Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- @REM @REM shimbind.cmd - AEDev @REM Binds the appcompat shims @REM @REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. @REM @REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- @if NOT defined HOST_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE set HOST_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% @if defined _CPCMAGIC goto CPCBegin @perl -x "%~f0" %* @goto :EOF #!perl use strict; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts"; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}; use PbuildEnv; use ParseArgs;
sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) } shimbind [-l <language>]
Binds the appcompat shims USAGE
parseargs('?' => \&Usage);
# *** TEMPLATE CODE *** $ENV{"_CPCMAGIC"}++;exit(system($0)>>8); __END__ @:CPCBegin @set _CPCMAGIC= @setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ENABLEEXTENSIONS @if not defined DEBUG echo off @REM *** CMD SCRIPT BELOW ***
REM Incremental check set Bindiff=%_NTPostBld%\build_logs\bindiff.txt set Inputs=driver.xml dbu.xml apphelp.xml apphelpu.xml secdrv.sys if exist %Bindiff% ( set ChangedInputs=0 for %%a in (%Inputs%) do ( findstr /ilc:"%_NTPostBld%\shimdll\%%a" %BinDiff% if /i "!ErrorLevel!" == "0" set /a ChangedInputs=!ChangedInputs! + 1 ) if !ChangedInputs! EQU 0 ( @echo Skipping - No inputs changed goto :IncrementalSkip ) )
pushd %_NTPostBld%\shimdll
md drvmain
set _SLANG=%LANG% if /I "%LANG%" equ "USA" goto :LANGOK set APPHELPU=APPHELPU.XML unitext.exe /z %_NTPOSTBLD%\SHIMDLL\%APPHELPU% %TEMP%\%APPHELPU% 2>NUL 1>NUL if not exist %TEMP%\%APPHELPU% goto :LD SET LANGID= SET LTAG= SET DATA= SET LTOK= SET LATTR= FOR /F "tokens=* delims==" %%. in ('findstr /irc:"\< *<DATABASE NAME=.*> *\>" %TEMP%\%APPHELPU%') do @set LTAG=%%. set LTAG=!LTAG:^<=! set LTAG=!LTAG:^>=! :LC IF /I "_!LTAG!_"=="__" GOTO :LX FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims= " %%i in ('ECHO !LTAG!') do @set LTAG=%%j&set LATTR=%%i SET LTOK= FOR /F "tokens=1,2 DELIMS==" %%K in ('echo !LATTR!') do @( IF /I "%%K"=="LANGID" set LTOK=%%L) IF /I NOT "_!LTOK!_"=="__" GOTO :LX goto LC :LX IF /I "_!LTOK!_"=="__" GOTO :LD FOR /F "tokens=1" %%. in ('echo !LTOK!') DO @set DATA=%%. SET _SLANG=%DATA:"=% IF /I "_!_SLANG!_"=="__" GOTO :LD GOTO :LOK :LD SET _SLANG=USA :LOK
echo setting LANG="%_SLANG%"
if /I "%LANG%" equ "PSU" (set _SLANG=USA) if /I "%LANG%" equ "psu" (set _SLANG=USA) if /I "%LANG%" equ "FE" (set _SLANG=USA) if /I "%LANG%" equ "fe" (set _SLANG=USA) if /I "%LANG%" equ "MIR" (set _SLANG=USA) if /I "%LANG%" equ "mir" (set _SLANG=USA)
if "%ia64%" neq "1" goto buildX86
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "shimdbc custom -l %_SLANG% -op IA64 -ov 5.1 -x makefile.xml" goto buildCont
:buildX86 call ExecuteCmd.cmd "shimdbc custom -l %_SLANG% -ov 5.1 -x makefile.xml"
set RegSvr_Name=regsvr32.exe if "%HOST_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" neq "x86" set RegSvr_Name=%windir%\syswow64\%RegSvr_Name% call ExecuteCmd.cmd "%RegSvr_Name% /s itcc.dll" set RegSvr_Name= %_NTPostBld%\shimdll\hhc apps.hhp pushd %_NTPostBld%\shimdll\drvmain %_NTPostBld%\shimdll\hhc drvmain.hhp popd call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy sysmain.sdb %_NTPostBld%" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy apphelp.sdb %_NTPostBld%" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy msimain.sdb %_NTPostBld%" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy drvmain.sdb %_NTPostBld%" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy apps.chm %_NTPostBld%"
REM Copy HTMs to ASPs for microsoft.com propogation... md ASPs call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y /b idh*.htm ASPs\*.asp"
REM Copy CHM and INF messages to compdata dirs call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y drvmain\drvmain.inf %_NTPostBld%\winnt32\compdata" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y drvmain\drvmain.inf %_NTPostBld%\perinf\winnt32\compdata" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y drvmain\drvmain.inf %_NTPostBld%\srvinf\winnt32\compdata" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y drvmain\drvmain.inf %_NTPostBld%\blainf\winnt32\compdata" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y drvmain\drvmain.inf %_NTPostBld%\entinf\winnt32\compdata" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y drvmain\drvmain.inf %_NTPostBld%\dtcinf\winnt32\compdata" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y drvmain\drvmain.inf %_NTPostBld%\sbsinf\winnt32\compdata"
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y drvmain\drvmain.chm %_NTPostBld%\winnt32\compdata" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y drvmain\drvmain.chm %_NTPostBld%\perinf\winnt32\compdata" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y drvmain\drvmain.chm %_NTPostBld%\srvinf\winnt32\compdata" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y drvmain\drvmain.chm %_NTPostBld%\blainf\winnt32\compdata" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y drvmain\drvmain.chm %_NTPostBld%\entinf\winnt32\compdata" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y drvmain\drvmain.chm %_NTPostBld%\dtcinf\winnt32\compdata" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y drvmain\drvmain.chm %_NTPostBld%\sbsinf\winnt32\compdata"
REM Remove this line once Setup has removed their dependency on appmig.inf call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy appmig.inx %_NTPostBld%\appmig.inf"
REM Append migration entries from AppCompat XML db to setup's migdb.inf REM Only do this for pro and per, since those are the only SKUs that allow migration
if /i "%_BuildArch%" neq "x86" goto SkipAppendAppCompat
@echo Appending to MigDB... call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\winnt32\win9xupg\migdb.inf .\migdb_pro.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\perinf\winnt32\win9xupg\migdb.inf .\migdb_per.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "infstrip migdb_pro.inf ___APPCOMPAT_MIG_ENTRIES___" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "infstrip migdb_per.inf ___APPCOMPAT_MIG_ENTRIES___" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y /b migdb_pro.inf+migapp.txt+migapp.inx %_NTPostBld%\winnt32\win9xupg\migdb.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y /b migdb_per.inf+migapp.txt+migapp.inx %_NTPostBld%\perinf\winnt32\win9xupg\migdb.inf"
@echo Appending to NTCOMPAT... call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\winnt32\compdata\ntcompat.inf .\ntcompat_pro.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\perinf\winnt32\compdata\ntcompat.inf .\ntcompat_per.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\srvinf\winnt32\compdata\ntcompat.inf .\ntcompat_srv.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\blainf\winnt32\compdata\ntcompat.inf .\ntcompat_bla.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\entinf\winnt32\compdata\ntcompat.inf .\ntcompat_ent.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\dtcinf\winnt32\compdata\ntcompat.inf .\ntcompat_dtc.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\sbsinf\winnt32\compdata\ntcompat.inf .\ntcompat_sbs.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "infstrip ntcompat_pro.inf ___APPCOMPAT_NTCOMPAT_ENTRIES___" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "infstrip ntcompat_per.inf ___APPCOMPAT_NTCOMPAT_ENTRIES___" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "infstrip ntcompat_srv.inf ___APPCOMPAT_NTCOMPAT_ENTRIES___" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "infstrip ntcompat_bla.inf ___APPCOMPAT_NTCOMPAT_ENTRIES___" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "infstrip ntcompat_ent.inf ___APPCOMPAT_NTCOMPAT_ENTRIES___" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "infstrip ntcompat_dtc.inf ___APPCOMPAT_NTCOMPAT_ENTRIES___" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "infstrip ntcompat_sbs.inf ___APPCOMPAT_NTCOMPAT_ENTRIES___" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y /b ntcompat_pro.inf+drvmain\ntcompat_drv.inf %_NTPostBld%\winnt32\compdata\ntcompat.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y /b ntcompat_per.inf+drvmain\ntcompat_drv.inf %_NTPostBld%\perinf\winnt32\compdata\ntcompat.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y /b ntcompat_srv.inf+drvmain\ntcompat_drv.inf %_NTPostBld%\srvinf\winnt32\compdata\ntcompat.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y /b ntcompat_bla.inf+drvmain\ntcompat_drv.inf %_NTPostBld%\blainf\winnt32\compdata\ntcompat.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y /b ntcompat_ent.inf+drvmain\ntcompat_drv.inf %_NTPostBld%\entinf\winnt32\compdata\ntcompat.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y /b ntcompat_dtc.inf+drvmain\ntcompat_drv.inf %_NTPostBld%\dtcinf\winnt32\compdata\ntcompat.inf" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y /b ntcompat_sbs.inf+drvmain\ntcompat_drv.inf %_NTPostBld%\sbsinf\winnt32\compdata\ntcompat.inf"
@echo Copying SafeDisc driver to retail directory... call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /y /b %_NTPostBld%\shimdll\secdrv.sys %_NTPostBld%\secdrv.sys"