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@REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- @REM @REM ctokens.cmd - jorgeba @REM a batch files that performs tokenization -called by pbuild.dat @REM @REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. @REM @REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- @if defined _CPCMAGIC goto CPCBegin @perl -x "%~f0" %* @goto :EOF #!perl use strict; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts"; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}; use PbuildEnv; use ParseArgs; use ParseTable; use comlib; use Logmsg; my %hashCodes=();
sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) }
ctokens.cmd -l:lang
-l: Lang lang of build
Example: ctokens.cmd -l:psu
parseargs('?' => \&Usage);
if(parse_table_file($ENV{"RazzleToolPath"}."\\Codes.txt", \%hashCodes )) { errmsg "Could not open codes.txt"; }
my $releaseShareRootDir = &comlib::ParseNetShare( "release", "Path" );
if( lc($ENV{Lang}) eq "usa" ) { $ENV{"ReleaseDir"} = "$releaseShareRootDir"; } else { $ENV{"ReleaseDir"} = "$releaseShareRootDir\\$ENV{Lang}"; }
$ENV{"CodePage"} = $hashCodes{uc($ENV{"LANG"})}{ACP};
# *** TEMPLATE CODE *** $ENV{"_CPCMAGIC"}++;exit(system($0)>>8); __END__ @:CPCBegin @set _CPCMAGIC= @setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ENABLEEXTENSIONS @if not defined DEBUG echo off @REM *** CMD SCRIPT BELOW ***
if /i "%LANG%" == "usa" goto Done if /i "%LANG%" == "cov" goto Done if /i "%LANG%" == "mir" goto Done
REM ******************************************************************************** REM Get and set parameters from %_BuildBranch%.%LANG%.ini file REM ******************************************************************************** set PlocPath=%SDXROOT%\tools\ploc
set CmdIni=perl %RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts\CmdIniSetting.pl if "%CodePage%" EQU "" ( call errmsg.cmd "CodePage is not defined in codes.txt, exiting" goto :Done ) REM ********************************************************************************* REM Get the release point REM ********************************************************************************* set ThisCommandLine=call GetLatestRelease -l:%LANG% %ThisCommandLine% > nul 2> nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( call errmsg.cmd "Could not get a build to tokenize" goto :Done ) else ( for /f %%a in ('%ThisCommandLine%') do ( set TokenPath=%ReleaseDir%\%%a set BuildShare=%ReleaseDir%\%%a ) )
REM +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ set path=%PlocPath%;%path%
REM Do Tokenization set TmpBinPath=%TokenPath% set TmpResPath=%TokenPath%\resources set TokLogFile=%TokenPath%\resources\TokLogFile.log set LocMapPath=%BuildShare%\dump
if NOT EXIST !TmpBinPath! md !TmpBinPath! if NOT EXIST !TmpResPath! md !TmpResPath!
if exist %TokLogFile% goto :DONE
set Ustoken=yes
if /i "%_BuildBranch%"=="srv03_rtm" ( if exist \\localizability\snap\dnsrv\lockit\latest ( set Ustoken=no set USLocalizabilityToken=\\localizability\snap\dnsrv\lockit\latest ) ) else if /i "%_BuildBranch%"=="main" ( if exist \\localizability\snap\LongHorn\lockit\latest ( set Ustoken=no set USLocalizabilityToken=\\localizability\snap\LongHorn\lockit\latest ) ) else ( for /f "tokens=1 delims=_" %%i in ("%_BuildBranch%") do set LabName=%%i if exist \\localizability\snap\%LabName%\lockit\latest ( set Ustoken=no set USLocalizabilityToken=\\localizability\snap\%LabName%\lockit\latest ) )
if /i "%_BuildBranch%"=="jazber" ( if exist \\localizability\snap\lab07\lockit\latest ( set Ustoken=no set USLocalizabilityToken=\\localizability\snap\lab07\lockit\latest ) )
echo TokenPath is %TokenPath% echo TmpBinPath is %TmpBinPath% echo USLocalizabilityToken is %USLocalizabilityToken% echo Ustoken is %Ustoken%
if not exist %TmpBinPath%\resources\us md %TmpBinPath%\resources\us if "%Ustoken%"=="no" ( xcopy /s /q %USLocalizabilityToken% %TmpBinPath%\resources\us )
REM call tokenization scripts, wait for both to complete
REM create semaphores set toksem1=%PlocPath%\run\toksem1 set toksem2=%PlocPath%\run\toksem2
REM create the poor man's semaphore echo running > %toksem1% echo running > %toksem2%
Start "Whistler1 tokenization" cmd /c !PlocPath!\run\scriptwrap1.bat %toksem1% !PlocPath!\tokwrap.bat !TokLogFile! !_NTTREE! !PlocPath! !SDXROOT!\tools\ploc\whistler1.bat !LANG! !TmpBinPath! !BuildShare! Start "Whistler1 tokenization" cmd /c !PlocPath!\run\scriptwrap1.bat %toksem2% !PlocPath!\tokwrap.bat !TokLogFile! !_NTTREE! !PlocPath! !SDXROOT!\tools\ploc\whistler2.bat !LANG! !TmpBinPath! !BuildShare!
REM wait for first pseudoloc process to complete call logmsg /t "PSEUDOLOC TokSEM 1................[Running]" :psuloop1 sleep 10 if exist %toksem1% goto psuloop1 call logmsg /t "PSEUDOLOC TokSEM 1................[Finished]"
REM wait for second pseudoloc process to complete call logmsg /t "PSEUDOLOC TokSEM 2................[Running]" :psuloop2 sleep 10 if exist %toksem2% goto psuloop2 call logmsg /t "PSEUDOLOC TokSEM 2................[Finished]"
if /I "!LANG!" == "psu" ( copy /y /v !PlocPath!\!CodePage!map.inf !TmpResPath!\map.inf ) else if /I "!LANG!" == "fe" ( copy /y /v !PlocPath!\!CodePage!map.inf !TmpResPath!\map.inf ) else ( copy /y /v !LocMapPath!\map.inf !TmpResPath!\map.inf )
rem if exist %TokenPath% ( rem if exist %BuildShare%\resources ( rem ren %_ntpostbld%\resources resources.bak rem if "!errorlevel!" neq "0" ( rem call logmsg "ren %BuildShare%\resources resources.bak failed" rem rd /q /s %BuildShare%\resources rem ) rem ) rem move %TokenPath%\resources %BuildShare% rem rd /q /s %TokenPath% rem )
goto :Done
:USE call logmsg "ctokens.cmd -l:lang"
:Done set CodePage= set TokenPath= set BuildShare=