Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@echo off setlocal
REM REM this script will get the build number from ntverp.h REM
set ntverp=%_NTBINDIR%\public\sdk\inc\ntverp.h if NOT EXIST %ntverp% (echo Can't find ntverp.h.&goto :ErrEnd)
for /f "tokens=6" %%i in ('findstr /c:"#define VER_PRODUCTBUILD " %ntverp%') do echo %%i
if /I /%1/ == // goto :End set buildname=%_NTTREE%\BUILD_LOGS\buildname.txt for %%. in (%buildname%) do ( pushd %%~dp. 1>NUL 2>NUL if errorlevel 1 echo Failed to open %buildname% &goto :ErrEnd if NOT EXIST %%~nx. echo Failed to open %buildname% & goto :ErrEnd for /F %%_ in (%buildname%) do echo %%_ popd ) goto :End
:ErrEnd echo Quitting with errors goto :End
:End endlocal goto :EOF