<?XML version="1.0" ?> <package> <job error="false" bpDebug="false" logo="false"> <object id="opShell2" name="Shell Object" classid="clsid:13709620-C279-11CE-A49E-444553540000"/> <runtime> <named name="op" helpstring="operation" required="true" type="string"/> <named name="file" helpstring="file to copy [FILE]" required="true" type="string"/> <named name="path" helpstring="path, special folder name or registry key [REGISTRY/FILE]" required="true" type="string"/> <named name="hive" helpstring="registry hive [REGISTRY]" required="false" type="string"/> <named name="value" helpstring="registry value [REGISTRY]" required="false" type="string"/> <named name="user" helpstring="user name [AUTOLOGON]" required="false" type="string"/> <named name="domain" helpstring="user domain [AUTOLOGON]" required="false" type="string"/> <named name="password" helpstring="user password [AUTOLOGON]" required="false" type="string"/> <named name="debug" helpstring="print debug output" required="false" type="simple"/> <named name="reboot" helpstring="reboot, esp. remotely" required="false" type="simple"/> <named name="shuffle" helpstring="shuffle the boot options" required="false" type="simple"/>
<description> <![CDATA[ The script provides VBSCRIPT handling for the
* Reboot win32_operatingsystem invocation: cscript.exe opshellfolder.wsf /op:reboot /op:shuffle /boot:XXX
* Special Folder file operations:
cscript.exe opshellfolder.wsf /op:copyfileto /path:Desktop /file:XXX cscript.exe opshellfolder.wsf /op:delfile /path:startup /file:XXX cscript.exe opshellfolder.wsf /op:mapfolder /path:"C:\Documents and Settings\WINBUILD.001\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools"
The first two are useful to manipulate files. The last one can be used to identify the current directory.
* Registry operations
cscript.exe opshellfolder.wsf /op:testkey /path:"XXX\YYY\ZZZ" /hive:HKLM cscript.exe opshellfolder.wsf /op:setkEy /path:"XXX\YYY\ZZZ" /hive:HKLM cscript.exe opshellfolder.wsf /op:clearkey /path:"XXX\YYY\ZZZ" /hive:HKLM cscript.exe opshellfolder.wsf /op:setvalue /path:"XXX\YYY\ZZZ" /hive:HKLM
* Administrator operations: AUTOLOGON
cscript.exe opshellfolder.wsf /op:autologon /user:"UUU" /pass:"PPP" /domain:"DDD" cscript.exe opshellfolder.wsf /op:add2grp /group:"GGG" /user:"UUU" /pass:"PPP" /domain:"DDD" cscript.exe opshellfolder.wsf /op:clean
This operation is actually a shortcut for the following Registry ops:
HKLM,%WINLOGON%,DefaultDomainName HKLM,%WINLOGON%,DefaultUserName HKLM,%WINLOGON%,DefaultPassword HKLM,%WINLOGON%,AutoAdminLogon HKLM,%WINLOGON%,ForceAutoLogon HKLM,%WINLOGON%,PasswordExpiryWarning
* Dialog/IO operations: POPUP/INPUT
* ]]>
</runtime> <resource id="autologon registry path">HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WINDOWS NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon</resource> <resource id="autologon fields"> DefaultUserName DefaultPassword DefaultDomainName AutoAdminLogon ForceAutoLogon </resource> <resource id="special folder names"> AllUsersDesktop AllUsersStartMenu AllUsersPrograms AllUsersStartup Desktop Favorites Fonts MyDocuments NetHood PrintHood Programs Recent SendTo StartMenu Startup Templates </resource>
<resource id="op"> filesystemop registryop adminop bootop </resource>
<resource id="bootop"> Reboot Shuffle </resource>
<resource id="filesystemop"> CopyFileTo Delfile MapFolder </resource>
<resource id="registryop"> ClearKey SetKey QueryValue DeleteValue SetValue TestKey </resource>
<resource id="adminop"> add2grp clean autologon cpl </resource> <script language="VBScript"> <![CDATA[
Option Explicit
'' One of three Tristate values used to indicate '' the format of the opened file. Const TristateFalse = 0 '' Opens the file as ASCII. Const TristateTrue = - 1 '' Opens the file as Unicode. Const TristateUseDefault = - 2 '' Opens the file using the system default.
Const QUOTE = """"
Const ForReading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2 Const ForAppending = 8
Dim siOp, siPath, siFile, siValue, spRootHive, spExpdIPath, sAnsw, npRet Dim opShell, opFileSys Dim aspOps, dpOps, spOp, sDebug Dim asOpTypes, sOpType, npCnt If WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("debug") Then sDebug = "1" End If asOpTypes = ReadResource("op") Set dpOps = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each sOpType in asOpTypes aspOps = ReadResource(sOpType) For Each spOp in aspOps dpOps.add UCase(spOp), uCase(sOpType) Next Next _ siOp = UCase(WScript.Arguments.Named("op")) If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 0) Or _ isEmpty(siOp) Or _ (Not dpOps.Exists(siOp)) Then WScript.Arguments.ShowUsage If sDebug then WScript.echo "Unrecognized operation: " & _ QUOTE & siOp & QUOTE _ For each spOp in dpOps.keys WSCript.echo spOp & chr(09) & "=>" & chr(09) & dpOps(spOp) Next End If _ WScript.quit(172) End If
Set opBrowser = WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application") Set opFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject") Set opShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim spKey Dim opArgTRestRx Set opArgTRestRx = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp") _ If 0 = strComp(dpOps(siOp),"registryop", VBTextCompare) Then _ siPath = sURLDecoded(WSCript.Arguments.Named("path")) spRootHive = UCase(WScript.Arguments.Named("hive")) _ With opargTRestRx .ignoreCase = True .Pattern = "\bHKLM\b|\bHKCU\b" End With If Not opargTRestRx.Test(spRootHive) Then WSCript.echo "Invalid Registry Hive for", siOp, ":", _ QUOTE & spRootHive & QUOTE WSCript.quit(112) End If _ If 0 = strComp(siOp,"QueryValue", VBTextCompare) Then sAnsw = opShell.RegRead(spRootHive & "\" & siPath) WScript.echo sAnsw End If If 0 = strComp(siOp,"DeleteValue", VBTextCompare) Then on error resume next opShell.RegDelete spRootHive & "\" & siPath on error goto 0 End If _ If 0 = strComp(siOp,"TestKey", VBTextCompare) Then on error resume next err.clear sAnsw = opShell.RegRead(spRootHive & "\" & siPath & "\") sAnsw = True If err <> 0 Then sansw = False If sDebug Then WSCript.echo err.number , err.description End If End If WSCript.echo sAnsw end If _ _ If 0 = strComp(siOp,"SetKey", VBTextCompare) Then If Len(siPath) <> InStrRev(siPath, "\") Then siPath = siPath & "\" 'Keys ending in "\" operate on the key itself End If opShell.RegWrite spRootHive & "\" & siPath, "", "REG_SZ" End If _ If 0 = strComp(siOp,"SetValue", VBTextCompare) Then siValue = WScript.Arguments.Named("value") opShell.RegWrite spRootHive & "\" & siPath, siValue, "REG_SZ" End If _ If 0 = strComp(siOp,"ClearKey", VBTextCompare) Then If Len(siPath) <> InStrRev(siPath, "\") Then siPath = siPath & "\" 'Keys ending in "\" operate on the key itself End If opShell.RegDelete spRootHive & "\" & siPath End If _ End If _ If 0 = strComp(dpOps(siOp),"filesystemop", VBTextCompare) Then _ siPath = uCase(sURLDecoded(WSCript.Arguments.Named("path"))) siFile = WScript.Arguments.Named("file") _ Dim asPeNmzs, ndNrdX Dim opeNaRx, opoNtRX, stePxRs _ asPeNmzs = ReadResource("special folder names") set opeNaRx = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp") set opoNtRX = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp") opeNaRx.pattern = " +$" opoNtRX.pattern = "FOLDER" stePxRs = "\b" & opoNtRX.pattern & "\b"
For ndNrdX = 0 to uBound(asPeNmzs) asPeNmzs(ndNrdX) = opoNtRX.replace(stePxRs,opeNaRx.replace(asPeNmzs(ndNrdX), "")) Next Set opeNaRx = Nothing Set opoNtRX = Nothing _ With opargTRestRx .ignoreCase = True .Pattern = "\b\w\:\\[ \w]+(\\[ \w]+)?\b" & "|" & join(asPeNmzs, "|") End With _ If Not opargTRestRx.Test(siPath) Then WSCript.echo "Invalid Special Folder for", siOp, ":", _ QUOTE & siPath & QUOTE WSCript.quit(112) End If _ Dim spPath spPath = opShell.SpecialFolders.Item(UCase(siPath)) IF "" <> spPath Then siPath = spPath End If On error resume next _ If 0 = strComp(siOp, "CopyFileTo", VBTextCompare) Then opFileSys.CopyFile siFile, _ opFileSys.BuildPath(siPath, opFileSys.GetFileName(siFile)), _ True End If _ If 0 = strComp(siOp, "MapFolder", VBTextCompare) Then
Dim opFolderD, opBrowser, pnSpecFolderCont, psShortPath, sCursiPathRx If Len(siPath) <> InStrRev(siPath, "\") Then spPath = siPath Else spPath = Mid(siPath,1,-1+Len(siPath)) End If spPath = replace(spPath,"\","\\", 1, 100) Set sCursiPathRx = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp") With sCursiPathRx .ignoreCase = True .Global = True .Pattern = "^" & spPath & "$" End With _ Set opFolderD = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Dim spStartupFolder, bpNFo bpNFo = False asPeNmzs = ReadResource("special folder names") set opeNaRx = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp") opeNaRx.pattern = " +$"
For ndNrdX = 0 to uBound(asPeNmzs) spStartupFolder = asPeNmzs(ndNrdX) spPath = opShell.SpecialFolders(opeNaRx.replace(spStartupFolder,"")) If sCursiPathRx.Test(spPath) Then WScript.echo _ spStartupFolder bpNFo = True End If Next
If Not bpNFo Then For pnSpecFolderCont = &H001 To &H038 Step 1 Set psShortPath = opBrowser.NameSpace(pnSpecFolderCont)
If CStr(TypeName(psShortPath)) <> "Nothing" Then
If "" <> psShortPath Then spPath = ParsedFullName(psShortPath ) If sCursiPathRx.Test(spPath) then If cbpDebug Then WScript.echo _ "&H00" &_ Hex(pnSpecFolderCont) & _ " " & _ psShortPath & _ " " & _ ParsedFullName(psShortPath) Else WScript.echo _ psShortPath End If End If End If End If Set psShortPath = Nothing Next End If End If _ If 0 = strComp(siOp, "Delfile", VBTextCompare) Then opFileSys.DeleteFile _ opFileSys.BuildPath(siPath, opFileSys.GetFileName(siFile)), _ True End If End If
_ If 0 = strComp(dpOps(siOp),"adminop", VBTextCompare) Then _ Dim opDefault : Set opDefault = CreateObject("WinNTSystemInfo") Dim spReGptDr : spReGptDr = CStr(GetResource("autologon registry path")) Dim apMagKys : apMagKys = ReadResource("autologon fields") Dim opMaKyLs : Set opMaKyLs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Dim spDomainUser: Dim spDomainName: Dim spLocalGroup: Dim spPassword _ If 0 = strComp(siOp, "AutoLogon", VBTextCompare) Then _ spDomainUser = sURLDecoded(WSCript.Arguments.Named("user")) spDomainName = sURLDecoded(WSCript.Arguments.Named("domain")) spPassword = sURLDecoded(WSCript.Arguments.Named("password")) _ For npCnt = 0 to UBound(apMagKys) opMaKyLs.add apMagKys(npCnt), "" '' create keys but leave them undefined Next _ opMaKyLs("DefaultUserName") = spDomainUser If "" <> spDomainName Then opMaKyLs("DefaultDomainName") = spDomainName End If If "" <> spPassword Then opMaKyLs("DefaultPassword") = sURLDecoded(spPassword) End If opMaKyLs("AutoAdminLogon") = "1" opMaKyLs("ForceAutoLogon") = "1" _ For Each spKey in opMaKyLs.Keys If "" <> opMaKyLs(spKey) Then opShell.RegWrite spReGptDr & "\" & spKey, opMaKyLs(spKey) ,"REG_SZ" If sDebug Then WScript.Echo spKey , "=", opShell.RegRead(spReGptDr & "\" & spKey) End If End If Next opShell.RegWrite spReGptDr & "\" & "passwordexpirywarning", 0, "REG_DWORD" If sDebug Then WScript.Echo "passwordexpirywarning=" & _ opShell.RegRead(spReGptDr & "\" & "passwordexpirywarning") End If End If If 0 = strComp(siOp, "cpl", VBTextCompare) Then Dim spCplName: spCplName = WSCript.Arguments.Named("file") Dim spComment: spComment = WSCript.Arguments.Named("comment") opBrowser.MinimizeAll call opShell.PopUp(spComment, 30, spComment, 1 + 16) WSCript.Sleep 5 opBrowser.ControlPanelItem(spCplName) opBrowser.UndoMinimizeALL _ End If If 0 = strComp(siOp, "Clean", VBTextCompare) Then _ opMaKyLs("ForceAutoLogon") = "0" opMaKyLs("AutoAdminLogon") = "0" opMaKyLs("DefaultDomainName") = opDefault.ComputerName opMaKyLs("DefaultUserName") = "ADMINISTRATOR" _ For Each spKey in opMaKyLs.Keys on error resume next err.clear _ If "" = opMaKyLs(spKey) Then opShell.RegWrite spReGptDr & "\" & spKey, opMaKyLs(spKey) ,"REG_SZ" opShell.RegDelete spReGptDr & "\" & spKey Else opShell.RegWrite spReGptDr & "\" & spKey, opMaKyLs(spKey) ,"REG_SZ" If sDebug Then WScript.Echo spKey , "=", opShell.RegRead(spReGptDr & "\" & spKey) End If End If _ Next _ End If If 0 = strComp(siOp, "add2grp", VBTextCompare) Then spDomainUser = sURLDecoded(WSCript.Arguments.Named("user")) spDomainName = sURLDecoded(WSCript.Arguments.Named("domain")) spLocalGroup = sURLDecoded(WSCript.Arguments.Named("group")) WSCript.echo spLocalGroup Call AddUser(opDefault.ComputerName, spDomainName, spLocalGroup, spDomainUser) End If Set opMaKyLs = Nothing Set opDefault = Nothing End If
Set opeNaRx = Nothing Set opFolderD = Nothing Set opBrowser = Nothing
Set opFileSys = Nothing Set opShell = Nothing Set dpOps = Nothing
Function ReadResource(sPresId) _ On Error resume next Dim WshShell: Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim sPRes, asRes, uRes, tsRes: sPREs = GetResource(sPresId) _ If Err.number <> 0 Then Wscript.echo err.number & " " & err.description ' The Error description are not informative when failed getresource IF Err.number = 7 Then Wscript.echo chr(9) & "Null resource: " & _ sPresId End If IF Err.number = 5 Then Wscript.echo chr(9) & "Undefined resource: " & _ sPresId End If Wscript.quit End If _ asRes = Split(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(sPRes), VBNEWLINE) Set ures = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") For Each tsRes in asRes If 0 <> Len(tsRes) Then uRes(tsRes) = 1 End If Next Dim tResource: tResource = uRes.Keys If uBound(tResource) = 0 Then ReadResource = tResource(0) Else ReadResource = tResource End If _ Set WshShell = Nothing Set uRes = Nothing _ End Function
Function ParsedFullName (ByVal SelectedF)
On Error Resume next Dim poPArentOfSelectedF, poFolderItm, lsFieldA, psSelectedFInfo, uBGotValid, psObjType If InStr(1, TypeName(SelectedF), "Folder") = 0 Then Exit Function Set poPArentOfSelectedF = SelectedF.ParentFolder lsFieldA = CStr(SelectedF.Title) Set poFolderItm = poPArentOfSelectedF.ParseName(lsFieldA) ' FolderItem in Parent Folder psSelectedFInfo=poPArentOfSelectedF.GetDetailsOf(poFolderItm, 2) If InStr(1,psSelectedFInfo,"File Folder") = 0 Then uBGotValid = False Else psObjType = CStr(TypeName(poFolderItm)) If psObjType="Nothing" Then If cbpDebug = 1 Then WScript.echo "got invalid type " & psObjType uBGotValid = False ElseIf InStr(1,psObjType,"FolderItem") = 0 Then If cbpDebug = 1 Then WScript.echo "got unexpected type " & psObjType uBGotValid = False Else If cbpDebug = 1 Then WScript.echo "got " & psObjType uBGotValid = True End If End If If uBGotValid = True Then ParsedFullName = poFolderItm.Path End If End Function
Public Function sURLDecoded (sTestPassInputv) _ Dim oHexBackDict, sOutPut, npCnt Set oHexBackDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") _ For npCnt = 32 To 64 sOutPut = "%" & Hex(npCnt) oHexBackDict.Add sOutPut, Chr(npCnt) Next _ For Each sOutPut in oHexBackDict.Keys sTestPassInputv = Replace(sTestPassInputv, sOutPut, oHexBackDict(sOutPut), 1, 1000) Next _ sURLDecoded = sTestPassInputv _ End Function
Private Sub AddUser (sLocalComputer, sDomain, sLocalGroup, sDomainUser) sDEBUG = True Dim objGroup ''on error resume next ''err.clear _ set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://" & sLocalComputer & "/" & sLocalGroup) objGroup.Add "WinNT://" & sDomain & "/" & sDomainUser _ If err.number <> 0 Then If True = sDebug then WScript.Echo "Unable to add " & _ sDomainUser & _ " to group " & _ sLocalGroup & _ VBNEWLINE & _ Err.number & _ VBNEWLINE & _ err.Description End If _ Const cMode ="WQL" Const lsWMIMoniker = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}" _ sPGroupComponentTemplate = _ "Win32_Group.Domain=\""" & _ Ucase(sLocalComputer) & _ "\"",Name=\"""& _ sLocalGroup & _ "\"""
_ sPWMIQueryString="SELECT * FROM Win32_GroupUser " &_ "WHERE GroupComponent=""" & sPGroupComponentTemplate & """" _ Set atPResWMIObjS = GetObject(lsWMIMoniker)._ ExecQuery(sPWMIQueryString, _ cMode) _ sPPartComponentTemplate="Win32_UserAccount.Domain=\""" & _ UCase(sDomain) & _ "\"",Name=\""" & _ UCase(sDomainUser) & _ "\""" _ For Each tPResWMIObjS In atPResWMIObjS Set oPPartComponentRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp") With oPPartComponentRegEx .Global = True .IgnoreCase = True .Pattern = sPPartComponentTemplate End With _ Set aDummy = oPPartComponentRegEx.Execute(tPResWMIObjS.PartComponent) _ If aDummy.Count <> 0 Then If sDebug = True Then WScript.echo """" & _ sPWMIQueryString & _ """" & _ VBNEWLINE & _ tPResWMIObjS.PartComponent End If End If Next Else If True = sDebug Then Wscript.Echo "Added" , _ sDomain &"\"& sDomainUser , _ "to group" , _ sLocalGroup End If End if End Sub
]]> </script> </job> </package>