Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@REM normal cmd header stuff ... @echo off if defined _echo echo on if defined verbose echo on
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions
for /f %%a in ('echo %0') do set SCRIPT_NAME=%%~na set PULLSHARE=%1 set PUSHSHARE=%2 set LISTFILE=%3 set EVENTNAME=%4
set ExitCode=0
call logmsg.cmd "Beginning %SCRIPT_NAME%..." time /t
call logmsg.cmd "Pulling from %PULLSHARE% ..." call logmsg.cmd "Pushing to %PUSHSHARE% ..."
if exist %PUSHSHARE% goto ContinueCopy1 call errmsg.cmd "%PUSHSHARE% doesn't exist, exiting." goto Done
if exist %PULLSHARE% goto ContinueCopy2 call errmsg.cmd "%PULLSHARE% doesn't exist, exiting." goto Done
:ContinueCopy2 REM Actually, do a full incremental xcopy once not stopping for errors, then REM once checking for errors. Note no error checking with the xcopy /c switch.
for /f "tokens=3 delims=," %%a in (%LISTFILE%) do ( for %%q in (%PUSHSHARE%\%%a) do set PathOnly=%%~pq xcopy /qcdhkr %PULLSHARE%\%%a \\!PathOnly! >nul REM don't error check now, do it below )
time /t
call logmsg.cmd "Making a second pass to error check ..."
for /f "tokens=3 delims=," %%a in (%LISTFILE%) do ( for %%q in (%PUSHSHARE%\%%a) do set PathOnly=%%~pq xcopy /dhkr %PULLSHARE%\%%a \\!PathOnly! >nul 2>nul if "!ErrorLevel!" neq "0" (
call logmsg.cmd "copy failed for %%a, lets rename file on other side and retry"
REM Rename file that can't be copied over by appending a .1 to .60 on the end of REM the file name. It is very unlikely that all these suffixes will be used up.
set newnamesuffix= for /l %%b in (1, 1, 60) do ( if not defined newnamesuffix ( if NOT EXIST %PUSHSHARE%\%%a.%%b set newnamesuffix=%%b ) )
REM append suffix to file name set newname=%%a.!newnamesuffix!
REM newname may have a path as a prefix, set newfilename to the filename.ext only for %%i in (!newname!) do ( set newfilename=%%~nxi )
call logmsg.cmd "will rename %PUSHSHARE%\%%a to !newfilename!" ren %PUSHSHARE%\%%a !newfilename!
REM recopy new file xcopy /dhkr %PULLSHARE%\%%a \\!PathOnly! >nul 2>nul if "!ErrorLevel!" neq "0" ( set ExitCode=1 call errmsg.cmd "copy failed after retry: xcopy /dhkr %PULLSHARE%\%%a \\!PathOnly! " ) ) )
REM signal events
perl %RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts\cmdevt.pl -h %EVENTNAME%
perl %RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts\cmdevt.pl -s %EVENTNAME%
:End endlocal goto :EOF