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@REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- @REM @REM Adminpak.cmd - ClarkG @REM Make CAB files for Adminpak distribution (adminpak.msi) @REM @REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. @REM @REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- @if defined _CPCMAGIC goto CPCBegin @perl -x "%~f0" %* @goto :EOF #!perl use strict; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts"; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}; use PbuildEnv; use ParseArgs;
sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) } Adminpak.cmd [-p] [-a] -p => called from PRS signing -a => always rebuild, skip file change check
Make CAB files for Adminpak distribution (adminpak.msi) USAGE
parseargs('?' => \&Usage, 'p' =>\$ENV{PRS});
# *** TEMPLATE CODE *** $ENV{"_CPCMAGIC"}++;exit(system($0)>>8); __END__ @:CPCBegin @set _CPCMAGIC= @setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ENABLEEXTENSIONS @if not defined DEBUG echo off @REM *** CMD SCRIPT BELOW ***
if not defined 386 ( call logmsg.cmd "adminpak.cmd do nothing on non i386" goto :EOF )
REM adminpak.msi is not applicable to languages with no server products.
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:bla -l:%lang% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto :ValidSKU
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:sbs -l:%lang% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto :ValidSKU
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:srv -l:%lang% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto :ValidSKU
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:ads -l:%lang% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto :ValidSKU
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:dtc -l:%lang% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto :ValidSKU
call logmsg.cmd "CABGEN: no server products for %lang%; nothing to do." goto :EOF
REM REM Generate cmbins.exe as it is needed below. REM
if /i "%PRS%" == "1" ( call %RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts\cmbins.cmd -p ) else ( call %RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts\cmbins.cmd )
REM REM Generate adminpak.msi REM
if not exist %_NTPostBld%\adminpak ( call errmsg.cmd "Directory %_NTPostBld%\adminpak not found." goto :EOF )
pushd %_NTPostBld%\adminpak
for %%i in (.\admin_pk.msi .\adminpak.ddf) do ( if not exist %%i ( call errmsg.cmd "File %_NTPostBld%\adminpak\%%i not found." popd& goto :EOF ) )
REM REM Create adminpak.cab. REM As iexpress.exe does not set errorlevel in all error cases, REM base verification on adminpak.cab's existence. REM
if exist adminpak.cab call ExecuteCmd.cmd "del /f adminpak.cab" if errorlevel 1 popd& goto :EOF
REM REM verify whether all the files adminpak.ddf do exist or not REM this will help in analyzing the reason for the build break REM set count=0 for /f "skip=15" %%i in (%_NTPOSTBLD%\adminpak\adminpak.ddf) do ( if not exist %_NTPOSTBLD%\%%i ( call errmsg.cmd "%_NTPOSTBLD%\%%i file is missing" set /a count+=1 ) )
if NOT "%count%"=="0" ( call errmsg.cmd "total %count% files are missing to build the adminpak.cab file" goto :EOF )
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "start /wait /min makecab /D SourceDir=%_NTPOSTBLD% /F adminpak.ddf"
if not exist adminpak.cab ( call errmsg.cmd "Cab creation for adminpak.cab." popd& goto :EOF )
REM REM Adminpak: check whether WiStream.vbs is present REM if NOT exist WiStream.vbs ( call errmsg.cmd "Unable to find WiStream.vbs." goto :EOF )
REM REM Adminpak: check whether the CA dll is present REM if NOT exist %_NTPostBld%\adminpak\adminpak.dll ( call errmsg.cmd "Unable to find adminpak.dll ." goto :EOF )
REM REM Adminpak: Stream the adminpak.dll into the Binary table REM call ExecuteCmd.cmd "WiStream.vbs admin_pk.msi %_NTPostBld%\adminpak\adminpak.dll Binary.AdminpakDLL.dll" if errorlevel 1 ( call errmsg.cmd "Error updating Binary table." goto :EOF )
REM REM SetBldno REM set ntverp=%_ntbindir%\public\sdk\inc\ntverp.h if not exist %ntverp% ( call logmsg.cmd "File %ntverp% not found." goto continue )
set bldno= for /f "tokens=6" %%i in ('findstr /c:"#define VER_PRODUCTBUILD " %ntverp%') do ( set bldno=%%i )
if "%bldno%" == "" ( call logmsg.cmd "Unable to define bldno per %ntverp%" goto continue )
REM REM Update the 'ProductVersion' property in the msi with the current build REM call ExecuteCmd.cmd "cscript.exe updversn.vbs admin_pk.msi %bldno%" if errorlevel 1 ( call logmsg.cmd "Error updating Property table." goto continue )
REM REM Create adminpak.msi REM msifiler.exe needs the uncompressed files, so uncab adminpak.cab. REM
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy admin_pk.msi adminpak.msi" if errorlevel 1 popd& goto :EOF
REM REM Extract the Cabs table REM Copy the cab file into the Cabs directory REM Import the new Cab into the Cabs directory REM
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "msidb.exe -d .\adminpak.msi -f %_NTPostBld%\adminpak -e Cabs" if errorlevel 1 popd& goto :EOF call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y .\adminpak.CAB .\Cabs\adminpak.CAB.ibd" if errorlevel 1 popd& goto :EOF call ExecuteCmd.cmd "msidb.exe -d .\adminpak.msi -f %_NTPostBld%\adminpak -i Cabs.idt" if errorlevel 1 popd& goto :EOF
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "del .\cabs.idt" if errorlevel 1 popd& goto :EOF call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rd /s /q Cabs" if errorlevel 1 popd& goto :EOF if exist .\cabtemp call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rd /q /s .\cabtemp" if errorlevel 1 popd& goto :EOF
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "md .\cabtemp" if errorlevel 1 popd& goto :EOF
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "extract.exe /Y /E /L .\cabtemp adminpak.cab" if errorlevel 1 popd& goto :EOF
REM REM create a catalog REM but do this only when adminpak.cmd is ran without -p switch REM otherwise, catalog is already created and is now PRS signed REM if /i "%PRS%" NEQ "1" (
REM ********************************************************* REM files in the cab are extracted into a temporary directory REM just need to sign these files REM *********************************************************
REM REM since the adminpak.dll is not there in the cab, REM get the file from the build location to this temporary folder REM call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_ntpostbld%\adminpak\adminpak.dll .\cabtemp /y"
REM REM make sure the delta.cat is not existing -- if exists, delete it first REM if exist .\cabtemp\delta.cat del .\cabtemp\delta.cat
REM REM now run the deltacat.cmd on this folder REM call deltacat.cmd %_ntpostbld%\adminpak\cabtemp
REM REM check whether delta.cat is created or not REM (this is only way thru which we can verify whether deltacat.cmd is succeeded or not) REM if not exist .\cabtemp\delta.cat ( call errmsg.cmd "Failed to create the catalog file. deltacat.cmd failed." popd& goto :EOF )
REM REM rename the just created delta.cat to adminpak.cat REM if exist .\cabtemp\adminpak.cat del /f .\cabtemp\adminpak.cat call ExecuteCmd.cmd "ren .\cabtemp\delta.cat adminpak.cat"
REM REM copy the adminpak.cat folder pointed by %_NTPostBld% environment variable REM call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy .\cabtemp\adminpak.cat %_ntpostbld%\adminpak.cat /y" )
REM REM Rename some of the files in cabtemp so that REM msifiler.exe can find them in the file table REM and correctly update the verion and size informaiton. REM
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\template.pmc template.cmp" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\template.smc template.cms" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\secon.chm seconcepts.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\tapicons.chm tapiconcepts.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\rsscon.chm rssconcepts.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\riscon.chm risconcepts.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\mscscon.chm mscsconcepts.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\uadefs.chm uadef.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\dnscon.chm dnsconcepts.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\dhcpcon.chm dhcpconcepts.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\dfcon.chm dfconcepts.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\cscon.chm csconcepts.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\tslic_el.chm tslic.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\winscon.chm winsconcepts.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\scS.chm sc.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\acluiS.chm aclui.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\dfsS.hlp dfs.hlp" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\cmmgr32S.hlp cmmgr32.hlp" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\adpropS.hlp adprop.hlp" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\adcon.chm adconcepts.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\ctcon.chm ctconcepts.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\ntcmdss.chm ntcmds.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\tapis.chm tapi.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\secauths.hlp secauth.hlp" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\acluis.hlp aclui.hlp" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\audits.chm audit.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\certmgrs.chm certmgr.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\certmgrs.hlp certmgr.hlp" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\cmcons.chm cmconcepts.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\encrypts.chm encrypt.chm" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rename .\cabtemp\passwds.chm password.chm"
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "msifiler.exe -d .\adminpak.msi -s .\cabtemp\" if errorlevel 1 popd& goto :EOF
rem rem Cleanup rem
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "del /f .\adminpak.cab" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rd /q /s .\cabtemp"
REM REM Copy adminpak.msi to "retail" REM
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy adminpak.msi ..\" if errorlevel 1 popd& goto :EOF