $checksum = $client[3] = 0 if $IgnoreINFs and $magic == $client[6] and /\.inf$/i;
if ($timestamp != $client[2] or $checksum != $client[3] or $magic != $client[6]) { printfall "LockedDB %-13s (%8s, %8s, %8s) -> (%8s, %8s, %8s)\n", '=> Built', 'timstamp', 'chksum', 'size(.)', 'timstamp', 'chksum', 'size(.)' unless $HeaderOutputCF++;
printfall "MISMATCH: %-13s (%8x, %8x, %8d) -> <%8x, %8x, %8d>\n", $_, $client[2], $client[3], $client[6], $timestamp, $checksum, $magic;
} else { push @FilesToStamp, $_; printall "$_ NC NPE\n" if $Test; } } }
unless ($TestLimits and not $testlimitedto{'PECF'}) { for (sort @CheckPEFiles) { $fname = "$nttree\\$_"; $s = open CHKFD, "<$fname" or printall "Could not open for checking $fname\n"; next unless $s;
@client = split " ", $lockeddb{$_};
open FD, "link -dump -headers $fname|" or ($OtherPEErrors++, printall "Could not run link command on $fname\n");
$type = $pefile = $timestamp = $checksum = $entrypoint = $magic = $machine = $datestring = "?"; for (<FD>) {
$pefile += m/PE signature found/;
$timestamp = $1, $datestring = $2 if m/\s*([\dA-Z]+)\s+time date stamp\s+(.+)/;
$checksum = $1 if m/\s([\dA-Z]+)\s+checksum/; $entrypoint = $1 if m/entry point\s+\(([\dA-Z]+)\)/; } close FD;
unless ($pefile) { printall "Not a PE file: $fname\n"; $OtherPEMismatches++; next; }
$checksum = hex $checksum; $timestamp = hex $timestamp; $client[2] = hex $client[2]; $client[3] = hex $client[3];
if ($timestamp != $client[2] or $checksum != $client[3]) { printfall "LockedDB %-13s (%8s, %8s) -> (%8s, %8s)\n", '=> Built', 'timstamp', 'chksum', 'timstamp', 'chksum' unless $HeaderOutputPECF++;
printfall "MISMATCH: %-13s (%8x, %8x) -> <%8x, %8x>\n", $_, $client[2], $client[3], $timestamp, $checksum; } else { push @FilesToStamp, $_; printall "$_ NC PE\n" if $Test; } } } }
# # Check PEReplaceFiles against XPSP1\Reference\* -- unless -nocompare or CHK or ClientSDXRoot in version != SDXROOT #
$reason = ""; $reason = "checked build.\n" if $chkbuild; $t = $verinfo{'clientsdxroot'};
# # run even if there is an sdxroot mismatch, pecomp may still provide some benefit # #$reason = "sdxroot mismatch with comparison build ($t).\n" if $t ne $sdxroot;
$reason = "POPFILTER_NOPECOMPARE set in the environment.\n" if $nopecompare;
$reason = "Test limited to non PE files.\n" if not $reason and $TestLimits and not $testlimitedto{'RF'};
printall "PE Comparison not done because $reason\n" if $reason;
$PopFilterBytesSaved = 0;
if ($reason or $NoCompare) { @filestocopy = @PEReplaceFiles; printall @filestocopy . " files from LockedFiles/LockedDrivers may be replaced -- without comparison\n";
} else { @filestocopy = (); for (sort @PEReplaceFiles) { $t = "$sdxroot\\$comptool $xpsp1dir\\Reference\\$_ $nttree\\$_";
#open COMP, "$t|" or die "Could not run $t\n";
# for compdir /y # $realdifference = ""; # for (<COMP>) { # $realdifference = $_ if /DIFFER/; # } # close COMP;
# for PECOMP $realdifference = system($t);
if ($realdifference == 0) { printall "SAME: $_\n" if $Test; $PopFilterBytesSaved += hex $GoldLength{$_};
} elsif ($realdifference == $PECOMPERROR) { printall "ERROR: unexpected error: $t\n"; $ToolProblems++;
} else { printfall "DIFFER<%5d): $_\n", $realdifference if $Verbose; $PEMismatches++; }
if ($realdifference) { } else { push @filestocopy, $_; push @FilesToStamp, $_; } } printall @filestocopy . " files from LockedFiles/LockedDrivers may be replaced -- based on comparison\n"; }
# Read in list of known symbols # on an official build machine if ( $official ) { $t = "$sdxroot\\$dbdir\\$SymbolFiles"; open SYMBOLDB, "<$t" or die "Could not open: $t\n"; $lineno = 0; for (<SYMBOLDB>) { $lineno++; chop; s/\s*[#;].*//; next if /^$/;
my ($x, $y, $z) = split; die "$SymbolFiles Corrupt at line $lineno: ($_)\n" unless ( defined $x && defined $y && defined $z ); $symbols{lc$x} = [$y, $z]; } close SYMBOLDB;
# Associate symbols and files marked to be copied @symbolstocopy = (); foreach ( @filestocopy ) { next unless ( exists $symbols{lc$_} ); my $relpath = $symbols{lc$_}->[0]; my $copypub = $symbols{lc$_}->[1];
if ( $copypub ) { push @symbolstocopy, "symbols\\$relpath"; $GoldStamp{"symbols\\". lc$relpath} = $GoldStamp{$_}; push @FilesToStamp, "symbols\\". lc$relpath if @FilesToStamp; }
push @symbolstocopy, "symbols.pri\\$relpath"; $GoldStamp{"symbols.pri\\". lc$relpath} = $GoldStamp{$_}; push @FilesToStamp, "symbols.pri\\". lc$relpath if @FilesToStamp; } }
$TotalCompareErrors = $OtherMismatches + $DroppedPEMismatches + $PEMismatches;
$checktime = time();
# # Replace files on the list -- unless check says not to, or we had compare errors and we are not forcing. # printall "WARNING: Faking!!! Not really populating _NTTREE with client files\n" if $Fake and @filestocopy > 0; printall @filestocopy + @symbolstocopy. " Files to copy\n";
$fatal = 0; unless ($NoFilter or $Fake or not $Force and $TotalCompareErrors > 0) { # # Make directories. # $serverdir = "$nttree\\$SERVERDIRNAME"; $clientdir = "$nttree\\$CLIENTDIRNAME"; mkdir "$serverdir", 0777 or die "Could not mkdir $serverdir\n"; mkdir "$clientdir", 0777 or die "Could not mkdir $clientdir\n";
printall "Created $serverdir to save replaced files.\n"; printall "Created $clientdir to stage replacement files.\n";
# # Pick a source directory for PEReplaceFiles according to the following algorithm # XPSP1\Checked -- if this is a checked build, and this directory exists # XPSP1\Gold -- if this directory exists # XPSP1\Reference -- otherwise # And check that all the files we need to replace exist there. And copy them down. # Check existence using a file from $PEReplaceFiles # $testfile = $PEReplaceFiles[0]; @list = (); push @list, 'Checked' if $chkbuild; push @list, 'Gold'; push @list, 'Reference'; $sourcedir = ""; for ( @list ) { $t = "$xpsp1dir\\$_"; $sourcedir = "$t" if -s "$t\\$testfile"; last if $sourcedir; }
die "Could not find source directory for binaries under $xpsp1dir (using $testfile)\n" unless $sourcedir;
printall "Source directory for client files: $sourcedir\n";
# # Copy down all the client files # for (@filestocopy) { $succ = copy ("$sourcedir\\$_", "$clientdir\\$_"); printall ("Error copying $_ from $sourcedir to $clientdir\n"), $fatal++ unless $succ;
$CopyCount++; $CopyBytes += -s "$clientdir\\$_"; } for $sym (@symbolstocopy) { $succ = copyex( $sourcedir."Symbols\\$sym", "$clientdir\\$sym"); printall ("Error copying $sym from $sourcedir". "Symbols to $clientdir\n"), $fatal++ unless $succ; # Treat symbols same as other files now for rename push @filestocopy, $sym;
$SymCopyCount++; $CopyBytes += -s "$clientdir\\$sym"; }
die $PGM, "Failure to copy down all the expected client files is fatal.\n" if $fatal;
# # Move the server files out of the way. # for $f (@filestocopy) { if (-s "$nttree\\$f") { $succ = renameex ("$nttree\\$f", "$serverdir\\$f"); printall ("Error moving $f from $nttree to $serverdir\n"), $fatal++ unless $succ; } else { $missingserverfiles++; printall "WARNING: $f does not exist in $nttree\n"; } }
printall "WARNING: $missingserverfiles files found missing from server\n" if $missingserverfiles; die $PGM, "Fatal error moving aside client files to $serverdir - Move them back manually.\n" if $fatal;
# # Move in the client files. # for $f (@filestocopy) { $succ = renameex ("$clientdir\\$f", "$nttree\\$f"); printall ("Error moving $f from $clientdir to $nttree\n"), $fatal++ unless $succ; }
die $PGM, "Fatal error moving in client files from $clientdir." . " May need to put back server files ($serverdir) manually.\n" if $fatal;
} else { printall "WARNING: Not populating _NTTREE with client files:\n"; printall " NoFilter=$NoFilter Fake=$Fake Force=$Force TotalCompareErrors=$TotalCompareErrors\n"; }
# # Set the gold timestamp on the files which matches or were successfully compared file if there was no mismatch # unless (scalar @FilesToStamp) { push @FilesToStamp, @CheckFiles; push @FilesToStamp, @CheckPEFiles; push @FilesToStamp, @PEReplaceFiles;
if ( $official ) { foreach ( @PEReplaceFiles ) { next unless ( exists $symbols{lc$_} ); my $relpath = $symbols{lc$_}->[0]; my $copypub = $symbols{lc$_}->[1]; push @FilesToStamp, "symbols\\". lc$relpath if $copypub; push @FilesToStamp, "symbols.pri\\". lc$relpath; } } }
# # set the timestamps on files # and write the gold files list # $BytesSaved = 0;
unless ($Fake) { for (@FilesToStamp) { $stamp = lc $GoldStamp{$_}; if ( !SetAttributes("$nttree\\$_", 0) ) { printall "ERROR: Resetting file attributes on $_ failed\n"; }
if ( !utime($begintime, hex $stamp, "$nttree\\$_") ) { printall "ERROR: Updating time-stamp for $nttree\\$_ failed\n"; }
printall "Could not find stamp for: $_\n" unless $stamp;
printf GOLDFILESFILE "%s\n", $_;
$BytesSaved += hex $GoldLength{$_}; } } close GOLDFILESFILE;
#======================================================================================================================= #=======================================================================================================================
# # At this point we remember $begintime, $checktime, and have $CopyBytes, $CopyCount, # $PEMismatches, $OtherMismatches and $OtherPEMismatches. # $nttree and $sourcedir are also available. # LOGFILE and TSTFILE are open # $Fake and $Test may be set. #
$t0 = $checktime - $begintime; $t1 = time() - $checktime; ($h0, $m0, $s0) = hms $t0; ($h1, $m1, $s1) = hms $t1; ($h2, $m2, $s2) = hms ($t0 + $t1);
$KB = $CopyBytes/1024; $MB = $KB/1024;
$kbrate = $KB/$t1 unless not $t1;
printfall "Populated $nttree with $CopyCount CLIENT RTM files ".(@symbolstocopy?"and $SymCopyCount CLIENT RTM symbols ":"")."(%4.0f MB)" . " from $sourcedir".(@symbolstocopy?"[Symbols] ":"")." [%7.2f KB/S]\n" , $MB, $kbrate;
printall "Verified $NoncopyCount CLIENT RTM files.\n";
if ($PEMismatches or $OtherMismatches or $OtherPEMismatches) { printall "ERROR: $PEMismatches mismatches in built PE files,\n"; printall "ERROR: $OtherMismatches mismatches in other files, and\n"; printall "ERROR: $OtherPEMismatches other PE files had unexpected mismatches!\n"; }
if ($ToolProblems) { printall "ERROR: $ToolProblems problems with the tools.\n"; }
printfall "Reused %5d XP/RTM files totalling %4d MB\n", scalar @FilesToStamp, $BytesSaved/1000000; printfall "Only %5d XP/RTM files totalling %4d MB due to popfilter\n", scalar $CopyCount, $PopFilterBytesSaved/1000000;
printfall "Checking time %5d secs (%d:%02d:%02d)\n", $t0, $h0, $m0, $s0; printfall "CopyFile time %5d secs (%d:%02d:%02d)\n", $t1, $h1, $m1, $s1; printfall "TotalTime time %5d secs (%d:%02d:%02d)\n", $t0+$t1, $h2, $m2, $s2;
# # Return an error if we were faking so timebuild doesn't proceed. # close LOGFILE; close TSTFILE if $Test; exit $Fake;